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Csonka’s WWE Raw Review 05.21.18

May 21, 2018 | Posted by Larry Csonka
Ronda Rousey WWE Raw 52118 Stephanie Rousey Jax Image Credit: WWE
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Csonka’s WWE Raw Review 05.21.18  

Csonka’s WWE Raw Review 05.21.18

– Roman Reigns defeated Kevin Owens @ 13:10 via DQ [**¾]
– Roman Reigns & Seth Rollins defeated Jinder Mahal & Kevin Owens @ 13:25 via pin [***¼]
– Ember Moon defeated Alexa Bliss @ 8:40 via pin [**]
– Baron Corbin defeated No Way Jose @ 4:10 via pin []
– The B Team defeated The Fashion Police @ 1:40 via pin [NR]
– Dolph Ziggler defeated Chad Gable @ 4:40 via pin [**¼]
MITB Qualifier: Natalya defeated Dana Brooke, Liv Morgan, & Sarah Logan @ 4:28 via submission []
– Elias defeated Bobby Roode @ 8:25 via pin [**½]
– Braun Strowman defeated Finn Balor @ 10:35 via pin [***]

– Follow all of my reviews at this link.

– Tonight…

Kurt Angle Talks: Angle posted on Twitter that he had some big announcements. He hypes the Rousey & Jax contract signing. Also, we get a 4-way women’s MITB qualifier. Stephanie McMahon returns and claims all is forgiven with Angle from Mania. Stephanie claims Angle has done a good job but that she can make him even better. She’s here to oversee the Rousey & Jax contract signing. Angle sheepishly agrees with him and kisses ass. Stephanie says he needs to stop giving Roman Reigns chances and Reigns arrives. Reigns says if she has something to say, say it to him. Stephanie doesn’t understand his hostility, and says if his Samoan temper keeps getting to him he may have to find another line of work. Reigns tells her to watch her tone or he’ll destroy all of her favorite stars. Stephanie says she does what’s best for business, and deals in money the fans can’t even imagine. Reigns brings up Lesnar and Stephanie says she’s taken his concerns to Vince, but Reigns tells her to cut the corporate crap because they don’t want him near the Universal title or MITB. Stephanie tells him to take it up with Jinder Mahal and Reigns says he already did. Kevin Owens arrives and says he should thank Reigns because with Jinder out he got into MITB and him winning MITB is best for business. Kevin says that he actually likes Reigns. He says the fans should chant “thank you Roman,” but they don’t. Kevin says Stephanie is right and doesn’t play favorites. He’s proof of that as she helped sign him when he had issues with Shane & Vince. Stephanie tells Kevin to never touch her again. She books Reigns vs. Owens next. This was your usual opening segment, the promo work was fine, but I’m so tired of the latest top star vs. authority angle.

Roman Reigns vs. Kevin Owens: JIP as Kevin tries to stay away from Reigns. Kevin works a headlock, Reigns escapes and turns Kevin inside out with a shoulder tackle. Kevin powders. Back in and Reigns lays in strikes and Kevin fires back, but Reigns just keeps firing back. Mounted corner strikes follow, and then a big right drops Kevin. Reigns follows with head butts, and then sends Kevin to the floor. Reigns follows and continues his assault. Kevin keeps away, but Reigns misses the drive by and eats a superkick. Post break, and Reigns cuts off Kevin as he heads up top. Reigns follows him up, Kevin fights him off and Reigns quickly fights back, takes him down and follows with clotheslines. Kevin cuts him off with a DDT for 2. Reigns fights off the pop up powerbomb and hits a Samoan drop for 2. Reigns now looks for a Superman punch, but Kevin counters into a roll up for 2. Superkick by Kevin, but the cannonball is cut off by the superman punch for 2. Reigns charges but Kevin powders to the floor. Reigns follows and spears him on the floor. Jinder Mahal attacks for the DQ Roman Reigns defeated Kevin Owens @ 13:10 via DQ [**¾] This was pretty good as both tend to work well together, but without a clean finish, it felt lacking, even if Mahal’s arrival made sense.

– Post match, Owens & Mahal beat down reigns until babyface ace Seth Rollins makes the save.

Roman Reigns & Seth Rollins vs. Jinder Mahal & Kevin Owens: JIP as we got Teddy Long’d and Rollins is laying in chops on Mahal. The dropkick and plancha follows. Back in and Reigns tags in, and they double-team Mahal. Reigns lays in rights, but Mahal cuts him off and tags in Kevin. He works over Reigns as the heels then work quick tags and isolates Reigns. Mahal grounds the action, and the heels keep control as Kevin tags in and keeps things grounded. Reigns hits a desperation clothesline and dumps Mahal. Mahal pulls Rollins to the floor, stopping the tag as Kevin hits a cannonball for 2. Post break, and Kevin tags in as the heels continue to dominate Reigns. Kevin takes some time to mock Rollins as he works over Reigns. Kevin lays in crossface strikes as he grounds Reigns and covers for 2. Reigns starts to fire up, and takes down Kevin with a running kick. Wholesale changes to Rollins & Mahal, and Rollins runs wild, hitting a sling blade and dumping Mahal. He takes out Kevin and follows with suicide dives to both. The blockbuster follows for 2 on Mahal. Singh distracts Rollins, allowing Mahal to hit a gut buster on Rollins for 2. Rollins fights off the Khallas as Kevin tags in and hits a gut buster and Vader like elbow drop for 2. It breaks down as Reigns takes out Mahal. Rollins counters the pop up powerbomb and hits a superkick. The black out finishes it. Roman Reigns & Seth Rollins defeated Jinder Mahal & Kevin Owens @ 13:25 via pin [***¼] This was a good and fun tag match, with a good heat segment on Reigns and a great closing stretch by Rollins and Owens.

– Post match, Mahal attacks Reigns & Rollins with chair shots and lays them out.

– We revisit the odd interview with Lashley from a few weeks back, setting up tonight’s segment with his sisters.

– Reigns vs. Mahal is set for MITB.

Sami Zayn Interviews Lashley’s Sisters: Sami says he’s here to expose Lashley and his lies. He has invited his lovely and honest sisters here tonight and brings them out. They are three dudes dressed as women.

This is already off to a horrific start. Sami has the sisters bury Lashley for being mean to them. Sami sympathizes with them. The “sisters” claim that their parents hated Lashley and sent him off to reform school. Sami claims that this proves Lashley was a menace to society. Lashley arrives and laughs this off while making fun of “his sisters.” Lashley thanks Sami for doing this and Sami threatens to attack him and lay him out, and then says Lashley’s family thinks Lashley is garbage. “The Lashley sisters” and Sami attack, but Lashley fights them off and beats the “sisters” down and dumps them to the floor to absolutely no reaction. This was an all time bad segment, and as I have been saying, they wasted no time in making Lashley just a guy, and a completely dead act in no time.

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– Alexa Bliss is interviewed prior to her match with Ember Moon. Bliss says Moon only beat her when she debuted because she had the element of surprise. She promises to win tonight.

Ember Moon vs. Alexa Bliss: Mickie James is out with Bliss. Bliss takes control right away, but Moon gets pissed and cuts her off with a running cross body for 2. Bliss powders, Moon follows and that allows Mickie to distract her and Bliss to attack. Back in and Bliss attacks the arm of Moon, which she attacked on the floor when she slammed her to he barricade. Post break, and Bliss maintains control, covering for 2. Bliss keeps attacking the arm, but Moon manages to hit a side slam to fight out. The dropkick follows, Mickie sneaks in and the ref catches her and tosses her to he back. Moon takes her out, and Bliss rolls her up for 2. Bliss back to the arm, but Moon hits a knee strike and hits the eclipse for the win. Ember Moon defeated Alexa Bliss @ 8:40 via pin [**] This was ok, but had too many shenanigans for such a short match. The good news was that Ember picked up another big win.

– Finn Balor & Braun Strowman meet with Stephanie, who has taken over Kurt’s office. They want a rematch with Ziggler & McIntyre. Stephanie stirs the pot and makes Balor vs. Strowman for tonight. Strowman crushes an apple in his hand and says he likes competition. I’m fairly certain Finn shit his pants.

Baron Corbin vs. No Way Jose: Jose attacks with strikes and sends Corbin o the floor. The plancha follows. Corbin quickly cuts him off and rolls him back in. Corbin then posts Jose and covers for 2. Corbin grounds things, working that lazy half nelson deal that Mahal likes to use. Jose fights to his feet and posts Corbin. He lays in elbows and strikes, and the lariat follows. Jose hits a flatliner for 2. The roll up gets 2. Corbin then hits deep six and end of days finishes it. Baron Corbin defeated No Way Jose @ 4:10 via pin [*½] This felt flat, lazy, and lifeless.

– Gable meets with Angle who talks about giving up his office. Ziggler & McIntyre arrive and make fun of Angle. This leads to Gable looking to man up, but Ziggler runs him down. That leads to Angle booking Gable vs. Ziggler.

The B Team (Curtis Axel & Bo Dallas) vs. The Fashion Police: This is a rematch from last week; Dallas & Axel won. Breeze and Axel to begin, Breeze looks to take control and Axel bails to the floor. Dallas tags in; Breeze maintains control and tags in Fandango. The B team cuts off Fandango and hits a double team neck breaker for the win. The B Team defeated The Fashion Police @ 1:40 via pin [NR] The B Team goes 2-0 and their celebration lasted longer than the actual match. They are goody fun, but I am not sure if this will last or if WWE just gets bored with them again. Vince has already forgotten the AP were called up.

Nia & Ronda’s Contract Signing: Stephanie McMahon, creator of all things women, is here to preside over things. Stephanie congratulates Nia on her run as champion and praises her for challenging Rousey. Rousey asks Stephanie he her arm is doing, so Stephanie immediately stirs the pot about Rousey leap frogging the entire division to get a title shot. Stephanie then says Nia is looking to make a name for herself and plans to use her size and power to her advantage. Stephanie says if Rousey loses, she’ll tuck tail and run because she hates losing. Stephanie then turns things around, questioning if Nia is lazy and why she took so long to get to the top. Stephanie is cutting the promos for both, they seemingly have no confidence in Rousey or Jax to speak. Jax cuts her off and says Rousey can’t get the arm bar on her and says she’s not lazy. Jax will make a name for herself by beating Rousey. Jax signs the contract and so does Rousey. Rousey moves the table aside and offers a handshake. They shake and Rousey says she will take her title, and her arm, at MITB. Stephanie did most of the talking (which was for the best), but it was solid enough to set up the match. Stephanie was actually really good and her evil grin in the background was great.

Dolph Ziggler vs. Chad Gable: JIP as they work into some grappling and the Gable hits an arm drag. Ziggler makes the ropes and they break. Gable grounds things again and covers for 2. Ziggler fires back with strikes and a dropkick for 2. He grounds the action and takes control. The elbow drop follows for 2. Ziggler keeps things grounded, Gable fights to his feet and takes Ziggler down and cradles for 2. Ziggler takes out the knee and hits a neck breaker. Gable cuts him off and gets a prawn hold for 2. The German follows and Gable gets 2 again. Ziggler cuts him off and hits the superkick for the win. Dolph Ziggler defeated Chad Gable @ 4:40 via pin [**¼] This was ok for the short time given, Ziggler & McIntyre continue to roll. I wish we could have scrapped the Lashley segment and given these guys that time.

– Post match, Ziggler & McIntyre lay out Gable.

MITB Qualifier: Natalya vs. Dana Brooke vs. Liv Morgan vs. Sarah Logan: The Riott Squad makes a unified entrance. They all brawl to begin. Morgan and Logan take early control, with Morgan picking up an early near fall. Logan works over Dana, but Natalya cuts her off with a suplex. She cuts off Morgan and hits a basement dropkick for 2. Logan takes her down as Dana makes the save. Morgan knocks her to the floor and she and Logan then lay the boots to Natalya. They beat her down, working double teams and yelling a lot. Dana cuts off Morgan and takes her down on the floor. Natalya makes her comeback and takes out Ruby. Logan hits the running kick for 2. Logan posts Dana; Natalya hits the rolling lariat and sharpshooter for the win. Natalya defeated Dana Brooke, Liv Morgan, & Sarah Logan @ 4:28 via submission [*½] This was lethargic, disjointed, and sloppy at times. Not good at all. Also, Natalya was the least interesting choice to win here.

– Natalya cuts a promo, talking about her friend, Ronda Rousey.

– Elias takes credit for the record WWE stock price. He plays a tune, and says it’s great to feel loved, and then buries Albany. Roode arrives.

Bobby Roode vs. Elias: Elias attacks before the bell and beats Rood down. The bell rings and here we go. Roode attacks and lays the boots to Elias. He follows with rights and chops, the clothesline follows and he dumps Elias. Post break, Elias is back in control. The knee drop follows for 2. Elias then hits a suplex for 2 again. Elias grounds the action, working a cobra cutch. Roode battles to his feet, but Elias maintains the hold. Rood again fights to his feet, escapes and lays in chops. He fires up and takes control back, hits the spinebuster for 2. The crowd actually starts to get into this, Roode calls for the DDT, but Elias counters out and gets the bulldog sit down cradle for 2. Roode hits the neck breaker, and heads up top. Elias cuts him off by crotching him. Drift away finishes it. Elias defeated Bobby Roode @ 8:25 via pin [**½] This was a solid match, with Elias picking up a much-needed win. With Roode already in MITB, he could take the loss here and not lose much, even if it’s not ideal.

– BRAUN arrives and tackles Elias and wipes him out. Poor Elias.

– Seth Rollins faces Jinder Mahal next week, and we also get a last chance women’s MITB gauntlet qualifier.

Braun Strowman vs. Finn Balor: Balor attacks and then uses his sped to avoid Braun. Braun quickly cuts him off and lays in head butts. He follows with clubbing strikes and starts talking shit to Balor as he beats him down. Balor hits the basement dropkicks, but Braun cuts him off and covers for 2. Braun then punts Balor to the floor. Braun follows and tosses Balor back in. Braun lays in some body shots, and yells at Balor to fight back. Braun asks if Balor is pretty when he smiles and then just keeps clubbing away at him. Balor cuts off a charge, and hits an enziguri. He follows with chops and gets cut off with a head butt. Braun then hits a big boot for 2. Balor low bridges him to the floor but Braun cuts him off, slamming him to the apron. Back in and more clubbering by Braun. Braun continues with the banter and drops Balor with a big right. Braun chases him to the floor and Balor cuts him off with a sling blade. Balor now follows with John Woooooooooo on the floor and sends him over the barricade. Braun is back up but Balor fires back with an enziguri. The double stomp off of the apron follows, and Balor then hits another off of the barricade. We get a countout tease on Braun, but he beats the count. Balor gets cut off with a shoulder tackle and then charges, Balor side steps and Braun posts himself. Balor hits the dropkick and heads up top. Braun cuts him off and the powerslam follows. Braun drops the straps and hits another for the win. Braun Strowman defeated Finn Balor @ 10:35 via pin [***] This was a good and fun main event, that worked to he strengths of both guys. Braun got to play monster, Balor was the resilient babyface, and even got to cut off Braun where others have failed. This was a lot of fun, and I think that if you’re going to have Braun work 10 plus minute Raw matches, working with guys like Balor & Owens is the right call.

– Post match, Braun picks up Balor and stands him up in a sign of respect. I assume its respect because he didn’t kill him.

– End scene.

– Thanks for reading.

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The final score: review Not So Good
The 411
Tonight’s episode of WWE Raw was not a very good show overall. It started off well with a solid opening segment and some good wrestling. But the Lashley sisters segment quickly stopped that, and from there largely dropped into a mix of bad, ok, and mediocre; the second hour was actively bad overall. The main event was good, and they announced matches for next week that made sense, but it was another wildly inconsistent show.

article topics :

RAW, Tremendous Tirades, WWE, Larry Csonka