wrestling / News
SHIMMER Vol. 111 and 112 Results: Mercedes Martinez & Charlie Morgan Injured, More

SHIMMER vol. 111 and vol. 112 results from Berwyn, Illinois at the Eagles Club live on FITE:
The show started at 1:15pm EST with Session Moth Martina coming to the ring acting drunk. She said this match will be another “Session Moth Martina Extended Sessions” segment. She said she’s been on a five day bender.
Lenny Leonard and Allysin Kay are the announcers. Leonard said this is a pre-show match.
* Harlow O’ Hara vs. Rocky Radley
O’Hara got the pin after a Fisherman DDT. Good opener to get the crowd going. They started off with good mat wrestling.
Martina said up next is her Family Fun Day Battle Royal: Jenna Lynn, Big Mamma, Phoebe, Sloan, Valentina Loca, Hawlee Cromwell, and a few I didn’t recognize were in it. Martina entered herself into it but she immediately “passed out drunk” in the middle of the ring and stayed there until the finish.
Martina won her own battle royal as she collapsed drunk on the ropes and Big Mama went flying over the top to get eliminated.
It’s too bad that all of the women didn’t get proper introductions. Leonard and Kay said they didn’t even know who a lot of the competitors were to call the action.
SHIMMER Vol. 111
* Veda Scott vs. Cherry
Cherry got the pin with a crucifix.
Solid match. The newcomer Cherry has a great personality and was impressive in the ring. I think we’ll see more of her in the future. Scott’s time working in Japan and Europe shows as her style is influenced by Joshi and Catch.
Jessicka Havok and Nevaeh vs. Steph De Lander and Indi Hartwell
Havok submitted De Lander to the Boston Crab as Nevaeh yanked Hartwell off the ring to stop her from interfering. Good match.
* Jessica Troy (with Charli Evans) vs. AQA
Kay left the broadcast to get ready for her title match against Nicole Savoy later. Veda Scott joined Lenny Leonard.
Troy submitted AQA with a Fujiwara armbar, and she really wrenched away with it, as AQA tried to scoop her up for a pump handle slam.
Good back and forth match. AQA is one of Booker T.’s students who continues to impress.
Miranda Alize vs. Delmi Exo vs. Zoe Lucas vs. Leva Bates in a Four Corners Lucha Rules Match
Bates pinned Alize after the Pepsi Plunge (pedigree off the top rope).
Lucas did a hilarious spot as she was perched on the top rope looking like she was going to do a big dive to the outside on everyone else. She then jumped down into the ring and flipped everyone off. She said, “Do YOU want me to kill myself? AS IF!”
* Sierra vs. Shotzi Blackheart
Blackheart got the pin after the top rope senton.
It was a good back and forth match. Sierra gave Blackheart a German suplex but Blackheart popped right back up with adrenaline and gave Sierra a Saito suplex.
* Thunder Rosa vs. Shazza McKenzie
McKenzie got the pin after a super stunner off the rope. Very good match with a lot of mat wrestling and escapes out of their finishers. Best match on the show so far.
Rosemary and Dust vs. Samantha Heights and Brittany Blake with the stipulation of Heights getting a Heart of SHIMMER Title shot if she and Blake win
Heights pinned Dust after a blockbuster double team finisher and Rosemary got knocked off of the ring.
* Kimber Lee vs. Charlie Morgan
Lee got the pin after the swanton bomb.
Evenly matched contest, and a long match. Morgan is already a star in the U.K. and she is quickly becoming one in the USA after this weekend. The crowd was behind her all the way and chanted her name with a standing ovation when it was over.
* SHIMMER Tag Team Champions Mercedes Martinez and Cheerleader vs. DASH Chisako and Hiroyo Matsumoto
Chisako and Matsumoto won by DQ as Martinez was legitimately injured in the match.
Matsumoto powerbombed Melissa right on top of Martinez and caught her right in the side of her body. DASH was on the top rope ready to give the frog splash, but she waited for a long time after seeing that Martinez was clearly hurt and she never delivered it.
After several seconds, DASH walked over to carefully try to pin Martinez, but Martinez pushed her away.
Melissa and Matsumoto brawled on the outside. Matsumoto accidentally knocked down the referee in trying to clothesline Melissa.
DASH once again went to the top rope to tease the frog splash. Melissa grabbed a chair and hit DASH in the back with it for the DQ.
Martinez laid in the middle of the ring holding her side and she hardly moved. Rise owner Kevin Harvey and Lexi Fyfe came out to check on the situation as DASH looked on with concern.
Lenny Leonard said they were going to a break and wouldn’t continue to broadcast the scene as people attended to Martinez. They showed several past SHIMMER matches on FITE for at least forty minutes.
The broadcast returned live at 4:35pm EST with the main event of SHIMMER 111.
* SHIMMER Champion Nicole Savoy vs. Allysin Kay
Savoy submitted Kay to a cross arm breaker.
Really good match. Kay came across as the most serious threat to Savoy’s title in recent memory. There were a few near falls where it looked like Kay actually was going to win. It stated off with mat wrestling then transitioned into an exchange of strikes and submission attempts. Kay beat up a male photographer at ringside in the middle of the match.
After the match, a winded Nicole Savoy had Shazza McKenzie come out to the ring. She said she was a fighting champion and she would give McKenzie a shot at the title because she deserved it.
This started immediately because of the long intermission after Martinez’s injury.
* Zoe Lucas vs. Penelope Ford
Lucas got the pin with her standing leg drop.
This was a really good fun match. Both women’s unorthodox athletic abilities were on full display. At one point Lucas got Ford in a Boston Crab, but Ford slid herself out from underneath flawlessly and then mounted Lucas with a few punches. Ford hit the springboard cutter so hard that she almost flew right over the head of Lucas. Lucas hit the scorpion kick, Finlay Roll and Penalty Kick, but Ford kicked out just before the finish.
* Britt Baker vs. Kimber Lee
Baker won by submission with the crossface.
Another good technical wrestling match. Baker went for the crossface a few different times in the match but Lee kept rolling through and turned it into near falls.
* Thunder Rosa and Holidead vs. Miranda Alize and Hyan
Rosa pinned Hyan after the Holidead body buster and Rosa”s double foot stomp off the top rope.
* Cheerleader Melissa vs. Solo Darling
Melissa got the pin after the Air Raid Crash.
This started out like an NCAA style wrestling match and they wrestled like that for the first couple of minutes. Melissa broke the cardboard cut out of Willow Nightingale that Darling always brings to the ring now while Nightingale is recovering from a broken neck.
* Keira Hogan vs. Cherry vs. Ashley Vox vs. DASH Chisako
DASH pinned Hogan with a sliding and rolling crucifix that almost sent both of them flying out of the ring under the bottom rope.
* Su Yung vs. Hiroyo Matsumoto
Matsumoto got the pin after the backdrop driver.
* Charli Evans and Jessica Troy vs. Charlie Morgan and Kris Wolf in Wolf’s last match at the Eagles Club
Wolf pinned Troy with a cradle as Troy was trying to go for the Fujiwara armbar.
This was bittersweet. Wolf was super over and then people also started chanting for Morgan. It actually took a while for the match to start because of the chants. Morgan put Wolf on her shoulders to soak it all in.
Morgan did a big dive off the top rope to the floor on Evans and Troy.
All of a sudden, Morgan totally disappeared from the match and Wolf continued alone. Lenny Leonard casually mentioned that Morgan was “taken out on the outside” by Evans and Troy so Wolf was now by herself.
Former IWF Cruiserweight Champion Steve Nixon was at the show and he informed me that Morgan had to be helped to the back.
After the match, Evans and Troy beat Wolf down and Zoe Lucas ran in to help them. Solo Darling, Ashley Vox, and Delmi Exo made the save.
Evans and Troy kidnapped Tito the wolf head of Wolf’s. They said Wolf could try to get him back in New York at SHIMMER 113 on 4/5/19. That event will be on FITE at 11am EST for $20.
As I was writing this report, I was informed by a source that Morgan was taken to the hospital and her ankle was very swollen.
* Samantha Heights (with Brittany Blake) beat Heart of SHIMMER Champion Dust by DQ when Rosemary spit a big blast of mist in the face of Heights who was on the top rope. Rosemary then misted the referee.
Lexie Fyfe came out and said she’s sick of Dust and Rosemary interfering in matches. She said at SHIMMER 113 there will be a rematch of Dust vs. Heights. Rosemary is banned from the building, and the match will be the main event.
This was a really hard-fought long match. It may have even made Heights into a new star. Heights gave Dust a spear into the guardrail and the guardrail came apart. Heights gave her another one and it sent her over the guardrail.
* SHIMMER Champion Nicole Savoy vs. Shazza McKenzie
Savoy pinned McKenzie with a German suplex.
It was a competitive match with McKenzie getting in some near falls. They showed each other respect after.
Lenny Leonard said they had an update on Mercedes Martinez. She only has bruised ribs and nothing was broken.
These were really good shows, especially compared to yesterday’s events. The usual SHIMMER heel interference leading to finishes was kept to a minimum. There was a serious quality in-ring product going into the iPPV.