wrestling / TV Reports
Csonka’s ROH TV Review 5.14.20

Csonka’s ROH TV Review 5.14.20
– From All In: Kazuchika Okada defeated Marty Scurll @ 26:05 via pin [***]
– From ROH Center Stage 8.24.19: Marty Scurll defeated Bandido @ 19:10 via pin [****]
– Follow all of my reviews at this link.
– Marty Scurll is featured this week. Marty talks about his arrival in ROH, beating Ospreay for the TV title in his debut and also some of his other favorite moments. He then talks about his time in Bullet Club, being positioned as a junior in NJOW and how he wanted to break out into the heavyweight ranks. This leads to All In and his big match with Okada…
Kazuchika Okada vs. Marty Scurll: The crowd is split as they face off. They lock up and work to the ropes and we get a clean break from Scurll. They work into some grappling, and Scurll gets a cradle for 2. Scurll works some slick grappling escapes and looks for shoulder tackles, but Okada will have none of this. Okada now cuts off a suplex attempt and Scurll lays in chops and uppercuts. Okada cuts him off with a suplex and then Scurll cuts him off and hits the apron superkick and follows with a suicide dive. Scurll lights up Okada with chops on the floor, and back in, Scurll grounds the action until Okada cuts him off with a flapjack. Back to the floor and Okada plants Scurll with a DDT. Back in and Okada hits a senton atomico. Okada grounds things as the crowd rallies for Scurll. Scurll fights and powers out and hits a backstabber. Scurll hits the fake out kick, enziguri, and then a tornado DDT for 2. Okada counters the graduation and follows with elbow strikes and a DDT for 2. Scurll manages a sunset flip for 2, follows with clotheslines, and hits the brainbuster. Okada counters out of a piledriver, and hits the neck breaker for 2. Okada heads up top, Scurll cuts him off, and they trade strikes. Scurll finally cuts him of and hits the superplex. Scurll now goes for several pins, but Okada repeatedly kicks out. Scurll now hits a powerbomb for 2. Okada fights of the graduation, and hits John Wooooooooo! Okada up top and hits the missile dropkick for 2. Okada looks for a tombstone, Scurll fights it off, and hits a DDT. Okada fights back and counters into the tombstone. Scurll blocks rainmaker with the broken fingers spot but Okada hits the dropkick, but Scurll counters the rainmaker into the chicken wing. Okada fights his way out but Scurll gets the chicken wing again. Okada escapes, fucking ref bump and Scurll hits Okada with the umbrella and Scurll hits rainmaker for 2, which the crowd bought. Okada then counters the chicken wing and hits the rainmaker. Scurll dares Okada o bring it, he fires up but Okada hits another rain maker and another. Kazuchika Okada defeated Marty Scurll @ 26:05 via pin [***] This was an overall good match, but the crowd was apathetic a lot of the way, and the work was mostly solid until Scurll picked things up after building to and finally hitting the brainbuster. It then picked up nicely, and that helped it a lot, but I really feel that it went too long for its position on the card and that there was a lot of downtime they could have avoided to make this a smoother and better paced match. It also cut into the main event time. Scurll took Okada’s best and came away looking good.
– Marty then discusses his admiration for Bandido, leading to our final match…
Marty Scurll vs. Bandido: Both guys are over big time. They shake hands and circle, locking up and Marty grounds things. Bandido counters out and they work into a stand off. They play to the crowd and lock up; Marty takes him down and goes for covers. Bandido bridges up and works into an arm drag but Marty cradles him for 2. They work into a series of slick counters, and end in a stand off. Marty shoves him and then slaps him. Bandido fires back, Marty hits a shoulder tackle and pokes Bandido in the eye. They pick up the pace, knee strike and superkick by Bandido follows and Marty then cuts him off with the apron superkick. He celebrates in the crowd, rolls Bandido back in and covers for 1. He grounds the action, targeting the arm and stomps away at it. Uppercuts connect as Marty then chokes him out. Clotheslines and chops follow, and then stomps the knees from the Romero special position. Marty lays in chops, kicks, and Bandido slowly fires back until Marty delivers more chops but eats a superkick and tornillo press. The back breaker and cutter follows, and Bandido scores with the Fosbury flop to the floor. Back in and Bandido hits the senton atomico for 2. He grounds the action, following with kicks and covering for 2. The running back elbow and dropkick connect for 2. The 21-plex is countered, they trade and Marty scores with the half and half suplex. He follows with chops and strikes, uppercuts and then the tornado DDT. Bandido counters the chicken wing, but Marty hits the ghost buster for 2. Bandido fights off black plague, but the superkick and powerbomb follows for 2. The chicken wing is countered into a cradle for 2. They trade clotheslines, snapdragon by Marty but Bandido rebounds up with a lariat. Bandido fires up, they trade chops and Bandido starts lighting him up. Marty then teases a chop and punches him in the face, enziguri by Bandido and they work up top and Marty shove shim off, but Bandido catches the RANA and hits the buckle bomb; the X-knee follows for 2. The 21-plex is countered but Bandido counters back into a standing shooting star press for 2. They work up top and Bandido hits the fall away moonsault slam but Marty gets the chicken wing, Bandido fights and counters into a cradle for 2. Sick lariat by Marty and black plague gets 2. Another follows and Marty finally puts him away. Marty Scurll defeated Bandido @ 19:10 via pin [****] This was a great and competitive match, with the crowd into it and they got the time to deliver the best match on the show so far. The home stretch had some great drama as the Lifeblood vs. Villain Enterprises feud continue to shine on these shows. Book a rematch please.

The 411 on Wrestling Podcast returns to the 411 Podcasting Network for episode 115. On the show, 411’s Larry Csonka & Steve Cook break down the news of the week and then review NXT vs. AEW (5.13.20) & NWA Super Powerrr! The show is approximately 113-minutes long.
* Intro
* News Roundup: 3:51
* NWA Superpower (5.12.20) Review: 41:40
* AEW (5.13.20) Review: 56:55
* NXT (5.13.20) Review: 1:21:25
* The Head to Head Comparison: 1:45:10
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– End Scene.
– Thanks for reading.
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