wrestling / TV Reports
Csonka’s WWE Main Event Review 5.15.20

Csonka’s WWE Main Event Review 5.15.20
– Jinder Mahal defeated Denzel Dejournette @ 6:20 via pin [**]
– Bianca Belair defeated Ruby Riott @ 10:50 via pin [***]
– Follow all of my reviews at this link.
– Tom Phillips & MVP are on commentary.
Jinder Mahal vs. Denzel Dejournette: They lockup and Mahal makes the ropes. Dejournette grounds him with slams, Mahal fights to the ropes and follows with strikes. Dejournette counters back, misses the dropkick and Mahal hits a superkick for 1. Mahal grounds things, chokes him out in the ropes and follows with knee drops. He whips Dejournette to the buckles, and ground the action. Dejournette fires back, eats aback elbow and Mahal follows with kicks and then grounds things again. Mahal whips hi to the buckles and delivers knee drops. The DDT follows for 2. He follows with strikes, and again grounds things. Dejournette counters into a belly to back suplex, follows with strikes and a tackle. The corner splash connects but Mahal cuts him off. The Khallas finishes it. Jinder Mahal defeated Denzel Dejournette @ 6:20 via pin [**] This was an ok extended squash, but very boring. Mahal won as expected, and while Dejournette has a great athletic background, he’s very rough and uneven right now in the ring and needs more reps.
– We get highlights of the most unique MITB matches ever.
– To Raw for Becky Lynch’s big announcement. You can read my full Raw review at this link.
– Back to Raw for highlights of Drew vs. Andrade. You can read my full Raw review at this link.
Bianca Belair vs. Ruby Riott: Ruby attacks at the bell, but Bianca quickly overpowers her and grounds things. Ruby fires back, but Bianca keeps her grounded. Bianca maintains control, they work to the ropes and Ruby delivers strikes until Bianca hits a tackle. The dropkick connects and she works over Ruby in the corner. The hanging choke follows and Bianca then stomps her down, covering for 2. Bianca keeps things grounded, Ruby attacks the arm and dumps Bianca. Post break and Ruby has things grounded. She runs Bianca to the corner shoulder first, and keeps attacking the arm. Ruby follows with strikes, back to the arm and then follows with kicks. Bianca fights back, but is cut off with kicks as Ruby covers for 2. Ruby heads up top and misses the double stomp, spear by Bianca and she can’t follow up. Bianca follows with kicks, dumps Ruby and attacks on the floor. Back in and the chicken wing slam and standing moonsault follows. She hits another for 2. Ruby cuts her off, follows with kicks and the flatliner for 2. Ruby grounds her, attacking the arm and Bianca powers out as Ruby hits an STO for 2. Ruby heads up top, but Bianca cuts her off and the KOD finishes it. Bianca Belair defeated Ruby Riott @ 10:50 via pin [***] We all know Bianca has a ton of upside, and it sucks to see Ruby eating another loss, but Ruby has a ton of experience so her working with Bianca I smart, They had a good and competitive match.
– We close by going back to Raw for highlights of the Edge & Orton segment. You can read my full Raw review at this link.

The 411 on Wrestling Podcast returns to the 411 Podcasting Network for episode 115. On the show, 411’s Larry Csonka & Steve Cook break down the news of the week and then review NXT vs. AEW (5.13.20) & NWA Super Powerrr! The show is approximately 113-minutes long.
* Intro
* News Roundup: 3:51
* NWA Superpower (5.12.20) Review: 41:40
* AEW (5.13.20) Review: 56:55
* NXT (5.13.20) Review: 1:21:25
* The Head to Head Comparison: 1:45:10
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– End scene.
– Thanks for reading.
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