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The Ten Count 6.28.13: Ten Favorite Chikara Matches
There has been news and rumors in the past month about Chikara shutting down, which has left me both depressed and nostalgic. Chikara is the reason I’ve become such a huge fan of pro wrestling. Of course I watched wrestling before then, but it wasn’t until I first saw Chikara’s Negative Balance that I fell in love with the hobby. I barely knew any of the competitors, but I was so enthralled with the product that I immediately searched out for more of this promotion. Not only that, but I started exploring more of the independent promotions. I would have probably never watched Ring of Honor, Pro Wrestling Guerrilla, ect ect ect if I had not seen that event. All thanks to a friend deciding to send me one Chikara show. On this
With all that said, Chikara quickly became one of my favorite promotions. With the continued rumors of the promotion shutting down, I’ve gone back and watched many of the shows I have sitting on my shelf. This week, I wanted to go back and list my favorite ten matches from the promotion. This is completely personal opinion. I know some (or all, if you believe) of these matches are just pure exhibitions, but they have a special place in my heart. So while they may not be the most important matches in Chikara history, they are still my favorites.

This match showcases why Chikara is such a great promotion. You get both fantastic wrestling and fun in their matches. Colt Cabana was a mystery partner for the technico team, and of course he knows how to have fun. He replaced Equinox, who I believed was injured. While the wrestling in this match is not the five star affair you might aspect, the entertainment value of this match is through the roof. At one point, the teams decide to have a game of baseball right in the middle of a wrestling ring. If you have never seen this match, definitely search it out. Hiding in Plain Sight is a great Chikara event, and this match will stay in your head for quite a long time.

In an unprecedented fashion, The Colony managed to build up seven point to contention. Instead of receiving two matches for Champeonatos de Parejas, they were given the option to call the stipulation for the title match. Their first demand was for Osirian Portal’s heavy, Escorpion Egipcio, to be barred from ringside. They then called for the match to be a one fall affair, instead of the normal 2/3 falls. This led to quite the contest between the two teams. The Osirian Portal would pull out a couple of dirty tricks trying to keep the belts in their hands, while the Colony fought hard to win them for the first time. The match features great back and forth action, and the crowd is quite appreciated of it. Sadly, months of buildup for the Colony would end in vain as the Portal would suck it up and defeat their long time rivals.

The Super Smash Brothers had their ups and downs in Chikara. They debut in late 2007, only to lose many matches . It wasn’t until 2008 that they found their stride, even winning the Champeonatos de Parejas (albeit the shortest reign in Chikara history.) At this point, both wrestlers were entered in the yearly Young Lion’s Cup tournament, and the first round would pit the partners together. In a match where both competitors were trying to outdo each other, it was impossible to say who would win. They brought their best against each other, and it shows as this is the best match of the tournament. Dos would go on to win the tournament, and these two would battle again for the cup not long later, but this match is superior and stands as one of the best Young Lion’s Cup matches.

At the first King of Trios, both of these teams would be unsuccessful in their attempts to win the tournament. Cheech & Cloudy would go on to Night 3 and win the annual tag team gauntlet, earning the three points needed to challenge for the Campeonatos de Parejas. They would quickly cash in for a title shot at the next event. I became a big fan of Cheech & Cloudy early in my Chikara viewing days, and I was excited to see them get a title shot. It would be against FIST of all people, another tag team I was a fan of. While the story is very basic, the match is still great. It is the classic battle of a the fan favorite contenders going against the heat drawing champions. I may be guilty of nostalgia here, as this was the main event of the first Chikara DVD I ever bought myself. There are a lot of stiff strikes and rough looking landings in the match. Some are so awe inspiring they are replayed after the match. I will admit, the finish is a bit sloppy, but I still enjoy this match to this day. Yes, Cloudy vomits during the match…twice…but we’ve all lost control of our bodily functions at one point or another.

Negative Balance was the first Chikara event I ever saw, so of course one of the matches from that show would be on this list. It wouldn’t be long after this match that I would become a big fan of both of these competitors. A quick ten minute meeting between these two would be etched in my head forever, as I could tell they were giving it their all. One reason I really like this match is that it really showcases what Chikara is about. A great match between two rivals that also leaves room for a bit of fun. For those of you that are unaware, Claudio Castagnoli is now Antonio Cesaro in the WWE. Some people question why Cesaro has such a fan base with his somewhat floundering in the mid card division. Well, matches like this show what potential he had back in the past. Going back and re-watching it, I’m sure you could find a match between these two that some people would think is better, but I can’t help but love this match. I’m entertained every time I see it.

There isn’t much of a story to this match. Both teams were in pursuit of points to be able to compete for the Champeonatos de Parejas. Once again it was the fan favorites versus the despicable heel team. While I sat there and watched the match begin, I was expecting a lot of wackiness and a lot of fun, but I got something a bit different. What I received was a balls to wall, no holding back, epic tag team match. The pacing of this match is insane, but everyone involved performed at a fantastic level. While Cheech & Cloudy had already proven they can have a great match, The Olsen Twins used their chance and showed that they, too, have it in themselves to deliver an amazing fight. I remember people raving about this match after the event ended, and after watching it myself, I too praised how awesome it was.

The longest match in Chikara history, clocking in at an hour and 45 minutes (or 1:44:26, for my anal retentive friends.) It was the second time Chikara had their Torneo Cibernetico, a 16-man elimination tag match that also includes a batting order. Not only that, but there can only be one winner, even if one entire team is gone, leaving more than one member left on the other team. Anyway, I always believe this was the best Cibernetico of them all. I have no idea how these guys managed to pull off a nearly two hour match and not have a single moment of it being boring. Everyone involved in this match deserve more fame than they currently have. One of the craziest facts about this match is that the first elimination isn’t until the 48 minute mark. That means for approximately two episodes of your favorite sitcom, all sixteen competitors were battling it out trying to win it for their respected teams. It really is quite a spectacle to watch, and I suggest everyone give it a watch, just to see how a marathon like match is suppose to be done. I know there are 16 people in this match, but it is still quite a feat.

Both Jigsaw and Akuma had been a part of Chikara for a very long time. They had met each other in every kind of match possible. Tag teams, atomicos, ciberneticos…but a singles match? To my recollection, this was the first time they would meet under these circumstances. In Chikara, anyway. It is hard to believe that, being how many times the two have locked up. That being said, this match had very high expectations, and they were met. These two had an epic contest that really proved that they were two of the best not only in Chikara, but in the world of professional wrestling. This match was about respect. They was no belt on the line, no storyline. Just two Chikara regulars going out there and having a fantastic match.

This was another case where Chikara would put a classic comic book style good guy against bad guy match. Worker Ant was suppose to be in the tournament, but Gerard would injure him, taking him out of the three night tournament. Fire Ant would replace his fallen comrade and make it all the way to the finals in an effort to both win the cup, and avenge his partner. This match is back and forth, both Fire Ant and Gerard getting a lot of hard hitting offense in. It is easy to see how desperate Gerard is to win the Young Lion’s Cup during the course of this match. His mental status really breaks down as he tries to win by count out, only for Fire Ant to roll in at the last second and take control of the match. Gerard even has enough fighting spirit to get up after a burning hammer, but it still isn’t enough as Fire Ant is able to defeat the villain and take home the cup, much to the applause of the Chikara fans.

These two had quite a rivalry in 2007 on the independent scene. In Chikara the two battled in the finals of Young Lion’s Cup V, where Taylor would win in a competitive match. It would only be two months later, and Ricochet would ask for another chance at the cup, putting his Chikara roster spot on the line. What I love about this match is how the story played out during it. Ricochet was the good guy, giving it his all to win the cup and stay in Chikara. Taylor was the villan, wanting to rid the promotion of one of his rivals. Taylor would have an answer for all of Ricochet’s offense, not letting up at all. The longer the match went, the more desperate Taylor would get to win, especially as Ricochet was finally putting up a good amount of damage on Taylor. One of my favorite moments has Taylor performing a back senton to Ricochet while he is stuck in the ropes. The look on Taylor’s face while he goes for the pin is one of pure desperation, wanting the match to end. In the end, Ricochet’s efforts would be for naught as Taylor would prove he was willing to do anything to retain the Young Lion’s Cup and knock Ricochet out of Chikara.
When it comes to Chikara, I could probably do a top 50 list and still not have enough room to name every match I remember off the top of my head. I truly love this promotion, and I hope that it will return one day. I’ve never been to a Chikara event live, so for it to end on that note would make me depressed. If it does end, I can at least say that they brought a great product to the world of pro wrestling every time they had an event. Support Pro Wrestling!
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