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ROH Unauthorized Results 4.28.17 – Milwaukee, Wisconsin: The Young Bucks vs. The Addiction, Jay Lethal vs. Silas Young Featured

Credit: PWInsider
ROH Unauthorized was far away the best Ring of Honor show I’ve seen live. The event was sold out, which is a first for Turner Hall, which only holds about 750 people tops, and the crowd was LIVE all night. I’ll try to keep everything in order.
Women of Honor Match: ??? def. Sierra(?)
There was a Women of Honor matched that they taped for YouTube. The first woman was billed from Green Bay, didn’t recognize her. Her opponent was named Sierra (didn’t know her either) and was billed from Milwaukee. The match was fine, nothing special.
The show started with Silas Young and the Beer City Bruiser coming out. Silas was going to be our ring announcer for the first half of the night. He ran all of us average people in average town USA. And since the board of directors wasn’t there he and Bruiser were going to sit out there drink beer and do whatever the hell they wanted.
The Motor City Machine Guns def. The Kingdom
Silas as the ring announcer was good stuff, running down the people he didn’t like. The match was a great opener they brawled out into the crowd. And every time Matt Taven is in Milwaukee the crowd chants ‘shots’ at him because he promised many shows ago that he would buy shots for everyone in the building and we haven’t ever let him forget it. So he and Vinny stood on the bar and drank a shot, much to the ire of the crowd. It was a super fun opener with all the typical MMCG stuff, good back and forth match. Machine Guns won with their tandem finisher that I can’t remember the name of.
The Beer City Bruiser def. Cheeseburger, Shane Taylor and Punishment Martinez in a four corners match.
One of the loudest pops of the night for Burger as he was in with three monsters. Lots of comedy stuff and some pretty good back and forth wrestler. Shane Taylor is scary fast for a guy his size. Martinez is a beast, Burger had some pretty funny comedy stuff. Bruiser got the pin on Burger at the end, really fun match.
Adam Cole def. Jay White
Cole was WAY over and they had a very good back and forth match, lots of near falls. When White started to get the upper hand out came Hangman Page to interfere, which paid off and Cole got the less than clean win. After the match they went to hang Jay White until he was saved by… The Romantic Touch! He announced he was coming down to save White because he was going to face Hangman Page, which lead to…
Hangman Page def. The Romantic Touch
There was some quick comedy bits, Touch kissed Adam Cole when he tried to interfere, and Jay White ran Cole off. But after that it was just a squash. After the match Hangman hung Touch over the ropes, no one came out to stop him.
Before the next match Silas ran down Jay Lethal and announced he got his match with Lethal made the main event.
The Briscoes and Bully Ray def. Dalton Castle and War Machine
This match was the best match before intermission by far. There were no titles on the line, Bully got a very loud ECW chant when he came out, but the best entrance of the night was Dalton who came out and when he snapped his fingers for the boys, out came WAR MACHINE DRESSED AS THE BOYS! They did the whole Dalton entrance, it was great!. The crowd just ate it up, Dalton called them Boy Machine. Bully got on the mic and asked what he was looking at and Dalton interrupted him and they went back and forth. The crowd began to chant we want tables and Bully said they should make this a Milwaukee Street Fight. All six men just brawled all over the place, it was great. Eventually Dalton and Bully got back into the ring and they did a pose off for like 5 minutes, the crowd was super into it. Eventually after one of the poses Bully had enough and just laid a sick chop on Dalton and the match settled into a tradition six man tag. Lots of great wrestling here, Dalton Castle got power bombed through a time by Bully, and eventually Hanson (I think) ate a 3D and they got the win. After the match, we saw the only adherence to the Code of Honor all night. Bully put over everyone else in the match and put over the crowd and said this is why he’s here. He got a great ovation for it. It is worth buying the DVD just for the entrance with War Machine as the Boys.
Beer City Bruiser came out to assume ring announcing duties, it was more of the same bit as Silas, but it was over all night as they’re both Milwaukee guys and the crowd loved it.
Will Ferrara def. ???
Didn’t catch the opponent’s name, and I didn’t recognize him, he was billed as from Madison, WI. Ferrara got the quick win.
“The Villain” Marty Scurll def. Delirious
The TV title wasn’t on the line, but this was a super fun match. Scurll got a huge pop when he came out and the crowd was chanting whoop-whoop during the whole match. This is the first time I’ve seen Delirious wrestle live, it’s quite the interesting experience. There was all kinds of craziness and some very good back and forth wrestling. Scurll did all his spots, including the finger breaking (which unnerves me, but it’s great) and got the tapout with the chicken wing.
The Young Bucks def. The Addiction
Easily my favorite match of the night. The Bucks are the most over thing ever, the place went crazy for their entrance. Then someone came out and handed BCB a note that said The Addiction had food poisoning and couldn’t compete. So the Bucks challenged any tag team past or present to face them, except the Revival (because those guys suck said Matt Jackson). Then someone on the mic from the back yells out ‘OH what a Rush’ and starts singing Iron Man, it turned out to be Christopher Daniels as the Addiction came out dressed as the Legion of Doom, face paint and all! It was fantastic, they had ‘Legion of Boom’ written on their tights. Some great comedy stuff early with Daniels and Kazarian no selling everything and Frankie asking the crowd where Paul was at least twice that I heard. Eventually they settled into just a great, insane, spot-filled match with all kinds of highspots and near falls, two ref bumps, a Doomsday Device and all kinds of other craziness. The Bucks got the clean win with a Meltzer Driver on Frankie. Typical Bucks match with some great, crazy stuff.
Silas Young def. Jay Lethal.
What a great main event to end a super hot show. Just a great wrestling match with all kinds of good action. Lethal hit all his stuff, Silas did all his stuff and eventually Silas countered the Lethal Injection into Misery for the clean pin. After the match Silas screamed for Lethal to shake his hand, and when he tried to Silas turned and walked away, and that was the show. I say it every time, ROH puts on the best live wrestling show every time and I will never miss a show when they come here. Just a great show all around.