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Fuego Del Sol Out Of Action With a Foot Injury

Fuego Del Sol has suffered an injury and will be out of action for at least a little over a month. The AEW star posted to Twitter on Thursday to note that he suffered an injury to his foot during a match on Sunday and will be out of action for five to six weeks, assuming he has no ligament damage.
Fuego took to social media to reveal that he suffered a foot injury during a match on Sunday. He was able to finish the match, but his foot was swollen by the time he got to the back. An X-Ray showed a small fracture at the bottom of his big toe. He will get another scan to see if there is ligament damage. Should there be ligament damage, he will be out for up to three months.
Del Sol wrote:
“Okay… so last Sunday while in Sacramento a freak accident happened after I hit a drop kick where another guy fell on top of my right foot. Initially I thought it was broken, as I got up I felt sharp pain shoot up my foot and realized it was incredibly painful to put any weight on the toe of my foot. After assessing the situation I changed some things around and managed to finish the match and when I got to the back the it had already swollen up pretty bad.
After flying home and then managing to drive two hours home (somehow), I got it x-rayed and found out I actually dislocated it but somewhere in finishing the match I unknowingly popped it back in. There is a small fracture at the bottom of my big toe but they said I’m lucky it wasn’t worse. Not in the clear yet though because now I must get a cat scan on my foot tomorrow to determine if there is any ligament damage, if there is no damage I’m looking at a 5 to 6 week recovery, but if there is damage then it could be up to three months. I’m devastated that I cannot fully fulfill my AEW obligations or obligations to Rugged Pro in Omaha this weekend, and to VIP Wrestling on 3/10 however I plan to still appear at both shows in some capacity. Needing good vibes sent my way so I don’t have to miss out on any more of my obligations. I’m a workhorse and am very good at compartmentalizing and working around this small injury. I’ll still be in the gym as well as doing seminars, posting content, and streaming consistently. A boot and some crutches won’t slow me down or dampen my positivity. I’ll keep you all updated on my scan results. (Keep your opinions on my un-pedicured feet to yourselves –)”
On behalf of 411, our best wishes to Del Sol on a quick and full recovery.
Unfortunately I suffered a foot injury last Sunday… details below. Please send some positive vibes my way! pic.twitter.com/bhRyfJ5nuI
— Fuego Del Sol (@FuegoDelSol) February 24, 2023
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