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Jimmy Havoc On How He Got Into Hardcore Wrestling, Jim Cornette’s Criticism Of Him

– Jimmy Havoc spoke with Chris Van Vliet before Fyter Fest for a new interview discussing his hardcore wrestling style, criticism of him and more. Highlights and the video are below:
On how he got into doing hardcore matches: “Mick Foley and the Hardy were kind of my favorites growing up. And I used to love ECW, and then I got into CZW. And yeah, I always just waned to see what it was like to get thrown through a table. And when I did that, I was like, ‘That’s not too bad. Let’s see what thumbtacks are like. Oh, that’s okay. Let’s see what barbed wire…’ And every time I’d done something and didn’t die, I said, ‘Oh, okay, let’s take it further.'”
On whether he’s bothered by people calling him crazy and insane: “I think it depends on what your definition of crazy of insane is. Mine is sitting in an office 9 to 5, five days a week, hating your life, hating your job. And I feel like that was more emotionally painful to me than this, what I do. I’m getting to see the world, I get to hang out with my mates every day, I get to do something I never imagined would be a job in front of thousands of people. Pain is temporary, you know what I mean? But these memories will last forever. Until I die, obviously, like I reckon I’ll die a lot sooner than most people. But then you could get hit by a bus walking down the street, you know.”
On people who say he’s just a deathmatch guy and can’t wrestle: “It makes me laugh. If ever I’m having a really good day, I never search myself on Twitter because that brings me right back down. Like, it does make me laugh when people do feel the need to give that sort of opinion on stuff, because what f**king difference does it make to your life? There are so many people who f**king hate me, who absolutely hate me, and that makes me laugh. I prefer that to people going, ‘Oh no, he’s a bit boring.’ Have an opinion on me! Like me or hate me, you know. The people that hate me, they’ll go out of their way to like, tweet hate at me. And it won’t even be like the day of a show or something. So they must have just been like sitting at work bored, and said, ‘Well, what’s gonna piss me off today? I’ll look at Jimmy Havoc, OH this pisses me off. I’ll f**king tweet him.’ All right, wicked. You still follow me though, like, do you just enjoy getting upset by when I tweet stuff?”
On Jim Cornette criticizing him and says what he’s doing isn’t wrestling: “That’s his opinion. I’m not gonna comment on him, I’m not gonna give him the f**king benefit of thinking that he’s gotten to me, because he hasn’t, to be fair. That’s his opinion. His opinion has obviously worked very well because every company he’s ever worked for, he’s been fired from, so you know, his opinion’s obviously a good thing.”
If you use any of the quotes in this article, please credit Chris Van Vliet with a h/t to 411mania.com for the transcription.