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Matt Riddle Says He and Roman Reigns Are ‘Good’ After Heat Over 2021 Comments

August 28, 2024 | Posted by Joseph Lee
WWE Smackdown Matt Riddle Image Credit: WWE

Back in 2021, it was believed there was heat between Roman Reigns and Matt Riddle over comments Riddle made about the ‘OTC’. Riddle said that Reigns didn’t move the needle and got where he was due to being related to the Rock. The heat was apparently so bad that Riddle was kept off set during an appearance on the Bump, which featured Reigns appearing via video. In an interview with the New York Post, Riddle said that he and Reigns are in a better place after the incident blew over. Here are highlights:

On being taken more seriously in MLW: “If somebody says, ‘watch your back,’ I’m not gonna spin around in circles trying to look at my back. Those are the kinds of things I would do in WWE. And fortunately, the people I work with now think I have more brains than that and I’m allowed to know what things mean when people say them… I want to be taken more seriously. I want to show people that combat sports background.”

On his release from WWE: “While I think WWE was doing the best they could, or thought they were doing the best they could, but at the same time, WWE protects WWE, as they should. But at the same time, we’re all human. We’re all people and sometimes I think that gets lost in translation in a publicly traded company.”

Matt Riddle on the difficulties in his personal life: “Even though I was making great money, my family life deteriorated, I got divorced and other things and then on top of that just being able to see the kids, then just taking care of responsibilities. When I’m flying to a different city or driving to a different city every day and wrestling and memorizing promos and all these things, a lot of other things fell to the side. I’m in a way different place [now]. I feel way better. It’s hard to explain because most people think, ‘Oh you’re there, it must be great.’ Professionally my life was awesome. Personally, my life was in shambles. You lose your family. You lose this, that and you’re trying to rebuild anything and you don’t have time.”

On his issues with Roman Reigns: “I think when he saw how professional I am in the ring and I also explained why things were said and I wasn’t just trying to call you out. I know my place in WWE but when someone tells me to cut a promo on you, I’m gonna cut a promo on you. I think he understood that. Still wasn’t happy about it, but understood. Me and Roman, we’re good.”

article topics :

Matt Riddle, Joseph Lee