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Steph De Lander On Being More Selective With What She’s Doing Post-WWE

September 14, 2022 | Posted by Jeremy Thomas
Persia Pirotta Steph De Lander WWE NXT Image Credit: WWE

Steph De Lander has the opportunity to be more discerning with what she does following her WWE release, and she recently weighed in on the matter. The former Persia Pirotta appeared on the latest episode of Wilde On with Taylor Wilde and talked about her ability to make sure she is doing what she wants to do and not having to just take everything that comes her way, noting that the current landscape of wrestling options is particularly empowering for her. You can check out some highlights below:

On what she’s been doing since her WWE release: “I’ve done some indies, yeah. So I’ve had a few matches since getting released, so that’s been fun. But I’m just being a little bit more selective of what I’m doing. And just trying to, yeah, play it smart and make sure I’m doing stuff that I want to do and places I want to be against opponents I want to work with. So yeah, I’m trying to find a nice balance of, still making sure I’m happy with what I’m doing but staying active and all that good stuff.”

On having so many wrestling options now: “That’s how it feels too. It definitely in a way, is empowering knowing that there are a lot of options on the table. And yeah, I can be a bit more selective with what I do, and I do kind of have the choice to do what I want.

“Even when I signed my contract, being an Australian, you take whatever is offered to you straight away because you need a visa, and you [Wilde, who is Canadian] understand what it’s like because you need to get out of your home country and you need that visa. So you don’t really have any leg to stand on to negotiate anything, or to even think twice. It’s just the first place that’s going to offer you a visa to move to America, you’re going to do it. So now that I’m here in America and I have my own visa and stuff, yeah I have a little more independence and power to do what I want to do, and that’s a cool spot to be in as well.”

If you use any of the quotes in this article, please credit Wilde On with a h/t to 411mania.com for the transcription.

article topics :

Steph De Lander, WWE, Jeremy Thomas