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Join 411’s Live WWE NXT Coverage

September 3, 2024 | Posted by Jeremy Thomas
WWE NXT 9-03-2024 Image Credit: WWE

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Hello everyone, and welcome to our live WWE NXT coverage on 411! Jeremy Thomas here, as per usual, and tonight NXT presents the fallout from Sunday’s No Mercy PPV. Tonight’s show will see Trick Williams battle Pete Dunne in his quest for payback, while TNA’s Rascalz will compete against Hank Walker & Tank Ledger and Gallus in a #1 contender’s match for the NXT Tag Team Championships. In other TNA news, Tatum Paxley will take on Rosemary who made her NXT debut last week against Kelani Jordan, and Oro Mensah will face off against Lexis King. Plus we’ll likely have more from the fallout of Giulia’s arrival at NXT No Mercy and more. Should be an exciting show all in all!

Here at Thomas Central, my movie-watching is as busy as ever. I did my first rewatch in years of the very fun 1980s alien creature feature Critters, as well as the underrated Halloween III: Season of the Witch. I caught the first couple movies from Joe Bob’s NightmareAthon, rewatching The Slumber Party Massacre and When Evil Lurks, and rewatched the original The Crow which is an iconic 1990s film for good reason. Finally, I watched the 1980s classics Beetlejuice to refresh myself before the sequel hits, John Carpenter’s The Thing which is pretty much a perfect film, and Spider-Man: Homecoming in the latest film of my MCU rewatch project.

In terms of new watches for this year, I watched the wacky comedy Hundreds of Beavers which was very fun, as well as Despicable Me 4 which makes it clear the franchise is running out of steam. The rest of my watches were less good; the new Netflix action-comedy The Union is only watchable because of the cast, while The Fabulous Four doesn’t even manage that. And the new The Crow film is full-on awful, while the long-awaited Borderlands adaptation is only a little less so.

For TV, I watched a the Netflix docuseries Ashley Madison: Sex, Lies & Scandal, which is a solid telling of the affair dating website’s rise and fall, and got caught up on the always-enjoyable Dark Side of the ’90s. And I finally started Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story on Netflix, which is surprisingly restrained for a Ryan Murphy series and pretty well-done five episodes in.

Anyway, we’re gonna have a lot to cover tonight so let’s hop right in.

As a reminder, the GoFundMe for Larry’s daughters is still active and if you can make a donation, that would be awesome. Thank you so much to everyone who’s done so thus far.

* We kick off with a recap of the events of NXT No Mercy with Kelani Jordan beating Wendy Choo and Tatum Paxley attacking Choo after, Oba Femi retaining the North American Championship against Tony D’Angelo, and Roxy beating Jaida Parker only to come face to face with Giulia. Plus Zach Wentz defeating Wes Lee, Axiom & Nathan Frazer winning the Tag Titles again, Ridge Holland turning on Chase U, and Ethan Page retaining the NXT Championship against Joe Hendry, with Pete Dunne attacking Trick Williams post-match.

* We’re LIVE in the Capitol Wrestling Center and Trick Williams is on the way to the ring! Trick gets a mic and says he’s not out to do a bunch of talking. He’s out here for one reason: Pete started it, but he’s gonna finish it. He tells Dunne to bring his ass out here and —

ETHAN PAGE IS HERE! Page says he’s so sorry that he’s not Pete Dunne. But he is the NXT Champion, “All Ego” Ethan Page. He notes that Trick raised his hand at No Mercy and says it’s usually a tradition after someone defends their title that they open the show. He figured that Trick would know that, but he only successfully defended the title ones.

Trick tells Page to put on some clothes and shut up and says they’re not the same because he called the match down the middle. He is coming for his title but he has to settle his business with Dunne. Page mocks the notion of it being his title and says that he’s defending the title in Chicago and not Trick, while he’d be surprised if Trick makes it to Chicago.

Dunne attacks Trick from behind and they brawl, with officials out to break it up. Their match will be the main event.

* Hank and Tank are backstage talking about calling their shot and needing to execut. Gallus walk up and say they’ll run right through them and the Rascalz. A brawl nearly breaks out but it gets broken up. Jaida walks in and Fatal Influence come up to mock her. Jaida says Jazmyn is clout chasing and a match is set up for later.

NXT Tag Team Championship #1 Contenders Match
The Rascalz vs. Hank & Tank vs. Gallus

Gallus attack Hank and Tank at the bell and the Rascals get involved. Rascalz into the ropes and they knock down Gallus, kick at them and hit double stomps the back. Hank grabs Trey for a Snake-Eyes into the corner and a big boot, Mark Coffey runs him over and tags in Wolfgang who runs over Hank and covers, but Trey breaks it up.

Try with a sunset flip pin on Wolfgang but Hank grabs him for a German suplex for two. WOlfgang beats on Hank and tags in Mark, Hank into the ropes for a shot to the gut and slam back to the mat. Coffey kicks at Hank, Trey kicks him from the mat and gets a rana, then jumps for a double knee to Hank’s back for two before Mark breaks it up. Mark sends Trey into the ropes, he ducks and hits a rana on Mark. Chop to Coffey in the corner, snapmare and dropkick to the back, cover but Hank breaks it up. Trey with a dropkick to Hank, but he gets run over with a clothesline from Coffey.

Whip into the ropes, Wentz tags in and they double team Mark, inverted STF and a dropkick gets two. Wentz tees off with Mark and Hank via chops, he gets whipped into a grab by Hank, Tank grabs Trey and they slam them into each other! Rascalz out of the ring, Hank and Tank take out Gallus and we go to PIP break.

We’re back and Hank is trying to fight off Wolfgang, but Coffey comes off the top for a tackle for two. Coffey and Hank trade blows and Wentz joins in. Hank off the ropes and double clotheslines them! Tank calls for the hot tag and gets it! He hits a short arm clothesline on Coffey, takes out Wolfgang, and levels Coffey with clotheslines. Fisherman’s spinebuster, cover but Wentz breaks it up. Trey tags in and hits a choreographed move, then a step-up enzuigiri on Tank. He throws Tank into Coffey, then takes them both out for two.

Things break down and Wolfgang is knocked out of the ring — Joe Coffey is here, but Je’Von Evans takes him down. The Good Brothers show up and take down Hank and Tank — The Rascalz with tandem top rope splashes for the pin!

Winner: The Rascalz (10:57)
Rating: *** 1/4
Thoughts: Hot opener and a damned good match. Huge win for the Rascalz and next week’s match should be a banger.

* Sarah asks Frazer and Axiom about their win. Axiom’s comments were drowned out by the crowd. The Rascalz walk in and say they are going to beat them next week. Frazer says Wentz is on a roll but a change of partners won’t change much. The Rascalz don’t seem intimidated.

* Trick is backstage and asked about what happened earlier, and he says he’s ready for war. So is Pete, who comes and attacks. They brawl until officials break it up.

Lexis King vs. Oro Mensah

Angry lockup to start, they jocky for position and break. Oro takes Lexis down and throws hands on top of him. Back up and Oro batters Lexis in the corner, then chops him and hits a few more shots before throwing him face-first into the middle rope. Clothesline to the back of the head for two.

Oro grabs Lexis foot but gets kicked so he hits a rolling heel kick to Lexis to send him to the floor. He follows, King with a back elbow and tries to run but Oro grabs him and throws him hard to the floor. Oro throws Lexis into the ring and follows, Oro grabs him and pulls him off the ropes, then covers for a quick kickout.

Stomp to the side of the head by Oro, then a chop in the corner. King fires back but gets knocked down. Lexis puts Oro on the apron and eats a kick to the head, Oro goes for a springboard but gets shoved to the floor. Oro back in the ring, Lexis kicks him and covers for two, then lays in some mounted punches on the mat. Short arm clothesline by Lexis and a kick, then a Drive-By for two.

King pulls Oro up and lays in a punch, then chokes him in the corner, saying his father should have burned to ashes. That fires Oro up and he goes ballistic on Lexis. The ref warns Oro, Lexis with a double-leg takedown and pin with his feet on the ropes.

Winner: Lexis King (4:48)
Rating: ** 1/2
Thoughts: This feud must continue. This was a pretty standard match for these two, though I appreciate that Oro sold the anger here. I’m not too keen on seeing them continue to battle forever though.

Oro chases King to the back after.

* The Family are talking as Oba walks in. Stacks says Oba has some balls coming in here and Oba says that it’s hard for them to handle the fact that Tony was no match for him. Rizzo talks some shit and Oba says in some cultures women are seen and not heard. Tony walks in and gets in Oba’s face, and says Stacks is going to handle it.

Gallus is pissed backstage, with Joe complaining about Evans costing them a match and plans to put an end to him. They say to do it tonight. Wren Sinclair and the NQCC walk up and say Charles wants them to keep it down because he has sensitive ears. Gallus say after they beat Evans, they’re coming for the cup. Wren gets aggressive but Dempsey shushes her and mollifies Gallus.

Tatum Paxley vs. Rosemary

Tatum and Rosemary talk a bit in the ring before Rosemary grabs Tatum and pushes her into the corner. Tatum escapes and puts Rosemary on the mat with a front facelock, Rosemary back to her feet and grabs Rosemary who cartwheels out, but Rosemary takes Tatum down and my feed went out a bit.

When it comes back, Rosemary hits a short-arm clothesline and covers for two. Rosemary wrenches on Tatum’s head as Wendy watches from the floor. Rosemary with a fireman’s carry, Tatum escapes and charges into a boot. Rosemary off the ropes into a dropkick! Tatum with an elbow and a step-up enzuigiri, she hits a horizontal splash in the corner and an elbowdrop for two.

Tatum with a crossbody, but gets caught by Rosemary for a fallaway slam. Exploder suplex, cover gets two. She grabs Tatum and swings, Tatum ducks and hits the kneedrop, Psycho Trap for three.

Winner: Tatum Paxley (3:45)
Rating: ** 3/4
Thoughts: As good as a less than four-minute match could be. Rosemary matches up well with Tatum and I didn’t expect her to get the win here, especially as Tatum needed a victory at this point.

Wendy attacks Tatum post-match and goes for a sleeper, but Tatum throws her off. Rosemary with a spear and they double team her — AND LYRA VALKYRIA IS HERE! Lyra clears the ring of the heels to save her former friend. Tatum is ecstatic! They hug! FRIENDSHIP WINS!

* Sarah is backstage with Pete and he says Trick is going to figure out that actions have consequences. This is no music video. Trick is being held back but Pete attacks and they battle into the backstage area. Ava tells them to get to the ring to settle this now. Ethan Page says the place is falling apart with her as GM.

* Jordynne Grace is defending her TNA Knockouts Championship in an open challenge on NXT next week.

Trick Williams vs. Pete Dunne

Trick attacks Pete on the outside during his entrance. He batters Dunne and throws him into the guardrail, then chops him a couple of times. Dunne in the ring, Trick follows and the bell rings.

Trick with a chop to Dunne and a choke lift, but Dunne counters by going after the arm and drops Trick to the mat. He works over Trick’s face and hits an elbow to the back of the head, then starts his joint manipulation and stomps on the elbow. Dunne lies in wait and charges but Trick leapfrogs, neckbreaker for two.

Trick goes for a suplex but Dunne knees out of it and drops Trick to the mat. Dunne traps Trick’s legs and yanks on his face, then stomps the back of the legs. He grabs Trick and kicks at his head, Trick hulks up and no-sells some strikes, then chops at him in the corner. Dunne with a kick and comes off the ropes — Trick shoves him up for an uppercut! He comes off the ropes with a takedown, Dunne to the apron and Trick follows. He goes to uranage Dunne to the floor but Dunne blocks it, drops Trick to crotch him on the ring skirt and then pulls him to the steps — STOMP to the head into the steps as we go to PIP break.

We’re back as Dunne continues picking Trick apart with stomps in the ring. He charges with a pump kick and then goes for a clothesline, but Trick counters and hits a clothesline off the ropes. Axe kicks followed by a flapjack, Trick pulls Dunne up but Dunne counters with a DDT. Dunne up to the second turnbuckle and leaps but gets caught and planted with a uranage for two.

Trick with an inverted suplex but Dunne counters with a German suplex. He stomps the hand and kicks Trick in the face, then goes up top but Trick cuts him off. Trick up top with Dunne, Dunne with a sunset flip into a powerbomb! Dunne goes for The Bitter End but Trick counters into an inverted suplex! He stomps the hands and hits a leaping roundhouse kick, sending Dunne outside.

Trick out and charges, but Dunne moves and Trick crotched on the guardrail. Dunne gets Trick over the booth, Trick grabs him — they both go through the booth and the count hits 10.

Winner: Double Countout (11:21)
Rating: *** 1/4
Thoughts: I don’t mind the occasional double countout, and this one made sense. This feud I don’t mind continuing.

Trick lays into Dunne post-match, and officials break it up. Dunne breaks free and leaps onto Trick but gets pulled back and away — so Trick hits a front dropkick! No one can keep them apart.

* Ridge says Chase U let him in at his lowest point, restored his confidence and gave him a sense of belonging. So why destroy Mr. Chase? Because they failed. They were champions, but Chase U did what they do: win the big one, but can’t keep it. He says he brought Chase U to prominence. He runs down Duke and Riley for accepting his help in getting a Tag Team Title match but told him to stay home and failed to win. He finally becomes champion but it got ripped away due to mediocrity. He says NXT will get the man he tried so hard not to be. The step-by-step destruction of Chase U begins next week, and he tells Thea he’s going to love every bit of it.

* Brooks Jensen is walking backstage when Shawn Spears walks up and thanks him for coming to his rescue and then beating Malik last week. He says he thought he was saving Brooks, but Brooks saved him and he is sticking with this. Brooks asks why everyone thinks he’s manipulating him, and he says it just matters what he believes.

Spears leaves and Dion Williams walks up and says it’s psychological manipulation and Spears is gaslighting him.

Joe Coffey vs. Je’Von Evans

Bell rings and Evans with a takedown off the bell. Coffey with some shots to Evans, who comes off the ropes and counters Joe, then hits a rana and then a springboard rana followed by a dropkick and then a high velocity dive on Joe onto the booth!

Back in the ring, Evans kicks Coffey and leaps but is caught and dropped, Vader Bomb gets two. Coffey shoves Evans down to the mat, Evans up with a superkick and a bouncy kick. Release German suplex by Evans, he runs at Joe but gets put over the top to the floor. Joe distracts the ref, Wolfgang grabs Evans but Cedric Alexander out to break it up! Joe is out and in Alexander’s face, Evans leaps on Gallus! Back in, off the top with a spinning splash for three!

Winner: Je’Von Evans (2:34)
Rating: N/A
Thoughts: Fast-paced doesn’t begin to cover it. That was a five-minute match played on double speed.

* Tatum is excited backstage with Lyra and says she knew Lyra would forgive her. She says no one on Raw would have her back like she does. Lyra says they didn’t leave things on the best terms and she said she’d never come back, but she couldn’t keep her eye off Tatum. Tatum says it’s lonely here and Lyra says she has backup, and would rather fight with her than against her. So they should fight the weird girls. Tatum asks for a hug and gets it!

* Sarah asks Ava how she’s going to handle Trick vs. Dunne and she says next week is a Last Man Standing match with the winner facing Ethan Page at NXT’s CW debut.

Oba Femi vs. Stacks

They circle and Stacks ducks a lockup, laying in several punches. Irish whip blocked by Oba but Stacks nails Oba in the corner and goes for mounted punches, but Femi catches him and goes across the ring, chucking him and then hitting a short-arm clothesline.

Elbow drops from Oba, staring at Tony the whole time, and a cover for two. Oba locks in a chinlock as Tony shouts encouragement. Stacks gets to his feet and hits a jawbreaker, then slides off Oba’s back and hits a couple dropkicks to send him to the floor. Stacks on the apron and charges but gets slapped hard in the chest.

Oba yells at Tony and gets back in the ring, throwing Stacks into the ropes and nailing a shock to the back. He does it again and hits a lariat to the back of the head. Bodyslam that drops Stacks’ ankles on the ropes, and Stacks stomps on the ankle while staring at Tony. Oba talks some trash, Stacks goes for a roll-up but gets stomped. Stacks ducks a clothesline, hits a back elbow and then lays in strikes. He gets Oba to a knee and comes off the ropes — he’s pushed up but hits a dropkick! Oba is on his back!

Stacks up top and he leaps but Oba dodges and bounces Stacks into the corner. He picks Stacks up and tosses him, pop up powerbomb for three.

Winner: Oba Femi (4:32)
Rating: ** 3/4
Thoughts: An extended squash, but quite the good one. Oba is a star, as we all know.

* The ladies are backstage talking as Ashante overhears and walks up, expressing sympathy to Brinley. Eddy Thorpe walks up and asks if it’s Ashante’s new tactic. The ladies leave and Ashante calls him “DJ Platonic” and tells him not to step on his game just because he has none.

* Wren is talking with Je’Von Evans and offers him a Heritage Cup match next week. Evans is hyped and runs off screaming for Ava. Charlie walks up and asks what that’s about. She tells him and he is pissed. Wren says she just did what he told her to do and he says it’s not official right? She points out that Evans just ran to Ava, Dempsey asks Myles why he didn’t do anything to stop it and walks off. Myles asks what just happened and Wren replied, “Je’Von Evans thinks I’m cool.”

Jazmyn Nyx vs. Jaida Parker

Lockup to start, Nyx with a headlock and Parker breaks free. Nyx with a kneelift and an irish whip, reversed by Jaida who knocks Nyx down. Whip across the ring into the corner, then another followed by a backdrop, cover gets two. Jaida scoops Nyx up, she slides out the back.

Fallon distracts Jaida and Nyx kicks Jaida down. She targets the injured ribs of Jaida with kicks, Jaida fires back but is sent into the ropes where Nyx hits a big kick. Awkard senton from Nyx for two.

Nyx locks in the bodyscissors to work over the ribs, Parker tries to elbow out of it. Nyx on Parker’s back, she gets to her feet and puts Nyx in a fireman’s carry, but Nyx escapes and hits a shot to the back. Nyx off the ropes, Jaida catches her and hits a Samoan drop. Parker batters Nyx and runs her over a couple of times, scoop slam.

Parker with shoulders in the corner to Nyx and picks her up, setting her across the second rope — TEAR DROP!She grabs Nyx — Nyx with an inside cradle for two and a drop-toe-hold. Kick off the ropes, Jaida dodges and hits a hip check for three.

Winner: Jaida Parker (4:38)
Rating: ** 1/4
Thoughts: Not the best match, they didn’t click there much at all and there were some awkward spots. As a short win for Jaida it was fine enough.

Fatal Influence attack immediately after the bell. Jaida tries to fight out of it but the numbers advantage is too much. They throw her into a Nyx Kick and Fatal Influence pose over Jaida.

* Roxy WALKS backstage.

* The woman are backstage and talk about whether Giulia is going to come out. Fatal Influence walk up and Jacy says they have all the aura. Kelani says she’s not going to let them poison the locker room. Jacy says she has so much to learn and her days as champ are numbered.

Set For Next Week:
– Ridge Holland vs. Duke Hudson
– Last Man Standing Match: Trick Williams vs. Pete Dunne
– NXT Tag Team Title Match: Nathan Frazer & Axiom vs. The Rascals
– NXT Heritage Cup Match: Charlie Dempsey vs. Je’Von Evans
– TNA Knockouts Championship Open Challenge: Jordynne Grace vs. TBA

* Roxy is here! She makes her way down to the ring and gets a mic. She says people are probably so sick of seeing this already, but she’s not. Jaida slapped the taste out of her mouth but defeat tastes so much worse and she’s been handing out plates of it since she came to WWE. Second all-time in PLE title defenses. She says she’s smashed IYO SKY and Asuka’s records, and how even the main roster can’t stop talking about her.

The crowd chants for Giulia, and Roxy says she’ll give it to Jaida because she proved she’s the future of the women’s division, but Roxy proved she can’t be touched. She’s the fantasy matchup constant and when reality meeets fantasy, the end result is the same. No one can take the title from her, whether you’re the hottest NXT prospect or a former NXT Champion, or the hottest free agent from Japan trying to steal her shine. When the smoke clears it’ll be her holding her title in the air.

CHELSEA GREEN IS HERE! Chelsea asks if Roxy was expecting someone else? Rhetorical question. Another rhetorical question: why does this section smell like B.O.? She says there’s a lot of speculation who Roxy would talk about and she says she’s believed by the NXT Universe. She would do anything for her fans — most of them, because some of them are creepy! But here she is, fun-sized champ, and nobody is going to tell her she’s not the #1 contender.

IT’S GIULIA TIME! Giulia drops Chelsea and then stares at Roxy. Giulia grabs the mic and tells Roxy: “Me, You, CW.” Roxy raises the title and they stare off, we have a title match for The CW!

And with that, we’re done for the night!

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WWE NXT, Jeremy Thomas