wrestling / TV Reports
Csonka’s NXT UK 5.14.20 Review

Csonka’s NXT UK 5.14.20 Review
– From WWE Raw March 3rd, 1997 – Inaugural European Championship Match: Davey Boy Smith defeated Owen Hart @ 11:25 via pin [****¼]
– From WWE Raw April 7th, 2014 – WWE Divas Title Match: Paige defeated Champion AJ Lee @ 1:20 via pin [NR]
– From NXT UK TV 11.01.19: Jordan Devlin defeated Mastiff @ 12:20 via pin [***½]
– From June 19, 2018 – NXT Tag Team Title Match: Tyler Bate & Trent Seven defeated Champions Roderick Strong & Kyle O’Reilly to become new champions @ 11:50 via pin [****]
– Follow all of my reviews at this link.
– Today’s show sees the Superstars of NXT UK share their favorite matches and the classic WWE battles that inspired their path in sports-entertainment..
– Andy Shepard hosts. Eddie Dennis picks Owen Hart vs. Davey Boy Smith for the inaugural European championship.
Davey Boy Smith vs. Owen Hart: Smith scores an early takedown, Hart battles back, fakes knee injury and then attacks. Smith fights him off and Hart hits a spin kick. He grounds things and follows with the side backbreaker. Hart has control and keeps Smith grounded. Smith powers up and is quickly cut off with a knee strike. Hart dumps Smith and back in, hits the sunset flip for 2. Clothesline and elbow drop by Hart and that gets 2. Post break and Hart hits an overhead belly to belly and grounds things with the camel clutch. Smith powers out and hart cradles him with the ropes for 2. The neck breaker and elbow drop gets 2. Hart grounds the action and Smith slowly powers up and Hart follows with strikes and takes Smith up top. Smith counters the superplex into a cross body for 2. Smith follows with clotheslines, fires up and follows with a suplex for 2. He crotches Hart on the ropes but Hart counters back into a German for 2. Smith counters, looks for the powerslam but Hart counters and covers for 2. Smith hits a cross body for 2. Enziguri by Hart and the sharpshooter follows. Smith fights, crawls and make the ropes. They work into counters and Smith hits the powerslam for 2. Hart hits the victory roll but Smith counters and picks up the win. Davey Boy Smith defeated Owen Hart @ 11:25 via pin [****¼] This was a great sprint, just tremendous work from both and a great one to look back on.
– Candyfloss picks Paige vs. AJ Lee from the Raw after Mania in 2014.
Champion AJ lee vs. Paige: Lee attacks Paige and smiles. She whips Paige to the ropes, hits a back elbow. Lee skips around and follows with a spinning heel kick. She hits the ropes, looks for the Black Widow, gets it but Paige escapes and hits the rough looking Paige turned to win the title in her debut. Paige defeated Champion AJ Lee @ 1:20 via pin [NR] A cool moment, but obviously not much of a match.
– The Hunt pick Mastiff vs. Devlin from NXT UK TV.
Jordan Devlin vs. Mastiff: They don’t fuck around and Devlin attacks, they brawl and then Devlin powders. Back in and Devlin slaps him, Mastiff fires up and hits back drop and strikes. Mastiff follows with uppercuts, Devlin then stuns him off the ropes and starts targeting the arm. the standing moonsault follows or 2. Devlin goes back to the arm, follows with knee strikes and again, goes back to attacking the arm. Devlin grounds things, keeping the big man down and maintaining good focus on the arm. Devlin then works a short arm bar, Mastiff fights but Devlin cranks back on the hold. Mastiff powers up and slams his way out. They trade strikes, Mastiff follows with an overhead toss and clotheslines. The senton follows for 2. Devlin counters the powerbomb, takes out the knee and Mastiff hits a head butt, and he then whips Devlin to the floor. Mastiff follows him out, and hits the Finlay roll on the floor. Back in and Devlin attacks the arm and follows with a slingshot cutter. The moonsault follows for 2. Devlin heads back up top and the moonsault eats knees and Mastiff follows with the cannonball as Devlin slides to the floor. Mastiff rolls him back in, follows with strikes as they work up top. Devlin counters and hits an enziguri and the devil inside off the ropes for the win. Jordan Devlin defeated Mastiff @ 12:20 via pin [***½] This was a very good main event, with Devlin showing how good he is and Mastiff holding up his end of things as they played the size dynamic well and worked a smart match.
– Finally, Trent Seven picks Mustache Mountain vs. Undisputed Era from 2018.
NXT Tag Team Title Match: NXT Tag Team Champions Roderick Strong & Kyle O’Reilly vs. Tyler Bate & Trent Seven: These four were part of a great trios match on yesterday’s show. Roddy and Bate begin. They work into some back and forthwith Bate hitting a dropkick. Seven tags in but so does O’Reilly. O’Reilly lays in leg kicks and tags in Roddy. Seven fires back with chops and bate tags in with a rolling senton. Mustache Mountain work double teams and take control. They double team Roddy until Seven is dumped to the floor. O’Reilly tags in and grounds the action, attacking the arm. Knee strikes follow and the cover gets 2. Roddy tags back in and lays in chops as O’Reilly joins in for double teams. O’Reilly keeps things grounded, Seven fires back and dumps Roddy but Roddy pulls him to the floor. Back in and Seven dumps O’Reilly but O’Reilly pulls Bate to the floor and cuts off the hot tag. The champions maintain control, O’Reilly lays in kicks, but Seven cuts him off with a DDT. Tag to Bate and he runs wild on Roddy and the XPLODER follows and the running shooting star press gets 2. Bate airplane spine Roddy and then O’Reilly, but O’Reilly gets a choke. Bate escapes, O’Reilly gets it again but Bate grabs Roddy and hits a German and uses that to escape the choke. Tag to Seven, Roddy runs him into Bate and Roddy tags in O’Reilly. The PK gets 2. Roddy back in and O’Reilly accidentally hits him and bate tags in, and the lariat/Dragon suplex combo on O’Reilly gets 2 as Roddy makes the save. It breaks down and O’Reilly lays in kicks and strikes to Bate. The brainbuster get 2 for a great near fall. Roddy is back in and the high/low connects as Seven makes the save. Roddy accidentally takes out O’Reilly, Bate then hits a tope as Seven hits the seven star lariat. The knee strike burning hammer combo connects and MY GOD THE LADS FROM MUSTACHE MOUNTAIN DID IT! Tyler Bate & Trent Seven defeated Champions Roderick Strong & Kyle O’Reilly to become new champions @ 11:50 via pin [****] This was a great and smartly worked tag match, with a hot crowd, great near falls, and the new champions picking up the win to create a great moment. They work together effortlessly, and it’s a blast to watch. I want more from Undisputed Era & BSS going forward.

The 411 on Wrestling Podcast returns to the 411 Podcasting Network for episode 115. On the show, 411’s Larry Csonka & Steve Cook break down the news of the week and then review NXT vs. AEW (5.13.20) & NWA Super Powerrr! The show is approximately 113-minutes long.
* Intro
* News Roundup: 3:51
* NWA Superpower (5.12.20) Review: 41:40
* AEW (5.13.20) Review: 56:55
* NXT (5.13.20) Review: 1:21:25
* The Head to Head Comparison: 1:45:10
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– End scene.
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