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Nick Patrick Says the nWo Spray Painting WCW World Title Was ‘Great Storytelling’

August 18, 2023 | Posted by Jeremy Thomas
Hollywood Hulk Hogan nWo, Arn Anderson WCW Image Credit: WWE

Nick Patrick was a big fan of the infamous moment when the nWo spray panted their logo on the WCW World Heavyweight Championship, calling it “great storytelling.” Patrick recently recalled the Attitude Era moment on AdFreeShows’ Monday Mailbag, noting that it was a bold move that made a serious statement.

“It was great storytelling to me and emblematic of a new era moving forward,” Patrick said of the title spray paining (per Wrestling Inc). “That’s about as bold of a statement as you can make. If you’re going to make a statement, make that son of a bitch as bold as you can make it.”

He continued, “It’s about as bold as you can get other than like a Madusa dropping one in the trash can. To me, this was more symbolic with the spray paint and the emblem.”

article topics :

Nick Patrick, nWo, WCW, Jeremy Thomas