wrestling / Video Reviews
Lest We Forget: CHIKARA King of Trios 2007 Night One
King of Trios 2007 Night 1
Hellertown, PA
February 16, 2007
The show starts with The Order of the Neo-Solar Temple coming out to the ring. Referee Bryce Remsburg comes out as well and brings a chair into the center of the ring. Ultramantis Black notes that the fans came out despite icy weather conditions, and says it is a testament…to their stupidity. Ultramantis brings up the Hydra Lock Challenge, and has Hydra show off his physique. Hydra fights off accusations of steroid use from the crowd. Mantis says that if someone can break the Hydra Lock they will get a brand new…t-shirt. Also, $50,000 in COLD, HARD CASH! A fan says he’ll do it for a beer. Mantis tells Remsburg to “THROW THESE ROWDIES OUT!” Mantis says no one accepts the challenge despite multiple fans having their hands raised. Robbie Ellis comes out to the ring to accept the challenge. Hydra applies the hold and Robbie Ellis taps out instantly. Mantis then slips Robbie Ellis money, making it clear that Ellis threw the challenge. Ellis says he was not paid enough. Mantis denies playing Ellis anything. Larry Sweeney and Mitch Ryder come out to the ring to take umbrage with the situation. Ryder says that The Temple disrespected a legend in Robbie Ellis. Ryder says that Sweeney will take on Hydra in a pose-down. Mantis wants none of it at first, but the accepts. Hydra goes first. The crowd is not impressed, but Mantis is. Ryder oils up Sweeney, and he starts to pose. The crowd cheers on “Sweet and Sour.” Ryder, Sweeney and Ellis all pose to Sweeney’s music. The Solar Temple are supposed to pose next, but they flee to the back. Ryder says that his team will win King of Trios.
Match One: The New Jersey All-Stars (Lucky and JC Ryder) vs. Cheech and Cloudy
Cheech and Cloudy’s music skips. Oddly enough, it gets them an even better reaction the second time. JC Ryder draws some good heat before the match. Cheech and Ryder exchange on the mat to start, and Ryder opts for cowardly rope breaks at every turn. Cheech evades a dropkick and hits one of his own. Cloudy and Lucky tag in. Cloudy and Lucky have a nice exchange of reversals that ends in a stand off. Ryder jumps Cloudy out of nowhere. They hit a double suplex on Cloudy, followed by a double elbow. Ryder hits a scoop slam for two. Lucky tags in and pounds away on Cloudy. Lucky starts to target the leg of Cloudy, twisting it around the ropes. Ryder tags in and stomps Cloudy. Ryder charges in the corner but eats a boot. Cloudy tries for a Tornado DDT but he gets thrown violently to the mat. Ryder charges and hits a cool boot-to-the-face variation of the Shining Wizard for two. Ryder and Lucky double team Cloudy with some nice combinations. Ryder slingshots in with an Ace Crusher! One, two, NO! Cloudy reverses a whip into a nice inverted Samoan drop! HOT TAG TO CHEECH! Cheech levels Ryder with a boot. Cheech catches Lucky with a DND! Cheech ducks a leaping kick from Ryder and plants him with an OKLAHOMA STAMPEDE! Cloudy tags in- PARTLY CLOUDY WITH A CHANCE OF CHEECH! Lucky gets up, but he eats a SUPERKICK FROM LUCKY! Cheech goes for The Deluxe, but Lucky slips out. Lucky sends Cheech to the apron and hits a twisting enzuigiri! Cloudy comes in and eats a Double Backbreaker, then the SHAKE AND BAKE (double cradle DDT)! ONE, TWO, CHEECH BREAKS IT UP! Lucky connects with a FLOATOVER NECKBREAKER ONTO THE KNEE ON CHEECH! Lucky hits a suplex into a slam for two. Ryder hits a MICHINOKU DRIVER ONTO LUCKY! ONE, TWO, THRE-CHEECH BREAKS IT UP! The crowd gives a round of applause for the action. Cheech gets Ryder up- DELUXE! ONE, TWO, THREE!
Winners: Cheech and Cloudy
This was an excellent opener. Ryder and Lucky got heat, and the crowd was into Cheech and Cloudy. As a result, when the teams got to the nearfall sequence, the crowd was on the edge of their seats. The action was great, and the audience made it even better. 1 for 1.
2.0, Jagged and Shane Matthews, cut a promo. They see that they should have had their coming out party last year, but Shane Storm but the kibosh on it. Matthews says that tonight they put the kibosh on Jigsaw and Storm. Jagged says he has a bone to pick with Jigsaw. In 1988, Jagged struggled with a Ghostbusters jigsaw puzzle when he was a child. When he opened the box, it was in pieces! Jigsaw ruined Christmas for Jagged! Tonight, they will ruin them! BOO-YA!
Match Two: Shanesaw (Shane Storm and Jigsaw) vs. 2.0 (Jagged and Shane Matthews)
Jigsaw and Matthews lock up to start. Matthews gets out-grappled by Jigsaw, much to his chagrin. Jigsaw goes to tag in Storm. Matthews yells “NO ONE WANTS TO SEE SHANE STORM!” Ain’t that the truth. Storm tags in. Jagged sneaks in and Matthews sneaks out, but Storm catches on. Storm’s lucha is actually on point here. Cartwheel into a splash gets two for Storm. Storm charges in the corner but Jagged goes up and over, following up with a nasty snap-back suplex. Jagged and Matthews double team Storm and cover for two after a Matthews’ tag. Matthews gets a Russian leg sweep for two. Jagged tags in and pounds away on Storm. Jagged gets a knee to the back of Storm’s head for two. Jagged applies an arm bar, but Storm gets to the ropes. Jagged wrenches the arm and tags in Matthews. Matthews charges Storm but eats a boot. Storm then sort of hits a clothesline. Matthews cuts him off with a clothesline. Matthews gets a Northern Lights Suplex, and follows it up with a NASTY GERMAN SUPLEX! Matthews tags out to Jagged, who stomps away on Storm. Storm fights up and gets an AIR RAID CRASH! Both men look to tag out. HOT TAG TO JIGSAW! Matthews tags in as well. Jigsaw cleans house. Jigsaw goes up top and tries to dropkick both men, but they move out of the way. DOUBLE TEAM STO! ONE, TWO, Storm breaks it up! Matthews grabs Storm in a wheel barrow. JIGSAW SUPERKICKS JAGGED TO PREVENT THE DOUBLE TEAM! Leaping enzuigiri to Matthews! THAT JAPANESE MOVE! ONE, TWO, THREE! Shanesaw have gotten their third point!
Winners: Shanesaw
The execution wasn’t great here (a common theme in Shane Storm matches), but the antics of 3.0 kept things interesting. Once they got to the finishing stretch, things picked up. 2 for 2.
Match Three, King of Trios First Round: The Order of the Neo-Solar Temple (Ultramantis Black, Crossbones, and Hydra) vs. Los Ice Creams (El Hijo Del Ice Cream, Ice Cream Jr., and Very Mysterious Ice Cream)
Very Mysterious Ice Cream is dressed similarly to Claudio Castagnoli. Strange. El Hijo Del Ice Cream and Hydra start it off. Hydra shows off his strength by doing almost an entire push-up. El Hijo Del Ice Cream shows him up by doing several. Hydra stomps his hand to put a stop to it. A shoulder tackle sees neither man gain the edge. Hijo nails Hydra with a shoulder tackle that sends him flying to the floor. Very Mysterious Ice Cream tags in, as does Mantis. The Mysterious Ice Cream continuously tickles Mantis’ mask, much to his chagrin. Ice Cream Jr. tags in, and Crossbones does as well. Ice Cream Jr. almost applies a surfboard, but Crossbones gets the ropes. Ice Cream Jr. chops Crossbones across the chest. Ice Cream Jr. sits down on Crossbones’ chest for two. Crossbones takes over with a back body drop. He goes for another, but Jr. sees it coming this time and stops him. Ice Cream Jr. gets a suplex and a back senton for two. The Ice Creams team up for a corner dropkick. The Mysterious Ice Cream then comes in, and they toss Crossbones into a big boot. The Solar Temple all run in. Crossbones hits a drop toehold on El Hijo Del Ice Cream, which sets up a pair of low dropkicks from Hydra and Mantis. Hydra chokes El Hijo on the middle rope. Mantis tags in. A suplex from Mantis gets two. Mantis connects with a neckbreaker for two. Crossbones tags in and kicks away at El Hijo Del Ice Cream. Mantis covers for two. He then uses his boot to choke El Hijo. El Hijo continues to flail even after he stops being choked. Crossbones covers again for two. Crossbones applies a camel clutch and TWISTS AT THE CONE OF EL HIJO DEL ICE CREAM! BAH GAWD, THE CARNAGE! THAT ICE CREAM HAS A FAMILY! Hydra tags in and sits down across the chest of El Hijo Del Ice Cream for two. Hydra bates the other Ice Creams with a tag before tagging Mantis back in. Mantis chokes El Hijo on the middle rope. Crossbones tags in an hits a URANAGE ONTO MANTIS’ KNEE! Hydra then double stomps El Hijo Del Ice Cream! Hydra chops away at the Ice Cream to no avail, and then goes to the eyes. Mantis tags in and does a wishbone with Hyrda. The two chop away on El Hijo and send him off into the ropes. The ONST look for a double back body drop, but EL HIJO STOPS SHORT AND DROPS THEM WITH A DOUBLE DDT! The Mysterious Ice Cream tags in and cleans house. We get a chain of cravats, and everyone in the match cravats everyone else. COLD STONE STUNNER TO CROSSBONES BREAKS IT UP! ONE, TWO, NO! The Order of the Neo Solar-Temple take control and isolate the Very Mysterious Ice Cream. Hydra tries for a Vader Bomb to no avail. SCHOOL BOY BY MANTIS! ONE, TWO, NO! Crossbones takes out the Very Mysterious Ice Cream, but Ice Cream Jr. dumps him to the floor. This leaves Mantis all alone in the ring, and he falls victim to EL ASESINO! ONE, TWO, Crosbones and Hydra break it up! Both Ice Creams get dumped to the floor. The Very Mysterious Ice Cream gets isolated. Hydra applies a sleeper, and while the hold is locked in, Mysterious Ice Cream gives Mantis and Crossbones a noggin knocker! He pulls Hydra off of him, and GIVES HIM AN INSANE CHOKESLAM! ONE, TWO, THREE! The Ice Creams will advance to the second round!
Winners: Los Ice Creams
This match suffered for a while during the heel control segment, which went way too long. Crossbones and Hydra were not able to keep things interesting during that stretch. However, after the hot tag, things picked up. It wasn’t a train wreck, but it was a little boring at points. 2 for 3.
Larry Sweeney, Robbie Ellis, and Mitch Ryder join us to let us know that they will beat The Iron Saints, and that they look great.
Match Four, King of Trios First Round: The Iron Saints (Brandon, Vito, and Sal Thomaselli) vs. Larry Sweeney, Robbie Ellis, and Mitch Ryder
Vito and Mitch Ryder start it off. Ryder gets the best of the first exchange, controlling Vito with a headlock. Sweeney tags in and goes to work. Vito gains control on the mat, and Brandon tags in. Brandon rushes in but meets the buckles. Sweeney pounds away with some bionic elbows. Sweeney gets a side headlock. Brandon gets up but falls victim to a few shoulder blocks. Sweeny gets a hip toss and two atomic drops. Brandon goes out to the floor. Sweeney dives to the outside with a tope! Brandon goes back inside and Robbie Ellis tags in. Sal tags in, and Robbie takes him down with a tilt-a-whirl head scissors, which gets a huge pop. SLICED BREAD #2 FROM ROBBIE ELLIS! Ryder tags in and plants Sal with a slam. Sweeny comes in and gets a double axe handle. Sweeney connects with a butterfly suplex for two. Robbie Ellis tags in and does a cocky cover for two. Sal takes over and tags Vito in. Vito turns a front chancery into a suplex for two. Brandon tags in and headbutts the back of Ellis for two. Brandon hits an axe handle, and then chokes Robbie Ellis! While the official is distracted, Vito sneaks in and continues to choke Ellis. Vito follows up with a back senton, and then tags Sal into the match-up. The Thomaselli’s begin to work over Ellis as a unit. Vito tries to clothesline Ellis while Sal holds him, but Ellis ducks! Hot tag! Sweeney and Ryder come in and clean house. Double back elbow connects. Sweeney and Ryder team up for a double back body drop. Brandon and Vito pull Ryder to the floor. Sal and Vito lift Sweeney in a wheelbarrow position. VITO HITS A LUNG BLOWER, AND BRANDON FLIES OFF THE TOP WITH A SENTON ONTO SWEENEY TO ADD MORE IMPACT! ONE, TWO, THREE!
Winners: The Iron Saints
The finish was supposed to see a 450 from Brandon, but it still worked. Sweeney did a great job as a face, and the crowd rallied behind Robbie Ellis. This was a good showing, and beating a group that was so over with the crowd would be good for The Iron Saints going into the next round. 3 for 4.
After the match, the Iron Saints continue their assault on the way to the back.
KUDO, Miyawaki and Yago cut a promo where Miyawaki asks us what the hell we are doing. They continue to say something about “too much salsa.”
Match Five, King of Trios First Round: Dino, Masamune, and American Balloon vs. KUDO, Miyawaki, and Yoshiaki Yago
American Balloon has the creepiest set of man-knockers I’ve ever seen. Masamune and Miyawake start it off. Miyawake applies an arm-ringer, but it gets reversed. Miyawake applies a headlock, which begins a sequence of quick exchanges that ends in a headlock. Dino and KUDO tag in. Dino tries to grab KUDO’s crotch, but KUDO stops him. This leads to a quick exchange and a stand off. Dino grabs KUDO’s ass, so KUDO tags out to Yago. Balloon tags in. Yago gets a knee to the side and a spinning heel kick. Miyawaki tags in and stomps away on Balloon. Miyawaki applies a shoulder lock to Balloon. Miyawaki keeps the hold intact as he tags in KUDO, who takes out Balloon with a kick to the chest. HANDSTAND INTO DOUBLE KNEES BY KUDO! One, two, NO! Yago tags in and beats the living hell out of American Balloon. Dino comes in and pinches Yago’s buttocks region to make him let go. NASTY HEAT PUNCH by Yago! Kudo tags in and goes for a boot, but BALLOON GRABS HIS FOOT WITH HIS MAN BOOBS! Balloon tags out to Dino, who applies the creepiest waistlock of all time. Dino hits a snap suplex and follows it up with a knee drop for two. Dino lays on top of KUDO for two. Dino puts KUDO in the corner and tags in Masamune. Masamnue puts KUDO in shattered dreams position, and SLAPS HIM ACROSS THE FACE! ONE, TWO, NO! Masamune goes to the eyes of KUDO. Masamune plants him with a slam, goes to the apron, and slingshots in with a senton. Masamune covers for two, and tags out to Balloon. Balloon uses his breasts to beat down KUDO. Balloon covers with his boobs for two. Balloon drops KUDO with a scoop slam, and Dino tags in. Dino hits a nice spinebuster, and then makes a sexual pin attempt for two. Dino throws KUDO to the outside, and MASAMUNE SUPLEXES HIM ON THE FLOOR! Balloon throws him inside. Masamune tags in and kicks away on KUDO. KUDO floats under a clothesline attempt and gets a backslide for two. KUDO NAILS A BUZZSAW KICK! HOT TAG TO YAGO! Yago murders Masamune with strikes. Yago hits a double clothesline on Dino and Balloon. Yago beats up Dino and covers for two. Miyawaki tags in and he nails a back elbow in the corner. He drops Dino with a wasteland-type move, KUDO slings in with knees, and Miyawaki tacks on an elbow drop! That gets two. Dino tries to kiss Miyawaki, but Miyawaki evades it. DINO GETS THE KISS! URANAGE! ONE, TWO, THRE-NO! Masamune tags in. Miyawaki ducks a clothesline but eats a spin kick. 6-1-9 by Masamune! Masamune hits a facebuster deal for two. Balloon tags in and exchanges stiff shots with Miyawaki. Miyawaki gets caught going for a back elbow, and BALLOON DUMPS HIM ON HIS HEAD WITH A REGAL-PLEX! Balloon goes up top- BALLOONSAULT! ONE, TWO, THRE-NO! Dino comes in and everyone else brawls on the floor. Miyawaki hits some big forearms, but ends up getting kissed again. KUDO and Yago put a stop to it, but DINO MAKES THEM KISS! DINO JOINS IN! HE’S HARDCORE! HE’S HARDCORE! Referee Bryce Remsburg checks on KUDO and Yago, but they are still conscious. They fight out, but Masamune takes them out with a double dropkick off the top! Miyawaki takes Masamune out with a clothesline. Balloon catches Miyawaki with an Exploder Suplex. Balloon gets KUDO up and drops him with a backbreaker. TWISTING BALLOONSAULT MISSES! DRAGON SUPLEX TO BALLOON BY YAGO! ONE, TWO, DINO BREAKS IT UP! KUDO kicks away on Dino. Miyawaki isolates Balloon and hits an inverted DDT. Balloon gets up, but KUDO GETS THE DIVING DOUBLE KNEES! ONE, TWO, THREE!
Winners: KUDO, Miyawaki, and Yoshiaki Yago
This match was nuts. All six guys came to bring it, and everyone shined in their own way. The strikes were stiff and everyone’s execution was on point. 4 for 5.
After the match, the crowd gives everyone a standing ovation.
The Kings of Wrestling (Chuck Taylor, Gran Akuma, and Icarus) are backstage. Taylor is on the phone with Hero, who is in Japan. He talks about winning and getting all the ladies. Akuma and Icarus are much more serious. They say that this is not about Hero, this is about the NEW Kings of Wrestling. Icarus says that they are taking care of things without Hero.
Match Six, King of Trios First Round: The Kings of Wrestling (Chuck Taylor, Gran Akuma, and Icarus) vs. Team USA (The Patriot, Kidd USA, and USApe)
Icarus and The Patriot start it off. Icarus chops Patriot but hurts his hand. Patriot lays in some chops of his own. Kidd USA tags in and they do a wishbone on Icarus. USApe goes up top, and he gets thrown onto Icarus with a ROCKET BUSTER! Akuma and Taylor run in to no avail. Things calm down and Kidd USA and Gran Akuma lock up. Kidd USA gets a neckbreaker and an elbow drop for two. Akuma takes over with some vicious kicks. Kidd USA catches a kick and throws Akuma over head with a capture suplex! Akuma goes to the floor and Chuck Taylor comes in, but he eats a dropkick. USApe comes into the match up. Icarus tags in and goes to work on USApe. Chuck Taylor comes in and continues the assault. Akuma then tags in and lays into USApe with kicks. Akuma hits a kick to the back of the head for two. Icarus and Taylor come in and attack The Patriot and Kidd USA, allowing for The Kings of Wrestling to triple team USApe. Icarus tags in and chokes USApe with his boot. Icarus stomps a mudhole into the ape. Icarus applies a chinlock. USApe fights free and hits a leaping enzuigiri. Kidd USA comes in like a house of fire. He plants Akuma with a powerslam, but Chuck Taylor cuts him off. Kidd USA hits the Randy Orton backbreaker for two, and things spill to the outside for the non-legal men. Kidd USA nails a superkick on Taylor! Akuma takes Kidd USA out with a missile dropkick, and then wipes him out on the floor with a tope! USApe plants Icarus with a backdrop driver, and then pulls the straps down! ANKLE LOCK! Icarus rolls free. Monkey flip attempt by USApe, but Icarus lands on his feet. PEDIGREE BY ICARUS! ONE, TWO, THREE!
Winners: Team FIST
This was a fun contest, and the action was never dull. 5 for 6.
Match Seven: Shiima Xion vs. Nobutaka Moribe
The two exchange on the mat, and Moribe applies a wrist lock. Shima hits a very impressive wheel barrow arm drag, which leads in a quick lucha exchange that gets a round of applause. Xion gets tripped up and lands throat-first on the second rope. Moribe takes advantage and pounds away on Xion. Xion tries to catch him with a back body drop, but Moribe stops short and hits a neckbreaker. Moribe applies a chinlock. Xion rallies the crowd behind him and gets to his feet, but he can’t turn the tide. Moribe works Xion over with chops and punches, then nails him with a superkick! Moribe hits a side suplex and then applies a headlock. Xion gets up and catches a kick to the gut, then throws Moribe into an inverted DDT! ONE, TWO, NO! That was a nice move. Xion goes up top- missile dropkick! Xion kips up. Xion goes up to the second and hits a twisting elita arm drag! Xion then hits a SPRINGBOARD TORNADO DDT! ONE, TWO, THRE-NO! Moribe ties up Xion into an abdominal stretch with a leg twist. Xion breaks free, but Moribe throws him up into a SITOUT POWERBOMB! ONE, TWO, NO! Moribe hits a DOMINATOR DDT! ONE, TWO, THREE!
Winner: Nobutaka Moribe
This match was fast and exciting. Xion showed off some nice stuff here, and it’s kind of surprising that more places weren’t booking him sooner. 6 for 7.
Match Eight, Young Lion’s Cup Title Match: Max Boyer (c) vs. Ricochet
Boyer pounds Ricochet at the start. This leads to one of the greatest commentary exchanges ever. Sweeney brings up that Miss Elizabeth was from Paducah, Kentuky, which is Ricochet’s home town. Ultramantis Black responds by noting, “Yes, but she’s dead now.” This leads to about six seconds of dead air before Mantis notes, “I hate to be the bearer of bad news…” Richochet scores with a dropkick, and Boyer rolls to the floor to take a powder. Boyer kicks Ricochet in the gut and slams him down. He covers for two. Boyer hits a backbreaker. Boyer cinches in a top wristlock. Boyer connects with a back suplex for two. Boyer starts to get the crowd into it by repeatedly arguing that the pin attempt was for three. Boyer scores with a series of chops. He goes for a third, but Ricochet throws him in the corner and hits some chops of his own. Boyer reverses a whip and throws Ricochet violently into the buckles. Boyer covers for two. Boyer goes up top and tries for a diving headbutt, but Ricochet rolls out of the way! The two exchange punches and forearms with Ricochet taking control. Ricochet hits a BACKSLIDE DRIVER! He follows up with a spinning DDT! Ricochet covers- ONE, TWO, NO! Ricochet goes up top, but Boyer crotches him. Boyer goes up to the second and tries for a superplex, but Ricochet blocks. Ricochet perches himself up top and hits a dropkick. Ricochet gets a hurricanrana for two. Ricochet goes out to the apron and waits for Boyer to get up. Ricochet springboards, but Boyer powerbombs him. He then hits a twisting pumphandle driver! ONE, TWO, THREE!
Winner: Max Boyer
This match existed. Ricochet hadn’t come into his own in terms of his ring work or presence yet. Things were dull and a bit clunky in this affair. 6 for 8.
Match Nine, King of Trios Quarterfinals: The Kings of Wrestling (Chuck Taylor, Gran Akuma, and Icarus) vs. Los Ice Creams (El Hijo Del Ice Cream, Ice Cream Jr., and Very Mysterious Ice Cream)
Very Mysterious Ice Cream leads the charge to the ring, and he UNLOADS ON THE KINGS OF WRESTLING WITH UPPERCUTS! He pulls the mask off, and IT’S CLAUDIO CASTAGNOLI! Claudio gets a huge response from the crowd. Everyone brawls throughout the ringside area. Inside, Claudio gets jumped by Akuma. All three KOW members work him over, and Chuck Taylor becomes the official legal man. Icarus tags in, shoots Claudio off into the ropes, and hits a dropkick. Akuma tags in and hits a kick to the chest. Taylor tags in and locks Claudio in a stretch plumb. Claudio gets up, but Taylor pulls him to the mat by his hair. Icarus comes in and lands a punch before choking Claudio wit his boot. Icarus distracts the official so Akuma and Taylor can work Claudio over. Icarus applies a nice neck and arm submission. Claudio stands up with the hold, but Taylor and Akuma come in and jump him. Akuma hits a kick to the back of the neck on Claudio, and then applies a straightjacket camel clutch. Akuma lets go and kicks the Claudio. Icarus tags in and hits a back senton. Akuma comes back in and kicks Claudio in the ribs and chest. Taylor tags in and kicks away at Claudio. Taylor hits a Russian leg sweep, and then springs up to the second for a moonsault! Taylor covers for two. Akuma tags in, and Claudio starts to fight free. Icarus runs in, and FIST try for a double suplex, but CLAUDIO COUNTERS WITH ONE OF HIS OWN! Claudio makes the tag, and Los Ice Creams hit EL ASESINO ONTO AKUMA! Icarus comes in, and he gets caught going for a cross body. The Ice Creams hit him with a Samoan drop. Wheelbarrow suplex into a neckbreaker! Both men cover, but Taylor breaks it up. El Hjo gets Taylor up on his shoulders. SUPER EL ASESINO! ONE, TWO, THRE-NO! Los Ice Creams apply a double Boston Crab. Icarus and Akuma put both of them in headlocks, but Claudio breaks it up. Claudio hits a stalling vertical suplex on Akuma! Claudio gets Taylor on his shoulders- ALPAMARE WATERSLIDE! Akuma charges at him, and Akuma scores with a FLOATOVER CRUCIFIX BOMB! El Hijo Del Ice Cream grabs Akuma and hits a JACK-AND-JILL-HAMMER! Icarus hits the ropes and gets a DDT on El Hijo. Ice Cream Jr. comes in and hits the COLD STONE STUNENR ON ICARUS! Taylor comes in and hits a belly-to-belly overhead throw on Jr. Taylor hits the ropes and WIPES OUT CLAUDIO WITH A FRONTFLIP SENTON TO THE FLOOR! Inside, Icarus and Akuma hit A DUELING PEDIGREE/YOSHI TONIC! ONE, TWO, THREE!
Winners: The Kings of Wrestling
Claudio’s intensity took this match to the next level. This had a nice combination of creative spots and storytelling. The finishing sequence was great. 7 for 9.
After the match, Claudio isn’t done. FIST manage to drop him one last time and run away.
Match Ten, King of Trios Quarterfinals: The Iron Saints (Brandon, Vito, and Sal Thomaselli) vs. KUDO, Miyawaki, and Yoshiaki Yago
The crowd is hot from the get-go, and are really into Yago, who starts off with Brandon. Brandon tags out immediately, and Sal comes into the match. Yago applies a side headlock, but Sal sneaks out. Yago trips Sal and applies an armbar, but Vito breaks it up. Sal and Miyawaki square off, and Sal tags out to Vito. Vito gets a single-leg takedown, and then he applies a hammerlock. Miyawaki gets to his feet and cinches in a headlock. Vito breaks free with a wrist lock, and Sal tags in. Sal wrenches Miyawaki’s arm, but Miyawaki pushes him into the buckles and tags in KUDO. Sal tags out to Brandon, who pounds away on KUDO with shots to the ribs. The Thomasellis end up going out to the floor, and Yago lays into Sal on the floor. In the ring, KUDO back body drops Brandon to the floor. KUDO takes out all three of the Iron Saints with a suicide dive! Yago takes Brandon inside and lights him up with kicks. Yago locks in a half crab. Miyawaki tags in and lays into Brandon with strikes. KUDO tags in and kicks Brandon in the chest for two. Yago tags in and hits some vicious knees on Brandon. Miyawaki comes in and dropkicks Brandon in the head. Brandon and Miyawaki exchange blows. Vito tags in and hits an arm-capture neckbreaker! He follows up with a back senton for two. Sal tags in and scores with a backbreaker. Brandon tags in and works over the midsection of Miyawaki. Brandon hits a gut-wrench suplex and tries for a submission, but Yago breaks it up. Vito comes in and prevents Miyawaki from getting toward his corner. Vito hits a gut-buster. Vito lands some kicks to the gut. Sal and Vito then take turns kicking Miyawaki in the chest. Sal covers for two. Sal applies an abdominal stretch. Brandon comes in and hits a headbutt to the gut of Miyawaki. Brandon applies a leg-scissor around the midsection of Miyawaki. Vito tags in and adds another headbutt to Miyawaki’s gut. Sal tags in and applies a modified abdominal stretch. Miyawaki breaks out and hits a hip toss! He tries to make a tag, but Brandon and Vito cut him off. Miyawaki hits a double dropkick! HOT TAG TO YAGO! KUDO comes in as well. YAGO KILLS VITO WITH A PUNCH TO THE FACE! Miyawaki gets Sal on his shoulder. He hits a wasteland, and follows up with a basement dropkick to the face! Vito comes in and jumps Miyawaki. Powerbomb by Vito! One, two, Yago breaks it up. HALF-NELSON SUPLEX TO VITO BY YAGO! Brandon lifts up Miyawaki, and hits a POWERBOMB INTO A BACK CRACKER! KUDO up top- DOUBLE KNEES! Sal hits a leg-capture Angle Slam on KUDO! The crowd gives a round of applause. Vito and KUDO get up. The two exchange strikes. Vito hits a powerslam! One, two, no! Brandon comes inside and kicks KUDO across the back. Brandon chokes KUDO, then lifts him up. Brandon sets KUDO onto the top turnbuckle, but KUDO fights him off. Brandon ends up hanging in the tree of woe, AND KUDO CRASHES DOWN ONTO HIM WITH DOUBLE KNEES! Miyawaki and Sal tag in and exchange strikes. MIYAWAKI HITS THE NASTIEST HEADBUTT OF ALL TIME! JESUS CHRIST THAT WAS LOUD! The whole crowd goes nuts. LARIAT BY MIYAWAKI! ONE, TWO, THRE-NO! Miyawaki is bleeding after the headbutt. Vito clotheslines Miyawaki. WHEELBARROW LUNGBLOWER! HIGH LOW CLOTHESLINE! Sal covers- ONE, TWO, THRE-YAGO BREAKS IT UP! Sal and Vito put Miyawaki down. Yago comes in and nails Vito with a kick to the chest. Miyawaki goes up hits a TOP ROPE EMRALD FROSION ON SAL! ONE, TWO, THREE!
Winners: KUDO, Miyawaki, and Yoshiaki Yago
This was unquestionably the match of the night. Once this got out of first gear, it was hard-hitting and intense. The nasty headbutt from Miyawaki got the crowd unbelievably hot for the rest of the match. 8 for 10.
After the match, Miyawaki grabs the microphone to tell the fans he appreciates them. He says that his team will kill the Kings of Wrestling.
The 411: One thing CHIKARA did very well during this time period was mask their weaker guys (no pun intended) by putting them into matches that shifted the focus elsewhere. The result here was a show with ten matches that absolutely flew by, and I was glad I watched almost every single one of them. The pacing of the show was fantastic, and the main-event capped it off perfectly. Miyawaki's headbutt is one of my favorite moments from 2007, and at only $15, is worth the price of the show alone. |
Final Score: 8.0 [ Very Good ] legend |