wrestling / TV Reports
Csonka’s WWE Main Event Review 11.02.18

Csonka’s WWE Main Event Review 11.02.18
– Titus O’Neil defeated Mojo Rawley @ 5:00 via pin [*½]
– The B Team defeated Rhyno and Heath Slater @ 6:00 via pin [**]
– Main Event reviews are here for the millions of people that are dancing in the streets for hot and sexy WWE E-Show action!
– Follow all of my reviews at this link.
– I did a column, “Where Are They Now, The Cruiserweight Classic Finals Performers” which you can check out at this link.
– You can check out my top 36 matches of SEPTEMBER list at this link.
– You can watch WWE Main Event on Hulu.
Titus O’Neil vs. Mojo Rawley: They lock up and work to the ropes. They break, and O’Neil attacks with strikes as Mojo powders. Mojo back in and O’Neil cuts him off and lays in rights, He follows with chops until Mojo gets in a cheap shot and then lays the boots to him. Mojo chokes him out, lays in more boots and then knee strikes. The clothesline follows for 2. Mojo grounds the action, and keeps going for pins. Back to grounding things, O’Neil fights to his feet and escapes. O’Neil follows with a clothesline, hits the corner splash but runs into a clothesline and Mojo dumps him. Mojo follows, rolls him back in and runs into clash of the Titus and that’s that. Titus O’Neil defeated Mojo Rawley @ 5:00 via pin [*½] This was rough, slow, and filled with uninteresting offense. Mojo has been sent to die on main Event after his three or so weeks of glory on Raw.
– Back to Raw for Brock Smash. JIP as Brock Lesnar now arrives. Corbin hypes Brock’s arrival and Heyman quickly takes over to hype Brock. Heyman says these are historic times because Brock will win back the Universal title. Heyman says that Brock will beat Strowman on Friday, and that’s a spoiler. The Super Bowl, Stanley Cup, World Series, all history-making moments, and on Friday, you will see history unfold before your eyes. Braun arrives and says on Friday, he’ll become the champion, because Brock will get these hands. Corbin tries to keep the peace, and Braun kicks his ass. Brock poses with the championship as Braun hits multiple powerslams on Corbin. Brock F5s Braun and stands tall. Well, that was an ok opening, but very predictable. Cash that check Brock. You can read my Raw Review here.
– Back to Raw for Rollins & Ambrose. JIP as Rollins wants to know why. Dean’s music hits, but no Dean. He appears in the crowd, and Rollins says he is mocking the Shield and wants his answers face to face. Rollins says at least when he stabbed him in the back; he looked at him face-to-face and explained why. Dean stays in the crowd, gets you sold out chants, and says nothing. Rollins calls him a cold-hearted bastard, because Roman left to battle leukemia, Dean spit on the Shield and made it all about him. Rollins plans to make his life a living hell. He then calls him a soulless lunatic. Rollins teases going after him but Dean bails. I thought Seth was really good here, and I was fine with Dean refusing to speak and getting some heat. I’m not a big fan of them using Reigns so much in the feud. You can read my Raw Review here.
The B Team vs. Rhyno and Heath Slater: Slater and Axel to begin. They lock up and work to the ropes, and break as Axel dances. They lock up again, Slater breaks and he dances; Axel is impressed. Axel hits a shoulder tackle but runs into a hip toss. Axel grounds things and Slater fights back, but he runs into a hip toss. Dallas tags in and Slater powders. Back in and Rhyno is in and working over Dallas. He grounds things, and then tags Slater back in. he keeps control and gets a cover for 2. Rhyno tags back in and hits strikes and a clothesline. More rights by Rhyno connect, he then misses a charge and we get wholesale changes to Slater and Axel. Axel runs wild, and hits the perfect plex for 2 as Rhyno makes the save. They look for double teams, Dallas breaks it up and Axel rolls up Slater for the win. The B Team defeated Rhyno and Heath Slater @ 6:00 via pin [**] This was an ok house show style match, nothing to see here.
– Back to Raw for The Brothers of Destruction Closing Raw. JIP as Taker says on Friday, they will take the souls of DX for the first and last time to hell. It will be low, agonizing, and painful; so WWE Super Show-Down then? It will be the end of DX’s error. Kane calls out DX to the ring, right now. DX arrives. HHH is out by himself, and then goes to “look for HBK.” Kane looks to attack and HBK superkicks Taker. HBK bails from Kane, and Taker sits up and looks scary. DX acts afraid. You can read my Raw Review here.
– End scene.
– Thanks for reading.

“Byyyyyyyyyyyyyye Felicia.”
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