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Csonka’s Mae Young Classic (Ep. 5) Review

September 4, 2017 | Posted by Larry Csonka
Abbey Laith - Mae Young Classic Kimber Lee Image Credit: WWE
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Csonka’s Mae Young Classic (Ep. 5) Review  

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Csonka’s Mae Young Classic (Ep. 5) Review

– Abbey Laith defeated Rachel Evers @ 5:12 via pin [***]
– Piper Niven defeated Serena Deeb @ 7:10 via pin [***]
– Mercedes Martinez defeated Pricesa Sugehit @ 5:13 via pin [**½]
– Kairi Sane defeated Bianca Belair @ 10:05 via pin [***½]

– Follow all of my reviews at this link.

– I reviewed the first four episodes of the Mae Young Classic, and you can check those out below…

* Episode 1
* Episode 2
* Episode 3
* Episode 4
* Csonka’s Early Mae Young Classic Takes

– We get a video package for Abbey Laith vs. Rachel Evers.

Abbey Laith vs. Rachel Evers: Abbey Laith defeated Jazzy Gabert in a good match in the first round, while Rachel Evers defeated Marti Belle in the worst match in the tournament so far. They work the power vs. speed battle early, with Laith sending Evers to the floor and following with a suicide dive. Back in and Laith covers for 2. Evers fires back, hitting a cutter and running senton, scoring a near fall. Evers takes control, hitting a springboard leg drop and bicycle kick. They then both go for kicks, and get a double down. They trade forearm strikes, Laith heads up top but Evers cuts her off, and his the powerslam off the top for a good near fall. Laith then counters a big boot, hits the powerbomb and follows with the alligator clutch for the win. Abbey Laith defeated Rachel Evers @ 5:12 via pin [***] This was a good opening sprint, Evers was working really hard, seemingly wanting to erase the memory of her last match from everyone’s minds. I really enjoyed this and they left me wanting more, as I was a bit disappointed when it ended so soon.

– We get hugs post match.

– We get a video package for Piper Niven vs. Serena Deeb.

Piper Niven vs. Serena Deeb: Serena Deeb defeated Vanessa Borne in a solid first round match, Niven beat Santana Garrett in what I felt was the best first round match. They lock up and Niven takes Deeb to the corner right away. Niven overpowers to begin, Deeb looks to work a side headlock, tries for a slam but Niven was too much and Deeb collapsed under the pressure. Niven slows the pace, Deeb gets a sneaky roll up for 2, and then looks for the side headlock but Niven cuts that off with a Saito suplex. The running cross body connects and Niven covers for 2. Deeb counters the running senton, getting the knees up and goes back to the side headlock. Deeb lays in the big babyface jabs, comes off the ropes and hits a lung blower. She hits a short slam and then a neck breaker, covering for 2. Niven fights off Deeb, slams her to the corner and hits the cannonball for 2. Deeb manages to hit the snap mare driver, covering for 2. She sets for the spear, but Niven sidesteps her and sends her to the buckles. Niven then hits the Vader slash out of the corner, but Deeb kicks out for a great near fall. The crowd chants for one more, but Niven now head all the way up top and misses the splash. Deeb looks to fire up, but Niven snatches her up into the Michinoku driver for the win. Piper Niven defeated Serena Deeb @ 7:10 via pin [***] Another good match to kick off the show. They played the size vs. speed dynamic well, told a great story and Deeb got in a lot before finally losing. This was another good and enjoyable match.

– We get a video package for Mercedes Martinez vs. Pricesa Sugehit.

Mercedes Martinez vs. Pricesa Sugehit: Mercedes Martinez defeated newcomer Zia Li in the first round, while Pricesa Sugehit unjustly defeated Kay Lee Ray. These are the two most experienced women in the tournament. They work to the mat early on, Martinez had enough of that grappling bullshit and started to fire away with strikes. Sugehit cuts her off, hitting the cannonball and covering for 2. Martinez cuts her off, and hits rolling suplex into a draping neck breaker for 2. Martinez misses a running boot, allowing Sugehit to hit the code breaker. Martinez cuts off the monkey flip, they now work up top and Sugehit dumps her to the mat. The tornado DDT follows and we have a double down. Sugehit manages to crawl over and cover for 2. Sugehit hits a la mistica and into the arm bar. Martinez fights out, hits the fisherman’s buster and picks up the win. Mercedes Martinez defeated Pricesa Sugehit @ 5:13 via pin [**½] This wasn’t bad, but it didn’t have the sense of urgency like the previous two matches. It also was a bit disjointed and lethargic, mainly due to Sugehit and her odd lucha delays. It’s funny with lucha sometimes, on one hand they can go break neck and look like they aren’t even thinking about the incredible string of moves they are putting together. Other times, like here, they will have these odd delays, like they are thinking way too much or working on an advance calculation.

– We get a video package for Kairi Sane vs. Bianca Belair.

Kairi Sane vs. Bianca Belair: Sane defeated Ressa Blanchard in a good first round match, while Belair defeated Sage Beckett. Belair is a great athlete, has great charisma and great confidence in front of the crowd; she shows amazing overall potential. Belair looks to use the hair whip early, backing off Sane. Belair goes to her power game, grounding Sane early. It’s all Belair right now hitting shoulder blocks and frustrating Sane. Belair blows a kiss at her, but Sane catches it and stomps on it. Sane ten hits the dropkick, and blows a kiss at Belair. Belair fires back with the hair whip, and that got some heat from the crowd. She whips the shit out of Sane in the corner, and follows with a hip toss and clothesline for 2. Belair powers out of a hanging guillotine, and then does squats during a delayed vertical suplex. Belair follows with a grounded full nelson, and then into an implant buster, covering for 2. Belair follows with ground and pound, but the running splash eats knees. Sane fires up with chops, going all Kojima in the corner on Belair. The flying forearm connects for 2. Sane locks in the strangle hold, Belair fights to her feet and escapes. She then hits the powerslam, covering for 2. They trade strikes, Belair keeps knocking Sane down, but Sane keeps fighting. Belair hits a big spinebuster, heads up top and hits the big 450… but Sane kicks out! Belair misses the charge, posting herself and that allows Sane to hit the sliding forearm and spinning backfist. Sane up top… ELBOW DROP connects and Belair is done. Kairi Sane defeated Bianca Belair @ 10:05 via pin [***½] With Sane obviously advancing, they had the opportunity to give Belair a bit of a showcase here and it paid off. The crowd is already invested in Sane, so allowing Belair to go toe to toe with her made her come off looking like a star. The action was good, the selling from both was very good, they had the crowd locked in and even created some great near falls. Most importantly, and I feel it was the goal of the match; Belair came away looking like a star.

– End scene.

– Thanks for reading.

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“Byyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyye Felicia!”

The final score: review Good
The 411
In my opinion, this came off as the best show of the run so far. There was nothing bad, and it just felt like a quality one-hour show that is more tan worth your time. Ross & Lita are already coming off much better on this set of shows.