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Csonka’s WWE Friday Night Smackdown Review 10.11.19

October 11, 2019 | Posted by Larry Csonka
Brock Lesnar WWE Smackdown Image Credit: WWE
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Csonka’s WWE Friday Night Smackdown Review 10.11.19  

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Csonka’s WWE Friday Night Smackdown Review 10.11.19

For The Right to The #1 Draft Pick: Seth Rollins defeated Roman Reigns @ 13:30 via DQ [***]
– King Corbin defeated Shorty Gable @ 9:25 via pin [**½]
– New Day defeated The OC @ 6:20 via pin [**]
Smackdown Women’s Title Match: Bayley defeated Champion Charlotte @ 11:45 via pin [***]

– Follow all of my reviews at this link.

Seth Rollins vs. Roman Reigns: I applaud Seth Rollins for being able to show his face in public following Hell in a Cell, he’s a brave soul. They lock up and Reigns follows with a shoulder tackle. Lock up again and Seth tries to ground things and does. Reigns escapes and they lock up, working to the ropes and Seth cradles him for 2. He dumps Reigns but Reigns cuts off the dive. They work into counters and then go face to face as Seth lays in rights and Reigns fires back. They trade, and Reigns dumps Seth. Post break and Seth has things grounded. Reigns fights to his feet, they fight over a suplex and Seth follows with kicks, misses the blackout and Reigns counters into a powerbomb for 2. Seth counters the superman punch and dumps Reigns. The suicide dive follows, hits another and back in, hits the springboard knee strike. The high fly flow connects for 2. The superkick follows, Reigns counters blackout and they trade and Seth hits the buckle bomb but Reigns rebounds with the superman punch for 2. Reigns sets and Seth counters the spear into a pedigree variation for 2. LUGHTS OUT and the Fiend attacks Seth and drags him under the ring. Seth escapes and the Fiend powders. Seth Rollins defeated Roman Reigns @ 13:30 via DQ [***] So I guess that’s a no contest as there was nothing announced, killing the announced stipulation and unfortunately continuing Seth vs. The Fiend, the match was good though. They later announced Seth won via DQ, which is still shit as it shows a lack of respect for the audience following the HIAC finish.

– We see the war rooms preparing for the draft.

– Commentary announced that Raw is on the clock as Seth apparently won via DQ.

– Stephanie arrives to announce that with the #1 pick, Raw selects Becky Lynch. Roman Reigns is Smackdown. The OC to Raw. The Fiend goes to Smackdown. Drew McIntyre is on Raw.

– We go to the panel with Renee, Booker, Joe, & Beth Phoenix. They discuss the first round picks.

– King Corbin arrives and talks about being King and beating “Shorrty” again. He also runs down the crowd.

King Corbin vs. Shorty Gable: Gable won at HIAC and then got his ass beat. Corbin attacks at the bell and dumps him to the floor. He whips him to the barricade, but Gable battles back and posts him. Back in and Gable starts attacking the knee. Corbin fires back and Gable follows with an arm drag until Corbin follows with the big boot for 2. He follows with strikes, but Gable sends him to the floor and follows with strikes and then gets chokeslammed onto the announce table. Post break and Gable counters deep six into a bulldog. The rolling Liger kicks follow and Corbin powders. Gable follows him out with a dropkick. Back in and Gable hits the moonsault for 2. Chaos theory is countered and Corbin follows with a slam for 2. Gable counters end of days and hits chaos theory for 2. The dead lift German follows, Corbin counters the second and Gable is favoring his back but cradles him for 2; the ankle lock follows and Corbin fights and Gable cradles him again for 2.End of days finishes it. King Corbin defeated Shorty Gable @ 9:25 via pin [**½] This was solid with Corbin getting his win back.

– Randy Orton heads to Raw, Sasha Banks to Smackdown, Ricochet to Raw, Braun Strowman to Smackdown, Lashley to Raw.

– The panel discusses the picks.

– They hype Tyson Fury’s recent involvement.

Paul Talks While Brock Collects a Check: Heyman does his shtick and talks about people having fears. Normal people run, and Brock fears reliving the night he lost to Cain Velasquez. Cain brutalized Brock and took the UFC tile from him. For 9 years Brock has never made an excuse, but now Cain has come into Brock’s world after Brock won the WWE championship. Brock embraces fears and will conquer it. Brock will conquer Cain at Sweet Saudi Money IV. Rey arrives and Cain is with him. Rey says not so fast and shows footage of Cain beating Brock’s ass in UFC. Cain says he will win again and give Brock a matching scar on the other side of his face.

– New Day does a Susan G. Komen segment.

– Kofi lost the title in seconds last week and is just smiling and tossing pancakes like everything is fine.

New Day vs. The OC: The OC attacks and runs wild on Woods to begin. Post break and Woods fights back and tags in Kofi. Styles joins him as Kofi runs wild on Styles. The boom drop connects, and trouble in paradise is cut off, but Kofi hits the high cross for 2. It breaks down, Woods hits a tope con hello onto he Good Brothers, and Styles looks for the forearm but Kofi counters, and after counters Kofi hits trouble in paradise for the win. New Day defeated The OC @ 6:20 via pin [**] This was ok, but half of it was commercial break and they really didn’t do much otherwise.

– Alexa Bliss to Raw, Lacey Evans to Smackdown, Kevin Owens to Raw, The Revival to Smackdown, and Natalya to Raw.

– The Viking Raiders to Raw, Lucha House Party to Smackdown, Nikki Cross to Raw, Heavy Machinery to Smackdown, The Street Profits to Raw.

Champion Charlotte vs. Bayley: This is a rematch from HIAC. Bayley comes out all smiles with a new short haircut, and then gets serious… and KILLS THE INFLATABLE MEN BY SLASHING THEM TO DEATH. PAMIS FUCKING PISSED OFF. About time. Bayley attacks at the bell with strikes and they brawl. Charlotte cuts her off with a neck breaker and then whips her to he barricade. Bayley fires back and slams Charlotte to the floor. Post break and Bayley has control. She chokes out Charlotte in the ropes, and then covers for 2. Bayley then works her over in the corner, but Charlotte counters the stunner in the ropes. She follows with a plancha, and back in, follows with chops. The overhead suplex follows, and then attacks the knee. Bayley to the apron, and gets kicked to the floor. Charlotte follows and sorta hits the moonsault off of the barricade. Back in and Charlotte covers for 2. Bayley cuts her off and hits Bayley to belly for 2. Charlotte cuts her off and heads up top. He moonsault is blocked but Charlotte locks on the crab, but Bayley counters out and covers with the ropes for2. Bayley follows with ground and pound, a Saito suplex and running knee strike. She heads up top and the elbow drop follows for 2. Bayley is pissed at the ref, Charlotte hits natural selection but Bayley counters into a cradle and wins back the title. Bayley defeated Champion Charlotte @ 11:45 via pin [***] The title win feels like a way to sell the new, fully heel Bayley, which really should have been done weeks ago. The Charlotte title win at HIAC feels like it was done only to add another run to her record, and really means nothing now. It was booking title changes for the sake of title changes when the Bayley character changes needed to be done weeks ago. The match was good, but I wasn’t a fan of the booking.

– Bayley says screw all of you bitches and celebrates.

* Roman Reigns
* The Fiend
* Sasha Banks
* Braun Strowman
* Lacey Evans
* The Revival
* Lucha House Party
* heavy Machinery

* Becky Lynch
* The OC
* Drew McIntyre
* Randy Orton
* Ricochet
* Lashley
* Alexa Bliss
* Kevin Owens
* Natalya
* The Viking Raiders
* Nikki Cross
* The Street Profits

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The 411 on Wrestling Podcast returns to the 411 Podcasting Network for episode 58. On the show, the good brother, Jeremy Lambert, joins 411’s Larry Csonka as the guys will review week two of the AEW vs. NXT Wednesday night war and then preview ROH Glory by Honor & NJPW King of Pro Wrestling. The show is approximately 122-minutes long.

* Intro
* AEW Dynamite Review (10.09.19): 8:15
* NXT TV Review (10.09.19): 47:00
* The Comparisons/Winner: 1:14:25
* ROH Glory by Honor 2019 Preview: 1:25:05
* NJPW King of Pro Wrestling 2019 Preview: 1:34:10

You can subscribe and listen to the 411 on Wrestling Podcast via the above player on Transistor, or on the following platforms:

* iTunes
* Spotify
* Stitcher
* Google Play

– End scene.

– Thanks for reading.

The final score: review Average
The 411
This week’s episode of WWE Smackdown was a solid show, with some good wrestling but some odd storytelling choices. It’s hard to really evaluate the draft picks until things shake out on Monday, but the show was fine overall.