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Join 411’s Live WWE Raw Coverage

September 9, 2024 | Posted by Tony Acero
WWE Raw 9-9-24 IC1C Image Credit: WWE

Keep Refreshing For The Latest WWE Raw Results

Y’all like tournaments? How bout burgers? Michael Ornelas has gone crazy, pitting eight burgers against one another bracket style! And just like college ball, he’s letting you guys participate by making your own! If you guess all winners correct, you’ll be placed in a drawing to win $500!

Names like White Castle, In-n-Out, and Shake Shack are in there, as well as others! Click the image and join the fun! I already did!

Big moves in the Acero household! As announced last week, I will have to give up my AEW coverage for the time being. Just got a big boy GM position for a spot in the city that’s promising a nice chunk of change and free food, so I’ll be pretty busy until I can make my own schedule and return to my buddies here.

In other news, my website, www.tonyacero.com is up and running. I got a book coming soon, so if you could find some time to click the link and subscribe, I’d love you just a bit more than I already do!

And Finally,

We start with a video package that covers American Made’s feud with The Wyatt6. American Made comes out with the plunder, and are in Street Fight gera, ready to rumble.

American Made vs The Wyatt6

Uncle Howdy is sittin this one out. We get the guys on either side of the apron. Ivy is first to enter, ready for action, so Nikki slides into the ring and attacks with a Thesz Press and the bell rings.

The other men wrestle to the outside. Brutus and Gacy, Julius and Rowan, Gable and Lumis.

Meanwhile, Nikki places a trash can onto Ivy’s head, then grabs a kendo stick and attacks the can a few times. Nikki sends Ivy into the barricade, then dropkicks the trashcan while Ivy is in it.

We head to the apron where Gacy hits a suplex onto it. Rowan slams Julius onto the apron’s edge. Gable to the top rope. He flies, Lumis catches him, full Nelson slam!

Nikki has Ivy near the booth. She clears the top and stands, but Ivy trips her up, then hits her with a flapjack onto the table. Ivy then tosses Nikki aover the table.

In the ring, Gacy is stomping Brutus just as Gable attacks Lumis with a kendo stick in the stomach then the back Gable to the ring, attacks Gacy with some hits. Gacy leaves the ring. Gable stands tall. Rowan still has jUlius hurting until Gable goes out to hit him with a kendo stick. Rowan eats it, then hits a headbutt to Gable. The Creeds double team Rowan and hit a supl—-no, it’s Rowan who hits THEM with a suplex! Shoulder tackle from Rowan! He heads under the ring, then grabs a table! Rowan grabs Gable for a powerslam, but Julius pulls Gable down. Ivy has a fire extinguisher and sprays Rowan! Chair shot to the back! Another! Slam through the table by The Creeds! They pile stuff over Rowan, piling on chairs and other stuff.

Gable with a chair in the ring. Drop toe hold to Lumis onto a chair! Gable chokes him with a kendo stick. Gable has a chair again, and swipes, but Lumis ducks and hits a back suplex to Gable! Kip up! Leaping leg drop from Lumis! Gable rolls outside. Creeds attack Gacy. Julius sends him into the ring. Grabs a kendo stick. Attack to the back. Lumis sets a table up outside. Gacy springboards and hits a clothesline to both Creeds inside the ring. Lumis grabs Gable near the table. Crowd is loving this. Lumis punches Gable onto the table. Kend stick to Gacy’s back. Gable drops Lumis, Julius smacks Gacy across the back with a chair. Gable comes in with more kendo sticks. Brutus places the trash can on Gacy, then all three of them take turns smacking the trash can like a pinata.

Ive goes for something under the ring, but Nikki is down there! She crawls out with a kendo stick. Nikki attacks over and over then slams Ivy onto the table. Nikki with a crossbody onto the table and over it.

In the ring, Gable kinda runs into the trash can? I dunno man. The Creeds stand Gacy up and send him into the corner.

Julius outside. He gets another table. Slides it into the ring. The Creeds look to double team Gacy, but Rowan is stirring! He comes out from the pile of debris, then enters the time keeper area and kicks a barricade apart. He grabs it and slams Juius with it, then Brutus, and Gable. Rowan rolls Brutus into the ring then drops a kendo stick and hits al ariat instead, another. Big splash in the corner. Snapmare, dropkick to Brutus! In comes Julius, spinning leg lariat to Julius. Big slam to Brutus. Cover! 1.2…NO!!! Julius breaks it up! Kend stick attack to Rowan. Gable wedges a chair into the corner! Rowan drops both Creeds and catches a launching Gable. Rowan spins him away, back elbow to Julius, drop toe hold to Rowan goes into the chair!!!! Clotheline from Creeds sends Rowan outside! GERMAN TO THE BARRIER FROM GABLE! BRUTUS BALL TO ROWAN ON THE OUTSIDE!!! Julius with steps knocks him down. Gacy flies through the ropes onto Gable! Lumis with a cannonball off the apron onto The Creeds!

IN the ring, Dexter and Joe hit double chokeslams! Gacy powerbombs Lumis onto Julius. Brutus is outside, Joe follows, lays him on the table, Lumis to the top rope, he flies with a leg dorp onto Brutus!!!!

Gable rolls Gacy into the ring, whip to the corner, Gacy hangs upside down, lands on his feet, turns, clothesline to Gable! Lays Gable across the table! Gacy to the top rope! Gable is up! ANGLE SLAM OFF THE TOP THROUGH THE TABLE!! COVER!!! 1….2…NO! ANKLE LOCK! Gacy screams! Ivy with a keno stick attacks while Gable holds onto the submission! Nikki pulls iby out then runs into the ring and hits Gable with a GERMAN SUPLEX!!! Dropkick to Ivy!!! Nikki leaves and goes on the attack with a spinning neckbreaker onto the chairs outside.

Gable is by the end of the ramp. He stares down Uncle Howdy. Howdy is up. BUT ROWAN FLIES FROM OFF SCREEN WITH A CROSSBODY! Face palm! CHOKESLAM ONTO STEEL STEPS! Rowan carries Gable like a child, and drops him into the ring.

Uncle Howdy is in the ring. He grabs Julius. Sister Abigail to Julius. Lumis to the top rope. He flies with a splash onto Gable. Cover. 1..2…3!!!

Winners: The Wyatt6
It was fun, but I think due to their desire to make The 6 look strong, we didn’t get much by way of wrestling. Plunder aplenty, and maybe it only came off as tame because I saw a man suffocated with a plastic bag just a couple of days ago, but the crowd was alive and loved it
Total Rating: ***
Match Time:

Finn Balor is here to tell Priest that it didn’t have to be this way. Priest screwed The Judgment Day. When he joined the group, he reached down and tried to help Priest up, but the more he helped Priest up, the more he tried to hold him down. Finn was his brother. He was the guy who had his back, who made sure Priest stayed champion. Finn should have been champion long time ago if it wasn’t for Priest lurking behind his back with that briefcase. Every time Finn got close to the title, it was Priest who screwed him. So he needs Priest to stop hiding, come out here, because he’s got some things he wants to say to Priest’s face.

Here comes Damien Priest with a whole lotta anger.

He walks down, removes his jacket, walks u pthe steps, then enters the ring. Ever since Finn broke up the real Judgment Day, Priest has tried to get his hands on him, and Finn runs. He will let Finn talk, but when he’s done talking, he’s dropping Finn’s ass. Finn says he doesn’t get to tell him what to do anymore. He is Finn, Priest turned Finn into a sidekick, he ain’t no sidekick. He and Rhea will fall on the same night, because he wants Priest one on one at Bad Blood.

Priest says fine, he accepts, now it’s time to do what he came out to do. Finn tells him that Priest has forgotten one thing, The Judgment Day playbook. Priest claims he wrote it.

Hard right to Finn, here comes JD McDonagh and Carlito but they get taken care of. Dominik Mysterio sneaks up the top rope, flies. GOOZLE!!! But Finn is there to attack. JD holds down the legs of Priest, all the men attack with stomps, but here comes…

Rhea Ripley! She is limping down on a crutch! Liv Morgan runs down the ramp from behind, and Rhea smirks. It was a ruse! She turns and hits Liv with the crutch! One for Dom! Liv ith a chop block!

In the ring, Finn hits Priest with his championship. Liv sends Rhea into the ring. Liv attacks Rhea with the crutch. Stomps to Priest, Liv chokes Rhea up with the crutch. JD with an elow to the back. Priest rolls over to Rhea and lays over her to take the crutch shots over and over from Liv! JD holds the legs, Carlito holds the arms! Dom attacks the stomach! Finn to the top rope!

Finally, here comes Jey Uso! He has a chair and lcears the ring quickly! Judgment Day smiles at the bottom of the ramp.

We headbackstage with Jackie and Braun Strowman. She brings up that he should be on th shelf for months. But Braun says she knew he had to be the one to step up to Reed. He’s still banged up, and last week didn’t help. But no excuses, he’s proven over the last decade that it takes a whole lot more to take a monster down. A wounded monster is even more dangerous…

Here comes Bron Breakker. He says Braun is a monster. Everyone knew that, but he came to see for himself. Bron is here to prove to him and the world that you don’t gotta be 7 foot tall 900 lbs to be a monster. He’s a dog, big man. The reason Braun still stands here is because he’s never been in the ring with him. He hopes Braun wins. See ya around, ya big SOB.

Braun gets all wide eyed as Bron leaves.

WWE Women’s Tag Team Championship Match
The Unholy Union vs Jade Cargill and Bianca Belair

Bianca and Fyre to start. Bianca overpowers Fyre, corners her, then hits a body slam out of the corner. Tag to Jade. Jade and Bianca whip then double tackle Fyre down. In comes Dawn and she gets one, too. Clothesline sends Fyre out of the ring. They pose for us. Fyre enters the ring and tags in Isla. They try to double team, distract Jade, Jade shoots Isla to the ropes and hits her with a delayed body slam. One for Fyre. Big elbow to the corner, another is missed and Isla sends Jade into the top buckle. Isla mounts and mocks Bianca. Rights, tag to yre, Jade with an inverted atomic drop, Fyre attacks the knee. Boot to the head. Fyre covers. 1…2.NO!!! Jade kicks her away, tag to Alba who comes in to get kicked. Tag to Bianca. She flies in, hits a tackle, another, dropkick. Fyre in and gets suplexed for her troubles. Shoulder to the corner, mounts for right hands. Gets a 10, flips over Fyre, ducks under both, to the top, crossbody to both girls! Moonsault from Bianca! Cover! 1..2..NO!!! She tries for KOD, Fyre gets the blind tag, Bianca drops Isla, right and Fyre to the top rope! Bianca shoves Isla into Fyre, then climbs and locks the head. Isla holds onto the leg. Enters the ring, we get a double team powerbomb to Bianca! Isla covers! 1.2…NO!!!! Tag to Fyre. Double suplex attempt, but Jade is on the apron, back inside, catches Bianca! Shoves Isla into Fyre, Jad—-NO!!! Alba with a kick! Bianca in for a rollup gets 1..2.NO!!! Tag from Isla, Gory Special double team and a cover for 1.2..nO!!! Jade stops the pin!

Superkick from Fyre to Bianca! Jade with a blind tag! Huge pump kick to Fyre! Bainca flips her into a DDT/GERMAN! COVER! 1…2….3!!!!

Winners: Bianca Belair and Jade Cargill
Just a match to confirm their win, and we’ll see where they go next. Not too bad.
Total Rating: ***
Match Time: 6:37

We are informed that Rhea and Damien Priest were taken to the a local medical facility.

Dragon Lee and LWO say they are ready for The Judgment Day. Here they come to tell Rey and company that they’ll be next. Rey says they are a bunch of wannabe thugs that run from a real fight. Dom tells his dad to watch his mouth, deadbeat. Rey says to watch his tone, then challenges Finn tonight. Finn takes it.

Backstage, Bret Hart walks like he lost his keys and is too afraid to admit it.

Bret is here, and we’ve got an announcement. Wade and New Guy are in the ring with him. Big Bret chant. They are here to announce that when they come back to November, it will be Survivor Series in Vancouver, and tickets go on sale Friday.

Wade asks Bret how good does it feel to be back home on RAW?

Bret says this is the place to be. No one took more pride than he did being a champion, but also a Canadian champion. Canadian champions will take on anybody. They never duck a challenge, and they prove themselves like he did every night for 20 years that he was the best there is, the best there was, and the best there ever will be.

Gunther! H’s here to interrupt! Gunther gets the YOU SUCK treatment.

Gunther says what a time to be alive. He is about to pour his heart out and they boo him? Bret asks why he is here. Gunther calls this a passing the torch moment. He was the best there was, but he is now looking at the best there is, and the best there ever will be. Now that business is out the way, he wants to express something from the bottom of his heart. All the boys in the back watched him growing up. Bret has always been a childhood hero. So personally, he will always be a close 2nd to his actual favorite, Bill Goldberg.

Sami Zayn is out in a Gaudreau jersey to tell Gunther that he’s got a lot of nerve standing in this ring, in this city, talking to this man the way he just did. This isn’t a joke. Bret is a Canadian hero to every person in this city. A hero to boys in the back that still study his matches to this day. And a hero to Sami. Bret set the tone for what it means to be a champion. What did Gunther do? Ran away at the challenge. He’s the best there is? Fine. Prove it. Sami Zayn vs Gunther Part II for the title.

Gunther tells Sami to understand something, Bret is not in Gunther’s league. As much as Sami wants to be, he is far away from being in the league with Bret. This means his answer remains no.

Bret says Gunther doesn’t look like a champion, he looks like a coward. A dirty, yellow coward. A gutless coward.

Gunther removes his jacket and his belt. Sami leaves the ring to stand in his way. Gunther tries for a cheap shot, but Sami blocks and hits a riht then sends Gunther into the post. Rights over and over then kicks until refs come to hold Sami back.

Bret and Sami shake hands.

Backstage, Pete Dunne needs a brush. Bron Breakker comes up to ask him what his name used to be, and Pete gets all upset. He tells Bron that he takes one step closer to the IC Title, tomorrow he takes one step closer to the NXT Title, then he’ll smash Bron and he can just call Pete Double Champ. Bron tells him that the worst thing he can do is convince himself that he can beat Bron in a fight. He wishes Pete good luck then leaves.

Here comes SHEAMUS WITH A RUNNING KNEE!!! Sheamus grabs the shalacky and swings it but misses! Refs come to stop him so he goes postal, swinging his little Irsih stick.

Dragon Lee vs Dominik Mysterio

LOCKUP! They wrestle down, back up, into the corner, Dom with a chop! Lee shoots the legs and punches then tries to turn into a Boston Crab, but Dom gets the ropes. Lee with a firemans, rolling senton, to the top rope, Lee flies but Dom is up and hits him with a dropkick! 1….NO!! Dom sends Lee outside, then taunts on the corner.

WE come back to Lee hittin a powerbomb off of a rollup for 1..2.NO!!! Dom up in the conrer, Lee to the apron, sends Dom to the buckle, kick to the face, Lee to the top rope. Dom chops him. Climbs. Lee pulls the legs, hits an elbow, Dom hangs, and Lee stomps him down hard. Lee covers for 1.2..NO!!! JD grabs the boot and puts it on the ropes. Dom with a right to JD and LWO and JD all fight it out. Wilde flips ointo everyone. Refs come and grab all men and take them backstage.

Liv runs into the ring, trips up Lee, 619! Kiss to Liv. FROG SPLASH! COVER! 1.2..3!!!

Winner: Dominik Mysterio
Oh you dirty dirty dom
Total Rating: **
Match Time: 8:18

Backstage, Bianca and Jade are walking. Sane and Iyo come to warn them not to get too used to holding the titles.

Pure Fusion Collective is here to scowl at everyone.

They’re in action next.

We get a nice mention of Johnny and his brother and the news of their passing.

We go to Jackie where she stands outside the Saddledome where people have left tons of memorial jerseys, flowers, letters, etc. Aw.

Cool nod to Johnny and Matthew.

Sonya Deville cuts off Lyra’s music as she makes her entrance to call her a joke. What’s different this week? She has a mystery tag team partner? That tag team partner will suffer the same fate. She has a message for this person. Wanna step up? Shoot your shot.

It is, of course, Natalya.

P.F.C. vs Lyra Valkyria, Zelina Vega, and Natalya

Vefa and Zoey to start. Vega with a rana, runs into a kick. Tag from Sonya, who holds the ropes as Vega stumbles outside. Shayna kicks her off the apron. Tag to Zoey and she flies over the top rope onto Zelina.

We are back and Zoey hits Vega with a suplex then sends her outside and tags Shayna. Shayna drops down to lift Vega onto her shoulders, Vega launches Baszler into the apron sloppily. Vega reaches for a tag, Tag to Zoey, sh tries to stop it. Nattie is in. Right hand, one for Sonya, back to Zoey, another. Another. Whip to Zoey. Zoey misses a splash. Nattie dodges a bulldog, steps over Zoey’s back, then a dropkick to the face, Side Russian Leg Swe—no! Elbow from Zoey! She kicks Nattie shoots the legs. Zoey reaches for the ropes then pulls Nattie into the ropes. Lyra flies with a dropkick! Vega with knees to Sonya! Zoey back in, flies over the back for a Sunset Flip into a pin for 1..2NO!!

They exchange pins but Nattie grabs the legs. Sharps-h–..NO!!! Shayna and Vega in the ring, but Lyra and Vega roll in and we get triple sharpshooters! The girls tap!

Winners: Lyra Valkyria, Zelina Vega, and Natalya
Much House Show.
Total Rating: *1/2
Match Time: 6:51

Drew McIntyre is happy as a clam, taking his sweet sweet time to get to the ring. He encourages the crowd to chant for CM Punk because now it is simply in memory of. Y’all see last week? Punk stood here, said he beat Drew in a strap match, touched some corners, so I’m moving on. Drew put a stop to that. Punk has screwed him three times. He pinned him at SS, and just because he can touch foru corners, he’s done? He doesn’t think so.

He has been talking about Punk since January. He made him a bigger star, but he can live with that because he is the one that ended CM Punk’s career. Now, to the future – Drew McIntyre. First, he’s got a movie coming out. Check it out. Things are almost perfect, but he’s got one loose end, and he’s afraid he’s got some bad news…

Drew says it involves Wade. He turns to Barrett, then says he doesn’t have many friends in this world. Wade is one of his oldest, they came to this country together, ben arrested together. He is the only logical voice that has fought his case while Cole lied to everybody. So why, when it was time for Drew to end him, did Wade step in his way? Drew isn’t angry, he is just disappointed.

Drew leaves the ring and walks over to Wade. He tells Wade if he does it agin, he won’t be disappointed, he’ll be angry, and he’ll do something about it.

Wade removes his headset and stands up. He looks to Drew, tries to talk reason, but

Adam Pearce is out here to tell Drew he has lost the plot. He’s about to fight with his friend? The voice of reason? The only one keeping his head above water? Cut the charade. Pearce apologizes and tells Drew to enter the ring, he’s got info he needs to hear.

Drew says he was talking to his friend man to man. Pearce is not a friend, he’s a suit, the kind of guy Punk kisses the arse of.

Earlier today, he spoke to Punk. He did not end Punk. Punk is not done, not done with Drew. Drew doesn’t believe him. Not a chance. But let’s play the game, who would like to see Drew v Punk again?

Pearce says it has to end. We thought it was over but Drew pulled them back in the fight, so it has to end. At Bad Blood.

CM Punk vs Drew McIntyre at Bad Blood. Hell. In. A. Cell.

Finn Balor vs Rey Mysterio

Finn works the arm, Rey flips out of it, kicks the lg, right hands, whip to the corner, hops over Finn, hits the ropes, ducks under, elbow from Finn drops Rey. Finn corners Rey, hits an uppercut, chop to Rey. Finn with a snapmare. Stomp to t he chest by Finn, another, a thir, over and over. Rey blocks a right, hits one of his own, another, gets sent t othe corner, Finn with shoulders. Finn with an uppercut. To the top rope. Punches to Rey. Rey drops him face first to the buckle. Rana, dropkick and Finn is sent outside. Rey launches himself over the top rope!

We are BACK and Rey shoots Finn out of the ring. Finn hops to the apron, Rey high kicks, hits the ropes, slides under the ropes for a splash. Rey sends Finn into the ring, heads to the top rope, flies with a seated senton, hits the ropes, ducks under, crossbody off the ropes. Rey with a 619 to the stoach, then a rana into the ropes for a 619! Finn catches him! He pulls Rey’s legs then catapults him into the neck. Finn with a modified half Boston around the ropes.

Ref starts the count. Ref counts to 5 and Finn doesn’t let go, so the ref calls for the end.

Winner: Rey Mysterio via DQ
Nice little sprint there after the break.
Total Rating: **
Match Time: 8:04

Finn takes his time releasing the hold. He then shotgun dropkicks Rey into the ringpost. Refs come down to stop Finn. He waits, finds his spot, then runs and dropkicks Rey in the chest.

Fatal Four Way
Pete Duneevs Braun Strowman vs Jey Uso vs Ilja Dragunov

Dunne goes traight after Braun, gets him to chase him outsid of the ring, and Braun hits the barricade ribs first. Dunne back to the apron, Jey flies over the top rope onto Braun outside! Pete entesr the ring and him and Ilha are left lone. German from Ilja! Running high knee! Big kick to th side of the head. Jey in, Ilja kicks, Jey catches, Enziguri! Pete dumps Jey outside. Pete looks to see Braun grab him and lift up high. Pete grabs the fingers and bends them back! Braun screams in pain. He lift Pete and just tosses him outside onto Jey and Ilja.

We are back to everyone teaming up on Braun, but Braun tosses them all aside then tries for a shoulder in the corner, but Jey moves! Braun hits the post hard. Jey holds the ropes, Ilja ends up falling outside. Pete with a rollup for 1..2.NO!!! Pete whips to the conrer, Jey hops over him, uppercut to Pete! Jey with a back elbow, high kick to Pete. Jey goes for a right, Pete dodges it and goes for the fingers. Braun with a GOOZLE FROM OUT OF THE RING!!! He grab Pete but Ilja flies off the top with a leg dorp! Pete flies outside onto Braun! Jey with a Superkick! Everyone shoves Braun into th steps! Pete shoves Jey into Ilja, then sends Jey into the post. Pete rolls Ilja into the ring, suplex in the center of the ring! Cover! 1.2…NO!!! Dunne mocks Sheamus, runs for a Brogue Kick, Ilja stops it, chops, enziguri to Ilja, Ilja rebounds with one of his own! Ilja to the top rope! He blows a kiss and flies, but Jey is in with a superkick! Cover! 1…2…NO!!!!

We’re back from PIP and Jey and Ilja are trading chops. Rights to th face back and forth. Jey kicks, Ilja catches, Jey misses an enziuri, chop from Ilja, kick, another chop, spins off the ropes, big clothesline! Cover! 1.2…NO!!! Pete in wit a dropkick to stop the pin! He scoots to the apron, springs into a chop from Ilja. Pete grabs the fingers and snaps them. Ilja drops to his knees. Ilja ot the top rope, Braun is up! He shoves Pete off the top rope and enters the ring! Shoves Jey, big shoulder tckle, kick to Ilja. Braun with a splash in the corner, one for Ilja, big blow to the cest. Rips his shirt off and sees that his opponents are all outside. He runs around the ring, swats Jey, checks Ilja, and shoves Pete into the barricade. Bbraun grabs Pete and sends him into the barricade again, then clears off the announce table. Braun turns….


Ilja and Jey are in the ring. Ilja pulls himself up. Jey pulls himself up. They stare each other down. Jey with a right, Ilha with a right. They go back and forth. Chops from Ilja. Misses a. bakcfist, Jey hits the ropes, ducks under, SPEAR!!! PETE DUNNE IS IN!!! He tosses jey out of the ring Cover! 1.2……NO!!!! SO CLOSE! Pete looks to finish Ilja! Pete hits the ropes and kicks the side of the face! Forearms from Pete over and over again! Pete grabs Ilja from beghind, pumphandle, Ilja lands on his feet, BIG BOOT!! Ilja locks the head! Lips up!

Powerbomb! H-BOMB!!! COVER!!! Jey in!!! SUPERKICK TO ILJA! To the top rope! USO SPLSAH TO PETE DUNNE!!! COVER! 1..2…3!!!

Somewhere, Rikishi is screaming “NOT ENOUGH!”

Winner: Jey Uso
What a match. Tons of action, sick near falls, great surprise from Reed, and even Braun pulled his weight.
Total Rating: ****
Match Time: 19:39

End Show

article topics :

RAW, WWE, Tony Acero