wrestling / TV Reports
Slimmer’s IMPACT Victory Road 2020 Review
Welcome to 411’s IMPACT Victory Road 2020 Report. We are in beautiful Nashville, Tennessee.
The Rascalz vs. XXXL
Wentz and Romero start the match, and Wentz uses his speed to evade Romero in the opening moments. Wentz goes for a crucifix, but he can’t budge Romero. Wentz hits the ropes and charges at Romero, but Romero levels him with a knee to the gut. Wentz whips Romero to the outside and makes the tag to Dez. Dez dives to the outside but gets taken out by Romero. Romero rolls Dez back into the ring and makes the tag to Larry D. Larry D delivers a stiff forearm to the jaw and then works over Dez in the corner. Larry D hits a Falcon Arrow but only gets a two count. Larry D tags Romero, and Romero follows up with a back suplex for a two count of his own. Romero makes the tag to Larry D, and Larry D stomps on Dez’s back. Larry D grinds his boot into Dez’s neck and follows up with a powerbomb. Dez fights back with a super kick, but Larry D regains control with a clothesline from behind. Dez FINALLY makes the hot tag to Wentz and splashes Larry D in the corner. Wentz hits a standing moonsault, but Romero breaks up the pin. Dez gets the tag but gets sandwiched between Larry D and Romero. Larry D hits a running splash, but Wentz breaks up the pin. Wentz dives onto Romero on the outside but then eats a clothesline from Larry D in the ring. Dez levels Larry D and then heads up top. Dez hits the Final Flash and gets the three count.
Match Result: Dez defeats Larry D with the Final Flash.
Match Length: 9:27
Slimmer’s Rating: **¾
Myers and Dreamer lock up to start, and Myers takes down Dreamer with an arm drag. Dreamer goes for an arm wringer, but Myers counters into another arm drag takedown into an armbar. Myers transitions to a head lock, but Dreamer breaks free and gets back to his feet. Myers slides behind Dreamer and catches him in a rear waist lock, but Dreamer counters into an arm drag takedown into an armbar of his own. Myers breaks the hold and chokes Dreamer over the second rope. Myers works over Dreamer in the corner, but Dreamer creates distance. Dreamer charges at Myers in the corner, but Myers evades, and Dreamer posts himself. Myers stomps on Dreamer’s shoulder and delivers a suplex for a one count. Myers drives his knee into Dreamer’s back and goes to the chin lock. Dreamer hits the ropes, but Myers takes out the legs to send Dreamer right back to the mat. Myers again drives his knee into Dreamer’s back and goes back to the chin lock. Dreamer fights back to his feet and catches Myers with an inside cradle for a two count. Myers once again goes back to the chin lock, but Dreamer fights out and kicks Myers to the outside. Dreamer hits a diving clotheslines off the apron before both men crawl back into the ring. Dreamer hits an elbow shot to the head and catches Myers with a sit-out powerbomb for a two count. Myers hits a DDT, but Dreamer grabs the bottom rope to break the count. Myers charges at Dreamer, but Dreamer catches him with a cutter for another two count. Myers fights back with a kick to the head and gets a two count of his own. Myers heads up top, but Dreamer flips him back down the mat. Dreamer hits the DDT, but this time Myers gets his foot on the bottom rope to break the count. Dreamer heads up top, but Myers knocks the ropes to send Dreamer tumbling back down to the mat. Dreamer struggles back to his feet, but Myers levels Dreamer with a running clothesline and gets the three count.
Match Result: Brian Myers defeats Tommy Dreamer with a running clothesline.
Match Length: 10:55
Slimmer’s Rating: ***
Raju and Mack circle each other to start and lock up in the middle of the ring. Mack muscles Raju to the corner, but the referee calls for the clean break. Raju this the ropes and charges at Mack, but Mack levels Raju with a shoulder block. Mack charges at Raju and hits a hurricanrana. Raju heads to the outside to catch a breather before sliding back into the ring. Raju lands a volley of punches to Mack, but Mack fights back with a stiff forearm shot. Mack ducks a head kick, but Raju sweeps the legs. Raju heads back to the outside, but Mack follows him. Mack works over Raju on the outside and then rolls him back into the ring. Raju lands a volley of kicks and locks in a rear chin lock. Mack fights back to his feet, but Raju whips him to the corner and follows up with a running neck breaker. Raju goes to work with elbow shots to the chest and covers Mack for a two count. Raju locks in a standing armbar, but Mack counters with an inverted atomic drop. Mack hits a back elbow shot and a spinning slam. Mack hits a standing moonsault but only gets a two count. Mack goes for a stunner, but Raju blocks. Raju locks in a crossface and rolls Mack to the middle of the ring. Mack powers out of the crossface but immediately eats a running knee shot. Raju heads up top and dives toward Mack, but Mack evades. Mack hits an exploder suplex but only gets a two count. Mack goes for a splash in the corner, but Raju evades. Mack and Raju slam into each other, and Raju tumbles to the outside. Raju can’t make it back into the ring and gets counted out.
Match Result: Willie Mack defeats Rohit Raju via countout.
Match Length: 11:11
Slimmer’s Rating: **¾
Dashwood and Grace lock up to start, and Grace takes down Dashwood with a side headlock takedown. Dashwood fights back to her feet and counters into a hammer lock. Grace takes Dashwood back down to the mat and catches her in a head scissors. Grace splashes Dashwood in the corner and repeatedly slams Dashwood’s head into the top turnbuckle. Dashwood takes control and slams Grace’s head into the mat, but Grace regains control and hits a neck breaker onto the second rope. Grace tries to suplex Dashwood over the top rope, but Dashwood breaks free and kicks Grace to the floor. Dashwood heads to the outside to continue her assault, but Grace whips Dashwood into the barricade. Grace charges at Dashwood, but Dashwood slides out of the way, and Grace slams into the barricade. Grace slowly crawls back into the ring, but Dashwood follows and lands an elbow shot to the back of neck. Dashwood stretches Grace’s arms, but Grace flips into a pinning predicament, but Dashwood rolls to avoid the three count. Dashwood slams Grace’s head into the top turnbuckle and tries to take her up top, but Grace blocks. Dashwood ties up Grace in the tree of woe and pulls the hair to wrench Grace’s neck around the bottom turnbuckle. Dashwood heads up top, but Grace sits up and flips Dashwood back down to the mat. Grace and Dashwood slug it out in the middle of the ring, but Grace takes control with a scoop slam. Grace hits a second scoop slam and follows up with a spinebuster. Dashwood hits a butterfly suplex but only gets a two count. Dashwood goes for the Spotlight Kick, but Grace blocks and posts Dashwood in the corner. Grace hits the Vader Bomb but only gets a two count. Grace locks in a sleeper, but Kaleb with a K distracts the referee so that he doesn’t see Dashwood tap. Dashwood gets back to her feet and hits Grace with the Spotlight Kick for the three count.
Match Result: Tenille Dashwood defeats Jordynne Grace with the Spotlight Kick.
Match Length: 12:17
Slimmer’s Rating: ***¼
Rhino and Luster start the match, and Luster goes to work with an arm wringer. Rhino counters into a standing side head lock and levels Luster with a running shoulder block. Luster gets back to his feet and works over Rhino in the corner. Rhino grabs an arm wringer and makes the tag to Heath. Luster makes the tag to Thornstowe, and Thornstowe catches Heath with an armbar. Heath fights out of the hold and makes the tag to Rhino. Rhino slams Thornstowe’s head into the top turnbuckle and goes back to the arm wringer before making the tag to Heath. Thornstowe distracts the referee so that Luster can hit Heath with a clothesline from the apron. Luster gets the tag and connects with a knee drop. Luster wrenches Heath’s neck around the middle rope and then makes the tag to Thornstowe. Thornstowe slams Heath’s head into the top turnbuckle and follows up with a drop kick. Luster gets the tag and follows Heath for a two count. Luster stomps on Heath’s chest and traps him in the corner before making the tag to Thornstowe. Thornstowe works over Heath in the corner and makes the quick tag back to Luster. Luster locks in a full Nelson and drags him to the corner for Pity City from Thornstowe. Thornstowe gets the tag and takes down Heath with a rear chin lock. Heath levels Thornstowe and FINALLY makes the tag to Rhino as Thornstowe tags Luster. Rhino hits a belly-to-belly suplex, but Thornstowe breaks up the pin. Rhino tosses Thornstowe out of the ring, but Rhino and Luster level each other with a double clothesline. Heath tags himself into the match but eats a big boot from Luster. Luster tags Thornstowe but immediately gets gored by Rhino. Thornstowe hits Rhino with a super kick, but Heath catches Thornstowe with the Wakeup Call for the three count.
Match Result: Heath defeats Adam Thornstowe with the Wakeup Call.
Match Length: 10:36
Slimmer’s Rating: **¾
Moose vs. Trey Miguel
Moose whips Miguel to the corner, but Miguel goes to work with a series of leg kicks. Miguel goes for a hurricanrana, but Moose puts on the brakes. Moose delivers a chop that sends Miguel to the mat. Moose works over Miguel in the corner, but Miguel reverses positions and lands a back elbow shot. Moose charges toward Miguel in the corner, but Miguel gets his boot up. Moose levels Miguel and hits the Garvin Stomp. Moose whips Miguel to the ropes and levels him with a standing drop kick. Moose chokes Miguel across the middle rope and tells the camera that this is all EC3’s fault. Moose is sending a message to EC3 by demolishing Miguel. Moose demands to know where EC3 is and then once again levels Miguel with an uppercut. Miguel tries to fight back, but Moose answers with a uranage. Miguel rallies with a pair of super kicks and lands a head kick that sends Moose out of the ring. Miguel connects with two suicide dives, but Moose catches Miguel in mid-air during a third dive. Miguel goes for a moonsault off the apron, but Moose again catches him in mid-air. Moose rolls Miguel back into the ring, but EC3’s logo appears on the screen to distract Moose. The distraction allows Miguel to roll up Moose and get the three count. After the match, Moose tries to find EC3 in the production truck, but EC3 isn’t there. He leaves the truck and finds the TNA Championship surrounded by candles. EC3 attacks Moose from and declares that everything dies… even the TNA Championship.
Match Result: Trey Miguel defeats Moose with a roll-up pin.
Match Length: 8:19
Slimmer’s Rating: **¼
Free-For-All Match
Ace Austin w/ Madman Fulton vs. Karl Anderson w/ Doc Gallows vs. Alex Shelley w/ Chris Sabin vs. Josh Alexander w/ Ethan Page
Shelley and Anderson start the match, but Anderson makes the quick tag to Austin. Shelley locks in a standing side head lock and drags Austin down to one knee. Austin creates distance and takes down Shelley with a drop toe hold. Shelley regains control with a back body drop and locks in a front chancery. Alexander tags himself into the match and hits Austin with a back elbow shot. Austin heads to the outside to regroup before carefully climbing back into the ring. Anderson tags himself into the math and slugs it out with Alexander in the middle of the ring. Alexander heads to the outside and gets in Gallows’ face. Alexander slides back into the ring and works over Anderson in the corner. Alexander heads up top and connects with a diving knee shot to the back. Alexander covers Anderson, but Shelley breaks up the pin. Austin tags himself into the match but gets leveled by Anderson. Anderson makes the tag to Shelley, and Shelley works over Austin in the corner. Austin charges at Shelley in the corner, but Shelly gets his boots up. Alexander charges into the ring, but Shelley locks in a single-leg crab on both Austin and Alexander at the same time. Austin fights back with an enzuigiri to Shelley. Austin locks in an armbar and slides a card between Shelley’s fingers. Austin hits a scoop slam and heads up top. Austin goes for a twisting senton, but Shelley rolls out of the way and hits Austin with a snap full Nelson suplex. Shelley makes the tag to Anderson as Austin tags Alexander. The ref gets bumped, and chaos erupts in the ring. All eight men brawl on the outside, but the referee comes back to life and sends the four non-competitors to the back. Alexander rolls Anderson back into the ring and heads up top with Austin. Alexander shoves Austin back down to the mat, but then Anderson heads up top with him. Shelley tags himself into the match and sneaks under Austin and Alexander for the Tower of Doom. Shelley heads up top and connects with a frog splash to Alexander, but Anderson breaks up the pin. All four men trade finishers, but Alexander hits Shelley with a double underhook piledriver.
Match Result: Josh Alexander defeats Alex Shelley with a double underhook piledriver.
Match Length: 14:37
Slimmer’s Rating: ***½
Purrazzo muscles Susie to the corner and mocks Susie. Purrazzo locks up with Susie and then calls for a test of strength. Purrazzo grabs the arm and goes the hammer lock. Purrazzo kicks the leg and wrenches the arm to slam Susie to the mat. Purrazzo hits an uppercut to Susie’s elbow in an attempt to hyperextend the elbow. Susie goes for a jackknife pin but only gets a one count. Susie catches Purrazzo with a side head lock takedown and follows up with a bulldog for a one count. Susie hits a drop kick, and Purrazzo heads to the outside to regroup. Susie hits a suicide dive and takes out both Purrazzo and Kimber Lee. Susie rolls Purrazzo back into the ring and heads up top, but Purrazzo flips Susie back down to the mat. Purrazzo goes back to the arm and stomps on it before getting a two count. Purrazzo traps Susie in the corner, but Susie rallies and levels Purrazzo. Purrazzo and Susie slug it out in the middle of the ring, but Purrazzo lands a back elbow shot for a two count. Purrazzo wrenches Susie’s arms around the bottom rope and follows up with a clothesline after a cheap shot from Kimber Lee. Susie posts Purrazzo in the corner and follows up with a monkey flip. Susie hits a Thesz Press and follows up with the arachnorana. Susie begins to show signs of Su Yung before heading up top for a diving crossbody. Purrazzo fights back with a knee lift and a leg sweep. Purrazzo locks in the Fujiwara armbar, but Susie rolls out. Purrazzo heads up top, but Susie flips into a head scissors to take Purrazzo back down to the mat. Susie sets up for the Panic Switch, but Purrazzo escapes. Purrazzo snaps the arm backwards and goes back to the Fujiwara armbar. Purrazzo transitions to the Venus de Milo, and Susie has not choice but to submit. After the match, Purrazzo and Kimber Lee attack Kylie Rae. Lee holds Rae and makes her watch as Purrazzo Pilmanizes Susie’s arm. Purrazzo locks in the Fujiwara armbar on Susie’s other arm and viciously wrenches on it as Rae is forced to watch.
Match Result: Deonna Purrazzo defeats Susie with the Venus de Milo.
Match Length: 13:00
Slimmer’s Rating: **¾
The bell rings, and Edwards immediately hits a big boot that sends Young to the outside. Edwards and Young brawl at ringside. Edwards heads butts Young and beats him against the barricade. Edwards rolls Young back into the ring and immediately clotheslines him over the top rope. Edwards connects with a suicide dive, and Young is busted open at the corner of his left eye. Edwards tries to whip Young into the ring post, but Young puts on the brakes and instead whips Edwards into the ring post. Young rolls Edwards back into the ring and chokes him across the bottom rope. Young stomps a mudhole in Edwards in the corner, but Edwards fights back with on overhead belly-to-belly suplex. Edwards chops Young in the corner, but Young slams Edwards’ head into the top turnbuckle. Young pulls Edwards between the ropes and delivers a neck breaker onto the middle turnbuckle. Edwards tumbles to the outside, but Young rolls him back into the ring and gets a two count. Young wrenches on Edwards’ neck and then connects with a stiff punch in the corner. Young wrenches Edwards’ neck around the top rope and then works him over in the corner. Edwards fights back with a clothesline and a step-up kick in the corner. Edwards hits the backpack stunner but only get a two count. Edwards heads up top, but Young ties him up in the tree of woe and pounds on the injured knee. Young pulls Edwards out to the apron and drops Edwards knee-first onto the apron. Young drags Edwards back to his feet and drops him knee-first onto the ring steps. Edwards uses the barricade to climb back to his feet, but Young wraps Edwards’ knee around the barricade and repeatedly kicks the injured knee. Young finally rolls Edwards back into the ring and jumps onto the knee. Young wraps Edwards’ knee around the bottom rope and viciously twists on it. Young goes for a back suplex, but Edwards floats over and lands on his feet. Young goes for a leg lock, but Edwards fights free. Edwards hits a suplex and then trades forearm shots with Young in the middle of the ring. Edwards and Young trade chops before Young drops Edwards with a forearm shot. Edwards fights back to his feet and hits an inverted Blue Thunder Bomb with Young landing on his stomach. Edwards follows up with a standard Blue Thunder Bomb but only gets a two count. Edwards hits a super kick and goes for the Boston Knee Party, but Young picks an ankle and hits a wheelbarrow neck breaker for a two count. Young heads up top and connects with a diving elbow drop for a two count. Young goes for a piledriver, but Edwards counters into a back drop. Edwards hits the Tiger Driver, but Young kicks out at two. Edwards goes for the Boston Knee Party, but Young gets a hand up to block. Young heads up top and Edwards joins him up there. Edwards hits a Blue Thunder Bomb off the second rope but again only gets a two count. Edwards again takes Young up top and sets up for a hurricanrana, but Young dumps Edwards knees-first back down to the mat. Young pulls off Edwards’ shoe, but Edwards still manages to hit the Boston Knee Party. Edwards covers Young, but Young grabs the bottom rope to break the count. Edwards sets up for Emerald Flowsion, but Young kicks the knee to count. Young locks in a knee bar and gets the submission victory. Young grabs a chair and tries to attack Edwards after the match, but Rich Swann makes the save.
Match Result: Eric Young defeats Eddie Edwards with a knee bar.
Match Length: 23:43
Slimmer’s Rating: ****