wrestling / TV Reports
Jeremy’s TNA Impact Review 3.20.25

Hello, everyone and welcome to our live TNA Impact coverage on 411! I’m Jeremy Thomas, here with you in Himanshu’s place this week as he is out of town. We’re coming out of Sacrifice this week and there’s a lot of fallout to address, most notably the Nemeths explaining their assault on Matt Hardy to end the show. We’ll also see Joe Hendry & Elijah battle Eddie Edwards and Brian Myers of The System, Mustafa Ali in a rematch against Mike Santana, Chavo Guerrero Jr. in the First Class Penthouse, The Rescalz vs. The Northern Armory and the Elegances’ Championship Celebration. Plus Masha Slamovich kicks off the show. Should be fun stuff all in all.
As a reminder, the GoFundMe for Larry’s kids is still active and if you can make a donation, that would be awesome. Thank you so much to everyone who’s done so thus far.
* We kick off with a recap of TNA Sacrifice including Mustafa Ali’s cheap win over Mike Santana, Moose retaining the X-Division Title against Moose, and the 10-man cage match which saw the babyfaces win, but Nemeth assaulting Matt afterward.
* MASHA IS HERE! Tne TNA Knockouts Champion makes her way to the ring in silver with the title. Masha says Cora stepped up and brought the fight but it just wasn’t enough and she’s still TNA Knockouts World Champion. She travels around the world with the title and reps TNA with great pride, and she’s been on a mission to prove to everyone that she’s the toughest in the division. But now she’s on a new mission to prove to the world that she’s the best champion in all of wrestling. The belt proves that, and she’ll defend it against anyone, any time, and anywhere. So at Rebellion —
TESSA BLANCHARD IS HERE! Blanchard soaks in the boos and says Masha loves to talk, but maybe she should spend less time talking and more time when she gets dressed in the morning. She says she could beat Cora with her eyes closed, and you can add her name to the conversation about best in the world because she’s beat the best. She’s done things that Masha never has and never will. She says it’s time that she beats Masha and takes back what’s hers.
Masha says to get in the ring and —
JACY JAYNE IS HERE! Jacy attacks Masha from behind and beats her down before refs come out to break it up. Santino Marella is here and he can’t keep character as the fans chant his name. He says what do they think is going on here? He knows all about Jacy Jayne and this isn’t how they conduct themselves in TNA. But if Jacy is looking for a fight, he’ll make it happen and Masha battles Jacy next week. He says the world doesn’t revolve around Tessa and she’s banned from ringside next week. Tessa is pissed.
* Santino asks Arianna what happened out there and Arianna had no idea Jacy was going to be there, NXT didn’t tell her and the only surprise she knew was the one for later. Santino says he can’t have these surprises and Grace says she’ll get to the bottom of it.
The Northern Armory vs. The Rascalz
Wentz starts with Judas who locks in a wristlock, but Wentz flips out of it and puts Judas in the corner. Wentz kicks X back, hits a crossbody for two. Trey tags in, they take Judas down for a two-count. Wentz back in now, he’s shot into the ropes and Williams grabs Wentz’ leg, Icarus for a bodyslam but Wentz slips out and Williams chop blocks him when the ref’s back is turned. Icarus gets a two-count.
Williams tags in and they double team Wentz with stomps, Williams covers for two. Wentz up and strikes at Williams but gets yanked to the mat. He works the wrist, Judas tags in and hits an overhand blow. Judas works the shoulder and comes off the ropes with a knee to the side, Williams tags in and locks in a sleeperhold. Wentz flips over through for a two-count, he handsprings off the ropes with an enzuigiri to stop Williams’ momentum and gets the hot tag to Trey! Missile dropkick to Williams, Judas knocked off the apron, he takes down Williams. Wentz in now, Lee comes off the ropes but Judas pulls him out! Superkick to Williams, Wentz with a rollup and he hits a neckbreaker through the ropes!
Trey tags in, spinebuster to Williams, superkick and catapult Meteora finishes it.
Winner: The Rascalz (5:02)
Rating: ** 1/2
Thoughts: Perfectly fine match to kick us off. The NA are solid and they worked well against The Rascalz even if the four didn’t have the time to really go for broke.
Post-match, the Northern Armory and Young surrounds The Rascalz — but Ace Austin is out with a chair! The NA escapes to the ramp and the two trios stare off at each other.
* Gia Miller asks Xia Brookside about her match with Rosemary last week after a reminder that Rosemary misted her. Gia asks Xia about the matter and Xia says her eyes are mostly fine and there’s no permanent damage but she can feel it still. Miller asks about Xia nearly hitting Rosemary with the chain and she says she doesn’t know what was going through her head. Every time she tries to fight fair someone takes advantage but when she doesn’t, that happens. She says Rosemary is trying to get into her head —
And Rosemary appears on the screen! She asks if Xia understands at last and notes she hesitated just like she did against Savannah. Xia says she didn’t and Rosemary says stop because she who hesitates is lost. Rosemary says this world rewards ruthlessness against kindness and Xia’s morals will be spit back at her feet. She’ll find herself staring at the Abyss, wondering what it’s like to just let go. She tells Xia to get a partner and meet her in the ring because she has a surprise and wonders if Xia will take her revenge when it’s been giftwrapped. Xia says she has the perfect partner in mind.
* AJ and KC are out for the First Class Penthouse and get drinks before starting. AJ thanks everyone amidst the boos and KC says “Pardon me?” a lot. AJ says it’s okay welcome to a new episode of the First Class Penthouse. AJ introduces himself and KC, and together they are First Class. AJ says he doesn’t understand how El Paso got a second episode of the Penthouse and there isn’t a single person from this town who deserves to be on First Class —
So here comes Chavo Guerrero Jr.! Chavo comes out and AJ and KC call for the music to be cut. The crowd chants for Chavo and Eddie. Chavo says this is the 915, the Guerrero family is always here!
AJ says anyone who wrestled in WCW needs to sit down before they get hurt. If he wanted the second-best Guerrero on the First Class Penthouse, he’d have called Dominik. Chavo says they’re waiting to find out if Dom is a Guerrero. AJ is tired of these old-timers come out and dissing his show —
FRANKIE KAZARIAN IS HERE! Frankie comes out with his trophy and KC says no one invited him — Frankie takes the mic and says he’s gross, then says AJ could have invited anyone but he invited Chavo? He says he and Chavo still have heat between them because of how Chavo and Hernandez stole the Tag Titles from him and Daniels. He says since Chavo’s been gone, Frankie calls the shots and is the King of TNA. And as the King of TNA, he has to inform Chavo that even though he’s from this dump, he’s not welcome in Frankie’s house so go home.
Chavo says he’s been watching and Frankie is doing a great job. Frankie can talk smack about him, but he draws the line at talking smack about El Paso. AJ says this is his show and there’s three of them, one of Chavo and he needs to do the math. Chavo says his math is off because there’s one of him there but 3,000 more in the crowd. El Paso is Guerrero Country and La Familia is El Paso! The Aztec Warriors come out to back Chavo up and suggest they put that to the test next week with a lucha libre-style match. AJ says to cut the feed and walks off.
Cabinet Banned From Ringside
Mike Santana vs. Mustafa Ali
Santana charges at Ali pre-match and Ali ducks to the outside, but gets dives on! Santana and Ali trade shots, Irish whip reversed and Ali goes into the timekeeper table! Santana grabs Ali, puts him on a chair and lays in a 10-count of punches to the crowd’s delight. He grabs Ali and goes for a suplex onto the ringside floor but Ali floats over — Santana with a big boot! Ali is crawling away from Santana, who says Ali’s soul belongs to him. Santana goes for a charging boot, Ali moves and Satana kicks the steps. They get in the ring and the match starts.
Santana with fists to Ali, Ali turns it around and ranas Santana who hits the floor. Ali with a dropkick through the ropes to the arm, then throws Santana arm-first into the ringpost. Ali slams the elbow into the post and picks Santana up, rolling him in. Somersault neckbreaker into the ring gets two for Ali.
Also gets an over the shoulder chickenwing that transitions into an elbowlock, then back to the chickenwing. Santana to his feet and backs Santana into the ropes, he tosses Ali over. Ali charges in for a somersault but gets caught into a DVD for two!
Santana with a cannonball, he goes for the powerbomb but Ali counters out. Rolling Buck Fifty gets a nearfall. Santana goes up top for the Eddie-style frog splash but Ali rolls to the outside and says he’s done! He already beat Santana so he goes through the crowd to exit.
Winner: Mike Santana (4:15)
Rating: ** 1/2
Thoughts: Good match until the ending. I get why they did it, but it’s still disappointing.
The Great Hands get Ali to safety as Santana talks shit. Santana then says this is his town and the crowd loves it.
* Gia tries to get an answer from Mustafa Ali as to why he ran from Santana. Ali says he didn’t run from Mike Santana; he conquered him. He beat Santana at Sacrifice and they’re done. He says he will be the addiction Mike doesn’t beat. Gia tries to ask another question and gets berated by Tasha before the Cabinet and Ali leave.
* Here comes Ryan Nemeth! Yay, or something. He says his big ba-rother finally did the right thing. He “sacrificed” — see what he did there? He sacrificed all of our love and admiration because there’s someone who loves and admires him more: the greatest brother in the world, Ryan Nemeth. He introduces Nic as the best wrestler in the whole wide world.
Nic comes out and looks at the crowd for a moment once he gets in the ring. The crowd chants “Delete!” and “Hardy,” and Nic says they ain’t coming. He says he’d like to say a few words if everyone would shut up for a second. He says a year ago, people started talking about TNA and how it had a buzz about it, it was the best company in wrestling and they were right. He says it was all because of him.
The crowd boos and he says there was sellout after sellout after sellout when he arrived and that it was all because of him, but just as it was happening the Hardys came in and took the credit. He says Matt tried to drive a wedge between him and Ryan. And now due to his actions, we all know — everyone in the back, everyone at home and all the fans — what frauds the Hardys are. And people know not just him as the greatest wrestler of all time. We’re witnessing history because he and Ryan are the greatest brother tag team in pro wrestling history.
LEON SLATER is here! Leon says he’s not going to sit back and hear them chat bollocks about two legends, the Lords of Extreme, the Hardys. He says Nic must be crazy and he sees the way Nic and his “bug-eyed brother” are looking at him — the same way they always have. He’s come to realize why; after 20 years, the Show Stealer is finally realizing he can’t steal the show if it’s already been stolen!
Nic calls Leon a snot-nosed little punk and says Slater wouldn’t have a job if not for him. Ryan suggests Nic vs. Slater for next week. Leon says someone needs to step up to them, and maybe it’s him. And just a thought, maybe he’ll slide in the ring now and beat their ass!
Ryan slides out but is taken down, he gets in the ring and takes out Ryan but Nic hits a superkick on Leon. Nic helps Ryan up and they leave Leon laid out.
Rosemary & Savannah Evans vs. Xia Brookside & Lei Ying Lee
Xia and Rosemary start off, Xia talks shit and Evans tags in. Xia with some shots to Savannah, she charges into a big back elbow. Rosemary tags in now and screams at Xia, who slaps Rosemary. Xia sent into the corner, Rosemary charges into a rana and Xia with a splash and Broken Wings, DDT gets two. Lei Ying tags in and Rosemary runs to tag in Evans.
Evans with a knee to Lee’s gut, Lee to the outside, she comes in and goes for a sunset flip but Evans grabs onto the ropes. Lee off the ropes for a kick, caught by Evans who hits a sitout choke bomb for two. Evans manhandles Lee and gets her on her shoulders, Lee slides down, off the ropes but a Samoan drop by Evans for two.
Evans grabs Lei Ying and tosses her into the hostile corner. She distracts the ref and Rosemary locks in the Upside Down. Evans tags in Rosemary for a knee strike and she gets Lee to her knees. She tosses Lee into the corner and backs up — splash followed by a half-and-half for two-plus.
Rosemary with a sleeperhold on the mat, Lei YIng fights to her feet but gets knocked down. Rosemary stomps at Lee’s leg and goes after the leg but Lee kicks her away. Rosemark blocks the tag, enzuigiri by Lee and Lee gets the hot tag! Dropkick to an incoming Evans, enzuigiri and a kick to the knee. Lee tags in, they double team Evans with kicks, Lee covers but ROsemary breaks it up. Lee sent to the outside, Evans grabs Evans, Rosemary goes for the mist but hits Evans! Lungblower by Xia to Rosemary!
Lee in, she gets Evans on her shoulders for a sloppy bit of a spinning drop. Thunderstruck and the cover finishes it.
Winner: Lei Ying Lee & Xia Brookside (6:10)
Rating: ** 3/4
Thoughts: Good little match, though they didn’t do much about that whole ruthlessness thing that the segment earlier set up.
* The Personal Concierge is there with a neck brace and says despite his pain, he’s still there for the Championship Celebration and he spared no expense — beefcakes and a championship cake! He calls to have the piddly looking cake brought down and presents the new TNA Knockouts Tag Team Champions of the WOOOOOOOORLD – Ash & Heather By Elegance.
Ash and Heather come down with the titles and are happy with the cake. They get in the ring and pose with their titles. TPC tells the fans to be quiet. Heather says it’s a dream come true and before Ash took her in, she was a nobody like the fans and now look at her!
Ash gets the mic as the fans chant “YOU STILL SUCK!” and asks for silence. She says her Personal Concierge spent $5,000 on the cake and she needs silence to make her wish come true. She calls for the cake to be brought to her and it’s carefully brought to the ring as the fans chant “FUCK THAT CAKE.” Ash says she needs to make her wish come true —
AND THE META-FOUR HAVE ARRIVED! Lash Legend and Jakara Jackson come down to the ring as the cake is taken away. Ash starts to speak and Lash takes the mic, hollaring into it. She says she and Jakara are one of the top tag teams in any division, and they go and get anything they want. Jakara says yes, they’ve crossed the line and are here to take the tag team titles.
HERE COMES SPITFIRE! Dani Luna and Jody Threat come down and Dani gets the mic. She says Lash and Jakara, it’s a pleasure to meet them. But this is a lot of talk about the tag team titles considering Jody and her have contractually-obligated rematches.
GIGI DOLIN AND TATUM PAXLEY ARE HERE TOO! Gigi and Tatum come to the ring and Tatum says Gigi and her are the freakiest thing to happen to the tag team division. And yet they have been severely underutilized and they can’t have that, so they want what they came to TNA for — the Tag Team Titles. All four teams argue and Ash throws a tantrum.
Gigi asks if she was going to wish to kiss her ass and Ash slaps Gigi — and that’s the brawl kickoff. Security comes to break it all up —
AND IT’S SANTINO TIME! He hits the ring and says everyone stop for one damned second. It’s out of control and he has to figure it out. Next week it’s the Elegances vs. Gigi and Pax. And Spitshine are banned from ringside, as are the Meta-Four. Lots of banning, but he has to do it!
Lash takes out a couple security guys, gorilla pressing one over the ropes. Santino says she’s bigger than she looks on TV and doesn’t know what to do right now. The Meta-Four tower over Santino and he’s a bit scared — HERE COMES ARIANNA! Grace says Santino doesn’t have authority over them but she does. She says Lash and Jakara are two of her best friends and she hates to do it, but they’re banned from ringside next week. Good segment, but that last paragraph’s worth of stuff was a bit anti-climatic. Editing is important.
* TNA Unbreakable takes place on April 17th on TNA+.
Mance Warner vs. Magno
Mance with a big clothesline to start, then sets Magno up for another off the ropes. He grabs Magno, talks shit and then backs up to lie in wait — the kneepad comes down. Running knee strike finishes it.
Winner: Mance Warner (1:00)
Rating: N/A
Thoughts: RIP Magno.
* Steve Maclin says in a vignette that he doesn’t know how many more times he has to say this, but he doesn’t need Eric Young or the NA’s help. He doesn’t need anyone’s help and never has, he won the World Title on his own and he beat Frankie Kazarian at Sacrifice. But the way Young looked at him didn’t sit right so he looked back at the footage. That’s not how he operates and EY can try to persuade him however he wants but he’s not joining the Northern Armory and will die on his own hill that he’s stacked bodies on. He’ll be standing at the top by himself.
Eddie Edwards & Brian Myers vs. Joe Hendry & Elijah
Hendry and Myers start, Myers pie-faces Hendry and talks shit so Hendry lays into him and runs him over off the ropes. He picks Myers up and spins him around for a bodyslam, then locks in a wristlock before tagging Elijah in. Double back elbow off the ropes, Myers tags in Eddie who runs into a big boot. Wristlock, Elijah with a Walk With Elijah but takes out Myers who is charging in. Myers and Eddie sent to the floor as we go to break.
We’re back as Joe has Edie up for a delayed suplex. He covers but only gets one. ELijah tags in, wristlock but Eddie with a punch and headbutts. Elijah into the ropes, he ducks a couple shots and hits a leaping clothesline that sends Eddie to the floor. Elijah rolls Eddie in, Alisha distracts him and he takes out Myers but Eddie with a baseball slide kick.
Eddie tosses Elijah into the ringsteps and then rolls him in. He tags in Myers, who drops an elbow and then locks in a chinlock. Elijah to his feet, he elbows out and goes into the ropes but is hit with a dropkick. Boot choke to Elijah, Eddie tags in and puts Elijah in the ropes. The ref gets distracted and Alisha grabs at the beard and slaps Elijah.
Myers tags in, shot to the ribs and a snapmare for two. Eddie tags back in, headbutt to Elijah’s ribs and he knocks Hendry off the apron! Hendry is pissed and the ref is distracted so Eddie chokes Elijah. Suplex but Elijah floats over and hits a spinning neckbreaker! He goes for the tag — HENDRY IS IN! He runs over Myers, catches Eddie for a fallaway slam and kips up. He charges into a boot from Myers, who goes up top and leaps but is caught! Fallaway slam to Myers, kip up again!
Hendry spins around, gets the crowd hyped up but Eddie takes Elijah out and then Hendry gets knocked into the ropes. Spear by Myers, cover gets two-plus. Myers takes aim but Elijah distracts him and Hendry puts Myers on the apron but gets splashed by Eddie. Eddie goes for the Backpack Stunner but he shoves him off, catches Myers — STANDING O! That’s it!
Winner: Joe Hendry & Elijah (10:39)
Rating: *** 1/4
Thoughts: Very good main event here, with Hendry and Elijah working well and picking up a solid win over the former tag champs.
And with that, we’re done for the night!