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Karmen Petrovic On the Advice She’s Received From Shawn Michaels in WWE NXT

June 22, 2024 | Posted by Joseph Lee
WWE NXT Level Up 6-21-24 - Karmen Petrovic vs Wren Sinclair Image Credit: WWE

In an interview with Casual Conversations with the Classic (via Fightful), Karmen Petrovic spoke about the advice she’s received from Shawn Michaels, who told her that he wasn’t worried about her ability to succeed.

She said: “After my very first match on Level Up with Ivy, I came back and I was on cloud nine. I remember coming backstage and after all the dust had settled and people had calmed down and the whole show had finished, because I couldn’t talk to him right after because everything else was happening. After the show finished, I went to say goodnight and shake their hands and Shawn was like, ‘You did so good. I’m so happy for you. You found your spot here. I’m pretty sure you can do this sport for however long you want. Don’t be like me though and stay in it forever.’ [Laughs]. Hearing that from him, he’s like, ‘Honestly, I’m not worried about you. You can do this for however long you choose to and I can’t wait to see the journey.’ That was something that stuck with me forever.

article topics :

Karmen Petrovic, Joseph Lee