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Csonka’s MLW: Fusion Review 10.26.19

October 26, 2019 | Posted by Larry Csonka
MLW 102619
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Csonka’s MLW: Fusion Review 10.26.19  

411’s Larry Csonka checks in with his review of WOW – Women Of Wrestling, with The Beast vs. Jungle Grrrl, Holidead & Siren The Voodoo Doll vs. Razor & Fury, & much more. #WOW #WomenofWrestling #WoWSuperheroes https://411mania.com/wrestling/csonkas-wow-women-of-wrestling-review-10-26-19/

Csonka’s MLW: Fusion Review 10.26.19

– Davey Boy Smith Jr & Brian Pillman Jr vs. Extreme Tiger & Dragon Lee @ 13:50 via pin [***]
– Terror Azteca & Proximo defeated Toto & Torito @ 3:00 via pin [NR]
– LA Park, Bestia 666, & Mecha Wolf defeated Kwon, Gotch, & Samael @ 11:11 via pin [***]

– Follow all of my reviews at this link.

– Low Ki vs. Brian Pillman Jr has been added to the PPV next week.

Davey Boy Smith Jr & Brian Pillman Jr vs. Extreme Tiger & Dragon Lee: Pillman traquilos, and then attacks Lee. Lee quickly fights back they work into counters and Lee trips him up and covers for 2. Smith and Tiger tag in, they lock up and Tiger follows with chops. Smith mows him down and then sets him up top, but Tiger fires back and gets the sunset flip for 1 as they work into a standoff. Post break and Smith follows with an overhead suplex, lays the boots to Tiger and choke shim out in the corner. He follows with a slam, hits another and he and Pillman follow with double teams. Pillman lays in chops, Tiger fires back with a flurry of chops and Pillman cuts him off and follows with kicks, covering for 2. The clothesline connects, Smith tags in and follows with a gut wrench suplex for 2.He locks on the crab, Lee makes the save but Pillman takes him out/ Smith follows with a powerslam on Tiger for 2. Lee makes the save, as Pillman cradles Tiger for 2. Pillman follows with strikes, slams him to the buckles and grounds the action. Pillman teases a lucha arm rag, but instead follows with rights. Tiger cuts him off, hits a senton and tags in Lee. He runs wild, hits a German, Pillman pops up and they trade center ring. Superkicks by both follow. Knee strike by Lee and Tiger and Smith are in, Tiger hits the dropkick for 2. Tiger dumps Pillman, Lee hits the suicide dive and Tiger follows with a tope. Smith cuts him off and the doomsday clothesline finishes Tiger. Davey Boy Smith Jr & Brian Pillman Jr vs. Extreme Tiger & Dragon Lee @ 13:50 via pin [***] This was a good and fun opening tag with Pillman impressing and the right men winning ahead of the PPV.

– They hype the PPV.

– Salina tells CONTRA that they are shit while she is the law and power in MLW. She will be more powerful than ever after the PPV, while Park will hang Fatu’s fat ass at the PPV and they can kiss her ring and bow to her afterwards. Salina rules.

– LA Park vows revenge for last week’s attack on his son.

– The Dynasty are backing America and drinking beers. Holiday mocks Mexico and has new air buds. They toast to Dynasty & America. The Von Erichs tell them not to party too hard and vow to take the titles next week.

– We see the Hart Foundation hanging out in Mexico, because they are “fucking stars.” Teddy isn’t there due to injury.

Terror Azteca & Proximo vs. Toto & Torito: This is a tornado tag with fast paced action at the bell before they take a break. Post break and we’re back to action as they battle to the floor as action breaks down in the ring and Azteca picks up the win. Terror Azteca & Proximo defeated Toto & Torito @ 3:00 via pin [NR] No idea why they aired this as we only actually got like 60-seconds of it.

– We get a great PARK vs. Fatu video package.

LA Park, Bestia 666, & Mecha Wolf vs. Kwon, Gotch, & Samael: It’s an all out brawl at the bell, and we take a break. Post break and Bestia 666 & Wolf battle back, Bestia 666 follows with a suicide dive and Kwon follows with a tope as Wolf hits a suicide dive. Park up top and hits a high cross onto the pile. Park posts Samael, they all brawl on the floor and Park now hits chair shots. They brawl around ringside as team Park has control. Wolf & Bestia 666 isolate Kwon, working double teams and a doomsday device. They now work over Gotch, using double teams and keeping things grounded. Park in and struts, dances, and kicks the shit out of Samael, covering for 2. Samael fires back, hits a DDT and that gets 2. Park counters back with a powerslam for 2. the abdominal stretch follows, it breaks down as Wolf and Bestia 666 connect with superkicks. Wolf follows with a suicide dive, Kwon hits a pop up neck breaker on Bestia 666 for 2. Bestia 666 battles back, they work up to and the muscle buster follows, 450 by Wolf and Gotch makes the save. Gotch trades with Bestia 666. they light each other up and Gotch follows with a brainbuster for 2. Park in and cuts him off, Samael attacks, and they trade clotheslines. Park struts and hits the final cut for 2. Gotch attacks Park, Bestia 666 in and hits the superkick, and the muscle buster follows and Kwon mists Wolf. Fire ball by Samael and Park then spears him for the win LA Park, Bestia 666, & Mecha Wolf defeated Kwon, Gotch, & Samael @ 11:11 via pin [***] this was a good and wild lucha brawl, which played well off of last week and added to the build for Park vs. Fatu and

– Security hold back Fatu as Park celebrates.

 photo The411onWrestling-KHC15_1A_zps84kblpqb.jpg

The 411 on Wrestling Podcast returns to the 411 Podcasting Network for episode 62. On the show, 411’s Larry Csonka & Jeremy Lambert break down a great week four of the Wednesday Night Wars between NXT & AEW. The show is approximately 87-minutes long.

* Intro
* AEW Dynamite (10.23.19) Review: 5:25
* NXT Dynamite (10.23.19) Review: 43:35
* The Comparison/Who Won Week Four: 1:05:45

* iTunes
* Spotify
* Stitcher
* Google Play

– End Scene.

– Thanks for reading.

The final score: review Good
The 411
This week’s episode of MLW Fusion was an overall good show as the shows from the CRASH in Mexico have provided a great change of pace, and this week was a good final build to next week’s PPV.