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Jeremy’s WWE NXT Review 7.2.24

July 2, 2024 | Posted by Jeremy Thomas
WWE NXT 7-2-24 Image Credit: WWE
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Jeremy’s WWE NXT Review 7.2.24  

Hello everyone, and welcome to our live WWE NXT coverage on 411! Jeremy Thomas, here as usual, and tonight NXT is in the final push toward NXT Heatwave this weekend. Tonight’s show will see Trick Williams, Shawn Spears, Je’Von Evans and Ethan Page sign the contract for their NXT Championship match at Heatwave, while Lola Vice and Roxanne Perez will have a face-to-face before their match at Sunday’s PPV. In addition, we’ll see the New Catch Republic take on Hank Walker and Tank Ledger, a Street Fight between Michin and Jaida Parker, Tyson Dupont and Tyriek Igwe vs. Gallus, and Brinley Reece taking on Izzi Dame. Should be a fun show.

Here at the Thomas HQ, I concluded my Pride Month Queer As Fuck movie-watching challenge by getting close to 30 queer films watched over the month. My last week saw me revisit the infinitely cool and queer vibes of David Bowie, Catherine Deneuve, and Susan Sarandon in The Hunger, Rachel Sennott’s fantastic comedy that’s built like a psychological horror film Shiva Baby, and John Water’s trash as high art masterpiece Female Trouble.

Outside of those, I got a chance to review the French vampire film The Vourdalak (you can see that review here). I finished the week out with the very decent but divisive slasher In a Violent Nature, which I enjoyed but I get why some won’t; Iyana Night Shyamalan’s The Watchers, which had its moments but was a bit overly stretched out; the goofy and fun shark attack film Under Paris; and the Amy Winehouse biopic Back to Black, which has great acting and technical merits but fails in its vision and screenplay.

Meanwhile on TV, I’ve kept caught up as usual on RuPaul’s Drag Race All Stars season nine (go Gottmik go!) and as well as The Acolyte, which went HARD last week in a good way. I also began watching the new Dimension 20 season Never Stop Blowing Up which promises to be a delight, and finally watched the four-episode 2021 docuseries The People v. The Klan on Max.

Anyway, we’re gonna have a lot to cover tonight so let’s hop right in.

As a reminder, the GoFundMe for Larry’s daughters is still active and if you can make a donation, that would be awesome. Thank you so much to everyone who’s done so thus far.

* We’re LIVE in the Capitol Wrestling Center and it’s time for a Street Fight!

Street Fight
Jaida Parker vs. Michin

Jaida charges Michin to start but gets leveled and Michin tosses her into the ring steps. She throws implements in the ring including a kendo stick and tool box, then goes to her trash can of goodies and takes out a chain and sock. Chain goes into sock, she knocks Jaida back and chucks the loaded sock at her but Jaida dodges and they trade slams into the apron.

Michin rolls Jaida in and puts another kendo stick and trash can lid in, a full trash can follows. She rolls in but Jaida tees off on her back with the can lid, then hits a couple short-arm knees against the ropes and a Samoan drop, cover gets two. Parker grabs the kendo stick but Michin dodges and hits a German suplex — and now Michin’s belt is out! She whips Jaida with it!

Michin teases the toolbox but grabs the trash can and sets it into the bottom. Jaida charges but gets dodged, she sets Michin along the second rope to a Teardrop into the trash can for two!

Michin out of the ring now, Jaida slides out but Michin dodges and nails her with the sock, then hits her with a chair and sends her flying into the ringpost. Michin sets up a few chairs but Jadia hits her across the back with a chair. Front suplex attempted blocked by Michin, who sits Jaida on a chair and chops her. Into the ring, she comes off and DIVES AND JAIDA MOVES! Michin hits the chair face first! Jaida charges but Michin moves and Jaida goes through the guardrail as we go to PIP break.

We’re back as Jaida is using a CLAW HAMMER on Michin’s mouth! Michin shoves her away and manages to nail her with a bag of nuts and bolts — which she dumps on the chairs! Michin goes to puck her up — Jaida counters with a backdrop into the chairs, nuts and bolts! Cover gets two-plus!

Michin is back up though and she has the kendo stick, batting Jaida relentlessly with it. Michin grabs the trash can and puts it on Jaida’s head, and charges in for a cannonball! She pulls Jaida into a jackknife pin, Jaida kicks out at two-plus. Both of them out to the floor, Michin has a pipe and turns around the ring right into a fire extinguisher! Jaida then pounces Michin through the podium base! She pulls Michin out and toward the ring, rolling her in. Jaida off the ropes for the Hypnotic for three.

Winner: Jaida Parker (12:32)
Rating: *** 1/4
Thoughts: I don’t love WWE Street Fights as a rule, but this did its job nicely. Jaida getting the win is big for her, and Michin did a good job in putting her over.

* Arianna and Karmen are backstage, Arianna is dramatically sighing. Karmen asks her what’s wrong, and Grace says she doesn’t want to talk about it. Karmen says “Okay” but Grace reverses course and says Sol snatched her soul and took her heart, because she’s not going to Heatwave and she’s from Toronto. Her people are waiting for her. Karmen says she gets it, she’s from Toronto too. Grace says Karmen isn’t as Canadian as her.

Jacy walks in and mocks them both but Arianna says she’s not with Karmen. Karmen says if they have a problem they can settle it but they mock her and leave.

* We get a vignette for Je’Von Evans talking about his match at Heatwave.

* We recap to NXT Battleground where Kelani Jordan won the NXT Women’s NA Championship. She says all she knows is structure; a one track mind, but it’s produced results. She runs through her gynmastics accolades, and now the first-ever Women’s NA Champion. Pressure comes with champion, especially being the first, but no one will defend the title like Lani. Being a gynmast, no accolade could be taken from her but the title could be. She says Sol deserves this match but at Heatwave, Lani is going to make it happen.

New Catch Republic vs. Hank Walker and Tank Ledger

Hank and Bate start off and lock up, Hank with a wristlock that Bate rolls out of. Handshake and Hank calls for the test of strength. They go into it, Hank gets Bate to the mat for two but he bridges out. Hank leaps on him to no avail and Bate powers his way back up, then catches Bate’s head in his feet, climbs the corner and hits a rana.

Dunne tags in and smacks Hank, then begins working the left arm. But Hank picks Dunne up so Dunne with a sunset flip for two. Into the ropes, Tank with the blind tag and he runs Dunne over. Hank and Tank charge in and pancake Dunne, but Dunne lays into Tank, puts him on the mat and stomps his hand. Bate tags in, up top and leaps into a senton.

Bate sends Tank into the corner and Tank leaps up and springboards into a crossbody. But Bate picks him up for a suplex! Hank tags in and gets nailed, he dodges a kneelift but is caught with the left. Bate gets Hank on his shoulders for the airplane spin, an eleven count into a Michinoku Driver as we go to break.

We’re back as Dunne stomps away at Tank, who battles back but gets knocked to the mat. Dunne stomps Tank’s hands and then stomps at him against the ropes before hitting a kick to the chest and knocking him down with a forearm. Tank dodges a shot and hits a full nelson slam, tags in Hank who splashes Dunn in the corner and picks him up for Snake Eyes in the corner. Hank slams Dunne down and grabs a charging Bate, slamming him into Dunne. He picks up Dunne onto his shoulders but Dunne slides down into a leg choke. Hank backs into his corner, Tank tags in and hits a clothesline to Dunne! Cover but Bate breaks it up.

Bate fights off both guys and sends Hank them to the outside, he leaps but is caught and dropped onto Dunne on the apron. Hank and Tank in and come off the ropes, knocking Bate and Dunne off the apron. Dunne back in the ring and he fights them off but gets knocked by Tank into a back suplex for two-plus!

Hank now going up top, he leaps off but Dunne hits a knee to the head! Bate tags in, Bate takes out Tank and Dunne and Bate hit him with a clothesline. Bate off the top onto Tank for three.

Winner: New Catch Republic (11:29)
Rating: *** 1/4
Thoughts: Damn good effort by both men; Hank and Tank had their best match yet with ease. Obviously, that’s not hard when you’re facing Bate and Dunne, but they still showed up and looked great in defeat.

Show of respect between the teams after.

* Shawn Spears’ turn to talk about his road to the NXT Championship match at Heatwave.

* Robert Stone and Stevie Turner are pumping Oro up while trying to one up each other. Stone says the good news is that Oro is back in action against Myles Borne and tells Stevie to give him the bad news. They argue about who is going to deliver the bad news, and eventually Stevie says that because of his issues with Ethan Page, he’s not going to Heatwave. Oro takes it well and walks off as Stone and Stevie bicker.

Brinley Reece vs. Izzi Dame

Lock up to start, they break and go again, with neither getting control. Izzi finally with a bodyslam and a swinging Boss Man Slam, then stomps against the bottom rope. Izzi covers for one. Izzi pulls Reece onto her back to stretch her out, Brinley floats over and hits a back elbow, then sends Izzi into the ropes for a shoulder block. She knocks Izzi down a couple times, comes into the corner and sends Izzi into the bottom rope before getting a dropkick.

Izzi to the outside and pulls Reece out, but Reece dodges an attack before finally being sent into the apron. Izzi rolls Reece in and Tatum Paxley is here. Izzie ducks a clothesline and is distracted by Tatum, Reece with a roll-up for two.

Reece gets Izzi on her shoulders but she slips off and hits a big boot. Driving brainbuster for three.

Winner: Izzi Dame (2:37)
Rating: N/A
Thoughts: RIP Brinley Reece.

Tatum goes after Izzi post-match but Izzi ducks out.

* Chase U Time! Chase says WWE have history in Toronto. They will become two-time NXT Tag Team Champions. Duke has been talking with Ridge, and he’s asked about it and Duke says that they didn’t win clean because Ridge helped them get the win. He shows the photographic proof and Chase says he cheated. Thea says how could he, Riley says he knew it.

Ridge says he didn’t just want to be part of a group; he wanted to be part of a family and he has that here. He just wants to help. Chase says they all make mistakes but he’s going to have to ask Ridge to stay back for Heatwave. Ridge gets it.

* Lola Vice WALKS backstage. So does Roxy (and her bodyguards).

* Lola is already in the ring back from break. She says the clock is ticking for Roxy so come out here because her days are counted. And here comes Roxy with her security. Lola says she must have shook Roxy bad. Roxy says no, she brutally attacked her and stole the title, so they’re to make sure it doesn’t happen again.

Roxy says Lola can drop the act and stop trying to intimidate her because she can see right through her, and Sunday is the most important match of her career. Roxy says she’s been watching Lola and she built a bigger name for herself in three months than in Bellator. She says Lola screwed herself out of cashing in for the title and look where Roxy is now? Lola says Roxy is the champ, no doubt. But in the ring or the cage, she’s a fighter.

Roxy says she saw Lola’s match at Battleground against Shayna and she probably couldn’t last two minutes in a match like that with Shayna. But they’re not in Bellator, this isn’t the underground. It’s the ring, and this is Roxy’s world, one she’s the master of. Styles make fights, and Roxy will make Lola wrestle her style of match.

Lola says she was a figher before she was born and Roxy sacrificed to get where she was, but she hasn’t told her own story. Her mother was pregnant with her when she had her black belt test. She grew up and fought, and was training for the Olympics but her mom got sick so she went into MMA to provide for her family and was fighting in MSG at 20. She says her mother will be watching her on Sunday and she can’t wait to call her mother that she did it and is new NXT Women’s Champion for all her sacrifices.

Roxy says she didn’t know all that, and she can see Lola and believe she says everything she is saying. She respects her story, but every woman in the locker room wants to make that phone call. But when you step in the ring with Roxy and put the title on the line, those calls are never made. Ask Natalya, Jordynne Grace and Lyea why she’s building her legacy as a two-time NXT Women’s Champion. She’s not losing the title to Lola or anyone.

Lola says Roxy doesn’t have to give her the title; she’s going to take her from it. Roxy hit her with her best shot and she smiled. She hit Roxy, and Roxy woke up without the title. Sunday she comes one step closer to showing why she’s the greatest to make it from MMA to WWE and will become the first Cuban-American NXT Women’s Champion.

Roxy has the security step up and Lola takes one down with a spinning backfist. She says they may be in Roxy’s world, but when she knocks Roxy out she won’t know what world she’s in.

* We get Ethan Page talking about being part of the NXT Championship match at Heatwave.

* NCQQ is backstage and Damon Kemp walks in with brass knuckles. Dempsey tells Myles not to listen to Kemp and says his best friend is the power advantage, so use it.

* Eddy Thorpe is DJing and we get a video from last week of Eddy talking with the girls about it. Lexis comes in and wonders what’s going on, he doesn’t understand any of the terms but says that he knows music and lists off all the hair bands which all the ladies love. Eddy says his music is cool, and Lexis says no one likes that music. Lexis walks off annoyed.

Myles Borne vs. Oro Mensah

Lockup to start, Borne with a waistlock which Oro transitions into a headlock, reversed by Borne. Wristlock by Borne, they counterwrestle some more until Oro kicks Borne in the head. Lock back up, Borne takes over with a jab to the dome. Oro with chops and strikes, headlock takedown and punches to the head with some shit talking.

Back up and Oro is backed into the ropes, break and he shoves Borne. Borne with a waistlock but Oro breaks free, big kick against the ropes. Oro up top for a leaping side kick, Borne into the ropes and comes off into a forearm to the back of the neck for two. Oro goes for a powerbomb but Borne counters with a backdrop. Neckbreaker gets two as we go to PIP break.

We’re back with Oro fighting his way out of a chinlock but getting nailed by a forearm. He fires back and they trade blows. Oro takes over but is picked up — he fights out of it, trips Borne and kicks him in the head. Borne hit with a moonsault off the ropes and a half and half suplex, he hits a somersault heel kick and goes into the ropes — Borne catches him with a dropkick!

Borne in the corner, Kemp tries to hand him the knucks and Oro leaps in for a spinning heel kick in the corner for three.

Winner: Oro Mensah (8:21)
Rating: ** 3/4
Thoughts: Very competent; it didn’t get too far out of second gear but we had some good moments and Mensah gets a needed win since he’s targeting Ethan Page, who is higher up the card.

* We get a vignette of Wes Lee talking about North American Title reign and his match with Oba Femi at Heatwave. Oba talks afterward about being the ruler, the destroyer, the mountain that can’t be climbed. Wes is great, but Oba says he’ll crush his dreams.

* A brawl is backstage between Gallus and Tyson & Tyriek.

* Malk asks Brinley if she’s good and Brinley is dejected, saying if they don’t want them around then say so. She walks off, they follow and The O.C. take the camera, saying they want OTM next week.

Carlee Bright vs. Wendy Choo

Carlee goes after Dark Wendy to start and batters her, but Wendy powers Carlee to the mat. Carlee up but gets tossed to the mat. Headscissors by Carlee, Wendy gets out of it and locks in a headlock. Carlee sends her into the ropes, Carlee with a takedown and cover for two.

Carlee with a clothesline to Wendy, but Wendy pushes her off and hits a Downward Spiral in the center of the ring. Boot choke by Wendy against the ropes, snapmare and a neck wrench between the feet. Axe kick to the back and then forearm in the corner. Wendy brings her to the center and headbutts her down.

Carlee fights back but gets knocked back down, Wendy sends her into the corner and avalanches her. She puts Carlee in the Tree of Woe, charges in for a dropkick to the gut, cover gets two.

Carlee hits a back elbow to gets some space, she hits a tilt-a-whirl rana and takes Wendy down. Handspring kick in the corner, she goes for a moonsault but Wendy gets the knees up. Short-arm lariat and a sleeper with bodyscissors, Carlee taps.

Winner: Wendy Choo (4:06)
Rating: ** 1/2
Thoughts: Look, say what you want about the gimmick (I dig it), but it’s letting Wendy be a killing machine and I support that.

* Trick talks the Heatwave NXT Championship match.

* Shawn Michaels talks about Brooks Jensen’s disturbances. We see clips from Brooks’ Twitter talking about NXT, and Shawn denies Brooks has been released from his contract. He says NXT management asked him to take a sabbatical when he began to spiral, and they were forced to take action to keep him away from NXT. Shawn says Brooks is part of the NXT family and he believes in second chances. He’s inviting Brooks to have a sit-down with Ava on NXT next week.

Jazmyn Nyx vs. Karmen Petrovic

Jazmyn ducks a kick to start and they lock up, Karmen with a side headlock. Shot into the ropes, she trips Jazmyn and goes back to the headlock. It turns into a wristlock and Nyx put on the mat, back to their feet and Karmen ducks a back elbow. Counterwrestling, Nyx plants Karmen on the mat but Karmen rolls Nyx up for one.

Karmen sent into the corner but hits a back kick to Nyx and then a leaping snapmare. Jacy with the distraction and Nyx takes over, beating Karmen down with stomps in the corner. Shot to the gut and a neckbreaker, Nyx kips up and hits a Shining Wizard for two.

Nyx with a leg sleeper as Fallon watches from the back, Karmen manges to counter with a pin to break it. Kick from Karmen and a bulldog, she runs over Nyx a couple times and hits a spinning clothesline. Kicks to the gut by Karmen and a legsweep, she preps for the kick but catches Jacy with stomps to the hand. That lets Nyx hit the Pele Kick for three.

Winner: Jazmyn Nyx (3:49)
Rating: ** 1/4
Thoughts: Fine enough match, nothing horribly memorable though. These two are very competent but they need to get a chance to build some momentum and this didn’t really do it for either.

* Nathan Frazer talks strategy with Axiom and Axiom thinks it’s about the Tag Title match but he’s focused on WWE Speed. Axiom says Frazer is unfocused and my feed goes wonky but Frazer says he’ll be focused when the time comes.

* Ava is backstage when Karmen walks in. She wants them both and doesn’t care if she has to do it alone. Ava says Karmen’s friend talked to her and they have a tag match on the countdown show. Karmen thinks it’s Nattie but it’s of course Arianna. I can absolutely get into this odd couple tag team.

* Sol Ruca talks her NXT Women’s NA Title match and being from the University of Oregon (Ducks represent!). Kelani was the better woman that night but she focuses on walking the walk and snatching a few souls. She’s bringing the heat to Toronto and leaving as NXT Women’s NA Champion.

* Vic runs down the NXT Heatwave card.

* It’s contract signing. Ethan Page, Shawn Spears, and Je’Von Evans are already in the ring. And here comes Trick! Trick gets the mic and says there’s a Heatwave coming to Toronto and the challengers are hungry, but in Toronto they’ll be chanting one thing.

Ethan says that’s why he loves Trick. Trick doesn’t care if it’s a singles match, a four-way match; he’ll bring the same energy. He fights with his emotions and he’s the champ. Probably the hottest thing in WWE. Page says he saw that swagger at Battleground, the match he would have won but —

Trick says but he didn’t. Page says the swagger, Trick plans to bring this Sunday. This ain’t the same thing as Vegas. He doesn’t have to beat Trick to win that. He can, but he doesn’t have to. The odds in this match aren’t in his favor.

Trick says he knows the stakes and that his back is always against the wall, but he comes through every time. He’s got the least experience of any NXT Champion but he wears it well and puts in the work. Ethan talks about his resume and accolades, but he has his as well and will add a win to it on Sunday.

Shawn says Trick is full of emotion and he loves it. He tells Trick to keep doing that thing, because it’ll bring Spears the NXT Championship. It’s the emotion that got Shawn the win last week and on Sunday his hand will be raised again. He sees a Champion with his heart on his sleeve, a guy who’s hellbent on feeding his ego and a 22 year-old kid who’s happy to be here.

Je’Von says that joke is old. Shawn says it’s true and Shawn will be there the whole way. He says Je’Von reminds him of that team that makes it to the finals but has no shot. Evans says everyone uses his age against him like he’s a punk. He acknowledges that he’s nervous, but he’s also excited. Because when he walks into Heatwave, everyone’s going to know. Je’Von asks Shawn how much experience he has holding the NXT Title? None. So when he walks into Heatwave, he’ll leave NXT Champion and show Shawn what it’s all about.

Spears asks Trick what he thinks about it. Page says Trick heard it, but he doesn’t think he likes it. He says both he and Shawn have beat Evans, but can Trick? He doesn’t like Trick’s odds too much; Trick doesn’t like Page. He says Evans has been making noise and is bouncy. He likes OG but one thing he or anyone else can’t do is take his title.

Spears says if Evans pins Ego, he’ll win the title. EGo says that’s not going to happen. It starts to devolve into insults and Spears nails Evans, while Page nails Trick. Trick puts Ego through the table and Evans does the same to Spears. Evans and Trick both look at the title and Trick snaps it up. They jaw at each other.

And with that, we’re done for the night!

The final score: review Good
The 411
As a go-home show for NXT Heatwave, this week's NXT may have lacked some of the pizzaz of some previous go-home shows but it was very decent from start to finish. No bad matches, no embarrassing angle work; everything delivered here. I don't think this was the most memorable episode of NXT by any stretch but on the whole it was an easy two hour watch that did its job in selling the PPV. That's all I asked of it.

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WWE NXT, Jeremy Thomas