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Hall’s AEW Collision Review 8.17.24

August 18, 2024 | Posted by Thomas Hall
Jack Perry Image Credit: AEW
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Hall’s AEW Collision Review 8.17.24  

Date: August 17, 2024
Location: Esports Arena Arlington, Arlington, Texas
Commentators: Nigel McGuinness, Tony Schiavone

We are just over a week away from All In and there is a good chance that we are going to see something new added to the show this week. One of the featured matches will see FTR vs. the Acclaimed for a Tag Team Title shot against the Young Bucks, which could have quite the fireworks. Let’s get to it.

Britt Baker vs. Harley Cameron

Cameron works on the wristlock to start but Baker takes her down without much trouble. Back up and Cameron sends her to the apron and starts in on the leg, including a 619 to the knee for something a bit more unique. A Russian legsweep gets two on Baker, whose comeback is quickly cut off. Cameron’s enziguri staggers Baker but she comes back with a superkick and a Sling Blade, setting up a curb stomp for the fast pin at 5:25.

Rating: C+. This was a fine way to go as the match didn’t take up too much time and didn’t need to. Baker gets a win as she is eight days away from one of the biggest matches of her career and beats the friend of someone who is facing her opponent at All In next week. It was simple and to the point, which is just fine in this case.

Post match here are Mercedes Mone and Kamille for the staredown so Baker whips out the kendo stick. Kamille takes it away without much trouble and breaks it in half. Baker is laid out with a sitout Dominator and Mone poses over her.

All In is coming to Arlington next year.

We look at Dustin Rhodes winning the Ring Of Honor Six Man Tag Team Titles with the Von Erichs, but now he wants the Tag Team Titles with Sammy Guevara, because they’re all from Texas.

Ring Of Honor Tag Team Titles: Sammy Guevara/Dustin Rhodes vs. Kingdom

The Kingdom is defending. Rhodes and Bennett start things off with Rhodes chopping away in the corner. A superkick cuts that off in a hurry but Guevara comes in with a high crossbody to drop the villains. The dive takes them out on the floor again and we get a double tranquilo pose back inside. Bennett takes Guevara down on the floor for some choking though and we take a break.

Back with Guevara still in trouble but Rhodes offers a distraction, allowing Guevara to grab a much needed super Spanish Fly. Rhodes gets the tag and cleans house, including the snap powerslams. Shattered Dreams hits Taven in the corner and Cross Rhodes gets two with Bennett making the save. Bennett busts Guevara’s spine and here is Beast Mortos for a distraction, allowing Rodrick Strong to come in with a Sick Kick to Rhodes.

The Von Erichs run in for the save but here is the Cage of Agony, followed by the Conglomeration, to brawl everyone to the back. Taven rolls Rhodes up for two so it’s time for Hail Mary, which Guevara breaks up with a super cutter to Taven. The Final Reckoning into a Swanton finishes Bennett for the titles at 10:37.

Rating: B-. This was more about all of the insanity going on and the big moment but it wound up being a pretty decent match. The fans seemed to like it, though seeing Rhodes get his big nostalgia title win just a few weeks ago takes away a bit of the impact. The Texas love fest hasn’t exactly had me thrilled, but I’m not the audience that it seems to be focused on anyway.

A bunch of people offer their picks for Bryan Danielson vs. Swerve Strickland. Having Nigel McGuinness cost Danielson his career could be incredible.

Chris Jericho says hi and s ready to face Tommy Billington in Cardiff, Wales next week on Dynamite. Billington didn’t have the training in the Hart Dungeon, so he’s going to be Dynamite done.

Hologram vs. Angelico

Serpentico is here with Angelico. Hologram starts working on the wrist to start and anklescissors his way out of trouble. A standoff lets Angelico dance a bit so Hologram sends him outside for a heck of a dive as we take a break. Back with Hologram diving between the ropes to avoid some charges, setting up a springboard hurricanrana to send Angelico flying. Hologram has to bail out of a 450 though, allowing Angelico to get two off la majistral. A hurricanrana gives Hologram two and they trade rollups for two each, followed by Hologram’s cradle for the pin at 8:05.

Rating: B. More fun from Hologram here, who is turning into a showcase. It also helps that he wasn’t on a team with a bigger name or coming after another high flier on the same show. It’s still working for him, but it is probably time to move him into either a feud or at least some bigger competition. Rather entertaining stuff here though, which is the entire point.

Video on the tiger driver 91 and of course Excalibur is right there to tell us about how devastating it is. I get what they’re going for with it, but maybe it would be more devastating if it, like, put someone out?

Jack Perry vs. Danny Orion

Non-title. The bell rings and Perry takes off his jacket before unloading in the corner. A rebound lariat and a running knee finishes Orion at 1:15.

Post match Perry whips out a body bag and spray paints Orion’s face white, ala Darby Allin. Orion is put in the bag…with the TNT Title. Perry pulls out a new version of the TNT Title, which is all black. Well it’s Perry so it must be interesting.

We look at the Patriarchy attacking the House Of Black and the Bang Bang Gang.

The House Of Black and the Bang Bang Gang both want the Trios Titles back.

Christopher Daniels makes a four way titles match (Patriarchy, House Of Black, Bang Bang Gang and a wild card team), say it with me, in a ladder match, for All In.

Claudio Castagnoli vs. Lio Rush

Rush rolls away from him to start but eventually gets pulled into a gutwrench suplex. That’s broken up as well and Rush grabs a jumping Stunner, which seems to annoy Castagnoli more than anything else. Castagnoli uppercuts him out of the air and bends Rush’s back over his knee, setting up a chinlock as we take a break.

Back with Castagnoli missing a charge into the corner and getting sent out to the apron for a flipping kick to the head. Rush’s suicide dive is pulled out of the air but Rush is fine enough to grab a quick hurricanrana. Back up and Castagnoli LAUNCHES HIM over the barricade for a crash, followed by a running uppercut for two back inside. Rush strikes away and hits the spinning kick to the head, only to charge into Swiss Death for the pin at 8:49.

Rating: B-. Oh dang this was looking fun and could have been a lot more if they had more time. They only got about five minutes on the full screen and that isn’t enough from these two, at least based on what we got. Power vs. speed works every time and it felt like they were on the verge of doing some good stuff before they had to wrap it up so quickly.

Stokely Hathaway and Kris Statlander know that Tomohiro Ishii is tough and crazy, but so is Statlander. The winning team gets to pick the stipulation for Statlander vs. Willow Nightingale at All Out. Hathaway knowing pain is coming is great.

Eddie Kingston, still recovering from his knee injury, says he isn’t seeing the Bryan Danielson that he knows so well. This Danielson is going to lose, because he doesn’t have the fire. Bryan needs to figure that out, because going in to lose isn’t a good way to go out.

Mariah May vs. Londyn Dior

Storm Zero finishes in 37 seconds.

Post match Toni Storm pops up with a video called My Final Gift. She talks about how a sad clown should come to see her and promises that the River Thames will run red with May’s blood at All In. May looks shaken up but hits Dior in the head with the shoe to blow off some steam.

Max Caster does a musicless rap about how the Acclaimed is going to beat FTR.

FTR vs. Acclaimed

For the Tag Team Title shot at All In and Billy Gunn is here with the Acclaimed. Bowens takes Harwood into the corner to start and it’s an early clean break. Back up and a running shoulder sends Bowens into the corner, followed by a small package to give Harwood two. Wheeler comes in to headlock Caster, who is right back with one of his own to even things up a bit.

That’s broken up and it’s back to Bowens, who rolls Caster up for two. Everything breaks down and the Acclaimed backdrop FTR outside for some needed head shaking. Back in and Caster has to fight out of the corner before being sent back outside for a clothesline as we take a break. We come back with Harwood missing a charge into the corner, allowing Bowens to come back in and pick up the case.

The jumping Fameasser is blocked and Wheeler comes back in, only to get rolled up for two. Wheeler knocks Bowens to the floor but there’s no Harwood (wrong corner anyway) so Caster knocks him down, only to look a bit confused as well (weird segment there). Things settle back down to a suplex/high crossbody combination for two on Wheeler. A sunset flip gets two on Caster and Wheeler powerslams Bowens for a roll out to the floor. The Steiner Bulldog gets two on Caster as we take another break.

Back again with Bowens belly to back suplexing Harwood for a double knockdown. Wheeler comes back in to clean house, including a running European uppercut to Caster. The fans chant FIGHT FOREVER, which makes me remember that the video game was a thing. Wheeler’s rollup gets two on Caster and it’s back to Harwood, who gets beaten up by Bowens. Caster and Harwood drop each other again and it’s Bowens going after Harwood’s knee to take over.

The Sharpshooter goes on Bowens and then another goes on Caster, with Bowens making a save for two. Harwood puts Bowens on top as we get the five minute call. Bowens gets crotched and it’s the PowerPlex (more like a PowerDDT) for a delayed two. Harwood and Bowens slug it out from their knees but the Shatter Machine is broken up.

Instead the Acclaimed hit the Shatter Machine on Harwood for two with Wheeler…well possibly making a save. Everyone is down again and the fans are WAY into this. The double slugout from their knees and Caster is sent outside, leaving Bowens to get caught in the Shatter Machine. Caster makes the save from the apron as we have a minute left. Harwood and Caster slug it out and collide with Harwood falling on top for two as time expires at 30:00.

Rating: B. This took its time to get going and while the draw felt like a fairly obvious outcome (one way or another), that’s not a bad thing. The story they’ve been telling was setting up a three way title match and that’s what we’re likely getting, with some rather good action on the way there. Solid match here, thankfully without the Young Bucks interfering and dragging things down.

The brawl stays on after the match and Tony Schiavone announces that it’s a three way title match at All In. Well, yeah.


Britt Baker b. Harley Cameron – Curb stomp
Dustin Rhodes/Sammy Guevara b. Kingdom – Swanton to Bennett
Hologram b. Angelico – Cradle
Jack Perry b. Danny Orion – Running knee
Claudio Castagnoli b. Lio Rush – Swiss Death
Mariah May b. Londyn Dior – Storm Zero
FTR vs. The Acclaimed went to a time limit draw



Head over to my website at kbwrestlingreviews.com with thousands of reviews from around the world and throughout wrestling history.

The final score: review Very Good
The 411
The action was rather good throughout, they set up some things for the two upcoming pay per views and had a title change. This was one of the better done editions of Collision in a good while and shows how much better it is when the show is given some extra attention. Moving some of the bigger stuff from Dynamite over to here would be a smart move and this was something of a version of that, making it a pretty good week.

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AEW Collision, Thomas Hall