wrestling / TV Reports
Csonka’s MLW Anthology: LA Park Review 5.16.20

Csonka’s MLW Anthology: LA Park Review 5.16.20
– From September 2002: LA Park defeated Shocker @ 11:10 via pin [***]
– From December 2002: Sabu defeated Park @ 19:40 via pin [***½]
– Follow all of my reviews at this link.
– We open with the usual video package before the new anthology video package.
– They welcome us to the show, explaining that anthology will look at MLW stars in a special best of style format as we get video footage of today’s subject, LA Park, who first worked MLW in 2002, their debut event.
LA Park vs. Shocker: Joey Styles is on commentary. Shocker was a big rudo star at the time. Park attacks right away, grounds things as they work into counters and a standoff. They trade; Shocker dumps him and teases the dive, only to pose. Back in and Park cuts off Shocker, follows with chops and strikes but misses the corner dropkick. He counters back, Shocker trips him up and Park then follows with a tackle, and strut. Park lays the boot to Shocker, but Shocker counters back and takes control until Park fires back and then Park is dumped. Shocker follows with the springboard high cross to the floor. Back in and Shocker follows with a suplex for 2. He kicks park in the face, but Park cuts him off and hits the spin kick to dump Shocker. He follows with the tornillo to the floor and back in, Park follows with a slam, heads up top and the senton follows for 2. Park misses with the chair, Shocker dropkicks it into his face and dumps him. Park then murders him with a chair shot on the suicide dive, and Park rolls back in. Shocker beats the count but Park is right back on the attack. He heads up top and leaps into Shocker’s feet. Shocker covers for 2, and then hits a sitout Michinoku driver and senton and two more for 2. Shocker heads up top and flies into the Park dropkick, and Park covers for 2. Park heads up top and the missile dropkick gets 2. Back up top he goes and Shocker crotches him, follows him up and the superplex connects for 2. Shocker follows with chops, clotheslines and a bulldog for 2. Shocker then cradles him for 2. The tackle follows, Shocker then hits a broncobuster and Park kicks him in the nuts to counter the second. Park back up top and the senton attack connects for the win. LA Park defeated Shocker @ 11:10 via pin [***] Man, it was so odd seeing Park so light and agile as compared to today; 18-years will do that to you. This was a good and energetic match, but a bit disjointed at times. Shocker is an example of a guy that should have been a much bigger star if not for his personal issues over the years.
– Mance Warner cuts a promo on kicking the shit out of people; he’s featured next week.
– They show the history between Park and Sabu.
LA Park vs. Sabu: Park attacks with a chair shot, he poses and Sabu has a chair. He throws it, misses, and they stall. Sabu grounds things, Park makes the ropes and they stall some more after counters. Sabu attacks, gets the camel clutch and Park counters out and he gets the clutch. Sabu escapes, and Park follows with chops and a springboard kick and slingshot leg drop for 2. The camel clutch follows, Park escapes and Sabu cuts him off until Park hits a basement dropkick for 2. They work up top and Park is shoved to the apron and then dumps Sabu into the ring and Sabu counters back with a tornado DDT for 2. The clutch follows again, Park escapes, hits the spin kick and to the floor they go as Sabu is dumped into the crowd. Park follows with chair shots, and Park heads up top and follows with the high cross to the floor. He sets up a table, works over Sabu and takes him to the apron and follows with a chair shot, dumping Sabu. Park charges, but Sabu low bridges him and Park flies through the table. Sabu stabs him with scissors, ripping at the mask and Park is busted open. Into the crowd goes Park as Sabu follows with air Sabu to wipe him out. Park rallies, makes it back in and Sabu attacks and covers for 2. He follows with strikes, beating down Park and stabs him again with the scissors. Sabu follows with strikes, botches a springboard and Park cuts him off and covers for 2. Park places him in the tree of WHOA and dropkicks the chair into his face and that gets 2. Park follows with kicks, beating down Sabu and follows with chops. Park misses the spear and post himself, spills to the floor and Sabu follows with the plancha. He sets up a table, lays Park on it and follows with the springboard leg drop to put Park through the table. Sabu rolls back in and Park’s mask is almost all the way ripped off as he spills blood. Back in and Sabu covers for 2. The camel clutch follows, Park fights, Sabu lays the boots to him and follows with the slam. He heads up top and flies into the feet of Park. Park battles back, heads up top and is crotched. Sabu follows him up and the avalanche RANA follows for 2. The Arabian face buster then connects for 2. The triple jump moonsault finally finishes it. Sabu defeated Park @ 19:40 via pin [***½] Sabu was jacked here and also mobile, I had almost forgotten what that looked like. The first six-minutes were odd, as they worked a grappling match, While odd, it eventually broke into a pretty great and blood soaked brawl, that was a lot of fun but man, if you cut that initial six-minutes the match is much better as it felt too long by the end.
– Post match, Park kicked the shit out of Bill Alfonso outside the building.
– We get a video package on the MLW stars commenting on CONTRA taking over MLW and being in quarantine.
– Next week features Mance Warner.

The 411 on Wrestling Podcast returns to the 411 Podcasting Network for episode 116. On the show, 411’s Larry Csonka & Kevin Pantoja review Ultima Lucha Dos and start their look at the NXT Takeover: Brooklyn events. Jerome Cusson joins to review Dark Side of The Ring: The Road Warriors. The show is approximately 178-minutes long.
* Intro
* Lucha Underground’s Ultima Lucha Dos (Part I – 7.06.16: 3:35
* Lucha Underground’s Ultima Lucha Dos (Part II – 7.13.16: 14:50
* Lucha Underground’s Ultima Lucha Dos (Part III – 7.20.16: 27:50
* NXT Takeover: Brooklyn 2015 Review: 1:02:52
* Dark Side of The Ring: The Road Warriors Review: 2:05:37
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– End scene.
– Thanks for reading.
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