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Hall’s WWE NXT Great American Bash Review 7.5.22

Date: July 5, 2022
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Wade Barrett, Vic Joseph
It’s another special night this week, as we have the Great American Bash. That means we have a stacked card, including multiple title matches. The main event is Cameron Grimes challenging Bron Breakker for the NXT Title, which should be a heck of a match. NXT does well enough with these shows so let’s get to it.
The opening video is at a cookout, hosted by Fallon Henley, Brooks Jensen and Josh Briggs. Most of the roster is there, with Jensen enjoying the women in the pool and wrestlers making various wrestling related threats.
Tag Team Titles: Cora Jade/Roxanne Perez vs. Toxic Attraction
Jade and Perez are challenging and Jade takes Jayne down early on. A running knee against the ropes gets two on Jayne and it’s off to Perez to forearm Dolin. Back with Perez and Jayne trading pump kicks for a double knockdown, setting up a double tag. Jade takes over on Jayne’s arm and a dropkick gets two.
There’s a double superkick for the same but Mandy Rose pulls the referee out at two, earning a well deserved ejection. A running neckbreaker drops Perez for two but Jade comes in to knock Jayne outside. Pop Rox gives Perez the fast pin on Dolin to give us new champions at 10:35.
Rating: C. They made this fast and to the point, though the ending came out of nowhere and didn’t quite work. It was time to get the titles off of Toxic Attraction, though we have been here before and the title change didn’t stick before. Hopefully they move on now though, as their reign has run its course.
Bron Breakker arrived earlier today and said his shoulder was fine.
Tony D’Angelo yells at Legado del Fantasma, saying that only Elektra Lopez has done well. Next week, they have one more chance. There is an implication that Santos Escobar has been taken out.
Pretty Deadly doesn’t think much of Josh Briggs/Brooks Jensen.
Trick Williams vs. Wes Lee
Carmelo Hayes is here with Williams, complete with some water as Williams is in a boxing robe. Williams takes him down to start but gets sent into the corner, where Williams wants a time out. Back up and they both miss some kicks until Lee dropkicks him into the corner. Back up and Williams spins Lee into a powerslam for two. Lee knocks him outside though, where Williams sprays some of the water on his hands and then sends it over to commentary. The liquid is rubbed into Lee’s eyes to blind him and it’s the Trick Kick for the pin on Lee at 3:45.
Rating: C-. This was a quick match as Lee’s momentum stops in a hurry. It does help that Williams won via chicanery though and that should keep Lee from getting too destroyed. Williams continues to be more about the hype than anything in the ring but giving him a win here or there isn’t a bad thing. Just have a better match next time.
Post match, commentary says that smells like rubbing alcohol.
Tiffany Stratton is getting her makeup done but Wendy Choo comes in to throw powder into her face. Apparently this is the start of a match, which begins during a break.
Tiffany Stratton vs. Wendy Choo
We’re joined in progress with Stratton raking Choo’s hand over the rope. She even rips off Choo’s nail but Choo fights back in a hurry. Choo has to shake her hand back to live but she is fine enough to knock Stratton down and grabs a sleeper. With that broken up, Choo hits a suplex for two and a high crossbody connects, only to hurt the hand. Stratton is right back and knocks her into the corner for the corkscrew Vader Bomb and the pin at 4:38 shown.
Rating: C+. Choo’s gimmick is a nightmare but she is pretty good once you get to the point. That being said, Stratton is looking more and more like the complete package every single week and this was no exception. If she can get into a more serious story, she could be on her way to a much higher level in a hurry.
Roxanne Perez and Cora Jade are happy and Perez isn’t done: she’s cashing in her title shot next week against Mandy Rose.
Bron Breakker is warming up when Cameron Grimes comes in to say he’ll do whatever it takes to win the title. Breakker insists the shoulder is fine.
Here is Apollo Crews for a chat. He talks about how his kids saw what he was doing on Raw and Smackdown and they didn’t recognize him. Then they just stopped watching, but they have been watching every week since he has been back in NXT. Now he’s back though and it’s true that everything has changed.
He’ll be watching everyone around here and lists off some names, but here is Giovanni Vinci to interrupt. His name wasn’t on the list and that isn’t a surprise because Crews knows what happens if they face off. Vinci knows that he can match him in athleticism and beat him in style, so Crews invites him to come in and prove it. Vinci says we can do this next week. At least WWE seems to have realized that the Nigerian royalty deal was going nowhere.
Ivy Nile is ready to find out which Diamond Mine team is better. Hold on though as Nile has to go break up an argument between a bunch of the women. As a result, Tatum Paxley needs to be in the gym tomorrow morning.
Grayson Waller is ready to win the North American Title.
Carmelo Hayes is ready for Waller.
JD McDonagh is still coming.
North American Title: Carmelo Hayes vs. Grayson Waller
Hayes is defending and has Trick Williams. Feeling out process to start with Hayes grabbing a rollup with tights for two. They hit right hands at the same time before Hayes drops him with a clothesline. The Fade Away connects but Waller is right back with an electric chair belly to back for a knockdown.
Back from a break with Hayes still in trouble and getting pulled into a triangle choke. That’s broken up and a headscissors faceplant gives Hayes two. Waller gets knocked into the corner and it’s time for another slugout. A running dropkick takes out Hayes’ knee and a running flipping Unprettier (almost a reverse Blockbuster) gives Waller two. The rolling Stunner connects but Hayes rolls outside. That means Waller needs to load it up again, only to have Williams cut him off. Cue Wes Lee to take out Williams, leaving Hayes to hit the top rope ax kick to retain the title at 11:43.
Rating: B-. This was one of those matches that got a chance to breathe and let the talented wrestlers do their thing. Waller can have a good enough match when he gets the chance and Hayes is as smooth of a star as NXT has. Lee getting involved ties into the earlier match in a good way so well done all around here.
We see a QR code and are told to SCAN HERE. Apparently it brings up a screen that says “8:10:11”.
Xyon Quinn says he is the future.
Ivy Nile fires up Diamond Mine.
Mandy Rose isn’t worried about Toxic Attraction losing earlier today because they can correct things. Nor is she worried about Cora Jade next week.
We go to Chase University where Bodie Hayward is falling asleep in a history lecture. Thea Hail won’t stop sleeping and is way too happy to be here. A guy named Chad tells Andre Chase that the Declaration of Independence was signed on July 2 and Chase goes into a rant (“WHO THE F*** DID JOHN ADAMS EVER BEAT???”). With Chad gone, Hail wants to go to England, which is cool with Chase. There are your next NXT UK guest starts.
Tag Team Titles: Damon Kemp/Roderick Strong vs. Creed Brothers
The Brothers are defending in an all Diamond Mine showcase. Brutus runs Strong over to start and it’s quickly off to Julius to grapple with Kemp. That’s fine with Julius, who takes Kemp into the corner and hands him off to Brutus for a fireman’s carry slam into said corner. Kemp tries to get out but Strong sends him back in, allowing Julius to send him outside. Brutus goes up top for a cannonball to the floor and the crash sends us to a break.
Back with Strong kneeing away at Julius but Brutus comes back in to clean house. Strong runs over and slaps Julius on the apron. The distraction lets Strong hit the jumping knees to the face and he hands it off to Kemp for a slingshot spear. Brutus fights out and hands it back to Julius to clean house again. Julius powerslams both of them down and hits the sliding lariat to Kemp to retain the titles at 12:12.
Rating: C. I get the story they’re going for here, but I don’t know if Diamond Mine is interesting enough to pull it off. The Brothers are a good team and Kemp has barely wrestled as part of the team so far. Strong as the delusional leader getting shoved further and further away is only somewhat interesting and this match didn’t help things.
Post match Diamond Mine poses, though Roderick Strong isn’t pleased.
We hear from someone who seems to be a math genius who has used his match skills to learn to fight. His name is Axiom and while we don’t see his face, he sounded a bit like A-Kid from NXT UK.
Video on Cameron Grimes vs. Bron Breakker.
Mr. Stone and company aren’t happy with Von Wagner being off the show but Solo Sikoa comes in to say he doesn’t want to hear it. A match seems likely for next week.
NXT Title: Cameron Grimes vs. Bron Breakker
Breakker is defending and, after the Big Match Intros, grabs a headlock. That’s broken up and Grimes goes for the arm, earning himself a trip into the corner as we take an early break. Back with Breakker hitting a suplex but getting sent to the floor for a dive from Grimes. They get back inside with Grimes hitting a kick to the arm and cranking back on it to make things worse.
Breakker fights up and hits some clotheslines but Grimes nails a superkick. There’s the running flipping crossbody for two but Breakker catches him on top for the Frankensteiner. The spear misses so Grimes pulls him into something close to an Octopus. That doesn’t work so Breakker is sent into the corner, setting up the Cave In for a near fall. Grimes heads up, only to dive into a spear to retain the title at 12:36.
Rating: B. This was a match that was well laid out and they got the story right. Stuff like Breakker’s arm giving out and him not being able to follow up made the match that much better. I’m not sure what is next for Grimes but it might be time to turn him heel for the sake of having nothing else for him to do. Either that or call him up, though I don’t want to imagine him as the distant cousin of Hillbilly Jim, Jesse and Festus.
Post match Grimes goes to celebrate but JD McDonagh shows up to jump him, calling himself the necessary evil.
Cora Jade/Roxanne Perez b. Toxic Attraction – Pop Rox to Dolin
Trick Williams b. Wes Lee – Trick Kick
Tiffany Stratton b. Wendy Choo – Twisting Vader Bomb
Carmelo Hayes b. Grayson Waller – Top rope ax kick
Creed Brothers b. Roderick Strong/Damon Kemp – Sliding lariat to Kemp
Bron Breakker b. Cameron Grimes – Spear
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