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Hamilton’s wXw We Love Wrestling #54 10.29.2023 Review

November 6, 2023 | Posted by Ian Hamilton
wXw - We Love Wrestling 54 - Dennis Dullnig & Hektor vs. Y2Kutie Image Credit: wXw
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Hamilton’s wXw We Love Wrestling #54 10.29.2023 Review  

Quick Results
Axel Tischer pinned Nick Schreier in 8:23 (***¼)
Akane Fujita pinned Baby Allison in 6:30 (**½)
Danny Fray pinned Gulyas Vilmos in 7:49 (**½)
Hektor Invictus & Dennis Dullnig pinned Jacob Crane & Ava Everett to retain the wXw World Tag Team Championship in 9:39 (***)
Shigehiro Irie pinned Gulyas Jr. in 14:44 (***¼)
Alex Duke pinned LSG in 11:12 (***)
Robert Dreissker, Laurance Roman & Icarus vs. Maggot, Peter Tihanyi & Fast Time Moodo ended in a double count-out in 13:22 (***¼)
No Count-Out, No Disqualification: Maggot, Peter Tihanyi & Fast Time Moodo pinned Icarus, Robert Dreissker & Laurance Roman in 5:33 (***)

— If you’re on Twitter/X/the bird app, give me a follow over on @IanWrestling. I’m also over on BlueSky, Instagram and Threads by that same name, and if you’ve put your chips in on Mastodon, catch me here. One of those has to be the winner, right? And I’ll be hopping around those until they fall off… In the meantime, check out the GoFundMe that’s still open for Larry’s family

— If you want to catch this before it’s uploaded to Peacock/WWE Network, head over to wXwNOW.de

wXw wrapped up their weekend in Saxony, as we’re at the sold-out Hellraiser in Leipzig… a venue that hasn’t made tape much in recent years. Once more, Dave Bradshaw’s on English commentary…

Axel Tischer vs. Nick Schreier
It’s another huge test for Nick Schreier, as the show starts with an all Ostdeutschland clash…

Of course, Schreier’s Academy title isn’t on the line here, as we started with a fake-out from Tischer. A shoulder tackle knocks Schreier down early, before Tischer blocked a hiptoss… only to get met with an armdrag in response. A second armdrag’s thrown away before Schreier found a way through… then again with a swinging tijeras as Tischer found himself in the corner.

Schreier’s wheelbarrow bulldog and a dropkick takes Tischer outside… but once the Axeman made it back inside, he began to rough up Schreier, taking him into the corner ahead of a suplex attempt. A flash roll-up got Schreier a two-count, but Tischer rebounds off the ropes with a lariat for a two-count of his own seconds later.

Tischer snaps Schreier’s fingers from there, before Nick retaliated with a pop-up dropkick coming off the ropes. Schreier slingshots into the ring and hits some shoulder blocks, then a springboard crossbody for a two-count, before a ‘rana eventually took down Tischer for another two-count.

Slipping onto the apron, Tischer’s sent outside for a tope from Schreier, before a diving knee back inside almost put Tischer away. An enziguiri follows, only for Tischer to hit back with an X-Plex, then a death valley driver for a near-fall, before a clothesline off the top landed in the path of a Schreier dropkick.

Tischer is quickly back with a powerbomb out of the corner, before a PK and a Horrible Slam got the win. This was a good opener, with Tischer getting a bigger test than he perhaps expected as Schreier continues to get reps under his belt. ***¼

Post-match, Dan Mallmann tried to get a word with Tischer, who was rather sarcastic in response to Dan’s line of questioning. Even more so when talk turned to Sebastian Hackl, who’s also a commentator for WWE in Germany. Tischer took a dig at Hackl for not being committed as a wrestler, because Tischer was here and Hackl wasn’t since “he was busy being a WWE fan in Berlin.”

Akane Fujita vs. Baby Allison
This was originally scheduled for Bielefeld earlier in the month – but was rescheduled due to Fujita’s injury…

Fujita scores early on with a headlock takedown, but Allison escapes… then bridged up from a snapmare before she got rolled up for an early two-count. A crab walk catches Fujita off guard, but Akane just hits an elbow drop to break the bridge before she charged into Allison in the corner.

An Arabian clutch followed, before Allison escaped a P-soul attempt… then a sit-down splash attempt as things turned around. Fujita’s able to catch Allison with running shoulder tackles in the ropes, leading to another two-count. A Scorpion kick from the apron allowed Allison back in, following up with a missile dropkick and a German suplex for a near-fall.

Allison’s forced to fight out of a Cloverleaf seconds later, as the pair then proceeded to trade strikes. A spear out of nowhere from Allison almost wins it, before the Baby Exorcism forces Fujita to fight back to her feet to escape the hold. Another shoulder tackle has Allison down, before Fujita pulled up Allison for the P-Soul for the win. **½

Danny Fray vs. Gulyas Vilmos
It’s a rare outing on-tape for Fray, who was last seen on Inner Circle…

Fray takes Vilmos into the corner to start as he was roughing up the Hungarian early on… Vilmos returned the favour, following up with a side headlock before shoulder tackles led to Fray getting knocked down. Rolling outside, Fray looked to take a breather, before he posted Vilmos as the Hungarian came out after him.

Back inside, Fray stayed on Vilmos, taking him to the corner as he wrapped the arm around the ropes. An armbar’s next as Fray looked for a submission, but Vilmos fought free, only to get clubbed down as Fray kicks at the arm again. From there, Fray rips off a turnbuckle pad, but Vilmos avoids being thrown into the exposed corner… and came back with a springboard crossbody out of the corner.

Vilmos adds some Dusty punches with his good hand, then some clotheslines before Fray ate a death valley driver for a near-fall. Recovering, Fray’s able to shove Vilmos into the exposed corner, before scoring a Black Hole Slam – dubbed the Frayed Ends of Sanity – for the win. **½

“Last night,” Dennis Dullnig bumped into Jacob Crane and Ava Everett coming out of the toilets. Cash is looking for Hektor, but gets guilt-tripped into putting the titles on the line in their match tonight…

wXw World Tag Team Championship: Y2Kuties (Ava Everett & Jacob Crane) vs. Dennis Dullnig & Hektor Invictus (c)
Dullnig must have packed light for this weekend, because he’s still got the same shirt on from the prior night…

When we got going, Hektor and Crane starts… but Hektor’s throwing the tag role into the crowd because he didn’t Dullnig to tag in. Cash heads up to the stage to get the tag rope so he fix things as a headlock takedown had Crane on the mat.

Shoulder tackles from Hektor keep him ahead as Crane grabbed at Hektor’s beard to neutralise him… taking things to the corner for some forearms and chops before a Hektor dropkick turned things around. Shooter Schultz is our ref, and rather generously judged Hektor jabbing his finger in Dullnig’s forehead a tag… so in comes Cash!

Cash runs wild with clotheslines before he flipped Crane over as an attempt at a Hektor-Knie was stopped when Hektor turned his back. Ava’s distraction nearly works, as she tagged herself into the match, only to get dragged in in a rather unorthodox manner. Hey, if it works, it works. The ref’s telling off Hektor, and misses a low blow from Ava as the challengers put the boots to Dullnig, leading to a neckbreaker from Ava for just a one-count.

Ava struggles to get much more than a one-count out of several pinning attempts, so Crane tags in and begins to throw Dullnig around with suplexes. A bodyslam lands for a two-count, but Cash is able to fight back with a German suplex before tagging Hektor in. Hektor clears house with clotheslines as Ava was arguing with someone in the crowd… a spinebuster follows as Ava breaks up the pin, only to get laid out.

Hektor demands Cash make his mind up… which led to him hitting a Twist of Fate on Ava, before Hektor’s senton bomb took care of Everett. Crane charges into a 3D from there, and that’s enough for the champions to retain – even if they’re still doomed to arguing forever. ***

Gulyas Jr. vs. Shigehiro Irie
We’ve a big test for Gulyas here, and a match that could be particularly hard-hitting…

Opening with a tie-up, neither man can get an advantage… so we get a handshake before Irie was sent into the ropes to try his luck with shoulder tackles. Irie has more luck with a headbutt, before a shoulder tackle off the top rope knocked down the Hungarian, before a slam and a rebound splash landed for a near-fall.

Gulyas’ delayed back body drop chucks away Irie as Gulyas busted out some Dusty punches like his brother did earlier… following up with a diving kick and a back senton to take Irie down for a two-count. An uppercut from Gulyas has Irie on the ropes, while a back elbow took down Shiggy for a two-count…

Some clubbing forearms take Irie down, but Irie’s able to respond with some elbows of his own before a dropkick earned Gulyas a two-count. Irie tries for a Fireman’s carry, but Gulyas elbows free and chopped Irie into the corner. Irie starts to walk through those chops, but Gulyas machine guns them before Irie returned with a Samoan drop.

Shoulder charges keep Gulyas down, before a rare trip up top saw Gulyas thrown onto the apron as Irie steamed through with a crossbody to knock him off the apron. Back in the ring, Gulyas catches Irie on the top rope… but Irie tries to avoid a superplex, clinging to the top rope before he sent Gulyas down with a headbutt.

A big splash to the back of Gulyas follows for a near-fall, before the pair traded suplexes… then clotheslines… and finally elbows. Irie finds a way through, only for a double clothesline to leave both laying, More clotheslines follow in the corners after they’d fought back to their feet, but Gulyas ends up going down first, leaving himself open for a cannonball… but Gulyas moves away and hits one of his own instead.

From there, Gulyas heads up top for a frog splash, but Irie’s up at two and quickly snapped back with a clothesline and a Beast Bomber for a near-fall. A second Beast Bomber lands, and that’s enough to get the win in a match that I’d love to see run back – but with a lot more singles matches under Gulyas’ belt! ***¼

LSG vs. Alex Duke
Our semi-main event got going once LSG had had a go of Duke’s sunglasses…

We got going with wristlocks on Duke as LSG still had the shades on, before Duke stomped on LSG’s foot to free himself… and his glasses. Except LSG retrieves them and ended up getting taken into the corner. Duke gets the glasses back, but earned himself a dropkick as things spilled outside for chops from LSG, before Duke was run into the turnbuckles ad nauseum back inside.

LSG’s shoulder block earns him a two-count, but Duke’s able to hang him up in the ropes as he looked to turn the match around. Duke stays on LSG with a clothesline and a sit-out front suplex for a two-count, before he chopped LSG into the corner. Firing back, LSG hits chops of his own before Duke ran LSG into the buckles ahead of a flying double axehandle off the top rope. It’s good for a two-count as Duke stayed on LSG, taking him to the apron before Duke stomped his way out of a sunset flip attempt.

Duke tries to land some elbow drops, but LSG rolls away before he came back with more of those Dusty punches, then an enziguiri for good measure. A stunner and a Fisherman’s suplex followed for a near-fall, before Duke kicks out of an O’Connor roll and hit back with a brainbuster.

LSG’s out at two after that, returning with a jack-knife cover and a springboard forearm as Duke eventually rolled out of the ring to avoid being pinned. Back inside, Duke charges LSG into the ropes, then hauled up LSG for a Regalplex… and that’s enough to get a surprise win. ***

AMBOSS (Robert Dreissker, Laurance Roman & Icarus) vs. Maggot, Peter Tihanyi & Fast Time Moodo
We start with Dreissker slamming Maggot as AMBOSS looked to wear down the number one contender ahead of the title match in Frankfurt…

Icarus is in to pin Maggot into the corner, while Roman tagged in to hit some shoulder charges before a Thesz press from Maggot, then a diving uppercut turned things around. A kiss on the lips from Maggot sets up for mounted punches in the corner, ending with some biting and a suplex for a two-count.

Moodo tags in, and immediately batters Roman with kicks, chops and elbows ahead of a leg sweep. Kicks and a knee strike almost put Icarus away, before Peter Tihanyi came in for the double-team elbow drop as Icarus then tried to fight back, trading uppercuts before Tihanyi escaped a back suplex… and returned with a dropkick.

A running Meteora gets Tihanyi a near-fall, before things spilled outside when Icarus chucked Tihanyi through the ropes. Of course, Dreissker and Roman got their shots in before throwing Tihanyi back inside. Roman tags in to keep up the offence, as Tihanyi got piled on in the AMBOSS corner for some double-teaming.

Moodo’s protestations earn him that €20 fine that’s been thrown around freely all weekend, which raised to €50 ahead of a big splash from Dreissker that nearly put away Tihanyi. Roman tagged back in when it seemed he would rather have been on the apron, but hits his half of a suplex/neckbreaker combo to pick up a two-count as the crowd continued to get behind Tihanyi.

Dreissker’s in to keep Tihanyi grounded with a chinlock, but Dreissker lets go to clear the apron… allowing Tihanyi to get back up. Tihanyi’s able to hit back with a slingshot cutter from the apron, before Fast Time Moodo tagged in and uncorked a series of kicks to AMBOSS. A spinning heel kick out of the corner drops Roman, ahead of a sliding punch to Icarus, who then had Roman suplexed into him.

Moodo heads up top again for a Coast to Coast to Icarus and Roman, before he ended up getting squashed with a Dreissker springboard crossbody. Maggot tries to intervene, but his spear’s blocked as Tihanyi instead hit an Asai DDT… Roman keeps the Parade of Moves going, before a Moodo head kick and Pedigree looked to have Icarus in deep trouble.

Roman grabs Moodo’s foot to stop a Black Belt Kick, pulling him to the outside before throwing him into a wall as all six men brawled on the floor… leading to the double count-out… ***¼

Of course, this wasn’t how the main event was going to end. AMBOSS prepared to leave, as Fast Time Moodo grabbed the mic and said he didn’t want to draw in his home town, so they restarted this under no count-out, no DQ rules…

No Count-Out, No Disqualification: AMBOSS (Robert Dreissker, Laurance Roman & Icarus) vs. Maggot, Peter Tihanyi & Fast Time Moodo
We’re under tornado rules now, and we get going with AMBOSS being dragged back to ringside, except for Roman, who got slammed and booted by Maggot up there.

We’ve got an impromptu tour of the Hellraiser thanks to AMBOSS, before Tihanyi suplexed Dreissker back inside. Roman and Maggot find their way back to the ring too, but Maggot’s headlock takedown counters a facebuster as Icarus and Moodo returned, with Moodo landing a series of kicks to pull ahead.

Kicks, chops and mounted punches have AMBOSS pinned into the corners, before Icarus took a kick to the leg… Moodo slaps Roman in the ding ding, following up with a Made in Japan for a near-fall as Dreissker broke it up with a chair. Chairshots help Dreissker clear the way, while Icarus came back with… a no entry sign?

Roman’s got a Kendo stick roof or the hell of it as the weaponry’s put to use, before Dreissker’s spear to Tihanyi in the corner saw him run into a chair that’d been put between the ropes. Moodo capitalises with Kendo stick shots to Roman, wearing the cane out before he kicked the no entry sign out of Icarus’ hand. Maggot finds Icarus with the sign instead, before a double stomp, a tornado DDT and a cutter finally put Icarus away. ***

Post-match, AMBOSS attack… before a hapless Dennis Dullnig ran out to make the save, only to trip over himself. Hektor Invictus makes the save for real, before Robert Dreissker tried to bail. Except he’s bullied back into the ring, where Maggot was waiting for him with a spear and a cutter as we closed out the show with Maggot standing over Dreissker, title in hand.

Next up for wXw – at least on tape – is Broken Rules 21 in Frankfurt, with Maggot challenging Robert Dreissker for the wXw Unified World Wrestling Championship. There’ll be no Hubär for anyone outside of Bad Säckingen…

The final score: review Average
The 411
A solid end to the weekender in Saxony kept things ticking along - but perhaps raises way more questions about the relative futures of the men’s champions than you’d have thought.

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wXw, Ian Hamilton