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Judge Suggests Hulk Hogan & Gawker Go To Mediation

January 22, 2016 | Posted by Jack Bramma

The Tampa Bay Times reports that a Pinellas County circuit judge has suggested that Hulk Hogan and Gawker Media should seek mediation instead of going to trial. Judge Pamela Campbell gave the advice during a hearing over the legal team’s review of DVDs made during an FBI sting operation.

She said: “After the attorneys have an opportunity to look at those DVDs, I’m going to suggest that the attorneys or that you go back to mediation. I’m not going to require it, but I think you’ll see why. I’m not saying that they are admissible. In fact, I’m sure some of them definitely are not admissible, but I’ll let you all review them, and then we can discuss what each side wants to do with them, which for the majority of those DVDs, it’s slim to none.

Hogan filed a lawsuit against Gawker in 2012 for violating his right to privacy after publishing part of a sex tape featuring Hogan and Heather Cole (the ex-wife of Bubba the Love Sponge). The tape also features racial and homophobic slurs, which have hurt Hogan’s reputation and cost him a job in WWE.

Lawyers will be able to look at five unredacted DVDs made by the FBI during the investigation of an extortion attempt against Hogan. Gawker sued the FBI to get the records after it was ruled they were available under the Freedom of Information Act.The DVDs include two audio recordings and three videos, which the FBI says show Hogan having sex with Cole.

The trial was originally set to begin with jury selection in March.

article topics :

Gawker, Hulk Hogan, Jack Bramma