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Summer Rae Recalls Close Encounter With Bat In Hotel Room On The Road

March 9, 2025 | Posted by Jeremy Thomas
Summer Rae WWE Image Credit: WWE

The former Summer Rae recently recalled how she and Tenille Dashwood had an unwelcome visitor in the form of a bat during a hotel stay on the road. Danielle Moinet appeared in Dr. Beau Hightower’s latest video and recalled the close encounter, and you can see highlights below (per Wrestling Inc):

On being woken up by the bat: “We’re almost asleep, me and Tenille, and we hear something. And I’m like, ‘Did you hear something?’ And she’s like, ‘What is that?’ And I kind of hear — it sounds like someone’s kind of like whipping a mat or something. … We turn the light on and it’s a bat.”

On getting the bat out of the room: “All I remember is someone got a broom. Someone came in, I’m under the sheet. We were trying to trap it. It was just a mess and now I’m just traumatized.”

article topics :

Summer Rae, Jeremy Thomas