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Miro On Lana Potentially Signing With AEW, Inspiration Behind Crafting ‘The Redeemer’ Character

August 8, 2021 | Posted by Blake Lovell
AEW Dynamite 5-12-21 Miro Miro

In a recent interview with Action Sports JAX, AEW TNT Champion Miro discussed his new character in AEW, Lana potentially joining the company, and much more. You can read Miro’s comments below.

Miro on crafting his new character in AEW: “It came from exactly what it is. It is the Redeemer because as you know, I was somewhere else before and came in and was put in the position to be the best man for Kip Sabian which I thought was OK because I love Kip. I’m gonna do my due diligence and help him out. But then once that wedding hit, it gave me a PTSD, if you will. From then on, I decided this is not gonna be anymore and it’s gonna be my show. I’m here to redeem myself. That’s why I’m the Redeemer and have been through so much in my career that I’m ready to destroy people and then forgive them because this is what I do. It’s not about beating people and moving on. It’s about beating them and teaching them how to be better, but at the same time, establish me as the most dominant champion in professional sports. That TNT title is currently he most prestigious title the way it has been defended and protected. We don’t play basketball. I just kick people’s heads.”

Miro on Lana potentially joining AEW: “Well, currently she’s doing her own thing. But also it’s not about me, it’s about what she wants to do. She’s been in the business for such a long time and she came fresh out of nowhere. So I wouldn’t be surprised if she stays in wrestling because there are so many opportunities coming because she’s one of the best. But also, outside of wrestling because before wrestling, she was something else. My mind is blown if she decides to focus on a different career path and how successful that would be.

On his interest in acting and the biggest mistake inexperienced wrestlers make: “I’m mostly focused on wrestling, but the schedule is definitely lighter compared to before. I love acting because it’s just a pretend thing. You just get out there and pretend a little bit. I did go to acting school because I thought it would help me in the ring. I feel like a lot of wrestlers don’t do that. They don’t work on their craft. Even if they’ve been wrestling for two or three years and make it on TV, they don’t feel like they need to practice their in-ring skills or promo skills. It’s the biggest mistake. You have to keep learning. You have to keep striving to learn more. Otherwise, if you think if you know it all, you might as well hang it up.”

If using any of the above quotes, please credit the Action Sports JAX with an h/t to 411mania.com for the transcription.

article topics :

AEW, Lana, Miro, Blake Lovell