wrestling / TV Reports

The Smackdown Summary 6.09.06

June 9, 2006 | Posted by Rik Bone

Last week…
… Booker T lost to Lashley in a US Title match, but got the last laugh as he, Finlay and Regal beat down on Lashley to close the show. Also, Kurt Angle beat Rey Mysterio in his final Smackdown match, albeit by Countout. Elsewhere, Vito appeared in drag, we had two new divas debut (Ashley and Michelle), Khali beat up Roddy Piper and Mark Henry continued to squash people in pointless matches.

Welcome to the SMACKDOWN SUMMARY!!!

Smackdown: 9th June 2006

  • Tonight’s show is in memory of John “Earthquake” Tenta.
  • The Miz is our host for Smackdown. The main event tonight is Rey vs Finlay. We’re also promised a Summer Kick Off Bikini Contest. Hoorah.
  • William Regal comes out on the red carpet as Team Blue remind us of what happened last week. Regal calls Lashley a peasent, and says we should “All Hail King Booker”, and we get video footage of Lashley’s foot kissing incident. Regal announces Booker’s entrance, but Booker no shows, giving Lashley the opportunity to come through the crowd and take out Regal. Lashley finally gets restrained after tackling Regal over the announce table. Regal heads backstage, and T’Lo comes out to announce Regal vs Lashley. Regal looks upset – gotta love his facial expressions. The stipulation is if Lashley wins, he gets Booker T next week. Regal protests, but hightails when he sees Lashley on his way.
  • Batista is back: 28 Days. That’s July 4th weekend.

    Match 1: Brian Kendrick vs Super Crazy

  • Both guys have their respective partner ringside with them – on Velocity, the Mexicools beat the Hooligans in a non-title match. This probably would have been the rematch, but London has an injured arm. I like the way the WWE are building the tag division around the Cruiserweights – though I’ve read Noble/Kash are going to ECW as “The New Pitbulls”. Keep an eye out for them.
  • The match starts with a standard piece of Crusierweight action – lots of flips, a few pinfall reversals, and finally the two come to stand off, which gets a minimal crowd reaction. Wow. The crowd is dead in the first match? What have the rest of the wrestlers on the show got coming?
  • In the match it’s officially announced that Tajiri and Super Crazy will face the F.B.I. at ECW: One Night Stand. Unfortunately, the match becomes a WWE Cruiserweight match, and is watered down with lots of rest holds. Groan. Tazz does some great trash-talking in this match, saying Lawler isn’t a King – the only king around here is King Booker. Tazz’s commentary is better than the match.
  • The crowd finally respond when Super Crazy hits a top rope C4, which is good enough for the pinfall.

    Winner: Super Crazy via Top Rope C4

  • Seconds later, The Great Khali comes out. He grabs Kendrick before London can push him out the ring, so London nails Khali with a chair. No effect. London gets pushed out the ring, and then Kendrick gets launched at London. Khali then destroys Super Crazy as Psicosis can’t do anything to help. Crazy gets nailed with a BaldoBomb. Psicosis hightails – leaving Crazy to get the beat down… I think they’re trying to split up the Mexicools for some reason – even though they’re getting one over on the champs. Shrug.


  • Cole says that on WWE.com, Heyman has been trying to acquire Rey Mysterio for ECW.
  • Krystal is backstage with Finlay. A very basic promo. We then cut to a locker room, where all the heels are talking to Nunzio. Vito walks in wearing a dress. They check that this is the MALE locker room, and then they leave. Nunzio and Vito argue about the way he dresses – Vito calls himself the toughest man who ever wore a dress. It’s going to be Nunzio vs Vito tonight .

    Match 2: Nunzio vs Vito

  • And our first squashee of the evening goes to Vito! Basically Vito hits Nunzio with everything whilst Team Blue get off on how they’ve never seen anything like this before. Vito hits a sick spinning Impaler DDT for the victory.

    Winner: Vito via pinfall

  • Mr Kennedy promo – he returns tonight!


    Match 3: Lashley vs Regal
    If Lashley wins, he faces Booker

  • Booker and Sharmell come out and sit on a makeshift throne, which is at the side of the entrance way. Sharmell continues to scream the “All Hail King Booker” chant, until Lashley cuts them off. He stares at Booker, until Regal attacks from behind, and the match is on.
  • Regal dominates the match – as he should – as uses his veteran style to his advantage. He uses a lot of rest moves, which are effective as they slow the powerhouse down. The camera often cuts to Booker – who at one time shouts at Regal to “do it for the Queen”. Top stuff. Regal even hits a dropkick – which is very odd for Regal.
  • Lashley gets his opening when Regal runs into one of his boots. Lashley starts to throw Regal around, and attempts a powerbomb – but Regal counters it into a backdrop – which sends Lashley to the outside. Regal grabs a chair aand walks around the ring to use it, only to walk into a Spear. Booker runs down to the ring to check on Regal as the ref counts him out – but it’s to no avail: Regal gets counted out and Lashley will face Booker next week.

    Winner: Bobby Lashley via Countout following the Spear.

  • Post match Lashley grabs the mike to emphatically tell King Booker “You’re mine”. Great. Backstage, Ashley gets ready for the bikini contest.


    Match 4: Michelle vs Ashley vs Jillian vs Krystal
    Bikini Contest

  • Basic bikini stuff, until Michelle refuses to strip due to the media complaining about female school teachers. She walks off without disrobing. Ashley wins. It’s only a matter of time before Michelle and Matt Striker get together….

    Winner: Ashley via the fact she has the best rack and ass combination.


    Match 5: Mark Henry vs Raymond Rowe

  • And our second squashee of the night goes to Mark Henry! Come on, if Kurt Angle and Chris Benoit can’t beat him and the World Champion, Rey Mysterio can’t beat him, do you really think Raymond Rowe can? The match is over in less than a minute following two World’s Strongest Slams. Zzz…

    Winner: Mark Henry via pinfall after he bored the crowd to death. Again.

  • Oh no, he’s got a mike. He announces Batista’s return in 28 days, and says he’ll put him on the shelf again. Looks like we’ve got three more weeks of squashes until then…
  • Up next – he’s baaaaaaaaaack! Mr Kennedy returns.


    Match 6: Mr Kennedy vs Scotty 2 Hotty

  • Kennedy attacks from the off, but then takes a beating by Scotty after Scotty outsmarts him a few times. Kennedy eventually has enough and takes to heel tactics to get the upper hand. It’s all over from then on, and Kennedy wins with a SUPER SEXY looking Swanton Bomb of the top rope.

    Winner: Mr Kennedy via pinfall after a Swanton Bomb


  • Chavo and Rey talk backstage. Chavo asks where is Rey going, and though Rey doesn’t say where, he tells Chavo he’s thought it few and he knows where he’s going. Rey then asks Chavo if he’s going to reconsider his retirement – telling Chavo “never say never”.
  • Cole is in the ring and is about to introduce Rey, until Tazz cuts him off. Tazz has a shot at Jerry Lawler, and then says he’s had fun on Smackdown, but he’s going “home”. He shoves the mike in Cole’s chest and walks backstage as the ECW music hits. As he gets to the entrance, Heyman comes out and the two embrace. Tazz goes backstage and Heyman gets to the ring. He dismisses Cole, plugs ECW:ONS until Rey Mysterio interupts.
  • Rey talks about how Paul gave him his break in America, but talks about how the WWE is his home. He thanks Paul for the opportunity, but says he’s going to stay in the WWE and on Smackdown. Paul appreciates the decision and says he respects Rey, and wishes him the best of luck for tonight’s match. Cue Finlay…


    Match 7: Rey Mysterio © vs Finlay

  • Heyman goes on commentary, since Tazz has now left the arena.
  • The match goes as all the other recent Rey matches have gone – with the heel dominating. Rey get’s a slight break and sends Finlay to the outside, and Rey follows. However, something holds Rey’s ankle under the ring and then pulls Rey underneath. Finlay drags Rey back out, and the Leprechaun is nibbling at Rey’s ass. Finlay pulls him off and throws him back under the ring. Finlay then takes Rey back in the ring, and dominates with rest holds.
  • Rey gets a break by countering one of Finlay’s move, and Finlay ends up in the 619 setup. All of a sudden, Sabu is seen at ringside with a chair, and Rey sees this and dropkicks the chair into Sabu’s head. The referee tries to get Sabu off the apron, and misses Finlay strike Rey with his shileleigh, and then hits the Emerald Fusion for the 3.

    Winner: Finlay via pinfall after the Emerald Fusion.

  • Finlay leaves as Sabu hurls a chair at Rey knocking him out of the ring. He sets up a table and puts Rey on it, and then sets up a chair in the ring. He does the triple jump onto Rey putting him through the table. Heyman puts over ECW:ONS as the show goes off the air.


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    Rik Bone

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