wrestling / TV Reports
Hall’s Evolve Review 3.19.25

Date: March 19, 2025
Location: WWE Performance Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Peter Rosenberg, Robert Stone
The beginnings of this series continue as we are at the third show. In theory last week should be a sign of where we are going, but you never can tell with a new concept. There have already been some stories set up and now we get to see how some of those are paid off. Let’s get to it.
Opening sequence.
Brinley Reece is very excited to be here. She’s into fitness and is very excited.
Masyn Holiday is the valedictorian of Howard University where she was a track star.
Brinley Reece vs. Masyn Holiday
Holiday takes her down by the arm to start but Reece is back up with a takedown of her own. Back up and Holiday takes her down by the head before stomping away in the corner. A backbreaker lets Holiday grab a bodyscissors but Reece is back up with a flipping clothesline. Reece hits a TKO for the pin at 3:37.
Rating: C. This was another short match and that is only going to get them so far. It helps that Reece has been around for a good while now and isn’t an unknown so this was hardly her big introduction. Holiday is the latest on a long list of really athletic people who needs something else to make her stand out.
Post match Reece is very pleased with what she did because that’s a positive mindset.
Tyriek Igwe and Tyson DuPont are in the VIP section. They’re chasing titles and want someone to step up to get beat down.
Jordan Oasis has been wrestling for ten years and was trained by Rikishi. And he has a backpack.
Sam Holloway is a big guy who had to deal with bullying while he grew up. Now he’s going to make everyone learn the hard way because that’s how he got here.
Gallus vs. Jordan Oasis/Sam Holloway
The rather tall Holloway headlocks Joe to start before they strike it out. Mark comes in and gets dropped by Holloway before Oasis comes in (yelling at Holloway on the way) for a headlock of his own. It’s already back to Holloway for a slam before we hit the chinlock. Back up and Oasis sends Mark throat first into the ropes, setting up a Cannonball to the back (that’s a new one).
Mark fights up and makes the tag back to Joe for the house cleaning. The double springboard spinning high crossbody gets two on Oasis with Holloway making the save. Everything breaks down and Mark gets posted but cue Wolfgang (the third member of Gallus) to yell at Holloway. Joe punches Oasis out for the DQ at 5:50.
Rating: C+. This got some more time and it made for a bit of a better showcase, though Gallus has fallen through the floor in WWE over the last few months. They might not be great but they’re good enough for a spot higher than Evolve. Oasis and Holloway got in some offense here, though they didn’t have enough time to really do much.
Post match Oasis has to be held back from going after all of Gallus.
Layla Diggs has self confidence issues but she has quite the athletic background. Now she’s going to prove herself.
Chantel Monroe is a gymnast from Auburn University and cares a lot about fashion.
Chantel Monroe vs. Layla Diggs
Monroe takes her down with a headscissors to start and stomps away. Diggs is back up with a sunset flip for two, allowing her to check her hair. Back up and Diggs hits a powerslam for two but Monroe goes after the leg. Some cartwheel knees to the ribs give Monroe two and the half crab works on the leg some more. That’s broken up as well but Monroe hits her in the leg. A dropkick to the leg has Diggs in more trouble but she goes up for a sunset flip. The leg gives out though and Monroe rolls her up for the pin at 3:27.
Rating: C. Another match designed to showcase a few people but neither of them really stood out for the most part. As was the case earlier in the show, it’s another case of people with athletic backgrounds and nothing that makes them stand out. That’s going to need to change, and having so many such people on the show isn’t helping here.
Haze Jameson played college (shocking I know) volleyball and is the life of the party. She’s a big Dennis Rodman fan….and Kali Armstrong storms the announcers’ desk, demanding a match.
Kali Armstrong vs. Haze Jameson
Armstrong knocks her into the corner to start and hits a not great powerslam. The Kali Connection (a hard shoulder block) finishes Jameson at 49 seconds.
Here is Kylie Rae to talk about what was in the note Wendy Choo gave her last week. Rae doesn’t know Choo and isn’t sure if she wants to, mainly due to fear. There are a lot of talented women in the locker room and she doesn’t have time to focus on the bear or note that Choo gave her, so she throws both of them down. Cue….well Choo’s face on the video screen but Zara Zakher comes out to get Rae out of there instead. Rae was a little more heely there and…I don’t know if that’s a great move.
Drako Knox is from a small town in Georgia and is trying to get out of the same routines that his family have been stuck in for years. This is his lottery ticket out.
Tate Wilder is a cowboy and likes various violent sports. He’s a mixture of Matthew McConaghey and a famous bull rider.
Tyriek Igwe/Tyson DuPont vs. Tate Wilder/Drako Knox
Drako takes DuPont into the corner to start but gets shouldered down for his efforts. Wilder comes in for a dropkick and celebrates with Knox, allowing the tag to Igwe. A face first drop onto the turnbuckle knocks Wilder silly but DuPont running him over knocks him even sillier. A full nelson slam gets two but here are Swipe Right and Zayda Steel (who picks up Wendy Choo’s note to Kylie Rae) to sit in the VIP area. Wilder backflips over Igwe and gets one off an O’Connor roll. Knox comes back in for some forearms but Igwe kicks Knox in the face. The Heartstopper (belly to back suplex/chokeslam combination) finishes Knox at 4:10.
Rating: C+. Wilder and Knox stood out a bit more, mainly because they had something closer to characters that gave them something different. That’s more than a lot of the people on this show can say so maybe there is something for them. Not much to the match, as Igwe and DuPont are bigger stars and mostly dominated, but at least the other two felt more unique.
Oro Mensah is now in the VIP section.
Javier Bernal vs. Luca Crusifino
Crusifino takes him down by the arm to start but Bernal sends him to the apron. That just means a slingshot shoulder but Bernal is back up with a knockdown to the floor. The baseball slide drops Crusifino, who drops him onto the apron. An apron legdrop gets two on Bernal and a kick to the head rocks him again. Bernal is back with a backdrop and a snap half nelson suplex. The tornado DDT gives Bernal two but Crusifino Codebreakers him out of the air. The Case Closed (fisherman’s suplex into a brainbuster onto the knee) finishes for Crusifino at 4:41.
Rating: B-. As has been the case with this show so far, the main event tends to go well, mainly because they have more experience and aren’t out there to establish themselves. Crusifino is a bigger name and Bernal was on his way to getting better before he got hurt. The match was good enough, with Crusifino feeling like the biggest star on the show.
Post match Keanu Carver and Harlem Lewis come out to glare at Crusifino to end the show.
Brinley Reece b. Masyn Holiday – TKO
Gallus b. Sam Holloway/Jordan Oasis via referee stoppage
Chantel Monroe b. Layla Diggs – Rollup
Kali Armstrong b. Haze Jameson – Kali Connection
Tyson DuPont/Tyriek Igwe b. Tate Wilder/Drako Knox – Heartstopper to Knox
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