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Csonka’s NJPW Wrestling Dontaku Review 5.04.18

May 4, 2018 | Posted by Larry Csonka
Okada vs Tanahashi NJPW DOntaku
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Csonka’s NJPW Wrestling Dontaku Review 5.04.18  

Csonka’s NJPW Wrestling Dontaku Review 5.04.18

– Ryusuke Taguchi, Tiger Mask, & Jushin Liger defeated Shota Umino, Ren Narita, & Yuya Uemura @ 6:43 via submission [**¾]
– Chase Owens & Yujiro Takahashi defeated Yuji Nagata & Tomoyuki Oka @ 6:20 via pin [**¼]
– Sho, Yoh, & Rocky Romero defeated Taka Michinoku, Iizuka, & Taichi @ 6:13 via pin [*]
– Tomohiro Ishii & Toru Yano defeated Toa Henare & Togi Makabe @ 7:35 via pin [***]
– CHAOS defeated David Finlay, Juice Robinson, & Michael Elgin @ 11:05 via pin [***]
– LIJ defeated Suzuki-gun @ 8:30 via pin [**¾]
– Tanga Loa, Tana Tonga, Bad Luck Fale, Kota Ibushi, & Kenny Omega defeated Cody, Adam Page, Marty Scurll, & The Young Bucks @ 8:52 via pin [**]
IWGP Junior Heavyweight Title Match: Champion Will Ospreay defeated KUSHIDA @ 23:45 via pin [****¼]
IWGP Heavyweight Title Match: Champion Kazuchika Okada defeated Hiroshi Tanahashi @ 34:02 via pin [****¾]

– Follow all of my reviews at this link.

– My preview for the show is at this link.

How we got here

NJPW Road to Wrestling Dontaku Review 4.13.18.
NJPW Road to Wrestling Dontaku Review 4.14.18.
NJPW Road to Wrestling Dontaku Review 4.23.18.
NJPW Road to Wrestling Dontaku Review 4.24.18.
NJPW Road to Wrestling Dontaku Review 4.27.18.
NJPW Wrestling Hi No Kuni.
NJPW Wrestling Dontaku Review 5.03.18.

Ryusuke Taguchi, Tiger Mask, & Jushin Liger vs. Shota Umino, Ren Narita, & Yuya Uemura: The lions attack before the bell and they all work over Liger and then work over Tiger. The lions are all fired up here, but Tiger cuts off Uemura and lays in kicks. Taguchi tags in and starts working ass attacks. Liger tags in and works over Uemura on the floor, laying in chops. Back in and the Romero special follows. Narita makes the save but Tiger tags in, hitting a suplex for 2. The dropkick follows, and he slaps the shit out of Uemura. Liger back in and he’s in a surly mood. Uemura manages a dropkick and Umino tags in and runs into a shotei. Taguchi back in and after some kicks, Umino his a suplex. Narita tags in and cleans house, and looks for the crab and locks on a sharpshooter. The vets make the save and then get tossed. Taguchi hits an ass attack for 2. Narita counters dodon for 2, but Taguchi locks on the ankle lock and Narita taps. Ryusuke Taguchi, Tiger Mask, & Jushin Liger defeated Shota Umino, Ren Narita, & Yuya Uemura @ 6:43 via submission [**¾] The vets pick up the win in a pretty good match as Taguchi gets momentum for BOTSJ.

Chase Owens & Yujiro Takahashi vs. Yuji Nagata & Tomoyuki Oka: Oka and Owens to begin. Bullet Club attacks, but Oka & Nagata quickly fight back and double team Owens. Oka hits a belly to belly for 2. Yujiro cuts him off and works double teams with Owens. They take time to mock Nagata, as Owens works over Oka with chops. Yujiro back in with rights, the leg drop follows for 2. Oka fires up with a clothesline and tags in Nagata. He works over Yujiro, hits an XPLODER, covering for 2. But Yujiro cuts him off with a fisherman’s buster. Owens tags back in, but Nagata grabs the arm bar. Yujiro makes the save, but gets dumped. Oka wants the tag and gets it. He runs wild on Owens, but Owens then avoids a charge and hits a superkick. Oka gets a cradle for 2. Jewel heist by Owens gets 2. Yujiro dumps Nagata and Owens hits the package piledriver for the win. Chase Owens & Yujiro Takahashi defeated Yuji Nagata & Tomoyuki Oka @ 6:20 via pin [**¼] This was ok, with Yujiro and Owens picking up a second win in a row.

Sho, Yoh, & Rocky Romero vs. Taka Michinoku, Iizuka, & Taichi: Suzuki-gun attacks before the bell. In a shocking turn of events, they brawl to the floor. Iizuka uses chairs, and then starts biting everyone. He chases the ref away and more biting by Iizuka. Taichi in and lays in some kicks, Sho tries to fight back, but gets laid out with a kick. The cover gets 2. The pants are off. Taka tags in and lays in some kicks. He no sells Sho’s strikes, rakes the eyes and follows with a superkick for 2. It breaks down, ref bump, mic stand shots by Taichi follow. Suzuki-gun works over Sho. Iizuka gets the iron fingers and Sho fights them off. Romero flies in and 3k works over Taka. Romero hits a dive and 3k finishes Taka. Sho, Yoh, & Rocky Romero defeated Taka Michinoku, Iizuka, & Taichi @ 6:13 via pin [*] The right team won, but it again, wasn’t good.

Tomohiro Ishii & Toru Yano vs. Toa Henare & Togi Makabe: Ishii & Henare start us off. Henare lays in strikes, they trade and Ishii laps him and hits a shoulder tackle and kicks. Yano removes the buckle pad as Ishii beats the shit out of Henare. Yano whips Henare to the exposed buckle, but Henare does the same and cuts him off with a shoulder block. Makabe tags in and works over Yano, and then follows with clotheslines to he and Ishii. Yano rakes the eyes, but runs into a lariat for 2. Makabe hits another, and Henare tags back in. he runs wild on Yano and knocks Ishii to the floor. The top rope shoulder tackle connects for 2. Yano pulls the hair and tags in Ishii. He and Henare battle center ring, Ishii cuts him off and hits a corner clothesline. Makabe makes the save, and Henare hits a Samoan drop. They lay in clotheslines and Henare hits a spear for 2. Yano dumps Makabe, and works over Henare and Ishii hits a Saito suplex for 2. Henare hits a lariat and spinebuster for a good near fall. They trade head butts and Henare gets a roll up for another good near fall. Ishii kills him with a lariat and brainbuster for the win, Tomohiro Ishii & Toru Yano defeated Toa Henare & Togi Makabe @ 7:35 via pin [***] This was good, with Henare getting closer to pinning Ishii. Yano & Ishii pick up another win as they look for a tag title shot.

David Finlay, Juice Robinson, & Michael Elgin vs. Hirooki Goto, Jay White, & YOSHI-HASHI: White again makes his entrance solo, as he’s CHAOS only out of convenience. Elgin & Goto to begin, trading strikes. They work into counters, and White tags in. Juice in and they double-team White. Finlay joins in and he and Juice double team White, keeping control. White tags out to HASHI, but he runs into a double dropkick. Juice follows with jabs, and then chops. They trade strikes, and White low bridges Juice, and posts him on his balls. They all brawl to the floor, and back in CHAOS isolates Juice. Goto grounds things, and tags in HASHI. Double teams follow on Juice, and Goto and HASHI pose, and White refuses, and bails to the floor. He then tags back in, and works over Juice. The Saito suplex follows for 2. Juice fires up with strikes, and then gets the tag to Elgin. He runs wild, working over White and hits a missile dropkick. He follows with clotheslines and heads up top. He drops back down, superkicks Goto and follows with a back breaker. The pump handle DVD follows on White for 2. White fires back with chops, and a Saito suplex follows. HASHI & Finlay tag in and Finlay runs wild with uppercuts. Juice and Elgin back in as they work double teams on HASHI. They brawl to the floor and Finlay gets a back breaker for 2 on HASHI. HASHI cuts off the stunner, and hits a big lariat for 2. Karma follows for the win. CHAOS defeated David Finlay, Juice Robinson, & Michael Elgin @ 11:05 via pin [***] This was another good, fun, and action filled tag match, which likely set up Taichi vs. Goto & White vs. Juice.

– Taichi attacks Goto and Elgin post match. White then attacks Juice, but Juice runs him off. Make the match Gedo.

– Wrestling Dontaku returns in 2019 on May 3rd & 4th again.

Hiromu Takahashi, BUSHI, EVIL, SANADA, & Tetsuya Naito vs. Desperado, Kanemaru, Lance Archer, Davey Boy Smith Jr, & Minoru Suzuki: Guys, you’re going to be fucking shocked here, but Suzuki-gun attacked LIJ before the bell rang in an instance of shitty sportsmanship, and it led to unsanctioned fighting on the floor. Suzuki immediately attacks Naito’s knee, using a chair. Archer then chokeslams Takahashi from the ring onto a pile of bodies on the floor. Back in and Suzuki-gun takes the heat on BUSHI. Smith hits repeated slams and Suzuki tags in and lays in chops on BUSHI. Naito makes the save, but Suzuki knee bars him right away. Desperado in and he works over BUSHI until BUSHI hits an enziguri. Hot tag to Takahashi, he runs wild on the junior champs, covering Desperado for 2. Desperado uses the ref as a shield and hits a spear. Suzuki-gun clears the ring, working over Takahashi. Naito tags in, working over Kanemaru. Suzuki makes the save, but SANADA in as it breaks down. EVIL dumps Smith & Archer. Back to Naito vs. Suzuki, Naito dumps him and then hits destino on Kanemaru for the win. LIJ defeated Suzuki-gun @ 8:30 via pin [**¾] This was a pretty good match and a decisive win for LIJ; the post match angle was great.

– Post match, CHRIS JERICHO IN AN LIJ MASK ARRIVES AND ATTACKS NAITO FROM THE CROWD! DONTAKU IS JERICHO! He drags Naito ringside and into the ring. He lays out Naito with the code breaker and then pummels Naito with strikes. Jericho then beats on the young lions. He gets the ring bell and KOs Naito and busts him open! Jericho continues to attack but LIJ runs him off. Naito refuses to be stretchered out, and is a bloody mess.

Tanga Loa, Tana Tonga, Bad Luck Fale, Kota Ibushi, & Kenny Omega vs. Cody, Adam Page, Marty Scurll, & The Young Bucks: Marty tries to slam Fale, and fails. Fale slams him and he tags out to Cody. Cody spits on Omega, and then runs from Fale. Nick tags in, as does Tonga. They work some counters and end on a stand off. The Bucks look for double teams, but Loa is in and cuts that off. They end in a stand off and Cody tags himself in. Ibushi also tags in. They lock up, and Ibushi hits a shoulder tackle. Cody trips him up and poses. Ibushi follows with strikes and hits a standing corkscrew moonsault for 2. Page distracts Ibushi and then tags in and attacks. Matt tags in and he then tags out to Marty, not wanting any part of working over Ibushi. Cody and Page work over Ibushi and then knock the rest to the floor. Ibushi cuts off Cody with a dropkick and Omega & Marty tag in. Ibushi and Omega double team Marty, Ibushi tags back in and the Bucks are in and refuse to fight them. Matt wants to talk it out, but Cody & Page attack the Golden Lovers, taking them to the floor. Ibushi back in and hits the golden triangle as Fale tagged in. Fale teases a dive to the floor, Marty looks to attack, and the Bucks make the save. Marty looks to slam Fale, Fale falls on him and that gets the pin. Tanga Loa, Tana Tonga, Bad Luck Fale, Kota Ibushi, & Kenny Omega defeated Cody, Adam Page, Marty Scurll, & The Young Bucks @ 8:52 via pin [**] This was only ok, and was mostly about advancing the stories, Omega chased Cody to the back as Owens & Yujiro arrived post match and the rest shared a too sweet as Ibushi walks off. The group looks unified as Cody, Omega, and Ibushi seemed to peel off from this reunion. Bullet Club is… fine?

Champion Will Ospreay vs. KUSHIDA: KUSHIDA is 4-1 all time vs. Ospreay. KUSHIDA quickly grounds things, looking to work the arm. Ospreay keeps looking for escapes, but KUSHIDA stays one step ahead of him, and keeps things grounded. They pick up the pace; work into counters and KUSHIDA kicks away at the arm of Ospreay. To the floor they go and Ospreay connects with a big boot; he springboards off of the barricade, but KUSHIDA catches him in am arm bar out of the air. KUSHIDA continues to attack the arm back in the ring, keeping Ospreay grounded. Ospreay makes the ropes. KUSHIDA the hits a flatliner to the buckles, and Ospreay is selling the neck. KUSHIDA now attacks the neck and head area, taking control and again, keeping things grounded. KUSHIDA stays a step ahead, constantly countering Ospreay and focusing his attack on the neck. KUSHIDA then goes back to the arm with kicks, but Ospreay hits a desperation back handspring kick. KUSHIDA to the floor and Ospreay hits the Sasuke special and both are down on the floor. Back in and Ospreay hits the springboard clothesline for 2. He follows with kicks and the hesitation dropkick. The running shooting star press gets 2. Ospreay looks for the storm breaker; KUSHIDA fights it off, and hits the PELE. Ospreay counters the hover board lock with a German. He’s too slow to follow up though, but finally attacks KUSHIDA until KUSHIDA kicks him in the back of the head and neck. They work to the apron, KUSHIDA lays in strikes and they trade. Ospreay teases the Spanish fly to the floor, but KUSHIDA fucking SPIKES him with a DDT off the apron and to the floor. This leads to a countout tease, KUSHIDA makes it back in as does Ospreay. KUSHIDA hits a springboard RANA for a good near fall. KUSHIDA follows with knee strikes, and attacks the arm, but Ospreay counters out of the hover board lock with a cutter! Ospreay follows with a running kick, and Cheeky Nando connects repeatedly and KUSHIDA is down. Ospreay up top and the imploding 450 connects for a good near fall as KUSHIDA makes the ropes. The Robinson special follows, but KUSHIDA counters the oscutter into the hover board lock. Ospreay fights, but KUSHIDA keeps the hold center ring. KUSHIDA now stomps away at the head and neck of Ospreay as he works the hover board lock. Ospreay counters back to he future and hits the Essex destroyer! They trade strikes from their knees, KUSHIDA rips off his own shoulder tape, Ospreay does the same as they light each other up. Ospreay hits repeated kicks, KUSHIDA does the same, and KUSHIDA about kills Ospreay with a huge right hand. KUSHIDA hesitates, an then stomps away at Ospreay. Ospreay flips him the bird and more stomps by KUSHIDA follow. He is fucking up Ospreay’s world, pulls him up top but Ospreay hits a super cutter! Strom breaker connects and Ospreay retains. Champion Will Ospreay defeated KUSHIDA @ 23:45 via pin [****¼] This was a great match, worked a bit differently than initially expected. They played well off of their previous matches, proving that they know each other very well. The action was great, and escalated well throughout, and the selling and drama was top notch. Ospreay was great as the valiant fighting champion, and proved that his win over KUSHIDA previously wasn’t a fluke. But he has bigger issues with Ishimori in and the BOTSJ about to begin.

– Bone Soldier is still coming back. Tama Tonga now arrives. Bone Soldier is here and attacks Ospreay, laying him out. Tonga says that Ospreay has been lucky, but not anymore. They have someone new in the club and reveals Bone Soldier to be Taiji Ishimori! Callis: “I think I just saw that kid recently!” Tonga puts him over huge and they too sweet. I wonder what this means for Marty who was Bullet Club’s junior ace.

Champion Kazuchika Okada vs. Hiroshi Tanahashi: The story here is that they are tied in their one on one series (4-4-2), and if Okada wins, he overtakes Tanahashi’s IWGP tile defense record and becomes the undisputed ace of the company. Okada has complete distain for Tanahashi even challenging him at this point. They lock up, work to the ropes and Okada breaks clean. Tanahashi now looks to slow things, grounding Okada as h works a side headlock. Okada finally escapes, and they then work into a series of counters and into a stand off. The crowd’s really into this and they’ve barely done anything. Tanahashi now attacks the knee, chop blocking Okada, but Okada fires back with a dropkick. Tanahashi skins the cat back in, Okada looks for a tombstone, and then opts for a draping DDT. The fight goes to the floor, and Okada hits another draping DDT on the floor. Tanahashi beats the count, but Okada attacks right away, maintaining the heat, He poses to jeers, asshole Okada is the best Okada. Tanahashi tries to fire up, but Okada levels him with an uppercut. Okada follows with strikes; Tanahashi digs deep and fires back, but is instantly cut off. Okada now grounds things, working a neck crank. Tanahashi hits a desperation neck breaker and strikes. The corner dropkick follows. Tanahashi again goes back to the knee, but Okada hits a running elbow strike, and spikes Tanahashi with a DDT for 2. The slam follows, Okada up top but Tanahashi is up, only to eats a neck breaker as Okada keeps his focus on the neck of Tanahashi. Okada hits the slam and elbow drop. Okada poses, but Tanahashi fires up and hits a dragon screw. Okada rolls to the floor and Tanahashi hits the high fly flow pres to the floor! Okada manages to cut off the charge and hits the tombstone on the floor! Okada makes it back in and Tanahashi barely beats the count. Okada now lays in strikes, but Tanahashi starts to fire back. They trade strikes center ring, Okada lays in uppercuts and Tanahashi is down. Okada dares Tanahashi to get back to his feet as the crowd rallies for Tanahashi. Okada lays in some kicks, Tanahashi gets pissed and they again trade strikes and Okada is rocked. Tanahashi then drops him with an uppercut Tanahashi counters the dropkick and hits twist and shout. Sling blade connects and the cover gets 2. Tanahashi up top and the high fly flow MISSES! Okada hits a dropkick, and another. The rainmaker is countered into sling blade by Tanahashi! This crowd wants Tanahashi to win so badly, rallying the ace with all they have. Okada looks for a tombstone, Tanahashi fights, escapes and Okada then goes John Woooo to take down Tanahashi. Tanahashi fights back and struggles, but he hits the tombstone! The high fly flow connects! He heads back up and eats knees this time. Okada to his feet, rainmaker countered but Okada hits a German, and Tanahashi kicks out at one. Snapdragon by Tanahashi! Dropkick by Okada, Sling blade by Tanahashi! Tanahashi up top one more time, but Okada counters the high fly press with a dropkick. Rainmaker by Okada countered and Tanahashi hits the rainmaker for 2! Tanahashi slaps the shit out of Okada repeatedly, and Okada is down. Tanahashi counters another rainmaker, but Okada hangs on and Tanahashi drops him with another slap. Okada manages to hang on, and fires back with the rainmaker for the win! Champion Kazuchika Okada defeated Hiroshi Tanahashi @ 34:02 via pin [****¾] This was an excellent match, absolutely tremendous, and everything I wanted from this encounter. This had drama, a hot crowd, and played off of their history very well. This may very well have been Tanahashi’s last big time main event, and should be his final big time match with Okada. This was just so well done, Tanahashi was the old, broken down, gun slinging quarterback, looking to use all of his remaining skill and tricks to win the big game one last time. And he showed that he still had what it takes to compete at the big level, he dug deep, fought with all he had, the crowd was with him, but at the end of the day, his time as king was officially done. Okada wins the series, takes the title defense record, and is now the undisputed ace of NJPW, finally overtaking his greatest rival to conclude one of the best feuds of all time.

– Post match, Gedo puts over Okada as unstoppable. Okada then puts over Tanahashi, says he achieved his record, and says he will focus on being the best champion possible. He’s onto the next challenger. He runs down all the guys he beat, and teases his next defense at Dominion and calls out Kenny Omega, since they fought to a draw at Dominion last year (they are 1-1-1). Omega arrives, and Okada says they have to break their tie, in a no time limit match at Dominion. Omega wants best 2 out of 3 falls. Okada agrees.

– End Scene.

– Thanks for reading.

 photo fe36ffd0-0da4-4e3b-a2d3-b026b341dd87_zps41ef5d61.jpg
“Byyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyye Felicia!”

The final score: review Very Good
The 411
Today’s NJPW Wrestling Dontaku event was a completely different show than the previous day’s lackluster effort. The undercard was really solid, we had the return of Chris Jericho n a great angle, the reveal of Taiji Ishimori as the new Bone Soldier, the latest in the Bullet Club angle, a great co-main event, an amazing main event, and a huge title match made for Dominion. As a complete package, I loved this show.