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Impact Wrestling News: Reminder for Tonight’s Impact Wrestling Victory Road 2020, EC3 Promises a Funeral on Backstage, Young & Edwards Rewatch First Title Encounter

October 3, 2020 | Posted by Jeffrey Harris
Impact Wrestling Victory Road

As previously noted, Impact Wrestling will present Victory Road 2020 tonight. The event will stream live on Impact+. Here’s the current lineup:

* Impact World Championship Match: Eric Young vs. Eddie Edwards
* Impact Knockouts Championship Match: Deonna Purrazzo vs. Susie
* Unsanctioned Match: Rhino & Heath vs. Reno Scum
* Brian Myers vs. Tommy Dreamer
* Jordynne Grace vs. Tenille Dashwood
* The Defeat Rohit Challenge

– Impact also released a new episode of Backstage where EC3 promises a funeral and more. That video is available below:

– Impact Wrestling released a video of Eric Young and Eddie Edwards rewatching their first championship encounter ahead of Victory Road, which you can see below: