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MACE Discusses His Virtual YouTube Avatar Character Jibo

April 28, 2021 | Posted by Jeffrey Harris
T-BAR MACE Raw WWE Donovan Dijak Mason madden

WIRED.com recently spoke to WWE talent MACE, aka Dio Maddin and Brennan Williams, who discussed streaming on his YouTube channel JIBoVT. Williams streams on his channel with an animated virtual YouTube avatar character he calls Jibo.

Williams stated on the concept, “I can enhance aspects of my physical form in real life. But on YouTube, I’m a little and cute anime boy, which is also me. It’s all in here.”

MACE added on how he views his virtual alter-ego, “The biggest YouTuber.One running joke on my stream is that he’s not that big but pretends like he’s constantly expanding.” Williams continued, “That’s kind of fun. You can work out your insecurities that way.”

You can view his YouTube channel, JIBoVT, HERE.