wrestling / News
MLW Reportedly Releases Another Talent, Note On Company’s Interest In RUSH

As previously reported, MLW recently released three members of its roster, with the rumored reason involving MLW president Court Bauer’s edict on shortening the length of the company’s events. Mike Johnson of PWInsider has details on another talent departure for the company.
According to Johnson, Jordan Oliver was released on Wednesday, and Johnson suggests the storyline explanation for his exit could involve him being attacked in the parking lot this past week. Oliver signed with MLW back in March of 2019.
Johnson notes that Oliver’s release is the final expected exit from MLW, with Leo Brien, Beastman, and Bu Ku Dao the other three that were previously released.
Additionally, Johnson reports that though rumors have suggested MLW is trying to bring in former ROH Champion RUSH, there has been no communication between the two sides, nor are there any plans to do so.