wrestling / Video Reviews
Csonka’s Free Match Reviews With EC3, AJ Styles, Booker T, More

Csonka’s Reviews Free Match Reviews With EC3, AJ Styles, Booker T, More
– From Impact XPLOSION: EC3 defeated Moose @ 7:40 via pin [**]
– From TNA Bound for Glory 2008: Beer Money defeated Team 3D, LAX and Matt Morgan and Abyss @ 21:00 via pin [***½]
– From TNA Sacrifice 2009: AJ Styles defeated Booker T @ 16:00 [***½]
EC3 vs. Moose: This was taped some time ago (prior to Bound for Glory), we have the six-sided ring, Borash on commentary, and EC3 was the grand champion. They lock up to begin, and Moose works a side headlock, and overpowers EC3. He follows with a shoulder block, and EC3 powders. Back in and EC3 lays in knee strikes and rights. Moose fires back, and dropkicks EC3 to the floor. EC3 back in and he begs off and then pulls Moose to the buckles. He chokes out Moose in the corner. EC3 follows with chops, but Moose fires back with some chops until EC3 hits a clothesline. EC3 takes the heat, slowing the pace and laying in jabs and mocking Moose. Moose hits a head butt, and he lays in the jabs. The big right follows and hits a corner splash and hesitation dropkick. The game changer is countered; EC3 low blows Moose and rolls him up for the win. EC3 defeated Moose @ 7:40 via pin [**] This was a very XPLOSION match, it was ok, but both guys were largely just going through the motions.
TNA World Tag Team Title Monsters Ball Match: Champions Beer Money (Storm and Roode) w/Jackie Moore vs. Team 3D (Ray and Devon) vs. LAX (Homicide y Hernandez) vs. Matt Morgan and Abyss: With Special Referee Steve “Mongo” McMichael: They all brawl at the bell, LAX double team’s Storm and then get the catapult into the clothesline. Roode is in, breaks that up and chops to Hernandez. Big shoulder block by Hernandez, LAX is alone in the ring and Cide gets the big suicide dive onto Beer Money! SUPERMEX DIVE ONTO BEER MONEY~! Morgan and Devon brawl as Ray attacks Hernandez with the trashcan. Devon and Cide in the ring, back elbow by Cide and he gets a crutch and nails Devon. It explodes and now Cide has THE GHETTO FORK! Abyss tosses Roode into the steel steps, Cide uses the ghetto fork on Devon in the ring. He has two of them now! Cide carves up Devon, who is busted open now. Abyss is in, SHOCK TREATMENT on Cide! Ray is in with the cheese grater and nails Abyss in the balls with it! Ray then grates it off of Abyss’ head, and then he licks it and spits on Abyss. Abyss is busted open and Ray uses the grater again! Hernandez back in and ails Ray, but Ray gets he corner splash. A boot by Hernandez, up top and Ray throws something at him. Ray up top now with Hernandez, SUPERPLEX connects! Roode is in to break up a pin try by Ray. Boot by Roode, to the 2nd rope and Roode gets the blockbuster and covers for a SLOW 2. Abyss and Cide battle on the floor and Beer Money beat down Morgan. Morgan counters a suplex and then gets a suplex on Beer Money! Morgan has Roode, has the arm and goes for old school but leaps over Roode and gets a cross body on Storm! Devon in with trashcan lid shots. Curtain call suplex on Roode, Abyss in and a chokeslam for Devon! He tries one on Roode, but Storm has the bag of tacks, this distracts Abyss and Roode gets a chair shot. They then talk shit to Mongo, Storm gets his beer helmet and wants a football face off with Mongo! Beer Money has a football, Mongo takes out Storm and clotheslines Roode. Cide covers him and gets 2. Mongo counts so slow! Hernandez and Roode to the floor, Cide with the can lid and to the floor he goes. Morgan back in the ring, the crowd wants tables and Morgan to the apron now. Up to the top rope and DIVES to the floor onto Hernandez and Beer Money! Abyss and Devon brawl, Ray over to help as they to up the entranceway. Trashcan shots to Abyss and Ray has the STAPLE GUN! He staples the mask to Abyss’ head! They drag Abyss up the ramp, Devon misses Abyss and hits Ray! Johnny Devine is now out and hits Abyss with the kendo stick. He now drags out a table, and they set it up below the stage. Ray now has lighter fluid! They set the table for flames, Devine lights the kendo stick and lights the table. DOUBLE CHOKESLAM TO ABYSS OFF THE STAGE THROUGH THE FLAMING TABLE! 3D celebrates as we get multiple replays. Morgan and Roode are brawling, and Storm gets a superkick out of nowhere! BEER! MONEY! Hernandez then starts to beat them down with the kendo stick. Hernandez drags Storm into the ring, Cide in and Roode nails him. Head butts by Cide and a dual dropkick to Beer Money! Corkscrew elbow to Storm, but Roode sets him up top but Cide gets the Gringo Cutter off of the 2nd rope for 2. Storm back in and Hernandez catches Storm, SIT OUT MEX BOMB~! 1…2….NO! Holy slow ass count. Slam by Hernandez, frog splash by Cide onto Roode gets 2! Hernandez clotheslines Roode, Hernandez gets Storm on his shoulders and DOOMSDAY GRINGO CUTTER~! Jackie in and stops the count. Mongo spanks her, Morgan in and gets a sick bicycle kick to Hernandez! Grabs Cide, HELLEVATOR countered and they blow a tilt a whirl spot, oops. Morgan sets Cide up top now, follows, Hernandez over and then gets the BORDER TOSS on Morgan! 3D is back down to the ring, slam by Ray on Cide, Devon up top and WAZZUP head butt to the balls. DEVON…GET THE TABLES! Hernandez stops that mess and then sets up the table on his own. He then gets the bag of tacks, he has some trouble getting them open and Mongo helps and now they are on the table. Devon nails Hernandez, 3D THROUGH THE TACK COVERED TABLE! Storm in, spits beer in Devon’s face, Roode tosses Ray, covers and Beer Money retains! Beer Money defeated Team 3D, LAX and Matt Morgan and Abyss @ 21:00 via pin [***½] This was a really fun and very good match that not only played off of, but delivered on the stipulation. I will admit that it isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, but it was fun and Beer Money were just awesome. The only real negative was Mongo was a shit special ref.
TNA Legends Title I QUIT Match: Champion AJ Styles vs. Booker T: Slow start with lots of takedown tries and failures. Knees and chops by Booker, misses the sidekick and rights by AJ. Snap mare and kicks by AJ follow. Booker refuses to quit and AJ locks in the headlock. Booker to his feet, slams AJ to the corner, and then lays the boots to him. AJ counters a suplex, gets one of his own and then gets the reverse Indian death lock into the bridge and chinlock. Nice. AJ breaks, and then goes back to working the knee. Back to the feet, AJ takes out the knee and Booker refuses to quit. Chops by AJ and Booker is down in the corner. AJ tries a suplex, fails and then he goes for rights to Booker. Knees by AJ, to the corner and as AJ goes to springboard in Booker stops him and then tosses him to the floor, where AJ lands throat first on the railing, that did NOT look good. Booker drops AJ throat first onto the railing again. AJ refuses to quit, Booker rolls him back in and Booker works the clinch and drops AJ with a huge knee. More knees by Booker, he chokes AJ, who refuses to quit. Booker lays AJ over the top rope and then gets the ax kick, sending AJ to the floor. AJ refuses to quit, gets rolled back into the ring and AJ fights back with rights. Forearm by Booker drops AJ, SPINAROONIE~! Booker works a key lock, AJ refuses to quit as he screams. AJ muscles Booker up, but Booker falls back and keeps the hold! AJ rolls to escape, but he is hurting. Booker with slaps, rights and then AJ back with rights. Crowd is actually cheering Booker on the exchange. They continue to exchange, PELE BY AJ! Both men down, struggling to their feet and AJ mounts Booker and lays in rights to Booker. Booker refuses to quit, more rights by AJ, hell no says Booker. To the feet, more rights by AJ, off the ropes and a spinebuster by Booker. Booker mounts AJ, lays in the rights now and AJ says NEVER will he quit! AJ crotches Booker on the top rope and then sends him to the floor! AJ FLIES with the slingshot plancha and BOTH men are down again! Booker refuses to quit, and gets a palm thrust to AJ. Another! Who’s the master? SHO NUFF~! AJ slams Booker into the post, back into the ring they go and Booker will not quit. Sharmell is out to root on Booker, SUPERMAN forearm by AJ! Booker won’t quit. Clash try by AJ, Booker escapes and Booker accidentally knocks Sharmell off of the apron. AJ gets the flying arm bar! AJ has the arm extended…Booker yells, fights, says no and Jenna Morasco runs out and THROWS IN THE TOWEL and that is all. AJ Styles defeated Booker T @ 16:00 [***½] This was a very good match, featuring AJ Styles working his ass off, one of Booker’s best TNA performances, but a really flat finish.
– End scene.
– Thanks for reading.

“Byyyyyyyyyyyyyye Felicia.”
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