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Join 411’s Live AEW Collision Coverage

October 28, 2023 | Posted by Theo Sambus
AEW Collision 10-28-23 Image Credit: AEW

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Hello and welcome to this evening’s live coverage of AEW Collision! There is a big fight feel in the air tonight, and I did NOT see this one coming when the week began! A match we’ve all been clamoring for for some time; tonight, MJF will go one-on-one with Kenny Omega, and the AEW World Heavyweight Championship will be on the line. That is simply huuuuuge, and while we can likely expect MJF to leave the Mohegan Sun Arena with his championship reign in tact, they’ve done a good job in creating some uncertainty. The interactions between Jay White & Kenny Omega on Rampage last night to hype up a potential Full Gear match should Omega be victorious tonight proved very smart. Their backstory would certainly be enough to carry a PPV main event slot, so that seed of doubt has been planted as to whether or not MJF can beat Omega, both physically and in terms of being the longest reigning AEW champion in company history.

Doesn’t look like that’s going to be the only notable occurence tonight either – Jay White will be in action against AR Fox, but with one eye on the main event, will White have his full attention on Fox? The House of Black are scheduled to appear after they made their presence felt in a big way last week. Plus, Hikaru Shida puts her title on the line again this week as she faces Abadon in a ‘Fright Night Fight’, which undoubtedly gives them the opportunity to shoehorn the Halloween shtick in. This is being labelled as the ‘biggest Collision to date’ which is high praise, so let’s see if it lives up to that hype. LET’S DO THIS!


Location: Uncasville, CT

Venue: Mohegan Sun Arena

Commentators: Nigel McGuinness, Kevin Kelly & Tony Schiavone


We are live, and kicking things off with in-ring action, as Bullet Club Gold make their way to the ring.

Match One: ‘Switchblade’ Jay White (w/ Bullet Club Gold) vs AR Fox

White backs Fox into the corner with a shoulder to the midsection, and grounds him with a side headlock. Fox shrugs him off but is met with a shoulder block. Chops to the chest of Fox in the corner, Fox ducks and fires off some chops of his own. Cutter out of the corner from Fox, goes for another but White avoids. Dropkick by Fox sends White to the outside…Fox looks for a dive, kicks from the apron, and then hits the rebound shooting star press off the ringpost to take out White on the floor!

Fox sweeps the legs back in the ring, rolls forward into a suplex but White counters, half and half into the buckles by White. Hip toss from Switchblade gets a 1 count. Big back elbow takes AR Fox off his feet. Nice DDT to follow up! 1, 2, no. White shoves Fox to the floor and distracts the referee, allowing BC Gold to take advantage. White throws Fox into the barricades as Juice does celebratory laps. Back in the ring, White hits a suplex for 2. Indian Deathlock from Jay, no, he transitions into the Muta lock! But Fox gets the ropes.

Both men to their feet, trading blows. Fox starts to get the upper hand, hits a springboard senton, and a tope con hilo to take out BC Gold! He runs back in the ring and dives again to take out White on the outside! Spinning michinoku driver followed by a swanton bomb, 1, 2, no! Crowd went crazy for that sequence!

White and Fox battle on the top turnbuckle, White kicks him down but Fox with a springboard seated spanish fly for 2! Fox goes for the 450, misses, half nelson suplex by White is delivered, and the Bladerunner connects! 1, 2, 3, White picks up the win at 10:50.

Your winner by pinfall: Jay White

Rating: *** – As the number one contender, White had to look strong here, and that was certainly achieved. The Bullet Club Gold shtick is still fun, Fox had some great moments and the crowd bought into some of those nearfalls. Neat start to the show.

MJF is here! He steals back the title belt….or at least attempts to, but BC Gold hold onto the belt. They start to surround him, so MJF has to hightail it out of the ringside area.

Backstage we hear from The Acclaimed. They’ve been champions for 62 days…and next week they are celebrating National 69 Day. MJF text Max and he’s gonna be at National 69 Day…but Bowens points out it was just a catfish, and remonstrates with Max for sending the catfish pictures.


Match Two: The Boys (w/ Dalton Castle) vs Austin & Colten Gunn

Juice and White are still out from the previous match too. The Boys double team Austin, but Austin comes back with a shoulder block. Tag to Colten who hits a huge clothesline on one of the Boys. 3:10 to Yuma, 1, 2, 3. This one is over at 1:36.

Your winners by pinfall: The Gunns

Rating: N/R – Squash. Bit pointless but I liked BC Gold still being out at ringside from the opening match, creating a good sense of flow from one segment to the next.

Next, we get a recap video looking at Omega vs MJF, hyping up our main event.

Danhausen video time – he will see us soon. Very nice, very evil. Happy Halloween, humans!

Lexi Nair is standing backstage with the Hollywood Hunk Ryan Nemeth. Ryan says things have been going great for him in Hollywood, and he wants that to translate to AEW. He is outside CJ Perry’s dressing room, and knocks. The door opens…and Miro answers haha. Miro throws him inside, the door closes, and we hear him beating up Nemeth. Amazing.


Match Three: [AEW Women’s Championship – Fright Night Fight] Hikaru Shida (c) vs Abadon

I think Hikaru Shida is in Ada Wong cosplay tonight. The ring is set up with Halloween-themed objects so expect all the bells and whistles from this one. Test of strength to begin but Abadon tries to bite the arm. Headscissor takeover from Abadon. They grabs weapons, Shida’s foam headstone is torn apart but she dropkicks Abadon anyway. In the corner, Shida goes for the 10 count punches, and hits a diving dropkick.

Abadon has now disappeared…but appears from under the ring, attempting to drag Shida under with her. Abadon comes out from the other side of the ring, and uses a trashcan lid on Shida. Kneeling jawbreaker from Abadon gets 2. Abadon uses a skeleton bone to choke Shida against the ropes, until Shida fights back with a bone of her own.

Snap suplex from the challenger gets another 2. She bashes the face of Shida into the canvas and again uses the trashcan lid with repeated shots to the back. Double axe handle smashes from Shida as she tries to rally back. Abadon uses another foam headstone and then bites a chunk out of it. Off the ropes, Shida hits a high running knee and gets out a broomstick. She goes up top, jumps off to ride the broom but Abadon avoids. Double clothesline takes both women down. Abadon has a baseball bat now, strikes Shida in the midsection. But Shida uses the bat to choke her opponent. Everything Shida tries has no effect, Abadon shrugs it all off. Lariat and a rollup gets 2. Shida is send headfirst into the middle turnbuckle. Now Abadon has candy in a bucket and spreads it on the canvas. Blockbuster into the candy, 1, 2, no. They trade pinfall attempts. Shida has her cane, and nails Abadon with it. Running knee, 1, 2, no.

Shida gets the pumpkin and places it on Abadon’s head, hitting the Kitana spin kick to pick up the 3 count at 10:10.

Your winner by pinfall and STILL AEW Women’s Champion: Hikaru Shida

Rating: ** – Yeah this was a little sluggish and I wasn’t a massive fan. Pretty tame in terms of the weapons, and having some foam gimmicked stuff seemed a bit shlonky. But hey, it’s something a little different and was relatively harmless!

Post-match, here comes Timeless Toni Storm! Shida watches on as Toni Storm lounges across the announcer’s table.

Keith Lee wants to talk to Shane Taylor about history. They came together years ago and Taylor is upset because Lee took an opportunity? Taylor doesn’t think Lee is better than him. A singles match is surely on the horizon soon.


Match Four: [ROH World Championship] Samoa Joe (c) vs Rhett Titus

Joe with the jabs in the corner. Big chop to the chest. Titus catches him on a run and kicks him off, goes for a dive but Joe strolls out of the way. Joe hoists him to the top and goes for the muscle buster but Titus blocks it and gets a running kick, and another. STJoe in the corner though! Kokina clutch, Titus has to tap out at 2:05.

Your winner by submission and STILL ROH World Champion: Samoa Joe

Rating: N/R – Another dominant victory for Joe. Poor Titus!


Renee Paquette catches up with QT Marshall last night on Rampage. He’s back in AEW and he will defend the AAA Latin American title he holds against the best luchadores in the world.

Claudio Castagnoli tells us that Bryan Danielson has a broken orbital bone from Dynamite this past week, possibly from the Rainmaker, possibly from an Orange Punch…and Claudio will make Okada pay. Yes please, sign me up for Claudio vs Okada! Claudio also knows what he will do to Orange Cassidy this coming week….and it honestly frightens him. Orange, you hurt one of the BCC,  and now he’s gonna hurt you.

Commentary further this by saying that Danielson will need surgery and will be out until later this year. Damn.


Match Five: Ricky Starks (w/ Big Bill) vs Dax Harwood (w/ Cash Wheeler)

The lights are out before the bell rings….and the House of Black are in the crowd watching on. Go behind from both Starks and Dax as they are even in the early goings here. Collar and elbow tie up, Dax goes for a chop but Ricky dodges it and wrings the arm. Shoulder block by Dax and a hip toss but Ricky kicks him off. They trade headlock takeovers until Starks begins to build momentim with chops. But Harwood has chops of his own, and a snap suplex, followed by a leg drop gets a 1 count.

Scoop slam, Dax up top, diving headbutt but Starks rolls out of the way. Starks wrings the arm and ascends the buckles for the rope walk…axe handle connects, followed by a Stone Cold-like leg lariat against the ropes. Leg drop across the throat on the apron by Starks. Dax throws Starks to the outside, goes to baseball slide out but Starks traps him in the ring skirt a la Fit Finlay and wails on him. Suplex on the ramp by Starks! Starks looks into the camera and says ‘we’ll be right back’ as we go to PIP.

Back body drop on Dax on the floor! Starks rolls him back in the ring but just gets a 2 count. Dax battles back with a chop in the corner and lifts Starks to the top buckle…but Starks knocks him back down and delivers a diving dropkick for 2. Starks has Dax on his knees and just paintbrushes him, which riles up Dax. Big time chops in the corner as Harwood is fired up, and a back body drop of his own takes Starks down. Boot by Starks takes Dax to the canvas and Starks goes to the middle rope, but Dax is right there with him. Up to the top rope…top rope superplex! That affected both men.

To their feet, they trade blows until Starks gets a running clothesline off the ropes. He looks for Ro Sham Bo but Dax reverses and gets some hard rights. Inside cradle from Dax gets 2. Dax with a rollup and holds the tights! 1, 2, no. Clothesline from Dax, suplex attempt, standing switch. Starks goes for the tornado DDT but no, Dax reverses and gets a huge brainbuster! 1, 2, no! Dax into the ringspost after a failed shoulder block, Starks is looking for the spear but Dax kicks him. MASSIVE piledriver from Dax!! 1, 2, Big Bill pulls Dax off him to interrupt the pin. Dax goes outside to take issue with Bill. He gets back in the ring but that was enough of a distraction, Ricky with a piledriver of his own, and that one gets the 3 at 12:44.

Your winner by pinfall: Ricky Starks

Rating: ***1/2 – Lovely showing for Starks here who is finally getting some big wins and consistently delivering at every chance he gets. This was good ol’ professional wrasslin, straight up. Good stuff.

Lights go out again. Julia Hart is here! The lights go back out…and now House of Black are in the ring…and they turn to side with the tag team champions. But here come La Faccion Ingobernables! Rush, Dralistico & Preston Vance head down to the ring…they stand with FTR! This all breaks down as everyone starts fighting now, bodies everywhere.

Lexi Nair is with Andrade El Idolo. CJ Perry offered him a business proposition last week, LFI is back, how is that affecting Andrade? He says this this is HIS business, nobody elses. He leaves and Lexi is not sure what that means.

Back from break, Lexi Nair is with Kris Statlander, Willow & Skye Blue. Kris wants to talk about last night’s four way on Rampage. Kris wants to settle whatever is going on with Willow and Blue. Willow felt the tension between her and Skye Blue…it hasn’t been right since they both got misted. Something’s been getting even worse with Blue. Blue says that anything she has to say to Julia Hart is between her and Hart.


Match Six: Claudio Castagnoli vs ‘Hot Sauce’ Tracy Williams

Ohhh Claudio strikes while Tracy is still being announced! Damn, Claudio is on fire, pounding Williams in the corner.  Huge rainmaker-like clothesline. MASSIVE uppercut! 1, 2, 3. 40 seconds, that’s it.

Your winner by pinfall: Claudio Castagnoli

Rating: N/R – That honestly was one of the best squash matches in years haha, Claudio absolutely owned him and all 40 seconds of offense looked tremendous. Angry, pissed off Claudio is a GOAT.

Post-match, he locks in the LeBell Lock to make Williams tap again.

Samoa Joe wishes MJF luck backstage as it is almost main event time…if MJF finds himself in a bad way tonight, Joe will be there, he just needs to holla.

Jim Ross joins us on commentary for our main event, and Kevin Kelly appears to have headed to the back, so it’s still a three-man booth for this one.


Match Seven: [AEW World Heavyweight Championship] MJF (c) vs Kenny Omega

‘Holy shit’ chants as Omega and MJF come face to face. They trade arm holds to begin, MJF looks for an armbar but Omega slides out of it. Side headlock from MJF, Omega pulls the hair. MJF gets the first pinfall attempt on Omega but just a 2. They build to the Indy Standoff before backing into their respective corners. MJF calls for sportsmanship and extends the hand…Omega shakes, and MJF pokes him in the eyes. He’s our scumbag! MJF hits the ropes but Omega sends him to the floor….follows up with the big tope con hilo to the floor. MJF back in though, he runs the ropes, holy shit a FOSBURY FLOP BY MJF!!

MJF goes for the heatseeker but Omega avoids it. Powerbomb onto the knee by MJF, which gets a 2 count. MJF grinds things down with a side headlock now…Omega fights out with a right hand but MJF maintains wrist control and throws him overhead. Capture DDT, good Lord! We’re seeing some different stuff from MJF tonight, this is great. MJF goes for the V-trigger but Omega avoids it and delivers a snap dragon suplex.

Polish hammers by Omega, takes out the knee and hits the slingshot bulldog for 2. Omega in control with a cross-arm choke, but MJF gets out of it. Clothesline to the outside by Omega…triangle moonsault from the Golden Lover! Maxwell back in the ring as Kenny heads to the top…diving dropkick to the back of the neck, 1, 2, no! YOU CAN’T ESCAPE driver, but MJF gets the knees up on the moonsault attempt. Maxwell builds momentum with a scoop slam, and rebounds Omega’s head off the turnbuckles. 10 count punches connect, and he bites Omega’s head. Whips Omega arm-first into the buckles. And he calls for the Kangaroo Kick. NAILS IT. Omega is knocked to the outside as MJF prepares for another dive but Omega isntantly back in with a kitchen sink. Michinoku Driver across the knee by Omega…and MJF sent outside. Omega dropkicks him into the announcer’s table….and Kenny pulls out a table on the opposite side of the ring. He sets it up and heads to the apron. Sunset flip powerbomb from the apron into the ring for the pin, 1, 2, no. Backslide from MJF, 1, 2, no. Bucklebomb by Omega but MJF comes out with a huge lariat.

They battle to the apron near the table. Trading blows, Omega gets a high knee to the face. He signals for the Dragon Suplex and NAILS it on the apron!! Now Omega is looking for a gutwrench powerbomb, OH MY GOD HE GETS IT, OFF THE APRON THROUGH THE TABLE! We go to a brief 90-second commercial with the time counting down on screen as both men recover on the floor among the table debris.

Omega manages to get MJF back in the ring but he can’t quite capitalise. Both men on their feet, trading right hands on staggered feet. Repeated jabs from Omega, but a poke to the eye by the champion. Kenny retorts with a big knee! Lariat by MJF. And another knee from Kenny! One Winged Angel attempt but NO, poison rana by MJF! Kenny with a poisonrana of his own and both men are down.

Back elbow fro MJF, Omega holds on the rope and MJF dives off with a stomp to the arm. Jumping knee strike from Kenny. Arms trapped, but MJF gets out and hits a Made in Japan! 1, 2, no. MJF hits a double arm shoulderbreaker across the knee, but Kenny comes back with a spinning falcon arrow. STUMP PILEDRIVER from Omega, pinfall attempt, 1, 2, MJF gets a foot on the rope! We go to another 90 second commercial.

Omega back to his feet and he is looking for another piledriver on the outside. No, a powerbomb into the edge of the barricade! MJF is in a bad way. Omega sends MJF back inside the ring and climbs the buckles. MJF gets up and grabs the ropes, crotching Omega. Max goes up to meet him, shoves his crotch in his face, but Omega drops out and sends MJF headfirst into the turnbuckle. V-trigger to the back of the head. Snap dragon suplex. Running knee, 1, 2, NO! V-TRIGGER. AND ANOTHER ONE! He gets MJF up for the One Winged Angel…damn it, here comes Don Callis to distract him. He has a screwdriver in his hand.

Rollup from MJF, reversed. Running knee by Omega 1, 2, MJF kicks out. Referee Paul Turner kicks out Don Callis. One Winged Angel reversed into a rollup. They trade pinfall attempts, no luck either way. Heatseeker by MJF. 1, 2, OMEGA GETS THE ARM UP. MJF says this one is for Adam…Panama Sunrise but he can’t get it, Omega sits down for the pin! 1, 2, no!!! That was so close. Panama Sunrise, hits it this time! Heatseeker again, 1, 2, 3, MJF retains at 30:15.

Your winner by pinfall and STILL AEW World Champion: MJF

Rating: ****1/2 – Just tremendous. And I can’t believe we got a clean finish! Absolute all-out action from start to finish, with both men giving their all. MJF clearly had something to prove as he busted out a ton of offense we haven’t seen from him before. Omega was no slouch either, clearly in Best Bout Machine mode. Certainly one of the best Collision matches we’ve been treated to, and I wouldn’t be surprised to see this ranking highly on MOTYC lists.

Samoa Joe is seething while watching backstage. Hobbs is also watching. MJF has some serious contenders stacking up, Bullet Club Gold are also seen watching on. MJF extends the hand to Omega….Kenny shakes his hand and they hug. MJF celebrates a little longer as we fade to black.


article topics :

AEW Collision, Theo Sambus