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Hulk Hogan Says Eric Bischoff Faced Difficult Odds While Running WCW

June 24, 2024 | Posted by Joseph Lee
Hulk Hogan Eric Bischoff nwo WCW Image Credit: WCW

In an interview with Sports Illustrated, Hulk Hogan gave his thoughts on the docuseries Who Killed WCW and noted that he hopes it is fair to Eric Bischoff. Hogan noted that Bischoff faced difficult odds while he was running the company. Here are highlights:

On who killed WCW: “It’s not the flashiest story, but I can tell you what killed WCW. There was no way WCW was going to survive, not under those circumstances [the AOL/Time Warner merger].”

On Eric Bischoff running WCW: “So many people knock Eric, but there was an opposition he was dealing with from the higher-ups in the company. He just wasn’t going to win that battle. These were executives who had no idea what wrestling was all about, and they had no interest in learning. They wanted more traditional programming. They didn’t want rasslin’ in their high-brow portfolio. They weren’t interested, and nothing else mattered.”

On the docuseries: “I hope it shows the odds Eric was up against. You need to tell that if you’re going to tell the whole story.”

article topics :

Eric Bischoff, Hulk Hogan, Joseph Lee