wrestling / TV Reports
Leighty’s WWE Main Event Review 9.12.24

-Happy Birthday to my wife! Love you dear! Let’s get to it!
-Announce Team: Blake Howard and Vic Joseph
-Taped: Scotiabank Saddledome, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Dante Chen vs. Uriah Connors
-Level Up Main Event is back for another week! For those unaware Connors is the youngest son of Fit Finlay. Chen controls the arm to start and Connors tries to roll to escape, but Chen takes it to the mat. Connors to his feet and he gets to the ropes to force a break. Connors gets a side headlock, and uses the hair to maintain the hold. Chen returns favor and uses the hair himself. Deep arm-drag from Chen and another. He lands a series of strikes and gets a side Russian leg sweep. Chen misses a boot and Connors gets a roll-up but instead of a pin, it dumps Chen out of the ring and to the floor. Back splash from Connors gets two! Loud chop from Uriah! Another even louder one in the corner. Chen fires off his own chops and I guess for Connors what doesn’t kill him will make him stronger. Yes, I have been waiting to use that line. Sue me! Slingshot spear from Connors for two. Nice! The crowd is into this one which has to feel great for these two. More chops from Connors. He runs Chen into the corner, but Chen gets a drop toehold and it sends Connors into the middle buckle. Chen with strikes followed by a clothesline and then a forearm. Sit-out slam and Gentle Touch finishes at 4:25.
Winner: Dante Chen via pin at 4:25
-This was fun as they looked like they were having a blast out there. It always cool to see the kids I have been watching on Level Up get a chance on a bigger stage. **1/4
-Recap of the issues between The Wyatt Sick and American Made. Great stuff with this video package.
-Survivor Series: WAR GAMES! Vancouver! Nov. 30!
-Hulu commercials!
-Back to RAW, which as noted in my RAW Talk recap I missed most of as I watched my 49ers blow out Rodgers and The Jets, where the show kicked off with an 8 Person Street Fight between The Wyatt Sick and American Made. I caught most of this match and it was a fun, chaotic brawl. Wyatt Sick get the win and it will be interesting to see who they are paired with next. I will say it was nice to see Nikki back in the ring and I am sure she had a blast. THAT SONG STILL BANGS!
-Back to RAW last week where CM Punk wanted to move on from Drew, but we aren’t done yet as Drew attacks. He forces Punk to choke on the beads from his bracelet and then attacks again as Punk is being stretchered out to the ambulance.
-Hulu commercials!
-Back to RAW as Drew McIntyre as Drew gets in the face of Wade Barret and I hope they pay that off with an actual match. If Nigel can get back in the ring, give me Wade vs. Drew as well. Pearce is out and tells Drew he is so far gone he wants to fight the one man that has been a voice of reason. Drew tells Pearce off as he was just talking man to man to his friend. Pearce gives us the news we all expected: PUNK VS. DREW III: HELL IN A CELL!
-Also at Bad Blood: Priest vs. Balor; Women’s World Titles: Liv vs. Rhea!
-WWE Live commercial!
-Hulu commercials!
-Back to SmackDown as Cody Rhodes calls out The Bloodline. Solo wants the next Title shot and Cody plays mind games as he notes Jacob Fatu is the one that deserves the Title shot. Cool! We have time and have to be patient, but when Jacob turns on Solo it is going to be fantastic! The Bloodline look to attack, but DIY and The Profits have Cody’s back. Aldis is out and announces next week it’s Cody vs. Solo for the WWE Title inside a Steel Cage.
-Also next week Kevin Owens needs a partner against A Town Down. Also, also it’s Hayes/Andrade V as they are tied at 2.
OTM (Bronco Nima and Lucien Price) vs. Alpha Academy (w/ Maxxine)
-More of my kids that cut their teeth on Level Up! This crowd is JACKED to see Otis. He starts off with Bronco Nima and it’s BIG MEATY MEN SLAPPING MEAT! They jockey for position and Price gets the tag. He lands a few shots and a tag back to Nima. Otis ends up running both men down and then uses Tozawa much like Terry Funk used a ladder, and swings him at OTM. Next he tosses Tozawa to the floor onto OTM as we hit a break at 1:55.
-Bad Blood! Oct 5th! Cody and Metro finally leave the car!
-1:20 of Hulu commercials!
-Back at 3:45 with Otis in control. Tag to Tozawa and he fires off kicks, but charges and gets planted by Price with a one arm release spinebuster. Nima gets the tag and hits a stomp before talking trash to Otis on the apron. He stomps the hand before tagging Price. He turns Tozawa inside out with a clothesline for two. Tozawa playing Ricky Morton to Otis hot tag role is perfect. Neck crank for a bit, but then Tozawa counters another spinebuster attempt with a DDT. HOT TAG to Otis as the crowd pops. He runs wild and hits a release slam on Nima. Splash on Price! CATERPILLAR for two as Nima makes the save. Tozawa off the top rope with a missile dropkick. Vader Bomb from Otis followed by a Senton by Tozawa for the pin at 8:27.
Winners: Alpha Academy via pin at 8:27
-Super, basic tag match, but it works. Nima and Price looked fine out there, but this was the Otis show as the crowd loved him. **1/4
-Hulu commercials!
-Next week on RAW: World Tag Titles: Judgment Day vs. New Day! CM Punk Returns!
-Back to RAW as we get the final six or so minutes of the 4 Way Match to determine a new #1 contender to Bron’s IC Title. Cool spot with Strowman wrecking house until Bronson Reed hits a TSUNAMI OUTTA NOWHERE through the announce table. Dunne and Dragunov torturing each other seemed like fun. Jey Uso gets the win after the Uso Splash and that makes sense as most had him pegged as the winner. Match with Breakker should have good heat.
-Thanks for reading!
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