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Hall’s WWE NXT Review 3.4.25

March 4, 2025 | Posted by Thomas Hall
WWE NXT Shawn Spears 3-4-25 Image Credit: WWE
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Hall’s WWE NXT Review 3.4.25  

Date: March 4, 2025
Location: Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Corey Graves, Vic Joseph, Booker T.

We’re a week away from Roadblock and that means things should be getting interesting in the near future. The other big deal is the TNA stars showing up in a better way than the first time around and we could be in for some nice guest stars. This show is likely going to be built around getting ready for Roadblock though so let’s get to it.

Opening recap.

Sol Ruca/Zaria vs. Piper Niven/Chelsea Green

Ruca knocks green down and it’s quickly off to Zaria to chose Niven. Back up and Niven takes her down, much to Green’s approval. Green comes in to pull Ruca down by the hair but Niven misses an elbow. Zaria comes back in with a high/low and everything breaks down, with Niven hitting a dive off the apron as we take a break.

Back with Ruca enziguring her way out of trouble but Niven cuts off the tag attempt. Ruca gets in a high crossbody and brings Zaria back in, with a spear getting two on Green. A Codebreaker/backsplash combination hits Zaria for two and Green comes up with a bloody nose. Zaria is fine enough to grab Green for a Doomsday moonsault from Ruca and Green is in trouble. Zaria is back up with an F5 to drop Niven onto Green, leaving Ruca to hit the Sol Snatcher for the pin on Green at 10:11.

Rating: C+. This got a bit of time and that’s quite the win for Ruca, though it very well might not lead anywhere for her. I’m not sure I would have the champion lose a fall here in what felt like a mostly unimportant tag match. It was a good enough match though, and Zaria is getting something to do after just kind of being around for awhile.

Earlier today, Cora Jade and Jordynne Grace argued over who would be a better Knockouts Champion. Ava made a match between them for later.

Uriah Connors and Kale Dixon try to give Ava some office supplies but interrupt Trick Williams, who isn’t happy. Williams tells them to go mess with Mr. Chase, with Dixon blaming Williams for Chase U closing. That earns Dixon a ram into the wall.

Kelani Jordan vs. Jaida Parker

Parker powers her into the corner to start but Jordan knocks her down for the standing moonsault. Jordan works on the arm and gets two off la majistral. Back up and a hard clothesline gives Jordan two and she catches a sliding Parker with a stomp to the back. An Asai moonsault hits Parker again but she’s fine enough to hit a backbreaker onto the turnbuckle to drop Jordan hard.

We take a break and come back with Jordan hitting a faceplant out of the ropes for two. Jordan gets the better of a slugout and a standing legdrop gets two more. Parker plants her with a Samoan drop for the same but a super Tear Drop takes too much time. Instead Parker grabs a super Spanish Fly, with Parker rolling outside to crank up the frustration. The Hipnotique hits Jordan on the floor but the second hits the steps. Back in and a 450 misses for Jordan, allowing Parker to hit the Hipnotique for the pin at 12:49.

Rating: B. They had a good match here, even with the extra time. Parker gets another win and continues to feel like she is building towards being something special, perhaps sooner than later. Jordan is in the middle of trying to find out what is next for her and I’m not sure what that is, or really could be. She’s a heck of an athlete, but she needs something beyond that to help define her.

Post match Parker calls out the winner of next week’s title vs. title match.

Tony D’Angelo is with the D’Angelo Family and can’t say what he thinks of Izzi Dame. D’Angelo is ready to show that his family is the real one in NXT.

We go to the Roadblock media event, with Oba Femi talking about how he’s ready for a showdown with Moose. He has to win this match to keep the title in NXT. Femi isn’t worried about the size difference and will walk out still NXT Champion.

Here are the Hardys for a chat in their first appearance in the venue. Jeff talks about what a crazy few weeks it has been before Matt talks about how great this place is for everyone. They saw the fire in Fraxiom’s eyes but here are Hank & Tank to interrupt. They mean no disrespect and are out here to ask for some advice. What do they need to do to get to the next level? Matt likes what he has seen in the team and Jeff says take it to the extreme. Tank thinks that means a TLC match but the Hardys say it’s about being willing to take risks and bet on yourselves.

Cue Josh Briggs and Yoshiki Inamura to say they don’t like Hank & Tank, who hit dives to take it to the extreme. The four of them brawl off and Fraxiom is behind the Hardys, with Matt saying HE KNEW THEY WOULD COME. The Hardys want them to bring their best next week and respect seems to be shown before the title match. Talent aside, Briggs and Inamura, along with Hank & Tank, do absolutely nothing for me. At least Hank & Tank have done a few things around here, while Briggs and Inamura are little more than people who keep talking about how good they are without having to do anything to show it.

Video on Giulia vs. Stephanie Vaquer.

Cora Jade vs. Jordynne Grace

They fight over arm control to start and Grace gets a fireman’s carry ram into the corner. Grace plants her down again and hits some standing clotheslines to keep Jade in trouble. Back up and Jade uses the hair to send Grace hard into the corner for a nasty crash. Jade ties her up in the ropes and we take a break. Back with…the match having been stopped as Jade can’t continue due to an injury at 7:45. I won’t rate it due to the injury but they were getting going when they went to the break.

Jade does walk off and it’s not clear what is wrong.

Video on Shawn Spears vs. Tony D’Angelo.

We get a split screen interview between Ethan Page and Je’Von Evans. Page can’t believe someone as young as Evans tried to give him a pep talk and that is what made him snap. If he could break Evans’ jaw right now, he would take the chance just to shut him up. Evans is used to people trying to hold him down and that isn’t going to happen again here. They argue to wrap this up. Evans needs to win to blow this off and that’s probably what happens.

Trick Williams vs. Kale Dixon

Trick Shot knocks Dixon out at 6 seconds and the referee calls it. That worked.

Post match Eddy Thorpe pops up to say Williams is having trouble understanding that he’s not the man anymore. In two weeks, they’ll fight in NXT Underground.

Roxanne Perez has attacked Jordynne Grace in the back.

Roadblock rundown. The Undertaker will be there too. I’m guessing that’s an LFG promotional move.

Back at the press event, Moose says his match with Oba Femi will be the biggest match of his career for the biggest prize. Moose leaves and Ava makes Roxanne Perez vs. Jordynne Grace at Roadblock. Fatal Influence pops in to demand Fallon Henley get her title rematch and that’s that.

Ricky Saints meets Ridge Holland, who isn’t impressed. Saints says get used to seeing a lot of him. Then Saints runs into Shawn Spears, who says the revolution will be televised when he wins the North American Title tonight.

North American Title: Shawn Spears vs. Tony D’Angelo

D’Angelo is defending and all of their family members are here too. After the Big Match Intros, D’Angelo starts fast and takes him into the corner, where Spears knocks him off the ropes. Back up and D’Angelo hits a superplex and we take an early break. We come back with Spears in control and mocking the Family before working on the bad back. Spears shouts about the Family being done, which wakes D’Angelo up for a grab of the face. A spear gives D’Angelo two but D’Angelo’s back is banged up.

Spears misses a dive off the top but he pulls D’Angelo into a Sharpshooter. That’s broken up and Forget About It gets two, with Izzi Dame helping on the kickout. The Families get in a big fight but Stacks is sent into D’Angelo, who lands back first on a chair on the floor. Back in and the C4 gives Spears two so he loads it up again. D’Angelo slips out and tries the spinebuster but his back gives out and Spears rolls him up for the pin and the title at 12:28.

Rating: B-. This was more about telling a good story than the match and that’s not a bad thing. They got the story absolutely right, as Stacks accidentally bangs up Holland’s back even worse and indirectly costs him the title. Sure it’s a page straight out of how Shawn Michaels won his first Intercontinental Title, but waiting thirty plus years to do a similar finish is more than acceptable.

One more Roadblock rundown takes us out.


Sol Ruca/Zaria b. Chelsea Green/Piper Niven – Sol Snatcher to Green
Jaida Parker b. Kelani Jordan – Hipnotique
Jordynne Grace b. Cora Jade via referee stoppage
Trick Williams b. Kale Dixon via referee stoppage
Shawn Spears b. Tony D’Angelo – Rollup



Head over to my website at kbwrestlingreviews.com with thousands of reviews from around the world and throughout wrestling history.

The final score: review Very Good
The 411
This show was in a tough spot as they had to get ready for next week’s really big show but they managed to put together a good one of their own. The main event and Jordan vs. Parker were both strong in different ways and I want to see what happens next week more than I did coming in. I’m a bit surprised that the mystery group didn’t get involved, but maybe that’s next week. Solid stuff this week, despite being in a difficult situation.

article topics :

WWE NXT, Thomas Hall