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Join 411’s Live AEW Rampage Coverage

June 7, 2024 | Posted by Lee Sanders
AEW Rampage Image Credit: AEW

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It’s time! It’s time! It’s AEW RAMPAGE time! Let’s go!

Location: Loveland, CO

Venue: Blue FCU Arena

Commentators: Excalibur, Matt Menard, and Tony Schiavone

MATCH 1: Penta El Zero Miedo vs The Butcher

There is a little pushing and shoving to begin this one as Butcher slugs Penta with a haymaker. A boot to the midsection follows as Penta comes back with a thrust kick. Butcher responds with a big boot as he charges and misses Penta. Penta connects with a delayed dropkick, followed by a cover for only a near fall. Penta pulls off a sloppy hurricarana that sends Butcher outside the ring. It came off like a miscue as Penta continued his offense. Butcher slugs the hype man Alex into next Tuesday! Butcher hits Penta with a couple of big lariats on the side of the apron before returning to the ring. Butcher follows up with a toe kick as he is totally in control of this opening match. Back from a commercial break, Butcher sends Penta into the ropes. Penta pulls off a sling blade for a two-count. Penta takes to the top rope and misses a stomp as Butcher hits a diving crossbody. Penta barely escapes the pinfall. Butcher hits a half-nelson into a backbreaker for a near fall. Penta comes back with a kick to the face as he pulls off the fear factor for the victory. Impressive!

Winner: Penta (10 minutes)
Teo of my favorites going at it for a great opener. Props to Butcher for really dedicating himself to getting in better shape. Whatever he is doing is paying off. I have never seen him look so small in all my years watching him in AEW. The bald head is a nice touch as well as I’m digging it.

Post-match, men hide your women! Chris Jericho is here with Big Bill as he tries giving commentary pointers to Matt Menard. What a douchebag as he walked away, as that was all Jericho wanted to say. Pretty damn funny! On a side note, happy to hear Menard is the full-time commentator for Rampage. I have sung the praises of Menard for months now as a commentator. Great move by Tony Khan and I would imagine Schiavone. Menard has two guys to bounce off of including Jim Ross for tips. The man can only get better folks.

MATCH 2: The Acclaimed vs Veer Mahan Lite and Rear MaHide

Forty-five seconds later, and it’s over. Thanks, Max Caster, for the arrival and mic drop.

Winner: The Acclaimed(45 seconds)

MATCH 3: Gates of Agony vs Private Party

Bishop Khan and Isiah Kassidy will start things off. Kassidy and Quen hit some double-team action on Khan as they flew outside the ring afterward. We are back from commercials as Kassidy dives onto Gates of Agony with a pretty dive. Khan kicks out of Kassidy’s senton once the action returns to the ring. Quen runs into the boot of Khan as Kassidy gets grounded as well. Toa is tagged as he climbs to the middle rope and misses a bomb in the corner. Kassidy hits a 450 splash as Quen hits a shooting star press. A pin attempt is made as Khan breaks it up. Kassidy is flying with elbow strikes when Gates of Agony hits Kassidy with a spinning slam, followed by a double razor’s edge for the win.

Winner: Gates of Agony (8 minutes)
Solid match as Private Party hanged big time with the veteran team there in Gates of Agony. I would love to see more of these teams facing each other. Gates of Agony is long overdue for a proper tag run in AEW. They have an amazing look and feel. Just think about the matchups alone! More of this team please AEW. Thanks!

MATCH 4: Juice Robinson, Austin & Colten Gunn vs Tyler Payne, Caleb Crush, and Chris Wilde

Juice unleashes clotheslines left and right on the trio, followed by a leg lariat. Juice hits a cannonball, followed by the juice loose to end this match. Another squash? Shesh!

Winner: Juice and the Gunns (40 seconds)

MATCH 5: Serena Deeb vs Mina Shirakawa (from Stardom promotion)

Mina is getting an excellent reaction from the crowd. Nice lockup to set the tone as Serena transitions into a left-arm wristlock. She has great control as she gets Mina down to the mat and hits a paradise lock. Mina’s arms are trapped as Deeb hits a double dropkick from behind. Mina returns with a misdirect and trips Serena in the back of the leg. Mina repeatedly hits an elbow on the inside knee of Deeb. Mina drives Serena down on her knees as Deeb catches her with a kick, front face lock, and a stun gun between the ropes. We are back from our final set of commercials. Mina hits an enziguri on the Professor. Both women are at a vertical base as they are slugging it out. Serena gets a rolling elbow strike from Mina. Mina hits another enziguri, followed by a neckbreaker. A rolling elbow follows to the base of the neck. Mina drives Serena’s elbow down the mat from high above. That move came off like a guillotine hold with her knees wrapped around Deb’s arm. Deeb comes from out of nowhere with a clothesline for a near fall. A series of pinfall attempts are exchanged as Mina hits a figure-four leg lock. Mina has it locked in the middle of the ring as the two exchange open-handed strikes. Deeb gets the better of it as she escapes to the ropes for the break. Mina chases after her and tosses her in the ring. Deeb trips Mina up with a dragon screw and a powerbomb for a kick out. Deeb transitions into the stretch muffler. Mina gets out of it to hit a back fist as Deeb hits a chop block after Mina misses with a spinning kick. Deeb tries to look for detox as Mina counters with an elbow and a reverse falcon arrow for victory.

Winner: Mina S. (15 minutes)
Pretty good stuff from both women. I need to research Mina as she was pretty impressive there in her Rampage in-ring debut. Deeb continues to solidify why she’s been the best female wrestler for almost two decades. Far as I’m concerned, Deeb has earned a spot on the Forbidden Door card. Not just because of this performance folks, but from everything she’s been doing thus far since returning. Who could be her opponent? I wouldn’t mind someone from the STARDOM roster, how about you?

Mariah May, Mina’s former tag partner in STARDOM, comes out to celebrate. Mariah invites Toni Storm into the ring to celebrate Mina’s ring. Reluctantly, Storm shakes Mina’s hand as Mariah celebrates like a giddy school girl as we go off the air.

End of Show

For more great talk of all things wrestling and beyond, be sure to follow me on Twitter @THERCWRSHOW and check me out on YouTube.com/thercwrshow Enjoy the weekend you all!

article topics :

AEW Rampage, Lee Sanders