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Hall’s WWE Raw Review 9.9.24

September 9, 2024 | Posted by Thomas Hall
Gunther WWE Raw 9-9-24 Image Credit: WWE
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Hall’s WWE Raw Review 9.9.24  

Monday Night Raw
Date: September 9, 2024
Location: Scotiabank Saddledome, Calgary, Albert, Canada
Commentators: Joe Tessitore, Wade Barrett

It’s the season premiere of the show and since we’re in Calgary, Bret Hart is here for a special appearance. We’ve also got the Women’s Tag Team Titles on the line and a four way for the #1 contendership to the Intercontinental Title. Throw in the start of the build to Bad Blood in less than a month and we should be in for a big one. Let’s get to it.

The announcers welcome us to the show and throw us to a video recapping American Made vs. the Wyatt Sicks.

American Made vs. Wyatt Sicks

Street fight. It’s a big brawl to start (as it should be) with Nikki Cross bringing out the weapons. The Creeds try some double teaming but Rowan suplexes both of them down on the floor and runs Gable over. Uncle Howdy (not in the match) sits in the rocking chair as Rowan brings out the first table.

Cross sprays Rowan with the fire extinguisher and the Creeds put him through a table before burying him with a bunch of stuff. Lumis gets chaired down but pops up and hits a belly to back suplex into a jumping legdrop on Gable. Gacy hits the Upside Down to drop the Creeds but Julius kendo sticks him in the back. The women fight over the announcers’ table as the Creeds load up another table.

Rowan comes back from the burial and wrecks the Creeds with a piece of the barricade but Gable takes him down with a shot to the back. Gable German suplexes Rowan into the barricade and the Brutus Ball into a steps shot puts him down again. Gacy dives onto Gable and Lumis flip dives onto the Creeds, followed by a clothesline to drop Gable inside.

Gable is back up with a super Angle Slam to put Gacy through the table for two. Gable grabs the ankle lock and Nile is in with kendo stick shots to Gacy but Cross makes the save. Rowan claw slams Gable onto the steps, with Howdy coming in with a Sister Abigail to Julius. Lumis’ frog splash pins Gable at 16:53.

Rating: B. This was a heck of a fight and a good bit better than I was expecting. I’m still not sure what the Wyatts do next as this should wrap up the feud, but at least they got a big win. That being said, can we please stop seeing Gable lose? It wouldn’t have been the same for one of the Creeds to take the fall, but dang seeing Gable get pinned again was sad.

Tessitore lets us know that from October 7 – the end of the year, the show will only be two hours. Oh that’s a big change.

We look back at Liv Morgan injuring Rhea Ripley’s leg last week and the Terror Twins going after the Judgment Day. Morgan defending the Women’s Title against Ripley is set for Bad Blood.

Here is Finn Balor for a chat. He wants to talk about Damian Priest holding him down while Balor was trying to hold him up. Balor should have been the World Heavyweight Champion a long time ago but Priest was always there with that briefcase. He calls Priest out here right now so here is Priest to say he’s dropping Balor right now. Balor says he wants a match at Bad Blood, one on one, which works for Priest.

Cue Judgment Day to swarm Priest, with Rhea Ripley, on a crutch, limping down the aisle, but cutting Liv Morgan off with a crutch shot. Dominik Mysterio comes after Ripley and gets crutched down instead. Morgan takes out the bad knee and they get inside. Priest covers Ripley and takes the crutch shots from Morgan, only for Dominik to pull him off and unload with crutch shots to the ribs, setting up Balor’s Coup de Grace. Cue Jey Uso for the save with a chair though and the fans approve. The Judgment Day had to get some heat on the Terror Twins and this worked well.

Braun Strowman talks about how he’s ready to win the four way tonight and become #1 contender to get the Intercontinental Title back. Bron Breakker comes in and says he’s ready to prove that you don’t have to be that big to be a monster. Breakker’s confidence is great and it feels earned.

Women’s Tag Team Titles: Unholy Union vs. Bianca Belair/Jade Cargill

Belair and Cargill are defending. Fyre gets taken down by Belair to start and it’s off to Cargill for the double shoulder. Dawn comes in and manages to take Cargill into the corner, where Fyre gets in a shot to the knee. Cargill kicks her away though and it’s back to Belair to clean house.

A double high crossbody takes the challengers out and there’s the handspring moonsault for two on Dawn. Belair’s superplex is blocked and a double powerbomb brings her back down for two. Cargill comes in for the save but Jaded is broken up with a superkick. The Gory Bomb/Downward Spiral hits Belair but Cargill dives in for a save. Belair gets over for the tag and the assisted German suplex to Fyre retains the titles at 6:35.

Rating: C+. That should pretty much do it for this feud as there is no reason for them to fight again. Belair and Cargill beat them cleanly here and that makes it two in a row. I’m not sure what is next for the Union, as there are only so many teams for them to face. That’s been a problem for the division since it started and it’s still the case now.

Dragon Lee and the LWO is ready for Dominik Mysterio. Judgment Day comes in to sneer and the Mysterios get into the usual argument. Rey challenges Finn Balor for tonight and the match is on.

Barrett and Tessitore are here to introduce Bret Hart to a hero’s welcome. After the announcement that Survivor Series is returning to Canada this November, Bret talks about what it meant to be a Canadian champion. It meant that he would fight anyone anywhere anytime for twenty years….and here is Gunther to interrupt (complete with what looked like a bit of a Bret pose on the way in).

Gunther is rather pleased to be here with one of his childhood heroes, but this is kind of a passing the torch moment. While Bret is the best there ever was, Gunther is the best there is and the best there ever will be. With that out of the way, Gunther talks about how everyone here watched Bret growing up and he will always be a close second to his all time favorite: Bill Goldberg. Oh that was HILARIOUS.

Cue Sami Zayn (in a Johnny Gaudreau jersey, paying tribute to an NHL player who was killed last month in an accident) to say that he can’t believe Gunther would make fun o a Canadian hero whose matches are still being studied to this day. Zayn issues the challenge to Gunther again but gets turned down again. As Gunther leaves, Hart calls him a coward so Gunther starts coming back, with Zayn brawling with him before posing with Hart. This was a nice moment and a great use of someone like Hart, but nothing was topping that Goldberg line.

Bron Breakker runs into Pete Dunne and, after teasing the Butch name, he mocks Dunne’s weird look and promises to beat him up if he wins. Breakker leaves and Sheamus runs in to jump Dunne with a knee to the face.

Dominik Mysterio vs. Dragon Lee

The rest of the Judgment Day and the LWO are both here too. Lee takes him down to start and goes up, only to get dropkicked out of the air in a nice spot. We take a break and come back with Dominik stomping away but Lee scores with a slingshot dropkick. A Michinoku Driver gives Dominik two but Lee muscles him up with a powerbomb for the same. Lee plants him for two again but Judgment Day interferes, meaning it’s a big brawl to the back. Liv Morgan uses the distraction to get in a chop block on Lee, setting up the 619. The frog splash finishes Lee at 8:15.

Rating: C+. What in the world happened to Dragon Lee? It felt like he was ready to be the next big thing and now he couldn’t be much more of an afterthought. Maybe it was too much too fast, but dang he has fallen through the floor. For now though, Morgan continues to help Dominik win as they are still a success, but Ripley is on the way and it’s going to be painful.

Damage CTRL come up to Jade Cargill and Bianca Belair, saying not to get used to holding the titles. That’s as good of a set of challenges as they have.

Commentary pays tribute to Johnny Gaudreau, with Jackie Redmond (who works in the NHL so she already has ties to this) looking at the memorial to him outside of the arena. You rarely see this kind of thing from WWE and it was very nice.

Pure Fusion Collective vs. Lyra Valkyria/Zelina Vega/???

It’s a mystery partner and…hang on as Sonya Deville cuts off Valkyria’s music to call out whomever the partner is going to be. It’s Calgary so here is the returning Natalya to even things up. Vega gets sent outside to start and the villains get to pose as we take an early break. Back with Natalya coming in to clean house before trading rollups with Stark for some near falls. Everything breaks down and a triple Sharpshooter ends the Collective at 6:57.

Rating: C. This was nothing more than a way to pop the live crowd and it went well enough. Natalya is only going to be so interesting no matter what she does but she’s been gone long enough that it was nice to see her again. The ending was a great thing to see in Calgary as well so this was a perfectly pleasant match.

Bret Hart congratulates Natalya, Zelina Vega and Lyra Valkyria on the win, saying it was a Nattie moment instead of a Bret moment.

Here is Drew McIntyre to mock the fans’ CM PUNK chants. Last week Punk was bragging about beating him by slapping some corners and saying that was it. McIntyre isn’t done with Punk though because he made Punk a bigger star. Things are going well for McIntyre right now, as he has his first movie coming out later this week, but he has some bad news. It has to do with Wade Barrett, who seems confused.

McIntyre talks about their history together, which involves living together, training together and being arrested together. Barrett has been one of only people to plead his case while Michael Cole lied, but last week Barrett tried to stop McIntyre from hurting Punk. McIntyre isn’t happy but if Barrett does it again, it won’t go well.

Barrett stands up and stares at McIntyre but Adam Pearce interrupts, saying he has something McIntyre will want to hear. Pearce has talked to Punk and he’s going to face McIntyre one more time. At Bad Blood. Inside Hell In A Cell. And this works because it’s a feud that has earned the spot in that kind of match.

Karrion Kross is talking to Miz when Xavier Woods (in Bret Hart cosplay) Comes in to ask what Kross is doing. Kross leaves and Woods asks Miz what’s going on. Miz says he invented that move but Woods wouldn’t understand. With Miz gone, Kofi Kingston comes in and says he’s got them a Tag Team Title shot next week. Woods is pleased and Bret posing ensues.

Finn Balor vs. Rey Mysterio

Balor kicks him down and stomps away to start but Rey is back up rather quickly. Rey manages to send him outside and hits a dive as we take a break. Back with Rey hitting a springboard crossbody and a 619 to the ribs. The regular 619 is cut off and Balor grabs a half crab in the ropes…which he doesn’t break and that’s a DQ at 8:00.

Rating: C+. This picked up a bit after the break but it’s much more of an angle than a match. With Balor getting ready for his big showdown with Priest, he needs to be reheated a bit and this was a fine way to do it. At the same time, Rey continues to be able to look good in the ring, which should not be happening for someone with a mixture of his age and knees.

Post match Balor stays on him and wrecks the knee even more.

Ilja Dragunov is ready to prove himself for another shot at Bron Breakker. Cue Breakker to say he’s beaten Dragunov before but if Dragunov wants, he can do it again. Jey Uso comes in and goes to the ring for his entrance.

Judgment Day says tonight was a message and it’ll be even worse at Bad Blood.

Braun Strowman vs. Jey Uso vs. Ilja Dragunov vs. Pete Dunne

For the next shot against Bron Breakker. Strowman cleans house to start but gets knocked to the floor so Dragunov can hit some running knees on Dunne. Uso is back up to take out Dragunov, leaving Dunne to go after Strowman’s finger. Strowman throws him onto the other two and we take a break.

Back with Strowman shoving all of them away but getting knocked outside again. Strowman grabs for Dunne but Dragunov takes him down down a dive. Everyone gets together and shoves Strowman into the steps, leaving Dunne to X Plex Dragunov. They trade kicks to the head until Dragunov goes up, only to be superkicked out of the air by Uso for two.

We take another break and come back again with Dunne snapping more fingers and going up but Strowman cuts him off. Strowman does the freight train and loads up the announcers’ table but Bronson Reed returns and splashes Strowman through the table instead. Uso and Dragunov stare each other down with Uso hitting a spear but Dunne comes in to steal the near fall. Dragunov kicks Dunne in the face and gives him a powerbomb, setting up the H Bomb for two with Uso making the save with a superkick. The Superfly Splash gives Uso the pin at 13:39.

Rating: B. This was set up well as Uso felt like the most likely winner but Strowman was just enough of a threat to add some drama. Dunne and Dragunov would have felt like a big stretch no matter what they were doing but they both added enough. Reed’s interference made for a great moment and odds are they’ll have another match at Bad Blood. Good stuff here, with the right person winning.

Bron Breakker comes out for the staredown with Jey Uso to end the show.


Wyatt Sicks b. American Made – Top rope splash to Gable
Bianca Belair/Jade Cargill b. Unholy Union – Assisted German suplex to Fyre
Dominik Mysterio b. Dragon Lee
Natalya/Lyra Valkyria/Zelina Vega b. Pure Fusion Collective – Triple Sharpshooters
Rey Mysterio b. Finn Balor via DQ when Balor would not release a half crab
Jey Uso b. Braun Strowman, Ilja Dragunov and Pete Dunne – Superfly Splash to Dunne



Head over to my website at kbwrestlingreviews.com with thousands of reviews from around the world and throughout wrestling history.

The final score: review Very Good
The 411
This show covered a lot of ground with good action, matches being set up for both next week and Bad Blood, and an absolutely amazing moment with Gunther cracking me up. They set up three major matches for Bad Blood (with the IC Title likely coming there too) in the span of three hours, which is a rather efficient way to go. I liked this one a good bit and it flew by, but dang that shift to two hours in a few weeks sounds glorious.

article topics :

RAW, WWE, Thomas Hall