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Dijak Recalls Brief Online Feud With Kenny Omega, Being Protective Of NXT

June 30, 2024 | Posted by Jeremy Thomas
Dominik Dijakovic nxt Image Credit: WWE

Dijak had an online back and forth with Kenny Omega back in 2019 over shots made toward NXT, and he recently looked back on the matter. The newly-turned free agent got into it with Omega on Twitter over the the latter’s digs toward the NXT brand, though he noted in a tweet earlier this year the two don’t have any issues with each other. Dijak spoke about the whole matter during his interview with Fightful’s Sean Ross Sapp and you can see highlights below:

On standing up for NXT at the time: “People have this funny idea in their head that I hate AEW and that I was this WWE shill, which is not the case. I was very protective of NXT when I was part of it, which ironically is most of AEW at this point. Black & Gold just shifted over brands to AEW. If people were talking shit about NXT, I would give it right back because I’m always going to feel that way about myself and the people I’m surrounded with and associated with. If you look at the AEW roster, I’ve wrestled probably 80% of them between Ring of Honor and NXT Black & Gold. That’s most of the roster. All these people are my friends. At no point was I against the idea (of AEW).”

On Omega: “I clarified this in a tweet. Kenny and I, as far as I know, we have no animosity towards one another. When that happen, he made the initial statement. I don’t know if it was a work or a shoot. It doesn’t bother me either way. I heard the interview or saw the transcription, and he was taking shots at a roster that I was part of. So, I took shots back because that’s what I’ll always do. I don’t care if Vince McMahon took a shot at me. I would tweet at Vince McMahon. If someone comes at me, I’m always going to defend myself and it will always be lighthearted. I have the utmost respect for Kenny and everyone else in AEW. I have never said otherwise. He’s one of the best wrestlers in the world and I respect him, Cody, and everyone who created AEW. I will never change my viewpoint. I will also never back down from an altercation.”