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Csonka’s ROH TV Review 12.13.17

Csonka’s ROH TV Review 12.13.17
– TV Title Match: TV Champion Kenny King defeated Caprice Coleman @ 10:05 via pin [**¾]
– Matt Taven defeated Jay Lethal @ 10:11 via pin [**¾]
– Follow all of my reviews at this link.
TV Champion Kenny King vs. Caprice Coleman: The former stalemates set up this match on Coleman’s talk show. Coleman also paid off another former Rebellion stalemate, Shane Taylor, to come to ringside with him. Taylor is also part of Friday’s TV title four-way match. Coleman refuses to shake hands, and we’re underway. They lock up, King looks to work the arm, but Coleman slaps him and escapes. King then hits a shotgun dropkick, and teases the royal flush, but Coleman bails to the floor. Post break, and King lays in chops in the corner. Coleman quickly battles back, posting King and hitting a head scissors. He then dropkicks King into the barricades, joking that he just killed Kenny. Back in and Coleman covers for 2. Coleman then works a camel clutch variation, but King makes the ropes. Coleman lays in strikes, maintaining control and setting King up top. King slips out, avoiding the RANA and sending Coleman to the floor. King now follows with strikes and clotheslines, covering for 2. King follows with a bridging slam, covering for 2. Coleman escapes the royal flush, and follows with rolling northern lights suplexes for a good near fall. Coleman up top, King cuts him off and follows. Coleman knocks him off and hits the sky splitta for 2. King battles back, Coleman runs King into him, and then King takes out Taylor with a dive. Back in he fights off Coleman, hits the spinebuster and royal flush for the win. TV Champion Kenny King defeated Caprice Coleman @ 10:05 via pin [**¾] This was a pretty good match, but there was absolutely no drama in Coleman possibly winning. The post match was solid in helping to built the PPV match.
– Post match, Punishment Martinez arrives and takes out King. Silas Young joins in, and then he brawls with Taylor &Martinez.
– The Addiction arrives and runs down War Machine, and explains that Rowe had been suspended for injuring a fan in their last fight. They demand that War Machine be fired. Hanson arrives and attacks the Addiction. Kaz cuts him off, attacking with a chair. They tape him to the ropes and tease cutting of his beard with a box cutter. Daniels cuts off a small piece and now teases going Reservoir Dogs and cutting off his ear. Security arrives, they get taken out and Hanson runs them off.
– Page & The Young Bucks cut a promo about their Final Battle match with Gordon, Dragon Lee, & Titan.
The Biscoes Talk: The Briscoes arrive, getting a he face reaction, despite being positioned as heels right now. Jay calls Bully & Dreamer cowards, and they want them in the ring. The ruined Bully’s retirement, took out Dreamer in Philly, and destroyed the Team 3D academy. He then calls them bitches. Dreamer & Bully arrive, as does security, trying to keep them separated. ROH COO Joe Koff arrives and tries to keep the peace. Bully begs him to let him fight, and jay mocks them for letting a short old man boss them around. Koff gets in the ring and says that is enough. He makes the matches, and says that the Briscoes keep disrespecting everyone. Koff books the tag match for Final Battle, and it will be vicious, and hardcore. Koff bails and this leads to a huge brawl with security trying to stop them but failing. I don’t want Koff becoming a regular TV character, but he played his role well here and this ended up as a really strong final step to booking the tag match for Final Battle.
Matt Taven vs. Jay Lethal: Marty Scurll is on commentary, the Kingdom are at ringside. They brawl at the bell and take it to the floor. They brawl around ringside, with Lethal hitting a suplex. Back in and Lethal heads up top and hits the double ax handle. The Kingdom distracts Lethal, Taven lays in strikes, but Lethal cuts him off with the hip toss, cartwheel and dropkick. Chops follow as Lethal covers for 2. Taven counters the figure four with a roll up, gets 2 but Lethal then clotheslines him to the floor. Lethal hits a suicide dive. Back in and Taven cuts him of with a springboard kick and takes Lethal to the floor. Post break, Taven is in control, hitting a clothesline for 2. Lethal counters the lionsault with knees. They trade strikes, Lethal follows with chops but Taven cuts him off. Lethal battles back, hitting a sunset flip and Lethal combination. Lethal now locks in the figure four, Taven struggles and makes the ropes. Taven sets Lethal up top, follows but Lethal sends him to the mat and hits the elbow drop, covering for 2. Scurll heads to ringside, and gives Lethal the umbrella. Lethal considers using it, but throws it to the floor. Taven then rolls him up for 2. Matt Taven defeated Jay Lethal @ 10:11 via pin [**¾] This was another pretty good match, although one I wouldn’t have booked, as neither man should have been losing prior to the PPV. It was more about Scurll selling the match on commentary and then trying to get Lethal to go back to his evil roots, which ended up costing Lethal the match and in theory, adding some heat to their PPV match on Friday.
Cody & Castle Contract Signing: Cody is in the ring, wearing a fur coat and Brandi is with him, holding the ROH title. They have some champagne as well. Castle now makes his way to the ring. Ian Riccaboni hosts the signing. Castle, wearing a bedazzled jacket, tells Cody that he looks ridiculous. Cody enjoys some snacks and offers some to Castle before taking them all off the plate. Cody plays too cool for school, saying that he’s the champion (he and Brandi drink). Castle asks what Cody is doing, and says on Friday he’ll break Cody’s heart. He’ll then glue it back together, put it back and break it again when he wins the title. He was excited when he heard Cody was coming to ROH, they both love wrestling and Cody was going to grow the place, but then his skinny, stupid ass came and Castle saw a little boy not worthy of being ROH Champion. Cody is over dressed, over paid, and overrated. Cody signs the contract as does Castle. They go face to face as the crowd chants for Castle. Well, of all of the contract signings I’ve seen, that was one. It wasn’t bad, and the people love Castle, but I can’t imagine anyone watching the segment and feeling inclined to drop $35 on the PPV.
THE FINAL BATTLE CARD (I’ll have a full preview up Friday morning)
* ROH Title match: ROH Champion Cody Rhodes vs. Dalton Castle
* New York City Street Fight: Tommy Dreamer & Bully Ray vs. The Briscoes
* ROH TV Title Match: ROH TV champion Kenny King vs. Punishment Martinez vs. Shane Taylor vs. Silas Young
* ROH Tag Team Title Match: ROH Tag Team Champions The Motor City Machine Guns vs. The Best Friends
* ROH Six Man Tag Team Title Match: ROH Six Man Tag Team Champions The Young Bucks & Adam Page vs. Flip Gordon, Dragon Lee,& Titan
* Jay Lethal vs. Marty Scurll
* The Addiction vs. War Machine
* Matt Taven vs. Will Ospreay
– End Scene.
– Thanks for reading.

“Byyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyye Felicia!”
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