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CZW Greetings From Asbury Park Results 2.23.18: Matt Tremont vs. Ricky Shane Page in Headliner

– CZW made its promotional debut in Asbury Park, New Jersey for last night’s Greetings From Asbury Park event. The show was held at the House of Independents. Below are some results from the card, courtesy of Bill Bodkin and PWInsider.
Match #1: CZW Dojo Wars Showcase – Jimmy Lloyd vs. El Cheapo vs. Connor Braxton vs. Jordan Oliver vs. Ellis Taylor vs. Frankie Pickard vs. Griffin McCoy vs. Charlie Tiger.
This started out as a quick train wreck multi-man match but it was quickly interrupted by Storm of Entrails (Shlak & Dan O’Hare) who destroyed everyone. This lead to Konnor Klaxton coming out with a handle of Fireball whiskey acting drunk and challenging Storm of Entrails to a tag team match with his partner, Mitch Vallen.
Konnor Klaxton and Mitch Vallen vs. Storm of Entrails
Midway through the match Klaxton bailed on Vallen, who got the snot knocked out of him by the much bigger Shlak and O’Hare.
Winners: Storm of Entrails
Match #2: Alex Reynolds vs. John Silver
This was a battle of The Beaver Boys, a former tag team in CZW. This was a really entertaining match between two guys who are really, really good in the ring, and I think need to be featured in higher profile shows throughout the world — they’re both that good. These two took it all over the building with Silver launching Reynolds into the brick wall of the venue. The strikes between these two were intense. F.E.A.R. (Joe Gacy’s faction) came out and distracted Silver, and this allowed Reynolds to hit his finisher — a dominator into a codebreaker.
Winner: Alex Reynolds
Match #3: F.E.A.R. (Joe Gacy, Dan Barry, Eddy Blackwater) vs. House of Gangone (Anthony Gangone, Juba, and Smiley)
This match was an impromptu match (sorta) match that happened after Reynolds/Silver. Again, if not for referencing Twitter I would not know who anyone in this match outside of Gacy and Barry were. This was another train wreck with everyone just hitting spot after spot after spot. At times entertaining, at times a mess. Dan Barry and Joe Gacy were the aces in the match, Juba is the size of a tank and he was impressive as hell.
Winner: House of Gangone when Anthony Gangone pinned Blackwater.
Match #4: Dojo Wars Medal of Valor Title – Mike Del (C) vs. Kit Osborne
Solid match between two young and up-and-comers in CZW.
Winner: Kit Osborne – new Medal of Valor champion
Match #5: CZW Tag Team Champions – The Rep (Dave McCall and Nate Carter) (C) w/Maven Bentley vs. Private Party (Marq Qen and Isaiah Kassidy)
This was classic big dudes doing strong style power moves vs. smaller guys doing flips and kicks. This was another mix of impressive spots, and messy spots.
Winners: The Rep
Match #6: Penelope Ford’s Open Challenge
Joey Janela’s tag partner issued an open challenge and out came Leyla Hirsch to answer the challenge. Again, we had no clue who she was (had to find it on Twitter). This was one of the best matches of the night. Ford and Hirsch knocked the hell out of each other and the crowd was super into it. The match ended pretty abruptly and it could’ve easily gone about another 10 minutes. Really impressive match.
Winner: Penelope Ford
Match #7: G-Raver and Stockade vs. Brandon Kirk and ???
Kirk’s mystery partner was DJ Hyde who wrestled in a suit. This match had a number of big high impact spots, and it’s obvious they’re grooming Kirk for a big push. Highlight of the match was G-Raver diving off the balcony onto everyone.
Winners: Kirk and Hyde
Match #8: Jonathan Gresham vs. Desmond Xavier
Match of the night. This was all about Gresham trying to neutralize Xavier’s high flying ability — and it was pretty effective. Both men really brought their A-game and the crowd was super into it. The story’s big moment was when Xavier tried to hit a handspring cutter, but crumpled to the mat because of the injury to his arm. This was a small moment, but it was highly effective and logical. Xavier did hit a couple big top rope moves, and man to see them live is really, really impressive. Gresham is really good.
Winner: Desmond Xavier
Main Event: CZW Championship – Ricky Shane Page (C) vs. Matt Tremont
This exactly what you thought it would be — a bloody brawl around the building. They knocked each other around pretty good, and they introduced thumbtacks and barbed wire into the match. Of course lead to a number of sick bumps into the tacks. RSP ends up retaining.
Winner: Ricky Shane Page
Post-Match: Brandon Kirk challenges RSP for the title. Tremont gets in his face and says he’s still the man around here and if Kirk wants RSP — he’s gotta face Tremont Fire in the Tangled Web (of barbed wire) at the next show in Voorhees.
CZW then announced they’ll back in Asbury in May.
Overall: This was a solid show highlighted by three strong match (Reynolds/Silver, Ford/Hirsch, Xaiver/Gresham).
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