wrestling / Video Reviews
Lest We Forget: TNA Victory Road 2004
TNA Victory Road
November 7, 2004
The opening video package talks about how tonight will be a defining moment for TNA. It discusses individual dream chasers, such as AJ Styles, Monty Brown, Jeff Hardy, and Jeff Jarrett. This was a tremendous way to open the show, and it made tonight’s event seem important.
A “TNA” chant fills the crowd as the cameras go live. Don West is wearing a hilarious silver silk shirt with a silver tie. Him and Mike Tenay run down the card.
Earlier today, Shane Douglas documented the arrival of Jeff Jarrett. Jarrett said Kevin Nash won’t be here to be in Jeff Hardy’s corner during the main-event tonight.
20 Man X-Division Gauntlet
Kazarian and Sonjay Dutt start things off. The two tie up, Sonjay almost gets tossed immediately. DUTT SLINGSHOTS INSIDE WITH A HURRICANRANA! Dutt connects with a swinging DDT. Dutt tries to toss Kazarian, but he holds on. The third entrant is Puma, who comes in and works over Dutt. Dutt ducks a high kick and comes off the second rope with a flying headscissors. Puma plants Dutt with a modified Michinoku Driver. LA Park is out next, and he’s got a chair! Park nails everyone with his chair. He then does his signature pose. The fifth entrant is Jerrelle Clarke, who I think was criminally underrated and never got an opportunity that he deserved. Clark hits Dutt with handspring 360 moonsault! Next out is Miyamoto. Miyamoto gets the best of an exchange with Puma and drops him with a leaping enzuigiri. Jerrelle Clark goes up top- 630 TO PUMA! Matt Bentley comes out with Traci Brooks. Bentley and Kazarian hit Total Elimination on Puma and toss him out. Jerrelle Clark and Miyamoto then find themselves tossed out by Bentley and Kazarian. Hector Garza is the next entrant. He and LA Park team up to take it to Kazarian and Bentley. They then double team Dutt. Nosawa comes out next, and he goes right after Hector Garza. Nosawa hits a Shining Wizard on Garza, but LA Park jumps him. Mikey Batts comes out, and he hits a wheelbarrow stunner on Kazarian. Bentley hits him with an overhead suplex. Alex Shelley enters the match-up, and he targets Kazarian. Sonjay gets dropkick to the floor by Shelley to be eliminated, and LA Park gets dumped out with a back body drop. Matt Sydal (now Evan Bourne) comes in. He drops Alex Shelley to all fours, gets on his back, and HITS A SHOOTING STAR PRESS ONTO SHELLEY’S BACK! Shelley goes to the outside holding his back without having been officially eliminated. The next entrant is Sonny Siaki, who immediately throws everyone around. He tosses Nosawa to the floor with a Northern Lights Suplex. Batts charges Garza, but Garza essentially leg-presses him over the top rope to the floor! Jason Cross comes in and he hits a tilt-a-whirl heeadscissors on Siaki. Sydal misses with a springboard corkscrew moonsault, and Siaki kills him with a clothesline. Jason Cross then plants Sydal with a brainbuster. Shark Boy comes out, and he drops Kazarian and Siaki. Sydal springboards in and takes out Jason Cross with a clothesline. Sydal goes back out to the apron, and Shelley pulls him off the apron! Shelley rolls inside. Psicosis is in next, and he and Garza go at it. Psicosis tries for a wheelbarrow, but Garza counters it into a German suplex! D-Ray 300 enters! He and Shark Boy team up and utilize the Afro Ram! Both men almost get eliminated, but they hang on. Sonny Siaki clothesline both men to the floor. Amazing Red limps his way out to the ring. Alex Shelley goes up top, but Jason Cross shoves him to the floor! Psichosis crotches Cross on the top rope and hits him with a spinning wheel kick off the top buckle! The commentators note that Kazarian is still in. Spanky is the next entrant. Spanky hits some offense on Bentley, but Kazarian jumps him. Kazarian tries to toss Spanky, but he holds on. Spanky slingshots in, but Bentley SUPERKICKS HIM RIGHT IN THE FACE!
The last entrant is Chris Sabin, who comes in and hits a kick-propelled Swinging DDT on Bentley! Spanky and Sabin team up on Siaki, and knock him to the floor with a double clothesline. Spanky gets up on Matt Bentley’s shoulders, and ELIMINATES HIM WITH A REVERSE HURRICANRANA OVER THE TOP ROPE! Everyone gets in the corner, and it’s a TOWER OF DOOM! Kazarian was in the top of it, and took the brunt of it. Psicosis eliminates Jason Cross with a clothesline. Amazing Red hits a leaping enzuigiri on Psicosis on the apron, eliminating him from the mat. Kazarian knocks Red to the floor. Spanky tries for Sliced Bread #2 on Chris Sabin, but SABIN THROWS HIM TO THE FLOOR! Kazarian goes up top, but SABIN CHASES HIM UP AND GERMAN SUPLEXES HIM OFF THE TOP ROPE ONTO GARZA! Sabin hits a springboard dropkick to Kazarian, and Kazarian manages to stay in the ring. Garza crotches Sabin up top and dropkicks him to the floor!
It’s down to Hector Garza and Kazarian. Kazarian catches a kick from Garza and wipes him out with a leg sweep. He follows up with a springboard leg drop off the second rope. Gara hits Kazarian with a clothesline and goes up top. MOONSAULT! ONE, TWO, NO! Garza blocks a whip and sends Kazarian to the apron. Kazarian slingshots inside with a DDT! One, two, no! Kazarian ducks a clothesline and goes for a roll-up, but Garza rolls through and catches Kazarian with a kick to the back. Garza goes up top- TORNEO, BUT NO ONE IS HOME! KAZARIAN GETS A MAGISTRAL CRADLE! ONE, TWO, THRE-GARZA COUNTERS INTO A PIN OF HIS OWN! ONE, TWO, THREE! Garza wins at 26:26!
Winner: Hector Garza
This was a great way to showcase exactly what made TNA different from WWE; the X-Division. Although this was long and there wasn’t a lot of depth to it, this was enjoyable to watch. It wasn’t supposed to be Flair/Steamboat. A lot of guys looked good here, and if it was someone’s first exposure to TNA, I would imagine they would want to see a lot more of several contestants in this match. 1 for 1.
After the match, Hector Garza says some stuff in Spanish. A translator says that Garza is extremely to be happy back in TNA and to win this match. He thanks his Hispanic fans.
A video package showcases Dusty Rhodes. It says to vote for Dusty Rhodes for the Director of Authority position. They show the votes, and Dusty is beating Vince Russo by about ten percent. Scott Hudson says a web server crashed in Stamford, Connecticut, and they wonder how that will affect voting. Huh? I’m sure that was supposed to imply something, but I’m not sure what. The Naturals, Kid Kash, and Dallas crash the interview. Kash says he will lead them in eight-man tag team action tonight, and that they will all be listening to him.
The Naturals, Kid Kash, and Dallas vs. Erik Watts, Pat Kenney, Johnny B. Badd, and Ron “The Truth” Killings
Kenney and Kash start it off and exchange evenly. Badd tags in, but Kash goes to the eyes and tags in Andy Douglas. Badd gets the best of their exchange and he stomps away on Douglas. Watts tags in, and he works over Douglas. Chase Stevens makes a blind tag and chop blocks Watts. Stevens tags out to Dallas. The two big men square off, and Watts gets the best of it. Dallas comes back and scores with a side slam. Dallas tags into Kash. Kash charges Watts, but he eats a bicycle kick. Kenney tags in and works over Kash. Kash reverses a whip into the buckles and scores with a forearm. Dallas tags back in. Kenney fires off on Dallas, but ends up eating a big boot. Dallas goes up top- MOONSAULT, BUT NO ONE IS HOME! Dallas tags Stevens, and Kenney tags Killings! Killings hits a SCISSORS KICK ON STEVENS! ONE, TWO, NO! All hell breaks loose. Badd isolates Stevens, and hits him with a FRANKENSTEINER OUT OF THE CORNER! Killings plants Stevens with a SITOUT PEDIGREE! ONE, TWO, THREE! The good guys pull it out at 4:38.
Winners: Erik Watts, Pat Kenney, Johnny B. Badd, and Ron “The Truth” Killings
This was really chaotic, in a good way. Even if this was just an excuse to get all of these guys on the show, it was a fun sprint. 2 for 2.
Backstage, Shane Douglas is outside another limo. The driver refuses to tell him who is in the limo.
A night vision camera shows Abyss in his prison, where he is being starved and dehydrated prior to his Monster’s Ball match.
Minis Match: Pirata Morgan vs. Mascarita Sagrada
Morgan slaps Sagrada. Sagrada scores with some nice arm drag combinations. Sagrada flies up to the top rope and hits a flying head scissors. Morgan goes out to the floor, and MASCRARITA HITS A DOUBLE SPRINGBOARD MOONSAULT OFF THE SECOND ROPE! Morgan rolls inside, and Sagrada comes off the top with a prawn hold for two. Morgan hits a wasteland, and then a twisting body press. Morgan checks for a heart beat. Sagrada fires up out of nowhere, and arm drags both Morgan and the official. Morgan hits an arm drag into a pinning combination for three.
Winner: Mascarita Sagrada
The comedy fell flat, and Pirata Morgan sucked. That said, Mascarita Sagrada was really good. This isn’t offensive, but I can’t necessarily recommend it. 2 for 3.
Backstage, the 3-Live Kru interrupt Scott Hudson to talk about Team Canada.
Scott Hall comes out, apparently unexpectedly. Hall says you can’t throw a party without inviting him. Hall says Kevin Nash will not be here tonight. Hall says he was at the first TNA show, and since he invented the Ladder Match, no one is interested in the main-event tonight more than him.
A video package to hype the Team Canada/3LK feud airs.
NWA Tag Team Title Match: Team Canada (Bobby Roode and Eric Young) (c) w/ Scott D’Amore vs. 3 Live Kru (BG James and Konnan)
Roode and James start it off. James lights up Roode with punches. Young tries to get involved, but to no avail. James goes for a cross body, but Young ducks under it, causing James to crash and burn. James goes to the floor, and Roode drives him back-first into the ring apron. Roode pounds away and tags Young in. Young hits a backbreaker for two. Roode tags in, and he and Young hit a nice combination of double teams for two. BG James stops a back body drop, but then eats a clothesline. Young tags in, and Team Canada double team James. Young applies a front facelock. James fights to his corner and tags in Konnan, but the referee didn’t see it. Roode hits a suplex on James, and YOUNG COMES OFF THE TOP WITH AN ELBOW DROP! ONE, TWO, THRE-NO! Scott D’Amore distracts the official, and Young grabs the Canadian flag. James ducks under a shot from the hockey stick flag, and steals it from them. James tags in Konnan! Konnan hits a rolling clothesline on Roode and then cleans house. Young tries to go up-and-over in the corner, but KONNAN SENDS HIM TO THE MAT WITH AN ALABAMA SLAM! Konnan applies the Tequila Sunrise, but Roode breaks it up. James charges Roode but gets planted with a spinebuster! Roode sets up in the corner for a Norther Lariat, but Konnan grabs his foot. Big boot by BG James! D’Amore gets in the ring with the hockey stick, but Ron “The Truth” Killings runs in and chases him off! James gets distracted, and ROODE NAILS JAMES WITH THE NORTHERN LARIAT! Young rolls Konnan inside. Roode goes for another, but Konnan evades and hits the K-FACTOR! ONE, TWO, THREE! 3 Live Kru have become the NWA Tag Team Champions at 6:58!
Winners: 3 Live Kru
Although James was limited at this point and Konnan sucked, this was worked well. Team Canada did most of the work, and overbooking made it so that James and Konnan didn’t have to do too much. While it probably would have made more sense to go with someone else at this point, it was still a fine match with a cool moment at the end. 3 for 4.
After the match, 3 Live Kru celebrate and get some pyro.
Backstage, Raven talks about his upcoming Monster’s Ball Match.
A commercial tells you to vote Vince Russo for TNA Director of Authority.
Roddy Piper comes out to the ring. Piper says he is bringing out the man who put the “X” in “X-Division,” and someone he has a score to settle with. He brings out Jimmy Snuka! Piper says he doesn’t want to fight Snuka, and he puts him over. He talks about how tough Snuka is. Piper pulls out a coconut and hands it to Snuka. Piper tells Snuka to even the score. Snuka won’t do it. Piper brings up all the things he said about Snuka to agitate him. Piper yells at Snuka to hit him, but he won’t do it. Kid Kash comes out to interrupt. Kid Kash tells Piper to step back, and he chews out Snuka. Kash says Snuka was good in his day, but that he couldn’t carry Kash’s jockstrap. Kash goes to throw a right, but Snuk cuts him off. Snuka hits a chop, but Bentley and Kazarian hit the ring to attack him. Piper and Snuka try to fight them off, but they can’t do it. Sonjay Dutt comes out and he cleans house on the X-Division guys. Kid Kash has the coconut, and HE CRACKS SONJAY DUTT OVER THE HEAD WITH IT! Piper is not happy this, so he chases Kid Kash off.
Monty Brown talks about the Monster’s Ball, and says there is nothing scarier than a caged Alpha Male.
Mike Tenay and Don West talk about Trinity, who has issued an open challenge. She makes her way out to the ring with The New York Connection (Glen Gilbertti and Johnny Swinger), and her opponent is JACQUELINE!
Trinity w/ The New York Connection vs. Jacqueline
Jacqueline takes out the NYC, and hits Trinity with a drop toehold. Jacqueline knocks Trinity to the apron and sends her to the floor, but she gets caught by the NYC. Jacqueline goes out to the apron and wipes out all three of them! They get back in the ring, and the match is officially underway. Trinity applies a chinlock. Trinity hits a pump kick to the guy and a powerslam. A spinning kick by Trinity gets two. Jacqueline fires off on Trinity. Jacqueline hits a NASTY GERMAN SUPLEX! ONE, TWO, Gilbertti pulls Jacquelyn off. A distraction from Gilbertti allows Johnny Swinger to hotshot Jacqueline on the top rope! Trinity goes up top- MOONSAULT! ONE, TWO, THREE! Trinity gets a tainted win at 1:51!
Winner: Trinity
This match was short, but it was helpful in further solidifying Trinity as a chick who talks a big game but can’t back it up. I usually dislike when people lose in their debut, but I didn’t mind it here since Jacquelyn fell victim to so much outside interference. This was short and energetic. 4 for 5.
Backstage, Scott Hudson gives an update on the Director of Authority voting, and Dusty Rhodes still has a ten point lead. Triple X cut him off. They talk about taking out AMW. Daniels tells AMW to say their prayers.
A video package hypes the Monster’s Ball Match. This was really cheesy and poorly produced. It looks like something you would see on a 2002 ROH VHS.
Monster’s Ball Match: Abyss vs. Raven vs. Monty Brown
Abyss jumps Raven on the floor and crotches him on the guardrail. Monty Brown sets up a table and lights up Abyss. Abyss counters a whip and sends Monty Brown flying into the ring post! Abyss and Raven brawl into the crowd, and Abyss takes out Raven with a trash can! Abyss gives Raven a CHOKEBOMB ON THE STAIRS! Abyss takes Monty Brown inside and hits a torture rack backbreaker! Raven breaks up the pin at two. Abyss takes out both Raven and Brown with a double clothesline. Abyss splashes Monty Brown in the corner, but then eats a discus clothesline from Raven. Raven brings a chair inside, but Abyss boots him before he can use. Abyss tries to us it, but Raven superkicks him! Raven hits Monty Brown with a clothesline. Raven DROP TOEHOLDS ABYSS ONTO AN OPEN CHAIR! ONE, TWO, NO! Monty Brown throws the chair at both Raven and Abyss. Brown sends Abyss to the floor with a clothesline and then hits a kick to the face on Raven. Brown follows up with a T-Bone suplex. Fallaway slam by Brown. Brown goes for a Pounce, but RAVEN PULLS THE REFEREE IN THE WAY! Abyss comes inside, and MONTY BROWN SCOOPS HIM UP! RUNNING POWERSLAM TO ABYSS! Brown sets up for the Pounce, but Raven slows him down. ABYSS HITS A BLACKHOLE SLAM ON BROWN! Abyss covers, but the referee is out. Abyss pulls out a burlap sack. Abyss sets Brown up on the buckles. ABYSS POURS THUMB TACKS OUT OF THE BACK! He goes over to Brown, and the two exchange strikes. Abyss goes up to the second. Abyss tries for a superplex, but Brown fights him off. Raven rolls inside, and POWERBOMBS ABYSS OFF OF THE SECOND ROPE INTO THE THUMBTACKS! RAVEN COVERS! ONE, TWO, THRE-NO! Raven and Abyss fight on the floor, and Raven pulls out another table. Raven brings the table inside and props it up in the corner. A “This is awesome!” chant breaks out. Abyss gets up on the apron, and RAVEN KNOCKS HIM OFF THE APRON THROUGH THE TABLE ON THE FLOOR! Raven turns around, and MONTY BROWN POUNCES HIM THROUGH THE TABLE IN THE CORNER! COVER- ONE, TWO, THREE! That does it at 9:25!
Winner: Monty Brown
This was chaotic and really entertaining. As gimmicky as the stipulation was, once they got into the flow of the match, it became an afterthought. All three of these guys were great around this time, and this was a big win for Monty Brown. 5 for 6.
Backstage, Shane Douglas wants to know who is in the limo. He says he will talk to Kevin Nash. Security comes over and gets in his face.
A recap is shown of the fan events from Victory Road weekend.
Backstage, Scott Hudson is with Scott D’Amore and Petey Williams. He says it’s been a rough night for Team Canada, and that even though Petey is the champion, he is the underdog. Petey says he is the champion, and AJ Styles will fall victim to the Canadian Destroyer. D’Amore says that if Petey loses, he will never be heard from again. Petey doesn’t know how to react to that as they head toward the ring.
X-Division Championship Match: Petey Williams (c) w/ Scott D’Amore vs. AJ Styles
The crowd is REALLY hot before the bell. AJ gets the best of the match on the mat to start. They exchange roll-ups to no avail and then stand off to a standing ovation from the crowd. Williams trips AJ, but AJ hits a kip up hurricarana! AJ follows up with a dropkick. AJ goes to the ring apron and tries to moonsault to the floor. Petey moves, but AJ lands on his feet! AJ hits a jumping kick to the back. Styles goes back inside and TAKES OUT PETEY WILLIAMS WITH A FRONTFLIP SENTON! Back inside, Petey gets a jawbreaker to halt AJ’s momentum. Petey drops AJ on the second rope, and D’Amore chokes AJ while the referee is distracted. Petey drapes AJ Styles in the tree of woe. Oh, Canada! A dueling chant breaks out. AJ tries for his flip over inverted DDT, but he comes up short on hit and knees Petey in the head. AJ covers for two. Petey chrages but eats a back elbow. AJ goes for the same spot, but Petey crotches him up top. Petey tries for the tree of woe nut stomp again, but AJ SITS UP HITS A SPIDER GERMAN SUPLEX! Petey charges but gets sent to the apron. PELE KICK BY AJ STYLES! AJ tees off with forearms. AJ hits a wrist-clutch back suplex. Petey cuts AJ off and throws him to the floor. While Petey taunts AJ gets up to the apron- SPRINGBOARD FOREARM BY AJ STYLES! One, two, no! Petey hits the ropes and tilt-a-whirls into a Russian leg sweep! Petey reels in AJ for the Canadian Destroyer, but AJ spins out. AJ goes for the Styles Clash, but Petey rolls through and sets up for the Canadian Destroyer! Petey flips, but AJ stops him, and hits an ALABAMA SLAP INTO THE TURNBUCKLES! D’Amore grabs the title on the floor. AJ reels in Petey this time. Styles tries for the Styles Clash, but Petey floats over into a sunset flip. AJ COUNTERS WITH A JACKKNIFE CRADLE! ONE, TWO, THRE-D’Amore distracts the referee! Petey Williams brings the hockey stick in the ring, but the referee stops him from using it. While the official is distracted, PETEY CRACKS AJ WITH THE X-DIVISION TITLE BELT! ONE, TWO, THRE-NO! AJ KICKED OUT! Petey can’t believe it, and the Impact Zone is literally rumbling. Petey goes for the Canadian Destroyer, but AJ blocks it again, this time crotching Petey on the top rope. AJ goes up top, but D’Amore grabs his foot. Petey drops AJ face first on the mat, then DROPS DOWN INTO A CANADIAN DESTROYER! ONE, TWO, THREE! Petey Williams retains in one hell of a match at 9:51.
Winner: Petey Williams
At the time, a lot of people were upset with the D’Amore shenanigans, but I didn’t mind them one bit. The crowd was red hot, and everything D’Amore did made them even hotter. The counters to the finishers were fantastic, and Petey hitting the Canadian Destroyer out of nowhere was great, since he couldn’t hit it with the set-up all match long. This was absolutely tremendous, and the crowd made it even better. 6 for 7.
After the match, D’Amore goes over to AJ, and AJ hits him with an enzuigiri! AJ gets out of dodge before Team Canada can jump him.
Backstage, Jeff Jarrett prepares for his title match, and Scott Hall is with him. Elsewhere, Jeff Hardy puts on face paint and screams.
The Last Team Standing Match between Triple X and America’s Most Wanted gets a video package. This was really well done, and put over the importance of both teams in TNA history in addition to the rivalry.
Last Team Standing Match: Triple X vs. America’s Most Wanted
Both teams brawl on the outside to start. Christopher Daniels gets thrown to the floor by James Storm. Storm hits an inverted suplex on Elix Skipper. AMW hit a Hart Attack on Skipper. Storm goes for another inverted suplex on Daniels, but he slips out. Storm immediately hits a SUPERKICK! AMW try for the Death Sentance, but Skipper breaks it up, and HARRIS LEGDROPS SKIPPER ACROSS THE BACK OF THE NECK! Harris hits a spinning Air Raid Crash for three on Daniels, and the ten-count begins. Daniels gets to his feet at eight. Storm hits a powerbomb on Daniels, and tags in Harris. Harris hits a clothesline. Harris charges but eats a boot in the corner. Daniels hits a sidewalk slam and Elix Skipper tags in. Skipper hits a kick to the back and covers for one. Daniels tags in and Triple X hit a double scoop slam, and Skipper slams Daniels onto Harris. Elix Skipper tags in. POWERPLEX BY TRIPLE X! Skipper covers for two. Skipper hits a scoop slam and tags Daniels back in. Daniels hits the ropes, but Harris ducks and hits a lariat. James Storm tags in and takes out both members of Triple X. Storm plants Skipper with a powerslam for two. Storm sets up for a Superkick, but Daniels hits a dropkick on his bad knee! Daniels and Skipper team up for a powerbomb-neckbreaker combo! That gets three, and Storm has to get to his feet. Storm gets up at nine. Skipper slides Daniels a chair behind the official’s back, and DANIELS NAILS STORM IN THE KNEE WITH THE CHAIR! ONE, TWO, THREE! Storm can’t get up before the count of ten, and he is eliminated. Harris comes in. Daniels hits him with a uranage. BEST MOONSAULT EVER, BUT NO ONE HIS HOME! SPEAR BY CHRIS HARRIS! ONE, TWO, the referee stops counting. Skipper comes off the top but hits Daniels. I think Skipper was supposed to break up the pin. Skipper goes up top again, but Harris knocks him to the floor! Harris goes up top and hits a leg drop on Daniels for three. Daniels tries to get up, but he can’t, and is eliminated. It’s down to Harris and Skipper. Skipper gets up to the apron, but Harris cuts him off. Harris hits a sitout powerbomb, but Skipper kicks out. Harris gets Skipper up for a suplex, but his back goes out. Skipper botches the Play of the Day. Skipper gets a chair, but Harris kicks him in the gut before he can use it. CATATONIC ON THE CHAIR BY HARRIS! ONE, TWO, NO?! Apparently that was three. Harris looks pissed. Skipper doesn’t answer the count of ten, and that ends the match at 11:15.
Winners: America’s Most Wanted
Man, Elix Skipper was REALLY screwing things up here. I would go as far as to say that he single-handedly ruined this match. The ideas were good, but his lack of execution and confusion consistently derailed everything. Why did he kick out of the Catatonic on the chair that was supposed to mark the end of the match?! This has to be one of the most puzzling performances I’ve ever seen. 6 for 8.
After the match, Daniels levels Harris with a chair! He then nails Storm in the head with a chair! Triple X handcuff the members of AMW together. Daniels then destroys both men with chair shots! Security comes in and sends Triple X to the back.
Backstage, Scott Hudson is standing by with Jeff Jarrett. Hudson asks Jarrett what’s on his mind. Jarrett says only one thing is on his mind, and that it’s climbing the ladder and putting the belt back around his waste. Jarrett says there is no Nash, and no Hope.
In the ring, Mike Tenay has the results from the Directory of Authority election. DUSTY RHODES IS THE WINNER! Vince Russo looks disappointed. Dusty heads toward the ring. Dusty talks about TNA waiting for a night like this since day one. Dusty announces that at Turning Point, Triple X will take on America’s Most Wanted in a six-sided steel cage match! Dusty says that tonight, the industry has been revolutionized. A “TNA!” chant breaks out. Dusty says that in TNA, it will be his way or the high way.
A video package hypes the main-event. They hype the Ladder Match as Hardy’s specialty. They talk about Hall being in Jarrett’s corner, and Nash in Hardy’s. The video package asks if Hall and Nash will reunite, which pretty much tips off the finish. They also show Nash laughing after saying he has Jeff’s back. Welp, so much for subtlety.
NWA World Heavyweight Championship Ladder Match: Jeff Jarrett (c) vs. Jeff Hardy
Hardy jumps Jarrett at the bell to take control early. Hardy whips Jarrett into two slanted ladders. Hardy rams Jarrett into the corner and slants a ladder into his gut. Hardy runs up the ladder and dropkicks Jarrett! Hardy puts Jarrett inside an open ladder and repeatedly slams it shut on Jarrett. Hardy puts a ladder in a “V” shape and puts Jarrett under the support bars. HARDY STANDS ON THEM TO DRIVE THEM INTO JARRETT’S BACK! That was creative. Hardy starts to climb the ladder, but Jarrett cuts him off. Hardy responds by throwing Jarrett into the ladder. Hardy hits the worst STO ever. Hardy goes up top with a ladder in front of him. LEAPFROG LEG DROP OFF THE TOP, BUT JARRETT ROLLS OUT OF THE WAY! Jarrett throws Hardy into a slanted ladder. Jarrett goes out to the floor and bridges a ladder between the ring apron and guardrail. Jarrett gets Hardy up for a suplex and drops him gut-first on the ladder! Jarrett rams Hardy in the gut with the ladder twice. Hardy goes out to the apron, and Jarrett rams the ladder into his head, knocking Hardy down to the floor and into the referee who was out there for some reason. Jarrett throws Hardy head-first into a ladder. Jarrett sets up a ladder in the center of the ring and begins to climb. Hardy gets up on the floor and goes up top- Hardy dropkicks Jarrett off the ladder! Hardy drops the ladder down on the canvas. Hardy gets Jarrett up and scoop slams him on the ladder. Hardy goes up top- SWANTON ONTO JARRETT ON THE LADDER! Hardy sets up the ladder, but Scott Hall is here. OUTSIDER’S EDGE OFF THE LADDER! Security yells at Hall, and he sets up a chair at ringside and sits in it. Hardy gets to his feet first (?!) because selling is overrated, apparently. Hardy hits Jarrett with a chair-assisted double leg drop. Hardy opens one ladder on the mat, and puts another ladder on top of it. Jarrett cuts off Hardy and puts him on the buckles. Hardy fights off Jarrett. HARDY JUMPS OFF THE TOP AND SITS ON THE TOP LADDER, TEETER TAUTERING IT INTO JARRETT’S FACE! Both men climb the ladder. The lack of selling here is unreal. Hardy bulldogs Jarrett off the ladder! Hardy goes to pound away, but Hall pulls Hardy to the floor and beats him down. Hardy ducks a clothesline and rolls inside, where Jarrett is climbing the ladder, Hardy tips the ladder, and Jarrett lands awkwardly on the top rope! Hardy climbs the ladder! Hardy gets close tot he belt, but JARRETT TIPS THE LADDER, SENDING HARDY INTO HALL! Both men pop right up, and Hardy works over Hall. Jarrett goes outside instead of climbing, and Hardy beats on him as well. Hardy brings Hall’s chair inside, and HARDY SOARS TO THE FLOOR WITH POETRY IN MOTION, TAKING OUT BOTH MEN! Hardy takes a massive ladder out from underneath the ring. Both men climb it on the outside. They duel it out, and THE LADDER TIPS OVER, SENDING BOTH MEN CRASHING ONTO THE RAMP, AND THE LADDER FALLS ON HALL! Both men get right back inside and each set up a ladder. The two duel it out on top of the ladders. Hardy botches a sunset flip powerbomb and both men fall to the mat. Jarrett gets up on the apron, and Hardy then BOTCHES ANOTHER sunset flip powerbomb to the floor. Hardy takes Jarrett back inside and stomps on him. Hardy climbs the ladder, but Hall is in the ring with the chair. Hardy kicks the chair into Halls face. Hardy does a Twist of Fate, but Hall sort of sells it like a stunner with no impact. Hall falls down and Hardy goes up top- SWANTON BOMB! Hardy climbs the ladder, but Jarrett has a guitar. Hardy kicks Jarrett off, but Jarrett pelts him in the back with a chair. Jarrett climbs the ladder with a guitar in hand. Kevin Nash is here with two ladders and gray hair! Nash hands a guitar to Hall. The Outsiders HIT HARDY WITH THE GUITARS, AND JARRETT NAILS HIM OVER THE HEAD WITH A GUITAR! JARRETT GRABS THE BELT! Jarrett retains at 18:34.
Winner: Jeff Jarrett
The best thing about this match is that you could probably take the high spots and make a cool highlight reel. That being said, I hated it. I’m a bigger Jeff Hardy fan than most, but he was exposed here. He had gotten by in previous multi-man ladder matches because he could let them set things up, come in, and do his highspots. Here, everything he did was contrived. The selling by both guys (and Hall, for that matter) was abysmal. The finish was obvious, and that only made matters worse. 6 for 9.
After the match, Nash grabs a mic. Nash makes a lame joke about having a bigger penis than Hardy. Nash says that he and Hall always take over and take all the money. Nash says the guys in the back with a one bedroom apartment will never be able to buy a house. They call out anyone in the back, and AJ Styles comes out. AJ springboard in and takes out Hall and Jarrett with a springboard double clothesline. He then takes them both out with kicks. Nash ducks a line from Nash and hits a dropkick. He goes for a Styles Clash on Jarrett, but Nash boots him. 3 Live Kru come out, but get beaten down as well. Killings eats an Outsider’s Edge. Jackknife to BG James! The camera cuts to the limo from earlier. Music hits and pyro goes off. The lights go out, and RANDY SAVAGE IS HERE! Security won’t let him get in the ring, and the show ends.
The 411: This show set an unfortunate tone for the first several three hour TNA PPV's: there would be some fantastic matches on the undercard, and the title picture would be the weak spot of the show. AJ/Petey was a pleasure to watch, the Monster's Ball was great, and the opener was a ton of fun. The rest of the undercard was action heavy, and took the focus off what guys like BG James, Konnan, and Erik Watts couldn't do. The Last Team Standing Match was marred by Elix Skipper's screw ups, and the main-event was a trainwreck. If you don't watch the last two matches, you have an awesome show. As a whole, I give it a solid recommendation because the good outweighs the bad for the most part. |
Final Score: 7.0 [ Good ] legend |
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