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Sendai Girls vs. ALL Out Results from Tokyo, Japan 06.24.19

June 24, 2019 | Posted by Ashish
Sendai Girls Image Credit: Sendai Girls

Sendai Girls vs. All Out results of an all intergender show from Tokyo, Japan at Shinkiba 1st Ring on 6/24/19 and live on DDT Universe. Results courtesy of Wrestling With Demons.

The show opened with both the Sendai Girls and DDT ring announcers in the ring for announcements. They noted that Mika Iwata is out with injury. Both rosters came out to the ring for introductions.

Akito vs. Sakura Hirota

Akino used a figure four to submit Hirota. Hirota was dressed up as Mika Iwata.

Mostly a comedy match that picked up with lots of near falls at the end. Akino made his fingers in the shape of a gun and shoved it up the backside of Hirota to stun her before the finish.

DASH Chisako vs. Shunma Katsumata in a Hardcore Match

DASH Chisako pinned Katsumata with a frog splash off a ladder.

This was good. DASH attacked right at the bell with a chair to the midsection. They briefly went to the outside.

DASH places a chair on him back in the ring and then threw another chair on top of it. DASH wrapped a chair around his throat and gave him a dropkick right below his throat. It looked like he was bleeding from the mouth.

Katsumata reverses a snap suplex on a pile of chairs then whips DASH across the ring by her hair. He sends her face first into a ladder set in the corner of the ring.

Katsumata drop kicks DASH as she’s propped up and sitting in a chair in the middle of the ring.

They fight in a tug of war over a chair and DASH wins that battle by slamming the seat of it on his hands.

DASH holds the folded chair on his his back and gives him a bodyslam like that.

DASH rushes to the top rope, tosses a chair at him to catch, and then connects with a missile dropkick to the face.

Katsumata drops a ladder on DASH’s head as she tried to rush him in the corner.

Katsumata brings in a garbage can with all kinds of plunder. He hits DASH with a kendo stick repeatedly then puts her in a chair with the can over her head and breaks the kendo stick over the can.

Katsumata dumps LEGOs all over the ring and on DASH. He misses a moonsault and lands in them.

DASH goes for a series of cradle rolls in all the weapons on the mat but can’t get the pin.

Katsumata tried to go high risk off the top rope but DASH threw a chair at his head then gave him a cutter off the top rope.

They fight on top of a ladder in the middle of the ring and DASH hits a sunset bomb off the top of it. DASH gives him a big chair shot to the before the finish.

Chirhiro Hashimoto vs. Yuki Iino

Chirhiro Hasimoto pinned Iino with a German Suplex.

There was an exchange of shoulder tackles and hard chops between the two at the start.

Iino was showing off and tried to go for a People’s Elbow and missed. Hashimoto then copied the effort and failed as well.

It looked Hashimoto tried to go for a spear but Iino caught her in a front face lock. They traded suplex attempts and Hashimoto won it then followed up with a rolling senton but missed a second one.

Boston Crab applied by Iino but Hashimoto inched her way to the rope on her knuckles.

Hashimoto ends up hitting the spear and then a senton off the ropes.

Samoan Drop by Iino who then manages to hit a People’s Elbow and a Full Nelson Drop.

Hashimoto sidesteps Iino and sends him into the corner and gives him a release German suplex and then the German for the win.

Meiko Satomura vs. Konosuke Takeshita

They went to a very good 20-minute time limit draw.

It started out with pure mat wrestling for the first few minutes.

Takeshita destroyed Satomura’s back with an over the knee back breaker.

Satomura went for a baseball slide drop kick to the outside but Takeshita caught both of her legs. Satomura struggled to hold on to the ropes but Takeshita pulled her off the ring.

Another over the knee back breaker by Takeshita in the ring.

Takeshita stomps both of Satomura’s hands on the match then gives her a huge powerbomb followed up by a Boston Crab. Satomura made it to the ropes after several seconds.

Takeshita tried to lift her up for something else but Satomura punched him straight in the face with a right hand.

Satomura tried to spring off the second rope but was caught by a forearm.

A DDT and Scorpio Rising by Satomura.

Superplex by Takeshita.

Takeshita pulls Satomura to the outside and throws her into the crowd. He sets up a table outside the ring and puts Satomura on it.

It looked like he was going to top rope splash Satomura through the table but she popped up and fought him on the top rope.

A DVD by Satomura off the ring and it sends Takeshita through the table below.

Two DVB’s by Satomura in the ring. Takeshita blocks the third and hits a Blue Thunder Bomb.

Satomura tried to kick in a sleeper but Takeshita pulled her over and gave her a tombstone.

Axe kick by Satomura. Release German suplex by Takeshita. Another kick by Satomura. Time expires.

Intermission. It’s a long intermission to give everyone a rest period. Satomura, Chisako, and Hashimoto defend the KOD 6-man Titles next in the main event.

KOD 6-man Champions Meiko Satomura, DASH Chisako, and Chihiro Hashimoto vs. Konosuke Takeshita, Shunma Katsumata, and Yuki Iino

Takeshita pinned Satomura with a German Suplex to win the titles in nineteen minutes.

Despite all three working previous matches, and Satomura vs. Takeshita working 20 minutes, they absolutely did not take it easy and phone it in. Everyone should have got their money’s worth in this one.

The women started out fast but then DASH became isolated in the men’s corner.

The men took turns giving DASH arm wringers and coming off the top rope with double stomps and axe handles. When Iino tried to come off with a knee he accidentally hit Takeshita.

Cutter by DASH on Katsumata and tag to Hashimoto.

Hashimoto deadlifted Takeshita and threw him on top of Katsumata and then did a senton on both of them.

DASH with a missile dropkick to Takeshita followed up by a running dropkick to him in the corner.

Buckle Bomb by Takeshita to DASH followed up by a big boot.

DASH with a super rana to Takeshita, then Satomura follows up with a frog splash on him, followed by DASH giving Hashimoto a super rana on top of him. Dash then follows all that up with a diving double stomp for a near fall.

Iino got Satomura in a fireman’s carry then Takeshita came in to German Suplex him while Satomura was on the shoulders for added impact.

Spinning heel kick from Satomura to Katsumata then a tag to Hashimoto.

Hashimoto gives Katsumata a forward roll followed up by a senton off the second rope.

Bodies flying everywhere. Takeshita gives Satomura and DASH a double suplex. Hashimoto gives Takeshita a spear. Everyone is down in the ring.

Diving senton by Hashimoto off the top rope to Katsumata.

The men isolated and double team Satomura in the corner.

Spear by Iino to Hashimoto.

Satomura and Takeshita in the ring by themselves before the finish.

After the match Takeshita got on the mic and thanked the women and the crowd. He told the women they should do an event like this again in the future. Satomura agreed. Takeshita said he wanted the show to be fun and good wrestling to show what intergender wrestling can be. He said he hopes to bring more fun stuff for the fans in the future. All the guys were clearly sweating profusely in the ring during the promos.

article topics :

Sendai Girls, Ashish