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Former ROH Pure Champion John Walters Announces Return To Wrestling

November 2, 2020 | Posted by Joseph Lee
John Walters RJ Brewer

In a post on his Facebook, former ROH Pure champion John Walters (aka RJ Brewer from Lucha Libra USA) announced that he would be making his return to professional wrestling.

He wrote: “After much soul searching I have decided to attempt a full time return to the wrestling ring. Physically I feel great, have never been in better shape and life isn’t stopping for anybody. I have a few opportunities coming up and will return to national television shortly. Stay tuned for details. Thanks to all for the support over the last 20 years. I have wrestled in front of ten fans and in front of ten thousand. I gave it all my all no matter who was there and I have a bit more to give. Your messages and encouragement have always meant more than I could express.

article topics :

John Walters, RJ Brewer, Joseph Lee