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Leighty’s NXT Level Up Review 7.12.24

July 12, 2024 | Posted by Robert Leighty Jr.
WWE NXT Level Up Image Credit: WWE
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Leighty’s NXT Level Up Review 7.12.24  

-I am old and set in my ways, so it sucks that Eminem’s new album isn’t available on CD until September. I don’t do digital music! Let’s get to it!

-Announce Team: Blake Howard and Byron Saxton
-Taped: WWE Capitol Wrestling Center, Orlando, FL

Malik Blade (w/ Edris Enofe and Brinley Reece) vs. Cutler James

-This is my second time watching this match, as my original review froze and was gone when I rebooted. Lockup to start and Cutler shoves James across the ring. Another go, and Cutler backs Blade into the corner, but he escapes. He tries to get Cutler to the mat, but James powers out and ends up hitting a running shoulder. Blade cartwheels to escape another and floats over to a side headlock. Blade ducks a clothesline and fires off some LOUD chops that James just eats. Blade gets the mounted punches in the corner, but runs into a backdrop that sends him flying. James targets the left arm as he wraps it around the ropes. Shoulder breaker as Howard brings up Papa Shango. Good pull though that wasn’t the version of the shoulder breaker he used. James preps to mow the lawn and drops James on his face. That was, unique. James back to the arm and he looks for another shoulder breaker, but Blade gets a slow-moving roll-up for two. That looked awkward. Blade with a dropkick followed by a middle rope Blockbuster. Frog Splash finishes for the pin at 3:47.

Winner: Malik Blade via pin at 3:47
-That was brisk! James dominated and Blade got a run in the final 20 seconds to get the win.

-Hank and Tank are backstage and talk about their game plan being to attack the A Gap. Just don’t go ask Pat McAfee about the C Gap. Look it up on YouTube.

-WWE Shop commercial!

-SummerSlam! Cleveland! If my friends don’t back out, I will be there.

Tatum Paxley vs. Layla Diggs

-Diggs shoots in for the leg and then blocks a hiptoss and gets a throw while going to a split. She works the arm and shoulder. She takes Paxley down, who kips up, but Diggs maintains arm control. Paxley to her feet and starts firing off forearms. Float over in the corner into a sunset flip for two. Paxley has had enough and dives at the knee to stop Diggs’ run. More forearms from Paxley and she starts kicking away at the damaged knee. She hits a crossbody in the corner and that gets two. Forearm to the head and then Paxley ties Diggs up in the middle of the ring with a modified figure four. Paxley goes for the crossbody in the corner again, but Diggs moves. She snaps off a butterfly suplex as she sells the knee. She gets a cartwheel into a back flip splash while selling the knee. I appreciate her doing that off one foot. It’s the little things! Diggs takes a shot to the knee and that gives Paxley an opening to hit the Psycho Trap for the pin at 4:44.

Winner: Tatum Paxley via pin at 4:44
-Another short one, but it was fine. Diggs selling the knee is enough to put this one above the opener for me. *1/4

-Bad Blood commercial! To be continued…

Hank Walker and Tank Ledger vs. Dion Lennox and Uriah Connors

-This is Lennox’s third partner on this show. Let’s see if this one works for him. Lennox and Hank start us off with a handshake. Hank with a side headlock, but gets shoved off. He hits a shoulder tackle, and goes for the cover, but Lennox out before a one count is made. Another shoulder attempt, but Lennox drops down and gets a dropkick. Tag to Connors who hits a step-up Senton. Tag to Tank and he runs Connors over. Connors with a series of chops, but gets caught in the corner. Splash by Tank and then a double splash as they meet in the middle. Connors tries to get Lennox to cheat, but he is too nice of a guy. Connors gets a trip on the apron and then yells at Lennox before making the tag. I don’t think this team is going to last. Lennox with a belly to back suplex for two. He goes to work on the shoulder and then lands a back elbow. Tag to Connors who comes in for a one count. He uses the middle rope to choke and wants Lennox to cheat again, but no dice. Tag to Lennox and he gets lit up with a chop which pisses off Lennox. He goes to the ground and pound and gets a two count. Hank starts fighting out of the corner. Connors lands a clothesline for a two count to cut off the tag. More of Connors wanting Lennox to cheat, but it’s not happening. The hot (kind of) tag is made to Tank! TANK MODE as he runs wild on both men. He gets a slam on Lennox for two. Splash in the corner, but Connors is back in with a clothesline. Lennox with a spinebuster on Walker for two. Connors tries to remove the buckle cover, and Lennox stops that. That lets Tank hit a corner splash, that sends Connors to the floor. Collision Course finishes at 7:30.

Winners: Hank and Tank via pin at 7:30
-Kind of dull as the crowd really wasn’t into the heat segment on Hank. The actual team winning was the right call and Lennox is still searching for a partner. I appreciate the little story with Connors wanting to cheat and Lennox being above that. *3/4

-Thanks for reading!

The final score: review Not So Good
The 411
Really not into the episode this week outside of the story in the Main Event and Diggs selling the knee with her one-legged backflip. As always, an easy show to watch, but it just seemed kind of blah this week. We will try again next week.

article topics :

NXT Level Up, Robert Leighty Jr.